Star Tribune story with little detail at best about allegations of U football players

I hope we can all agree that this could (a big could) blow up to something unpleasant. If there is even a minor cover-up here, we're in for trouble. If there is no cover up here, this could piss off Kill enough to want to bolt for another program. I'm sure he's pretty fed up with this community, media, Teague, etc.

On the surface, it doesn't seem like much here. But, what if more is discovered about why the two women didn't opt to go forward with the charges? And what were those actions that lead to the complaints? Why would these girls file complaints and then not proceed?

I hope this is nothing and I sure hope our players didn't do something really ugly. It just hurts to go through this. Wish we could go 10 years without this kind of crap. Wondering, did we have any gross misconduct issues under Mason? Just don't recall.

Presumably the University did an investigation as the e-mail indicated.

Beyond it is just baseless speculation.

Yeah maybe if there are some bad things we don't know about, but the only thing we know, the e-mail, doesn't indicate any of that.

I hope we can all agree that this could (a big could) blow up to something unpleasant. If there is even a minor cover-up here, we're in for trouble. If there is no cover up here, this could piss off Kill enough to want to bolt for another program. I'm sure he's pretty fed up with this community, media, Teague, etc.

On the surface, it doesn't seem like much here. But, what if more is discovered about why the two women didn't opt to go forward with the charges? And what were those actions that lead to the complaints? Why would these girls file complaints and then not proceed?

I hope this is nothing and I sure hope our players didn't do something really ugly. It just hurts to go through this. Wish we could go 10 years without this kind of crap. Wondering, did we have any gross misconduct issues under Mason? Just don't recall.

I agree with this. For all of the Star Tribune's awfulness in this, there was some misconduct on the part of multiple players. The Strib seems to want everybody to believe the misconduct included repeated and frequent gang rapes. It doesn't, of course. But don't lose sight of the fact that there are issues of some sort to be resolved.

I hope we can all agree that this could (a big could) blow up to something unpleasant. If there is even a minor cover-up here, we're in for trouble. If there is no cover up here, this could piss off Kill enough to want to bolt for another program. I'm sure he's pretty fed up with this community, media, Teague, etc.

On the surface, it doesn't seem like much here. But, what if more is discovered about why the two women didn't opt to go forward with the charges? And what were those actions that lead to the complaints? Why would these girls file complaints and then not proceed?

I hope this is nothing and I sure hope our players didn't do something really ugly. It just hurts to go through this. Wish we could go 10 years without this kind of crap. Wondering, did we have any gross misconduct issues under Mason? Just don't recall.

I think most agree this could turn out to be a very big deal. However, it appears they Star Trib is fishing for something here. For all we know these were very minor instances. That still doesn't make everything okay, but it also doesn't make it nearly as bad as they made it seem. Regardless if he apologized, the tweet by the editor (and then sports desk editor) shows they already made up their mind, and shows a lack of professionalism. He posted this last night after his twitter was back up and running:

He's already assuming this is going to be a big issue. How about you get a few more facts before saying something like that? Mind already made up.

If there really is more to it than this, then I hope it comes out and actions are taken.

Better yet is the response from the Strib Sports Desk Editor Ken Chia who tweets "Fu¢k the haterz". That is pure professionalism right there. Side note, the Strib Sports Desk Editor is a UW grad per his Twitter account. That explains something

Now he responded with this:


I think most agree this could turn out to be a very big deal. However, it appears they Star Trib is fishing for something here. For all we know these were very minor instances. That still doesn't make everything okay, but it also doesn't make it nearly as bad as they made it seem. Regardless if he apologized, the tweet by the editor (and then sports desk editor) shows they already made up their mind, and shows a lack of professionalism. He posted this last night after his twitter was back up and running:

He's already assuming this is going to be a big issue. How about you get a few more facts before saying something like that? Mind already made up.

If there really is more to it than this, then I hope it comes out and actions are taken.

Yes, the way it was handled by the reporter and the Strib was horrible, to say the least. I hate the media today. They're a bunch of carnival barkers and salespeople with little if any conscience. I wouldn't defend them for a nano-second. I just pray that this isn't something substantial. I'm really worn out from the controversy surrounding UofM athletics. If I had to choose, I'd take ball clubs that played .500 ball with no off-the-field incidents, rather than.....well you know what I'm saying. It's just so deflating.

I hope we can all agree that this could (a big could) blow up to something unpleasant. If there is even a minor cover-up here, we're in for trouble. If there is no cover up here, this could piss off Kill enough to want to bolt for another program. I'm sure he's pretty fed up with this community, media, Teague, etc.

On the surface, it doesn't seem like much here. But, what if more is discovered about why the two women didn't opt to go forward with the charges? And what were those actions that lead to the complaints? Why would these girls file complaints and then not proceed?

I hope this is nothing and I sure hope our players didn't do something really ugly. It just hurts to go through this. Wish we could go 10 years without this kind of crap. Wondering, did we have any gross misconduct issues under Mason? Just don't recall.

I agree that IF (a big emphasis on IF) there is any kind of a cover-up coming off the heels of the Teague scandal, this would look very bad. I’m assuming you meant to say that Kill might bolt if there was a cover-up. Not sure why he would leave if there is no cover-up?

Aside from blowing big leads, I don’t recall any significant misconduct issues under Mason.

I hope we can all agree that this could (a big could) blow up to something unpleasant. If there is even a minor cover-up here, we're in for trouble. If there is no cover up here, this could piss off Kill enough to want to bolt for another program. I'm sure he's pretty fed up with this community, media, Teague, etc.

On the surface, it doesn't seem like much here. But, what if more is discovered about why the two women didn't opt to go forward with the charges? And what were those actions that lead to the complaints? Why would these girls file complaints and then not proceed?

I hope this is nothing and I sure hope our players didn't do something really ugly. It just hurts to go through this. Wish we could go 10 years without this kind of crap. Wondering, did we have any gross misconduct issues under Mason? Just don't recall.

Agree that there is potential for this to be a major issue, but as it stands there is nothing to back up the headline, or even the idiot editor's tweeted implications. Unless they are sitting on something big, Goetz has handled appropriately and this will fade quickly, though I do agree that Kill can't be happy with the coverage and his treatment by the media. In no way do I expect the MSP media to be an ally to the U when it comes to sports coverage (like they are in Madison, Iowa City, etc), but I do expect impartiality. Something I don't think the football program has gotten for a very long time.

RE: Mason and gross misconduct issues under his tenure, the only one that stands out is the Dominic Jones rape case (ultimately convicted), which I recall involved several other players (Alex Daniels to name one), all who were immediately dismissed from the team. Handled well/properly. Sort of the inverse of Steve Alford's handling of similar issues at Iowa.

If there was a cover up (as others have pointed out a big if) Kill isn't going to have to worry about bolting on his own. He would be fired.

I agree that IF (a big emphasis on IF) there is any kind of a cover-up coming off the heels of the Teague scandal, this would look very bad. I’m assuming you meant to say that Kill might bolt if there was a cover-up. Not sure why he would leave if there is no cover-up?

Aside from blowing big leads, I don’t recall any significant misconduct issues under Mason.

My guess is he meant that Kill may be upset at the way the media handled this if it is found there was really nothing there.

I wouldn't doubt the coaches were on the phone talking to all the recruits last night because of this. It was being reported as a fact when we really don't know much about the situation at all.

I agree that IF (a big emphasis on IF) there is any kind of a cover-up coming off the heels of the Teague scandal, this would look very bad. I’m assuming you meant to say that Kill might bolt if there was a cover-up. Not sure why he would leave if there is no cover-up?

Aside from blowing big leads, I don’t recall any significant misconduct issues under Mason.

Actually, I did mean "leave if there is no cover up". Meaning, I could see Kill saying to himself that the Twin Cities is so f'ed up with the media and the lambasting of Leidner and his parents and the people wishing bad on our program that I don't want to be here anymore. And this Strib article could be the straw that breaks the camels back. I have a sense (unsubstantiated) that Kill isn't much enamored by this place anymore. He was really upset with how Mitch and the Leidner family have been treated. I happened to sit right next to Mitch's mom at a game and we talked for almost the entire half about the abuse they've taken and the cruelty. I just get the feeling that stuff like this never happened at Southern Ill or Northern Ill for Kill. Of course this stuff would occur at most big time programs, but we're a pretty vicious State. I once ran into Mason in the parking lot of the Minneapolis Club in his last year at U after he spoke to a boosters group. I remember him saying that this was the most negative town he's ever been a part of. Anyhow, just food for thought.

My guess is he meant that Kill may be upset at the way the media handled this if it is found there was really nothing there.

I wouldn't doubt the coaches were on the phone talking to all the recruits last night because of this. It was being reported as a fact when we really don't know much about the situation at all.

Always hard to know how recruits see this kind of thing.

The way this was handled really feels like the Strib trying to get out in front of a story that may develop into something bigger. The way they handled it is strange, especially to go front page with basically nothing new or significant. The one thing we know is that after this they will all be digging so if there is anything there to be found you can bet we will see it surface at some point soon.

Here's hoping it all just turns out to be a bunch of hot air.

Agreed, +100. Compare the Strib's treatment of the Gophers vs the Vikings over a long period of time. Look at Scoggins' column history over the past year of shepherding the public back into embracing Adrian Peterson. I predicted the "seeking redemption" garbage from him about a month before it was printed. He would never prop up anything maroon like that.

It is not lost on me that the Strib did a LOT of propagandizing to grease the wheels on the REALLY BAD Vikings stadium deal, and they got a new building out of it.

I think you are forgetting that it was the Strib who dug up the info about the hotel room orgy incident to pile on Peterson after the child abuse details were released. They at least had a fact or two in that article unlike this one.

I'm sure they spend time sucking up to Peterson now in order to try and get him back on their good side. The Gophers, fans, etc just need to not subscribe to the Strib or read it online. If 95% of it is negative, then just ignore it. Newspapers will be gone soon enough anyways...

Better yet is the response from the Strib Sports Desk Editor Ken Chia who tweets "Fu¢k the haterz". That is pure professionalism right there. Side note, the Strib Sports Desk Editor is a UW grad per his Twitter account. That explains something

Seriously? How old is this person, like 12? Is there any form of accountability for actions like this over there, cause it sure sounds like the inmates are running the asylum. If this guy were an employee of mine, he would very soon be a former one, for his unprofessionalism, his utterly crap attitude, his use of an expletive here as well as the term 'haterz'. Just an absolutely pathetic showing all the way around. What an embarrassment.

Seriously? How old is this person, like 12? Is there any form of accountability for actions like this over there, cause it sure sounds like the inmates are running the asylum. If this guy were an employee of mine, he would very soon be a former one, for his unprofessionalism, his utterly crap attitude, his use of an expletive here as well as the term 'haterz'. Just an absolutely pathetic showing all the way around. What an embarrassment.

Hey, it's a new generation :confused:

Actually, I did mean "leave if there is no cover up". Meaning, I could see Kill saying to himself that the Twin Cities is so f'ed up with the media and the lambasting of Leidner and his parents and the people wishing bad on our program that I don't want to be here anymore. And this Strib article could be the straw that breaks the camels back. I have a sense (unsubstantiated) that Kill isn't much enamored by this place anymore. He was really upset with how Mitch and the Leidner family have been treated. I happened to sit right next to Mitch's mom at a game and we talked for almost the entire half about the abuse they've taken and the cruelty. I just get the feeling that stuff like this never happened at Southern Ill or Northern Ill for Kill. Of course this stuff would occur at most big time programs, but we're a pretty vicious State. I once ran into Mason in the parking lot of the Minneapolis Club in his last year at U after he spoke to a boosters group. I remember him saying that this was the most negative town he's ever been a part of. Anyhow, just food for thought.

I think the fan base is pretty tame compared to some other places. The media is a lot tougher in the Twin Cities than in places like Iowa City and Madison however.

I think the negativity comes from the multiple times our sports teams have been bad, blown a big lead, etc. I know a lot of fans that would rather think the worst is going to happen than be hopeful and then disappointed. My dad used to be really bad at this. If any team was playing well or on the verge of an upset, he would always say something like, "oh they'll blow it". Probably because it is easier to think the worst will happen and be surprised when it doesn't than the other way around. I don't really understand it myself but I've found this to me more true in Minnesota than any other sports market I've lived in.

What is all this? Cover up of what? There was an innvestigation done and full visibility by proper U officials. What is this moron at the Trib talking about? Where is the potential for a big story? It's a YEAR old for effs sake and seems to have been handled per U policy. Why oh why all the grandstanding and panty twisting? What a bunch of whoppers.

Also, I've been delusional and irrational by somehow thinking that our players were above any kind of ugly behavior. I listen to our players speak and how they present themselves and am so impressed. They all seem like great kids. Kill seems really committed to bringing in high caliber people. But I do realize this is irrational thinking on my part and that there will always be some questionable behavior. Let's hope there's nothing too bad here.

Sometimes I feel a bit of guilt over bypassing the paywall on the strib's site and using a browser that blocks any and all ads as well as all tracking cookies. Then I read speculative TMZ pieces like yesterday's article and then I realize that freeloading off the strib is great.

Seriously? How old is this person, like 12? Is there any form of accountability for actions like this over there, cause it sure sounds like the inmates are running the asylum. If this guy were an employee of mine, he would very soon be a former one, for his unprofessionalism, his utterly crap attitude, his use of an expletive here as well as the term 'haterz'. Just an absolutely pathetic showing all the way around. What an embarrassment.

"The Opinions I post are my own" apparently gives people free reign to tweet whatever the hell they want without consequence.

Funny that is he is a UW alum. The worst part about being a Gopher fan is we are in a state that all the Iowa & Wisconsin grads want to live in too.

What is all this? Cover up of what? There was an innvestigation done and full visibility by proper U officials. What is this moron at the Trib talking about? Where is the potential for a big story? It's a YEAR old for effs sake and seems to have been handled per U policy. Why oh why all the grandstanding and panty twisting? What a bunch of whoppers.

Let's hope you're right.

Just to be fair, the same thing could be said for the Jameis Winston incident. I believe it was over a year old when it surfaced and the University said it had done a proper investigation and found that there wasn't enough evidence. I think the term "cover up" may be the wrong term (and I used it too). It could simply be that the University didn't do enough of an investigation or a balanced investigation and may have to open it up again. Or, they could've persuaded the female students not to bring charges by telling them how difficult it could be on their lives. Who knows? Hopefully it's nothing, but you never know.

Dude, sorry but now with some of your posts you're starting to sound as speculative and unsubstantiated as the Strib article & editor.

Sometimes I feel a bit of guilt over bypassing the paywall on the strib's site and using a browser that blocks any and all ads as well as all tracking cookies. Then I read speculative TMZ pieces like yesterday's article and then I realize that freeloading off the strib is great.

Oh don't worry about that.

I have a subscription.... still couldn't get past their paywall the right way....

Dude, sorry but now with some of your posts you're starting to sound as ridiculously speculative and unsubstantiated as the Strib article & editor. Perhaps relax and take a step back with some of the over-the-top but what if, worry-wart talk please.

We just look at the world differently. I'm able to imagine what could be without for a moment believing it's going to go there. But I see your point. So I will stop cause I know it upsets people.

As to why a complaint might be made and later withdrawn: all kinds of possibilities, and they don't have to be nefarious.
People - even FB players - are human. They see things differently and have disagreements. People get mad and say or do things they later regret.

Given the attention to sexual assault/date rape/etc on college campuses, all allegations are going to be taken seriously and investigated. The e-mail at the heart of the Strib story clearly states that the U only found evidence to support 1 allegation of harassment. That may be regrettable, but it does not indicate any pattern of wide-spread misconduct by Gopher FB players.

For the politically correct - I am not trying to minimize the seriousness of sexual assault/harassment. But, based on the evidence presented in the Strib's story - there's not a lot of substance.

My take - the Strib is still cheesed because the Pioneer Press broke the academic fraud story, and they are looking for a "Big Gopher Scandal" story that they can claim for their own - even if they have to invent one.

My take - the Strib is still cheesed because the Pioneer Press broke the academic fraud story, and they are looking for a "Big Gopher Scandal" story that they can claim for their own - even if they have to invent one.

Whoa! Are you hacking into my e-mails? I said almost exact same thing to gopher7 via e-mail today. The STrib's tone towards U athletics changed dramatically after they were blindsided by the Pioneer Press' investigative and Pulitzer Prize Winning story on the academic fraud scandal. Ever since that time, they have consistently trotted out articles like today's. The irony in all this is that they sat on what could have been the biggest investigative story since Ganglegate and that was Mega Tongue. They had a massive head start on that story and chose to sit on it.

Go Gophers!!

Just cancelled my subscription. If there truly is nothing more to this story than what was "reported" I hope this bull**** headline has not caused too much damage to the U's reputation and our recruiting.

Whoa! Are you hacking into my e-mails? I said almost exact same thing to gopher7 via e-mail today. The STrib's tone towards U athletics changed dramatically after they were blindsided by the Pioneer Press' investigative and Pulitzer Prize Winning story on the academic fraud scandal. Ever since that time, they have consistently trotted out articles like today's. The irony in all this is that they sat on what could have been the biggest investigative story since Ganglegate and that was Mega Tongue. They had a massive head start on that story and chose to sit on it.

Go Gophers!!

Yeah that last bit might be why they're irked too. They thought they had something brewing and were keeping it in their back pocket and ... the U just cut them off by firing Norwood.

If there is no cover up here, this could piss off Kill enough to want to bolt for another program. I'm sure he's pretty fed up with this community, media, Teague, etc.

You're funny. No other program is going to pay Kill anything remotely approaching $2.5 MM. He's here until he retires or is fired, whichever comes first.

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