Star Tribune story with little detail at best about allegations of U football players

On the surface, it doesn't seem like much here. But, what if more is discovered about why the two women didn't opt to go forward with the charges? And what were those actions that lead to the complaints? Why would these girls file complaints and then not proceed?

Good questions. If the retaliation referenced in the email is in any way connected to the assault allegations, this is huge. Even though they said there was "no evidence to substantiate that the players had violated university policy", if the retaliation was directed at either of the girls reporting assaults, then that smells like a cover-up. Too reminiscent of what happened at Notre Dame.

Good questions. If the retaliation referenced in the email is in any way connected to the assault allegations, this is huge. Even though they said there was "no evidence to substantiate that the players had violated university policy", if the retaliation was directed at either of the girls reporting assaults, then that smells like a cover-up. Too reminiscent of what happened at Notre Dame.

If it turns out that those emails were written by a Minnesota academic counseling manager, the program will be in really deep sh*t!

Regardless of how this goes, it would not surprise me if Kill leaves in the next few years. He didn't have all the garbage and negativity at his other stops.
The hate directed at Leidner and his family really bothered him.

Regardless of how this goes, it would not surprise me if Kill leaves in the next few years. He didn't have all the garbage and negativity at his other stops.

In a few years, where does a coach then in his late 50s with past health issues making 2.5 million with a University that has had no issue giving him extensions/raises go?

He seems like the person that wouldn't run away, but stick around and shove it up their.....

Regardless of how this goes, it would not surprise me if Kill leaves in the next few years. He didn't have all the garbage and negativity at his other stops.
The hate directed at Leidner and his family really bothered him.

I don't know what Kill's mindset is, but you can't go anywhere in the P5 and not find some ****ty media folks.

If this is too much and makes someone want to quit I'm not sure they'll find much they will like outside going back to the MAC or something....

Regardless of how this goes, it would not surprise me if Kill leaves in the next few years. He didn't have all the garbage and negativity at his other stops.
The hate directed at Leidner and his family really bothered him.

Once again, he isn't leaving this job voluntarily. We've had one coach in the last 80+ years who left for a better job. This one isn't going to be the 2nd. He's not leaving his current salary on the table for what would assuredly be less elsewhere.

Actually, I did mean "leave if there is no cover up". Meaning, I could see Kill saying to himself that the Twin Cities is so f'ed up with the media and the lambasting of Leidner and his parents and the people wishing bad on our program that I don't want to be here anymore. And this Strib article could be the straw that breaks the camels back. I have a sense (unsubstantiated) that Kill isn't much enamored by this place anymore. He was really upset with how Mitch and the Leidner family have been treated. I happened to sit right next to Mitch's mom at a game and we talked for almost the entire half about the abuse they've taken and the cruelty. I just get the feeling that stuff like this never happened at Southern Ill or Northern Ill for Kill. Of course this stuff would occur at most big time programs, but we're a pretty vicious State. I once ran into Mason in the parking lot of the Minneapolis Club in his last year at U after he spoke to a boosters group. I remember him saying that this was the most negative town he's ever been a part of. Anyhow, just food for thought.

Okay, I see your point but doubt that Kill will leave as a result. No coach, or for that matter, person likes much criticism. I suspect Kill has much thicker skin and understands that for a couple of million dollars annually that it comes with the territory. Hell for $2 mill, I’d give everyone at TCF the opportunity to hurl insults at me on the jumbotron and throw rotten tomatoes at me as I streak across the field.

That leads to a related matter, poor Mama Leidner. Like anyone’s mom is a reliable source on whether people are being nice enough to their kid. Next time tell her a few more completions by her precious son might help everyone feel better, especially him. Another option would be to forgo the scholly and attend St. Thomas. I’m pretty sure no one in the media will say too many bad things.

No one gives a rats azz about N or S Ill. It is a joke that people think the media is “tough” around here. A simple Google search and you’ll find that is not true. What you’ll probably find is that Twin Cities media is actually pretty tame compared to some other places. Just about anyone who is from the east coast will tell how brutally rough journalist can be in that part of the country.

Now back to the topic of this thread. I really hope none of what has been alleged is true. If it is poor sensational journalism, the U is taking an unnecessary low blow. However, IF it is true or even partially so with some kind of cover up, than this is an entirely different matter and a much worse thing, especially for any victims.

I’m really, really hoping there is no kind of cover up. We cannot afford another scandal especially so soon after the Teague ordeal.

This article reminds me of the Rolling Stone rape article, which I consider the Star Tribune to be equal to in terms of journalism. I'm sure the editors are social justice warriors, eager to get to pounce on something that fits their preferred narrative. When you add in the ability to kick a program that has been down, and is getting a little uppity with a southern accented coach who professes to have high character, well, that's just too good to be true. It all fits too well, run with it, the narrative is never wrong.

But, based on the evidence presented in the Strib's story - there's not a lot of substance.

My take - the Strib is still cheesed because the Pioneer Press broke the academic fraud story, and they are looking for a "Big Gopher Scandal" story that they can claim for their own - even if they have to invent one.

I was waiting to see what your thoughts were on this topic, since I recall you saying you’re in the media business, and surprised by this “take.” I believe the powers there were cheesed at getting scooped, since that is common in the industry. But, do you really believe someone verbalized or even thought fabricating a scandal for their own scoop was a valid strategy? That seems far-fetched, diabolical, and maybe even above their capability. It's hard to imagine and editor telling his reporters to do such a thing.

I haven’t clicked on the strib for a couple of years, and only see what they’re doing from what is pasted/posted on GH, so my overall analysis of their philosophy is admittedly limited. But, there seems to be a distinct pattern of vitriol, recklessness, and lack of editorial oversight that is remarkably unprofessional, at best, and deplorable, and especially incompetent. Furthermore, they often seem to play by different rules and are regularly lacking in accountability and accuracy.

I was waiting to see what your thoughts were on this topic, since I recall you saying you’re in the media business, and surprised by this “take.” I believe the powers there were cheesed at getting scooped, since that is common in the industry. But, do you really believe someone verbalized or even thought fabricating a scandal for their own scoop was a valid strategy? That seems far-fetched, diabolical, and maybe even above their capability. It's hard to imagine and editor telling his reporters to do such a thing.

I haven’t clicked on the strib for a couple of years, and only see what they’re doing from what is pasted/posted on GH, so my overall analysis of their philosophy is admittedly limited. But, there seems to be a distinct pattern of vitriol, recklessness, and lack of editorial oversight that is remarkably unprofessional, at best, and deplorable, and especially incompetent. Furthermore, they often seem to play by different rules and are regularly lacking in accountability and accuracy.

I don't think anyone believes they fabricated the news.

The email is there for everyone to read.... so that is a thing.

The way they characterized it and what those wonderful tweets indicate is up for debate.

Personally I'm more willing to believe in incompetence and unprofessionalism than much else, but I don't believe anyone thinks they fabricated anything.

Once again, he isn't leaving this job voluntarily. We've had one coach in the last 80+ years who left for a better job. This one isn't going to be the 2nd. He's not leaving his current salary on the table for what would assuredly be less elsewhere.

I think there are lots of folks who would take less money and less prestige for less stress, fewer headaches, a better work environment and more "love". Add in Coach Kill's health issues, it wouldn't be that far fetched for him to feel he's better off back in a smaller program. He probably lives a fairly low cost life and has enough money socked away by now. I wasn't suggesting that he'd bolt for an equivalent program. Of course, I have no idea how Coach thinks or feels.

Our local press will be ridden out of town elsewhere if they do this type of phishing expedition for sensationalism to sell rags. Shame on the Strib for lack of journalistic integrity on this one.

No facts or details beyond what Kimberly Hewitt wrote in an e-mail in July. Campus police and the current Athletic Director said that they investigated and there's not much there.

Sexual assault on campus is a serious problem. But, let's not make sensationalized claims in public without all the facts just to get ahead news story wise in case there is something there.

This story is tantamount to a smear campaign against entire Gophers Athletics. This one hurts the football team image and recruiting when the story is plastered on national media and further sensationalized.

They are working so hard to turn around the football program & and in taking care of the all the kids involved in Gopher Athletics, Interim AD Goetz and Coach Kill must be angry and frustrated.

Is there grounds for slander? Damage is already done.

Mr Glen Taylor, why is your newspaper so negative on the hometown team?

What's still funny is the editor says he made a mistake and deserved the backlash, yet he still has a bunch of people blocked. I didn't even tweet at him, yet I am blocked still.

When the college kids write a much better, fair and balanced article, you know something is wrong.

Just a note: The Daily Gopher is in no way related to the Minnesota Daily.

Just an idea for the moderators, please remove any post that speculates on current or former Gopher players in this thread.

What's still funny is the editor says he made a mistake and deserved the backlash, yet he still has a bunch of people blocked. I didn't even tweet at him, yet I am blocked still.

And his colleague who F'bombed those that challenges Anderson had an apology that wasn't really an apology. Neither really feels they did anything wrong. I'm blocked as well, although I did tweet at him.

I think there are lots of folks who would take less money and less prestige for less stress, fewer headaches, a better work environment and more "love". Add in Coach Kill's health issues, it wouldn't be that far fetched for him to feel he's better off back in a smaller program. He probably lives a fairly low cost life and has enough money socked away by now. I wasn't suggesting that he'd bolt for an equivalent program. Of course, I have no idea how Coach thinks or feels.

Stress comes with getting paid a ridiculous sum of money to coach a kid's game. Coaching at a lower level isn't much less stressful, just for lower pay and lower prestige.

While we're on the topic, please cite one example in the last 50 years of a coach (with good job security and zero chance of being fired in the near future) voluntarily leaving for a smaller program.

Stress comes with getting paid a ridiculous sum of money to coach a kid's game. Coaching at a lower level isn't much less stressful, just for lower pay and lower prestige.

While we're on the topic, please cite one example in the last 50 years of a coach (with good job security and zero chance of being fired in the near future) voluntarily leaving for a smaller program.

Good point. I can't name one. My thinking is flawed. But if Kansas came calling for equal or less money, I wouldn't be SURPRISED if he left. I should be SURPRISED based on your analysis, but I wouldn't be only because to me Kill doesn't seem that happy and he doesn't seem motivated by money and prestige. I'm probably way off base here, so I will shut up.

Good point. I can't name one. My thinking is flawed. But if Kansas came calling for equal or less money, I wouldn't be SURPRISED if he left. I should be SURPRISED based on your analysis, but I wouldn't be only because to me Kill doesn't seem that happy and he doesn't seem motivated by money and prestige. I'm probably way off base here, so I will shut up.

I wouldn't be surprised at all too if Kansas State comes calling when Bill Snyder retires that he bolts.

This town is so negative with hyper critical news media, and a few fans that can be plain mean-spirited.

While we're on the topic, please cite one example in the last 50 years of a coach (with good job security and zero chance of being fired in the near future) voluntarily leaving for a smaller program.

I can think of two.

STrib editor piles on:

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Go Gophers!!

Sorry to bring up an old thread but I'm just wondering when this is all going to become a mess. Anyone know?

I think most agree this could turn out to be a very big deal. However, it appears they Star Trib is fishing for something here. For all we know these were very minor instances. That still doesn't make everything okay, but it also doesn't make it nearly as bad as they made it seem. Regardless if he apologized, the tweet by the editor (and then sports desk editor) shows they already made up their mind, and shows a lack of professionalism. He posted this last night after his twitter was back up and running:

He's already assuming this is going to be a big issue. How about you get a few more facts before saying something like that? Mind already made up.

If there really is more to it than this, then I hope it comes out and actions are taken.

Oh, and when is it going to be a big issue? I would ask him but he still has me blocked.

Looks like it really was just a situation where they wanted to be the first to "report it" just in case it became something big. Real good journalism.

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