Star Tribune story with little detail at best about allegations of U football players

Ge'Shun Harris was kicked off the team pretty promptly after committing credit card fraud.

Thanks, guys.

So Kill (in my opinion) has a good track record of taking care of business.
No charges were filed.
No U policies were broken.

No story?

[EDIT: For all we know, Kill has already talked to and/or disciplined these guys... If there was something to discipline.]

Unrelated to this specifically... (and not fishing or trolling)

Does Kill have a history here and at other schools of taking care of things (e.g. discipline, kicking players off team) swiftly and firmly?

Damien Wilson missed an entire half last year against Iowa, I think, for team rules. Pretty important game and not have your best linebacker. Only had 2 tackles that game. May have cost him first team All Big Ten.

**edit - Wilson missed the first 2 drives...sounds like he was late for something.

Have there been arrests since Kill's been hired?

Lamonte Edwards, Donavahn Jones to name 2 we know about.

Ge'Shun Harris I believe as well.

Until proven otherwise, Kill generally seems to run a tight ship, not have too many 'incidents', and punishes rule breakers. Not going to worry about this until further proof. Why does it feel like the Star Trib has changed from news reporting to TMZ??

Thanks, guys.

So Kill (in my opinion) has a good track record of taking care of business.
No charges were filed.
No U policies were broken.

No story?

It all depends on how much more info they can find out about the one dude who the Unversity found had sexually harassed someone. Everything else seems like a non story / can't get more info unless folks involved come forward.

It's a bummer because a story like this paints the whole team with suspicion because of one player's actions, and nobody knows what those actions even were.

In both situations you reduce the other person (in this case a woman) to being seen as nothing more than an object. That is not acceptable.

My wife gets mad at me if I don't reduce her to an object enough.

This story is not specific and it's a year old. Seems a bit of nothing to me. What am I missing?

A few key passages from the Pioneer Press article:

"We have noticed a potential pattern that may or may not be indicative of a broader problem that we should work to address," Hewitt said.
---gee, it may be a problem, or it may not.......

Goetz, who is now interim athletics director, said in a statement that a meeting was held between the athletics department and the EOAA.
"All of these reports were fully investigated to the extent that they could be and the (EOAA) did not substantiate any sexual assault allegations," Goetz said in a statement. "The EOAA Office substantiated one allegation of sexual harassment."
------fully investigated --- did not substantiate any sexual assault allegations------
Goetz also said that the athletics department holds mandatory training for all athletes on sexual assaults each year.
In the past five years, the Gophers football team has had three reported arrests, which ranked 83rd among 127 FBS programs, according to data compiled by former San Jose Mercury News reporter Mike Rosenberg.

I have to say that the Strib hyped this story completely out of proportion to the facts.

STrib editor piles on:

<script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>

Go Gophers!!

And the dickhead has since deleted his slanderous tweet about Coach Kill. Seriously.......I will never purchase another Strib paper for the rest of my life. The paper is a freaking joke of an operation run by twits.

A few key passages from the Pioneer Press article: "We have noticed a potential pattern that may or may not be indicative of a broader problem that we should work to address," Hewitt said. ---gee, it may be a problem, or it may not....... Goetz, who is now interim athletics director, said in a statement that a meeting was held between the athletics department and the EOAA. "All of these reports were fully investigated to the extent that they could be and the (EOAA) did not substantiate any sexual assault allegations," Goetz said in a statement. "The EOAA Office substantiated one allegation of sexual harassment." ------fully investigated --- did not substantiate any sexual assault allegations------ Goetz also said that the athletics department holds mandatory training for all athletes on sexual assaults each year. In the past five years, the Gophers football team has had three reported arrests, which ranked 83rd among 127 FBS programs, according to data compiled by former San Jose Mercury News reporter Mike Rosenberg. I have to say that the Strib hyped this story completely out of proportion to the facts.
So a football player (wrongfully) said a girl had a nice ass and it makes the front page of the Strib. Sigh.

In both situations you reduce the other person (in this case a woman) to being seen as nothing more than an object. That is not acceptable.

GTFO out here. This isn't a work environment this is a college campus. You can't hit on a woman? you can't tell someone they look good in a dress? You can't whistle at someone? What a loser.

This Jim Anderson editor guy is a Wisconsin Badger graduate is he not.

Quote Originally Posted by BleedGopher View Post
STrib editor piles on:

Jerry Kill's not going to be able to "Aw, shucks" his way out of this one: What a mess. #Gophers

— Jim Anderson (@StribJAnderson) October 15, 2015

Let's not wait for any facts. Lets just start a witch hunt.'

Just another example of a fine tribune reporter.
Those that like to sling mud often find the mud slung back at them Mr Anderson.
Typical clickbate article by the Startribune, especially when they love to heap praise on the Badgers and diss the Gophers. Strib is trying to start crap when their own editor Anderson, F'ed up the Teague stuff and covered up the Rayno harassment by Teague and hid it under the rug by offering to remove the reporter from the beat.

Not taking a shot at BleedGopher, but have to be honest that I am a little surprised you are even giving the Star Tribune any credence by using their cheap and slanderous headline literally word for word as the subject title of this thread. At least to me, it doesn't seem to deserve that as it is a hack job of a headline by the Star Tribune.

Just my two cents.

The article is trending on

GTFO out here. This isn't a work environment this is a college campus. You can't hit on a woman? you can't tell someone they look good in a dress? You can't whistle at someone? What a loser.

No need for name calling. If any of the things you list is done in a way that is not welcomed and makes an individual uncomfortable, it is not acceptable. I believe people should be treated as a human beings. Paying someone a compliment is completely different then making a remark in a demeaning way. You may say "it's college" but I was raised to be decent to people, and I try to be. It has served me well thus far in my life.

Aside from that - it looks like the Strib didn't do a very good job reporting on the story.

So far not a peep from Barreiro, Reusse, Souhan, Powers, Rayno, etc. on Twitter or elsewhere, as far as I can find. Seems telling that when current and former columnists are not even giving this hatchet job of an "article" by the Star Tribune the time of day that it doesn't have any legs to stand on.

Smh at the absurd TMZ crap that passes as "journalism" at the Star Tribune these days. So lame.

Unrelated to this specifically... (and not fishing or trolling)

Does Kill have a history here and at other schools of taking care of things (e.g. discipline, kicking players off team) swiftly and firmly?

Very much so. He has kicked two players off for theft. It is also know that if you don't go to class or are late to meetings your won't staring and your playing time will be cut. I am very hesitant to speculate at all about this but if this was or is a really serious issue Kill would take action. But since it appears that nobody has been charged speculation will be the flavor of the day.

So far not a peep from Barreiro, Reusse, Souhan, Powers, Rayno, etc. on Twitter or elsewhere, as far as I can find. Seems telling that when current and former columnists are not even giving this hatchet job of an "article" by the Star Tribune the time of day that it doesn't have any legs to stand on.

Smh at the absurd TMZ crap that passes as "journalism" at the Star Tribune these days. So lame.

The picture of Kill looks like he spent the night in jail. Why was his picture part of the story?

Go Gophers

Not taking a shot at BleedGopher, but have to be honest that I am a little surprised you are even giving the Star Tribune any credence by using their cheap and slanderous headline literally word for word as the subject title of this thread. At least to me, it doesn't seem to deserve that as it is a hack job of a headline by the Star Tribune.

Just my two cents.

Maybe you should give Bleed a list of what he should and should not post.

Sometimes I miss the days of regularly getting objectified by women. Thankfully my wife still does this often.

If you don't like it, tough. They're the ones who decide what to write and how to write it. Until you join me in a total boycott of that organization, they will continue to behave poorly and you'll help them pay their bills. If misdeeds were done by the University of Minnesota students or employees, they should be reported. But, the credibility of that organization keeps getting worse and worse -- if that's even possible.

Maybe you should give Bleed a list of what he should and should not post.

This one would work: "Star Tribune publishes yet another unsubstantiated, poorly sourced TMZ style story about U of M. Film at 11!" ;)

What a pathetic non-story here. I know it wasn't any of the athletic writers but if the Strib wants to publish something trying to make something out of nothing maybe the U should limit the papers/reporters access to the athletic programs, coaches, and student athletes.

I sure hope this gets dealt with quickly and fairly. This kind of crap can really damage recruiting regardless of guilt or innocence. Parents don't like seeing this stuff on ESPN. Investigate it and do your due diligence, full disclosure is the only way to keep the rumors from destroying trust. GBR

I have not wasted my time reading this thread but has anyone mentioned this may be why Jeff Jones hasn't played really?

You'd have to be a real POS to mention his name in this thread. Luckily no one here is that big of a POS to levy accusations against a college kid with zero evidence to back it up.

I sure hope this gets dealt with quickly and fairly. This kind of crap can really damage recruiting regardless of guilt or innocence. Parents don't like seeing this stuff on ESPN. Investigate it and do your due diligence, full disclosure is the only way to keep the rumors from destroying trust. GBR

My man, it has already all been fully investigated by all parties. There was nothing there and NO charges were filed at all in any of the alleged instances. The only thing that came out of it was one matter of sexual harassment, and that was dealt with as well. Hence why you see people calling out the Minneapolis Star Tribune for publishing this piece of TMZ style tripe in the first place.

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