Star Tribune story with little detail at best about allegations of U football players

I kindly told you to "just stop" many pages back. I think you snapped back something, but would have been better off listening to me. Just admit you shouldn't have tagged his name to this thread - that was just wrong. We'll all leave you in peace then.

I kindly told you to learn from the slab of bacon guy who answered my question rather than saying "just stop" or whatever not useful post you made. Just asked a question. If people google search for him it won't direct them to this gopherhole thread.

I kindly told you to learn from the slab of bacon guy who answered my question rather than saying "just stop" or whatever not useful post you made. Just asked a question. If people google search for him it won't direct them to this gopherhole thread.

Seems my advice was better than slab's tho. What you implied was clear - quit acting like you were misunderstood.

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Go Gophers!!

I suggest you all start bombarding dan browning's account as well. What an *******

Seems my advice was better than slab's tho. What you implied was clear - quit acting like you were misunderstood.

Seems to me you reading comprehension skills need improvement since you can take a simple question and think I was implying something?

GTFO out here. This isn't a work environment this is a college campus. You can't hit on a woman? you can't tell someone they look good in a dress? You can't whistle at someone? What a loser.


Anderson no longer has a Twitter account. Too funny.

Yup, where is your confusion?

I guess I share the confusion. You essentially ask, say I know we've all been wondering why this kid isn't playing and the coach says its due to injury. Do you suppose he's lying and the real reason is the kid's a sex offender? And then you don't understand why other posters called you out, and you wonder wy they're confused about your innocent question. Is that what you're really asking?

I guess I share the confusion. You essentially ask, say I know we've all been wondering why this kid isn't playing and the coach says its due to injury. Do you suppose he's lying and the real reason is the kid's a sex offender? And then you don't understand why other posters called you out, and you wonder wy they're confused about your innocent question. Is that what you're really asking?

All I asked was if anybody thought this could be the reason the aforementioned (this should make at least 2 people happy) player might not be playing. Some posters actually answered the question with a real answer that made sense. But evidently a couple are butt hurt because they read too far into a simple question.

You haven't been in high school or around a college campus or a college party lately have u?

Where has someone been charged for a crime for a whistle?
When has someone been charged with a crime for tell a woman she looks sexy in a that dress?

This is reality not your dream land.

Acceptable maybe not ... Newspapers worthy no

I never said those things are newspaper worthy. But I am in one of the biggest fraternities at the U. I know what is acceptable and what is not.

All I asked was if anybody thought this could be the reason the aforementioned (this should make at least 2 people happy) player might not be playing. Some posters actually answered the question with a real answer that made sense. But evidently a couple are butt hurt because they read too far into a simple question.

Who are you kidding?

This scroll in the picture is why this sucks. This is what recruits see tonight, general college football fans, etc. Most likely won't read the details, follow the story to its conclusion, etc, for all they know, we are no different than ATO at Indiana University:

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Go Gophers!!

I've not wasted my time reading this thread, but has anyone mentioned this may be why bottlebass didn't get the promotion he wanted?

All I asked was if anybody thought this could be the reason the aforementioned (this should make at least 2 people happy) player might not be playing. Some posters actually answered the question with a real answer that made sense. But evidently a couple are butt hurt because they read too far into a simple question.

I just scanned the first couple of pages of your post history. Haven't really remembered any of your posts. Wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt. Seeing a lot of words in your posts like "butt hurt", "lolz", "ballz", "legit"... I hope you're in your 20s and we can chalk your posts up to immaturity. If you're older than that, I guess the ship has already sailed. You're "digging in" is worse than the original post at this point. You could have simply said, "Hey, didn't mean anything by that. Sorry". Nope.

No need to respond. I guess "a couple of us" are just butt hurt.

Who are you kidding?

I hadn't read the info with specifics about his injuries until slab of bacon posted them. Every time it was just he's out, or didn't play. You act like I am the only poster on here who has asked questions about him. A ridiculous number of threads have turned into a "where is he" or "why haven't they gotten him the ball more" thread.

I hadn't read the info with specifics about his injuries until slab of bacon posted them. Every time it was just he's out, or didn't play. You act like I am the only poster on here who has asked questions about him. A ridiculous number of threads have turned into a "where is he" or "why haven't they gotten him the ball more" thread.

I'm just glad that we now have the "was he accused of rape" thread to add to those others you mentioned.

I just scanned the first couple of pages of your post history. Haven't really remembered any of your posts. Wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt. Seeing a lot of words in your posts like "butt hurt", "lolz", "ballz", "legit"... I hope you're in your 20s and we can chalk your posts up to immaturity. If you're older than that, I guess the ship has already sailed. You're "digging in" is worse than the original post at this point. You could have simply said, "Hey, didn't mean anything by that. Sorry". Nope.

No need to respond. I guess "a couple of us" are just butt hurt.

You should go back and read posts that I didn't post on the in game thread during the purdue game. In any case if me saying "Shannon brooks is legit" 10 seconds after he breaks off the most exciting TD run in a while for the gophers makes you think less of me, I guess that is OK by me.

I'm just glad that we now have the "was he accused of rape" thread to add to those others you mentioned.

Didn't realize "rape" was mentioned in the story? I thought we were talking about sexual harassment?

I hadn't read the info with specifics about his injuries until slab of bacon posted them. Every time it was just he's out, or didn't play. You act like I am the only poster on here who has asked questions about him. A ridiculous number of threads have turned into a "where is he" or "why haven't they gotten him the ball more" thread.

"Is he being punished for a sexual assault/harassment/retaliation" does seem like the logical next step in questioning why he hasn't played a lot.

Didn't realize "rape" was mentioned in the story? I thought we were talking about sexual harassment?

As long as you only questioned whether he was accused of sexual harassment.

You should go back and read posts that I didn't post on the in game thread during the purdue game. In any case if me saying "Shannon brooks is legit" 10 seconds after he breaks off the most exciting TD run in a while for the gophers makes you think less of me, I guess that is OK by me.

I was commenting on your word choice as an indication of your age, not the content of your posts. Just thought you might be on the younger side... and I would give you the benefit of the doubt in that case.

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