Star Tribune story with little detail at best about allegations of U football players

Why does it feel like the Star Trib has changed from news reporting to TMZ??

In all sincerity, I think that's an insult to TMZ. The paparazzi work aside, they regularly put the investigative work done by the STrib here to complete shame.

I honestly can't tell what's more amazing: That it took 3 (three!!!!) reporters to review an email, or the enthrallment these reporters must have felt in following in the footsteps of Daniel Ellsberg into the annals of investigative journalism. The fourth estate is alive and well, friends!

Breaking news from the STrib: U official does her job, investigates several complaints, and conducts meeting with appropriate parties to address a slight concern. Read more about nothing on page C4.

You'd have to be a real POS to mention his name in this thread. Luckily no one here is that big of a POS to levy accusations against a college kid with zero evidence to back it up.

You can't honestly think I was accusing him?

FYI this story just came through to my phone as an alert from ESPN.... "MN football program and players involved in sexual misconduct case"...

You can't honestly think I was accusing him?

I interpreted your post that way as well. Perhaps that was not your intent, but I also read it as such. To the other person's point, not sure why you are even injecting his name into this thread in the first place. Makes no sense.

My man, it has already all been fully investigated by all parties. There was nothing there and NO charges were filed at all in any of the alleged instances. The only thing that came out of it was one matter of sexual harassment, and that was dealt with as well. Hence why you see people calling out the Minneapolis Star Tribune for publishing this piece of TMZ style tripe in the first place.

Well, I just turned on ESPN and they're breaking it as a scroll on the bottom of the screen, I went to HuskerMax and saw this so I came here to see what's up. What the heck is wrong with the Minneapolis Star Tribune or do they just like to cause you guys trouble?

I interpreted your post that way as well. Perhaps that was not your intent, but I also read it as such. To the other person's point, not sure why you are even injecting his name into this thread in the first place. Makes no sense.

His name is in every thread. He hasn't seen the field in weeks and everybody is asking about him. Including me. Sorry you were so butt hurt.

Well, I just turned on ESPN and they're breaking it as a scroll on the bottom of the screen, I went to HuskerMax and saw this so I came here to see what's up. What the heck is wrong with the Minneapolis Star Tribune or do they just like to cause you guys trouble?

Read your last sentence again and you will find your answer. The Minneapolis Tribune is a click bait, slime ball rag of a news organization these days.

His name is in every thread. He hasn't seen the field in weeks and everybody is asking about him. Including me. Sorry you were so butt hurt.

Take a breather and maybe put down the phone/laptop bud. Smh

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I too was blocked.

STrib editor piles on:

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The more I think about this, the more it pisses me off. It is pretty obvious by this tweet that he doesn't care for Kill. That alone is fine but to put it out there like this right after this slanted story was put out there says a lot about him.

Maybe I'm looking at this too much through my maroon and gold glasses, but I think this is completely unprofessional.

Says the guy who used the term "bush league"

You've forever (because the Internet is forever) attached his name to a thread about sexual assault with zero reason, evidence or support. Think about that for a second.

Bush league: "not of the highest quality or sophistication; second-rate."

You've forever (because the Internet is forever) attached his name to a thread about sexual assault with zero reason, evidence or support. Think about that for a second.

Bush league: "not of the highest quality or sophistication; second-rate."

The WHOLE TEAM is forever attached to this thread. Have you thought about that at all? Plus the coaching staff.

Who's his boss? Let's flood their email. Seems like this ****** is blocking everyone.

The WHOLE TEAM is forever attached to this thread. Have you thought about that at all? Plus the coaching staff.

I kindly told you to "just stop" many pages back. I think you snapped back something, but would have been better off listening to me. Just admit you shouldn't have tagged his name to this thread - that was just wrong. We'll all leave you in peace then.

I'm kind of having a good time reading through @stribjanderson mentions. They're funny.

Ha! Well played on updating the thread title, Bleed! Bravo on the fantastic edit job. Btw - You are always a good sport. :D

Go Gophers! Ski-U-Mah!

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