A few key passages from the Pioneer Press article: "We have noticed a potential pattern that may or may not be indicative of a broader problem that we should work to address," Hewitt said. ---gee, it may be a problem, or it may not....... Goetz, who is now interim athletics director, said in a statement that a meeting was held between the athletics department and the EOAA. "All of these reports were fully investigated to the extent that they could be and the (EOAA) did not substantiate any sexual assault allegations," Goetz said in a statement. "The EOAA Office substantiated one allegation of sexual harassment." ------fully investigated --- did not substantiate any sexual assault allegations------ Goetz also said that the athletics department holds mandatory training for all athletes on sexual assaults each year. In the past five years, the Gophers football team has had three reported arrests, which ranked 83rd among 127 FBS programs, according to data compiled by former San Jose Mercury News reporter Mike Rosenberg. I have to say that the Strib hyped this story completely out of proportion to the facts.