Star Tribune story with little detail at best about allegations of U football players

I hadn't read the info with specifics about his injuries until slab of bacon posted them. Every time it was just he's out, or didn't play. You act like I am the only poster on here who has asked questions about him. A ridiculous number of threads have turned into a "where is he" or "why haven't they gotten him the ball more" thread.

You do see now that my original advice (on page 1) of "just stop" was the right advice, right? I mean even a guy who jumps to the conclusion that a 19 year old who isn't playing (and the coaches say is injured) must not be playing because he is a sexual deviant can see he should have just stopped. Right?

I was commenting on your word choice as an indication of your age, not the content of your posts. Just thought you might be on the younger side... and I would give you the benefit of the doubt in that case.

You are correct I am in my 20s.

I wonder how much of a distraction this will be on Saturday? The whole program has just been dragged through the mud.

What is it with the Star Tribune? It seems like they have an ulterior motive.

This scroll in the picture is why this sucks. This is what recruits see tonight, general college football fans, etc. Most likely won't read the details, follow the story to its conclusion, etc, for all they know, we are no different than ATO at Indiana University:

<script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>

Go Gophers!!

You are so right a non story from over a year ago and most the Nation will only remember the scroll.... And BottleBass's take on it.

I hate the media. Now everyone is running with this story because everyone else is running with this story. Throw sh&t against the wall. See if it sticks.

What is it with the Star Tribune? It seems like they have an ulterior motive.

Old timers. What are your takes on this? Is this a recent thing (e.g. last 5 years) or older?

Old timers. What are your takes on this? Is this a recent thing (e.g. last 5 years) or older?

I don't think there is an organizational ... StarTribune is out to get the U.

I think they just don't care.... and thus the U is low hanging fruit and if individuals want to throw out a TMZ like piece they don't bother to look deeply, they don't do any journalism (star tribune is pretty low effort as it is), then the trib as an organization doesn't give a damn.

I was looking for the baseball game earlier and FS1 had it on their bottom ticker tape too! Strib needs to make a big donation to the "nothing short of greatness" campaign.

This article on something that happened last year comes out days after facilities pass. Coincidence?

Glen Taylor owns the Strib now. It's obviously a ploy to cover-up something his beloved wolves did.

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Old timers. What are your takes on this? Is this a recent thing (e.g. last 5 years) or older?

No, I don't think it's an evil campaign driven by people who have it in for the U. The U has a Title IX investigation started. Then the dumb ass AD brags about his mega-tongue. I'm sort of surprised that this is all that has come out. You know they've been digging like hell and this is all they got? They want readers and clicks so they decide to run with it. The U is damn big and damn visible so it makes a fertile area for looking for dirt. Plus, it is a public institution which makes it a lot easier to go after.

Glen Taylor owns the Strib now. It's obviously a ploy to cover-up something his beloved wolves did.

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk

The city could get destroyed by an asteroid.... and folks would remember how bad the T-Wolves were...

No, I don't think it's an evil campaign driven by people who have it in for the U. The U has a Title IX investigation started. Then the dumb ass AD brags about his mega-tongue. I'm sort of surprised that this is all that has come out. You know they've been digging like hell and this is all they got? They want readers and clicks so they decide to run with it. The U is damn big and damn visible so it makes a fertile area for looking for dirt. Plus, it is a public institution which makes it a lot easier to go after.
I actually did hear from some contacts back in the Haskins era that if the football team ever achieved a level of success, the Strib would be looking to take them down. I didn't (and still don't) take it seriously. Of course any newspaper is going to look for a sensational story, as they should. This current story doesn't apply unless a whole lot more detail comes out. And unless that happens, the national news outlets will lose interest very quickly.

No, I don't think it's an evil campaign driven by people who have it in for the U. The U has a Title IX investigation started. Then the dumb ass AD brags about his mega-tongue. I'm sort of surprised that this is all that has come out. You know they've been digging like hell and this is all they got? They want readers and clicks so they decide to run with it. The U is damn big and damn visible so it makes a fertile area for looking for dirt. Plus, it is a public institution which makes it a lot easier to go after.
Umm yes it is

You are so right a non story from over a year ago and most the Nation will only remember the scroll.... And BottleBass's take on it.
ESPN banner clearly and wrongly suggests that a number of players have been accused of sexual assault. The Trib's motives may be base: anti-football, anti-male, attempting to inflate the AD's situation into something throughout the program. Violates ethics of journalism in presentation (photo of Coach Kill) and implications not founded on facts.

No, I don't think it's an evil campaign driven by people who have it in for the U. The U has a Title IX investigation started. Then the dumb ass AD brags about his mega-tongue. I'm sort of surprised that this is all that has come out. You know they've been digging like hell and this is all they got? They want readers and clicks so they decide to run with it. The U is damn big and damn visible so it makes a fertile area for looking for dirt. Plus, it is a public institution which makes it a lot easier to go after.

First thing I thought. It seems this goes back to the time of the whole title Ix thing and with no names, charges and with nothing coming of it, seems like more attempts to derail the athletic village project...

No need for name calling. If any of the things you list is done in a way that is not welcomed and makes an individual uncomfortable, it is not acceptable. I believe people should be treated as a human beings. Paying someone a compliment is completely different then making a remark in a demeaning way. You may say "it's college" but I was raised to be decent to people, and I try to be. It has served me well thus far in my life.

Well then count me in for being offended when someone where's a F'em Bucky shirt. If we were to make accusations about everyone that made us feel uncomfortable than nobody would leave their house. Poor choice of words and opinion.

It was just great seeing the description of this at the bottom of live ESPN (SportsCenter). Made it sound way worse

So far not a peep from Barreiro, Reusse, Souhan, Powers, Rayno, etc. on Twitter or elsewhere, as far as I can find. Seems telling that when current and former columnists are not even giving this hatchet job of an "article" by the Star Tribune the time of day that it doesn't have any legs to stand on.

Smh at the absurd TMZ crap that passes as "journalism" at the Star Tribune these days. So lame.

It got mention on the Power Trip this morning. Of course the immediate take was that they need to investigate fully to see if Kill is covering up rape within his program and should be fired.

It got mention on the Power Trip this morning. Of course the immediate take was that they need to investigate fully to see if Kill is covering up rape within his program and should be fired.

"We don't have a lot of the facts yet, so the one thing we can say for certain is who is at fault and what the punishment should be."

The U is journalism porn to the pukes at the local fish wrapper.

Star Tribune story with little detail at best about allegations of U football...

Jim Anderson's Twitter account is back up. He tweeted a 'sincere' apology and said he deserved what he got. Of course I had to see this through back channels as I was one of the many who were blocked by him yesterday. Tool.

EDIT: I should be clear that he apologized for his "snarky tweet".

There isn't much substance to the story. Hardly seems to justify front page coverage and a sensational headline. Makes the StarTribune look like a gossip rag with an axe to grind. And if you are going to raise questions about the football program under Kill's watch, why shouldn't you mention some of the positives, such as increased graduation rates, that suggest Kill is in fact running a positive program.

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