Star Tribune story with little detail at best about allegations of U football players

STrib editor piles on:

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STrib editor piles on:

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Go Gophers!!

Doesn't that seem like a bit of an inappropriate comment for a writer to make there?

It sounds like he already has decided who to target, who is at fault, etc based on a pretty vague e-mail.

Lol hmmm every HR department in every business has these emails. Nothing there after we investigated. We will talk about this and come up with a plan. At the Very bottom we have a plan then bring the Coach in on it. jerry doesn't even know about it. Lol

I love when papers try to start **** that isn't there.

STrib editor piles on:

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Go Gophers!!

Let's not wait for any facts. Lets just start a witch hunt.'

Just another example of a fine tribune reporter.

The same editor who sat on the Rayno issue, lets see how he squirms out of the firing squad. In all seriousness. There's no smoking gun in anywhere. There talking about coming up with a plan.

Jimmy whistled at me today! .... Boys u need to stop whistling at the girls.

Johnny told me I love very sexy in that dress... I will talk to Johnny about those comments...

Sammy kept asking me out on date I told him no

This is a college campus... Kids chasing girls!! Wow what a shocker.

Until someone is charged with rape quit making **** up! What a joke trying to sell papers.

Jimmy whistled at me today! .... Boys u need to stop whistling at the girls.

Johnny told me I love very sexy in that dress... I will talk to Johnny about those comments...

Sammy kept asking me out on date I told him no

None of these things are acceptable.

I'm VERY concerned with the trend of sexual assualt/harassment on college campuses. It's a horrible stain on higher ed.

That said, where the He!! is the story here? Someone please help me? These incidents happened last year. Each was either investigated or dismissed. Criminal charges were not brought in ANY of the cases. It's possible (although not guaranteed) that players involved were already disciplined and/or even let go.

We've got ONE email about concerning behavior. This ain't Jameis Winston. This ain't Penn St. This is pot-stirring at its very best. If something comes of this -- a larger trend or orchestrated cover-ups -- I'm happy to eat my words. I highly doubt that's the case, however.

I'm VERY concerned with the trend of sexual assualt/harassment on college campuses. It's a horrible stain on higher ed.

That said, where the He!! is the story here? Someone please help me? These incidents happened last year. Each was either investigated or dismissed. Criminal charges were not brought in ANY of the cases. It's possible (although not guaranteed) that players involved were already disciplined and/or even let go.

We've got ONE email about concerning behavior. This ain't Jameis Winston. This ain't Penn St. This is pot-stirring at its very best. If something comes of this -- a larger trend or orchestrated cover-ups -- I'm happy to eat my words. I highly doubt that's the case, however.

Here is the whole story so far.

All of it.

The Star Tribune got a hold of this e-mail:

That's it, that's all we know. The Star Tribune didn't get any more data from anyone.

Also Jim Anderson apparently is a POS as far as being an unbiased media dude ... as is demonstrated by his deleted tweet above.

You haven't been in high school or around a college campus or a college party lately have u?

Where has someone been charged for a crime for a whistle?
When has someone been charged with a crime for tell a woman she looks sexy in a that dress?

This is reality not your dream land.

Acceptable maybe not ... Newspapers worthy no

Unrelated to this specifically... (and not fishing or trolling)

Does Kill have a history here and at other schools of taking care of things (e.g. discipline, kicking players off team) swiftly and firmly?

You haven't been in high school or around a college campus or a college party lately have u?

Where has someone been charged for a crime for a whistle?
When has someone been charged with a crime for tell a woman she looks sexy in a that dress?

This is reality not your dream land.

Acceptable maybe not ... Newspapers worthy no

In both situations you reduce the other person (in this case a woman) to being seen as nothing more than an object. That is not acceptable.

Unrelated to this specifically... (and not fishing or trolling)

Does Kill have a history here and at other schools of taking care of things (e.g. discipline, kicking players off team) swiftly and firmly?

I can't find any searching around.

I know he's told some players whose behavior was poor (class attendance, hanging out with the wrong crowd) to shape up or ship out, but as far as I know they all shaped up. Of course you only hear about that after the fact.

Nobody really knows anyone but I can't imagine Jerry would put up with much if he knew something was going on.

Unrelated to this specifically... (and not fishing or trolling)

Does Kill have a history here and at other schools of taking care of things (e.g. discipline, kicking players off team) swiftly and firmly?

Damien Wilson missed an entire half last year against Iowa, I think, for team rules. Pretty important game and not have your best linebacker. Only had 2 tackles that game. May have cost him first team All Big Ten.

**edit - Wilson missed the first 2 drives...sounds like he was late for something.

Have there been arrests since Kill's been hired?

One confusing aspect here is that in the one case of sexual harassment that was found to be true by the University. We don't know what happened.

Sexuaul harassment isn't acceptable, but that can range from inappropriate comments made one time.... to way more serious stuff. The e-mail doesn't indicate.

STrib editor piles on:

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Go Gophers!!

Seems like he's already made up his mind. It couldn't be affecting how the article was written, could it? "What a mess" is right.

In both situations you reduce the other person (in this case a woman) to being seen as nothing more than an object. That is not acceptable.

He's agreeing with you. He said it wasn't acceptable.

The question is whether or not the vagueness of this story deserves front-page.

I have not wasted my time reading this thread but has anyone mentioned this may be why Jeff Jones hasn't played really?

I have not wasted my time reading this thread but has anyone mentioned this may be why Jeff Jones hasn't played really?

Hard to imagine the coaches would make up a concussion and migraine story... add him to the 2 deep, remove him and etc over this. Jerry & Co seem more decisive than that.

That is a pretty out there theory...

Unrelated to this specifically... (and not fishing or trolling)

Does Kill have a history here and at other schools of taking care of things (e.g. discipline, kicking players off team) swiftly and firmly?

Lamonte Edwards, Donavahn Jones to name 2 we know about.

Damien Wilson missed an entire half last year against Iowa, I think, for team rules. Pretty important game and not have your best linebacker. Only had 2 tackles that game. May have cost him first team All Big Ten.

**edit - Wilson missed the first 2 drives...sounds like he was late for something.

Have there been arrests since Kill's been hired?

That's an interesting angle. I think I remember reading that arrests are almost nill under Kill.
Has the Strib published anything good about the program (e.g. academics up, arrests almost nill). Probably. Not.

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