Possible TCF Beer Garden that has U support?

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A beer garden just sounds douchy to me. It definitely should NOT be put in the open end. Those food vendors are bad enough. I support alcohol in the club level only. Though I could maybe be convince of something on the upper level, away side -- kind of like the Bud Deck at Target Field might be cool and inconspicuous enough.

I agree. The people demanding that their precious alcohol be made available to them at amateur football games don't make any sense, nor do they provide any compelling arguments as to why decades of precedent should be overturned because they can't last longer than 4 hours without that sweet, sweet nectar crossing their lips.

dopydoll, decades of precedent don't mean sh*t if the precedent is ridiculous. Fortunately, the precedent seems to be coming to a long overdue end. Now we just need your moronic posts to come to an end and everything will be perfect.

A beer garden just sounds douchy to me. It definitely should NOT be put in the open end. Those food vendors are bad enough. I support alcohol in the club level only. Though I could maybe be convince of something on the upper level, away side -- kind of like the Bud Deck at Target Field might be cool and inconspicuous enough.

The Bud Deck at Target Field is exactly the model that should happen at the Gopher's Stadium. It won't happen but it is fun to think about.

DPO I have to agree with the others. Not a very good argument from you on this one. If you've ever considered backing away from one of your arguments or rephrasing it, this is the thread in which to do it.

1 Aramark Worker


1 10' x 12' chain link dog kennel


1 Beer Keg


1 Rent-a-cop


1 Sign: "Beer $10 Fire Marshall Maximum Occupancy: 3"


"Beer Garden"

This is way too easy, people. GO GOPHERS!

DPO I have to agree with the others. Not a very good argument from you on this one. If you've ever considered backing away from one of your arguments or rephrasing it, this is the thread in which to do it.

Nah, I'm good, thanks. I haven't seen any refutation of any my points at all, in fact. "Because I want to drink beer at Gopher games" is a simple statement, not supportive of or refuting anything besides the simple statement itself. Why beer now at amateur sporting events? And if at college football games, why not at t-ball games? Why is this a good idea? Why beer only? Why not cigarettes? Why not firearms? Why not medicinal marijuana? Anyone is free to answer any or all of these questions, but no one has. Why not?

The only justification needed for selling beer to adults at Gopher football games is that the U needs a lot of money to operate and they can make a lot of money by selling it under very controlled circumstances to people who are willing to pay the price. It will be financial mismanagement for the U NOT to do take advantage of this opportunity to increase their revenues.

I'm open to all above if the U and the state will allow. I think a trap range with beer, marijuana, cigs and gopher football live sounds fun. Dpdoll's onto something there! Go gophers!

why stop at alcohol, as dp says lets turn it into a fu@k!n old time redneck get together, booze, pot, cigs, whores, draw and quarters, screw football lets give them swords and bring bears in and turn the players into gladiators and serve turkey legs and dig out a pit and have boat battles in the off-season and chariot races.

It's a risk-reward. Does the risk of having alcohol at the event, and the potential pitfalls that come with it (including negative press, lawsuits, lost income from lost patronage), outweigh the reward of money to the institution? If the University decides that risk is minimized enough, they would jump. MOST colleges do not find the reward to be worth the risk. I do not necessarily disagree.

In the minds of most, the risks of having firearms at an event, or cigarettes, or having alcohol at a t-ball game, outweigh the rewards enough that they seem outlandish (although they are related examples to having alcohol at a college football game).

I don't think the risk would be all that great. Beer was sold at the Dome all 4 years I was in school, other than some drunken Iowa natives getting it on in the bathroom (they were probably more drunk from tailgating than anything), I don't think there were many issues. I say we go forward with this and use at least some of the money for a BBall practice facility.

why stop at alcohol, as dp says lets turn it into a fu@k!n old time redneck get together, booze, pot, cigs, whores, draw and quarters, screw football lets give them swords and bring bears in and turn the players into gladiators and serve turkey legs and dig out a pit and have boat battles in the off-season and chariot races.

This would be awesome.

I think the more critical issue is what type of beer should be sold. I have previously mentioned local breweries, but my second vote would be Land Shark and have a Jimmy Buffett Day.

It's a risk-reward. Does the risk of having alcohol at the event, and the potential pitfalls that come with it (including negative press, lawsuits, lost income from lost patronage), outweigh the reward of money to the institution? If the University decides that risk is minimized enough, they would jump. MOST colleges do not find the reward to be worth the risk. I do not necessarily disagree.

In the minds of most, the risks of having firearms at an event, or cigarettes, or having alcohol at a t-ball game, outweigh the rewards enough that they seem outlandish (although they are related examples to having alcohol at a college football game).

Well-reasoned post. Excellent. Thank you.

And you are exactly right. It is a risk-reward analysis. In my mind, even one small accident (or, God forbid, a fatality) caused by an underage student who was served beer by his own university would cause irreparable damage to the U's reputation. Even the slightest risk of that is not worth any potential rewards.

And the only way to reasonably ensure that a minimal number of minors get served, a beer garden, is ridiculously tacky and low-rent, two adjectives I do not want associated with my University. Let's maintain at least a modicum of class and dignity. The redneck quotient is supposed to be lower in the North than the South. (P.S. They don't have beer gardens at games in the South, either. Do we honestly want to be open to criticisms on class and dignity from people who poison trees?)

I also find your moral indignation directed toward the idea of an institution of higher learning selling alcohol to its students to be quite contradictory.

You are outraged at the idea of legally selling beer to of-age students at the football game, yet you don't have the same outrage when it comes to the game itself. One could certainly argue that football is more dangerous than drinking alcohol. And that same university you hold in such esteem is actually paying those same students you're so eager to protect to come to their institution and partake in that dangerous activity.

I find it odd that you think one activity is OK while the other is not.

Yeah, I figured you wouldn't respond to this one. You're kind of in a box here, so just keep banging your drum in your other nonsensical posts about guns and t-ball games.

This would be awesome.

I think the more critical issue is what type of beer should be sold. I have previously mentioned local breweries, but my second vote would be Land Shark and have a Jimmy Buffett Day.
Local breweries as in Grain Belt and Schells? As a New Ulmite, I must get behind this sentiment.

okay, are you guys done bitching at each other yet? or is there still some fight left in all of you? please let us know. :)

This would be awesome.

I think the more critical issue is what type of beer should be sold. I have previously mentioned local breweries, but my second vote would be Land Shark and have a Jimmy Buffett Day.

tall boys (16 oz'ers) of hamm's, schmidt, grainbelt and schell's deer brand. ;-)

I don't think the risk would be all that great. Beer was sold at the Dome all 4 years I was in school, other than some drunken Iowa natives getting it on in the bathroom (they were probably more drunk from tailgating than anything), I don't think there were many issues. I say we go forward with this and use at least some of the money for a BBall practice facility.
The thing to remember is that the risk at the Dome (both legally and PR wise) didn't really fall on the U though since it wasn't their facility.

Well-reasoned post. Excellent. Thank you.
(P.S. They don't have beer gardens at games in the South, either. Do we honestly want to be open to criticisms on class and dignity from people who poison trees?)

Well there is a giant one in Mississippi called "The Grove."


There's also the "World's largest cocktail party" between Georgia and Florida in Jacksonville every year.


But before I am jumped upon, a lot of the country (even our neighboring city)does not have poor tailgating policies they have to follow like the University and City of Minneapolis enforce. Other, more awesome towns shut down for game day, but that's what the other thread is for.

Edit: side note: this site is pretty sweet http://taylortailgates.com/

Yeah, I figured you wouldn't respond to this one. You're kind of in a box here, so just keep banging your drum in your other nonsensical posts about guns and t-ball games.

I didn't dignify it with a response because it's plain f%cking stupid. Go look at the statistics on the number of people killed directly or indirectly by alcohol each year and compare those to the number of people killed directly or indirectly by playing college football each year. Then do the same thing for injuries, hospital costs, lost productivity, etc. Once you've done all that, come back and tell us what you've found. Moron. Did you really think you had me in some sort of box? Pack a lunch. And I'm supposed to answer you, while you don't address any of my points? If they're so "nonsensical", they should be easy to refute, right?

Regarding beer at the dome:

The U made a choice to sell beer at the dome. They could have negotiated in the lease to have no beer sales.

In the first 3 years in the dome, the taps were turned off during Gopher games. It was only after the "permanent" move in 1985 that the taps were turned on.

Well there is a giant one in Mississippi called "The Grove."

There's also the "World's largest cocktail party" between Georgia and Florida in Jacksonville every year.

But before I am jumped upon, a lot of the country (even our neighboring city)does not have poor tailgating policies they have to follow like the University and City of Minneapolis enforce. Other, more awesome towns shut down for game day, but that's what the other thread is for.
Color me confused. Those are tailgates (which you seem to note, but then I'm wondering why you brought them up). :)

Regarding beer at the dome:

The U made a choice to sell beer at the dome. They could have negotiated in the lease to have no beer sales.

In the first 3 years in the dome, the taps were turned off during Gopher games. It was only after the "permanent" move in 1985 that the taps were turned on.

A good detail, and one that would fit with how the MSHSL is able to forbid it.

I didn't dignify it with a response because it's plain f%cking stupid. Go look at the statistics on the number of people killed directly or indirectly by alcohol each year and compare those to the number of people killed directly or indirectly by playing college football each year. Then do the same thing for injuries, hospital costs, lost productivity, etc. Once you've done all that, come back and tell us what you've found. Moron. Did you really think you had me in some sort of box? Pack a lunch. And I'm supposed to answer you, while you don't address any of my points? If they're so "nonsensical", they should be easy to refute, right?

Right. You're good at the name-calling. The true indicator of a remarkable human being. Keep up the good work. You do more to discredit yourself than I could even dream of.

Color me confused. Those are tailgates (which you seem to note, but then I'm wondering why you brought them up). :)

My point was that if the U were willing to relax on the In stadium rules, it might be able to influence what happens outside of the stadium down the line. Creating a culture is a process. The schools Don't "Sponsor" or "profit" from those, but they take the liability of what could happen when alcohol is served regardless. It's the same concept to me, except one happens for 3 hours inside a stadium.

I just think if the U is able to get this, show responsibility and creativity and it could influence other things down the line once the city sees that the stadium is filled to capacity on game days and is bringing in cash in taxes from visitors and people outside of the metro.

Plus the pics were pretty sweet.

Right. You're good at the name-calling. The true indicator of a remarkable human being. Keep up the good work. You do more to discredit yourself than I could even dream of.

Says the guy who is unable to refute anything I've said in this thread.

my goodness, will you guys please stop already with the bitch-fest.

I really think this is a non-issue. By the time THIS Legislature gets done with the bill the U will be allowed to sell beer at TCF between December and March. :rolleyes:

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