Rakeem Buckles Update 9/3: NCAA Denies Appeal, Buckles Headed Back to FIU

He better be able to play this year. I don't want to waste a 2014 scholarship on him.

the thought of Oto not even being in the 2 deeps gives me comfort

Yeah, while Oto seems like a nice guy and all, he really has no place being in a B1G rotation. I happen to sense that Pitino will quickly realize this and not be as generous and lenient with PT for him as our previous coach was.

Yeah, while Oto seems like a nice guy and all, he really has no place being in a B1G rotation. I happen to sense that Pitino will quickly realize this and not be as generous and lenient with PT for him as our previous coach was.

hopefully i am wrong but i feel the same way about joey king i do with Oto

still nothing on this guy? Its August 25th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kyle Goblirsch at 247 talked to Buckles last week and Buckles said he was accepted to the U last Tuesday, coming up to MN this week, and excited to proclaim he's a Gopher. Sources around him are confident that the waiver would go through. At this point that's the only holdup according to Goblirsch.

hopefully i am wrong but i feel the same way about joey king i do with Oto

I like King. IIRC he shot 36% from 3 point range as a frosh. Clem used to always say shooters improve their shooting percentage until their junior year. I see his floor as a zone buster. Have to wait until they roll the balls out on the court, to guess at his ceiling, but I thought King was a good pick up. They play good basketball in the MVC.

hopefully i am wrong but i feel the same way about joey king i do with Oto

I may be overly optimistic (I usually am) but what I've seen and heard about King has me looking forward to three years good things from him.:eek:

I may be overly optimistic (I usually am) but what I've seen and heard about King has me looking forward to three years good things from him.:eek:

3 years of *decent* things from him hopefully. And I would be completely content with just that!

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>Bi-weekly Rakeem Buckles update: <a href="https://twitter.com/search?q=%23Gophers&src=hash">#Gophers</a> source when asked when they'll learn his fate from NCAA: "Any day now." He's in town this week.</p>— Darren Wolfson (@DarrenWolfson) <a href="https://twitter.com/DarrenWolfson/statuses/372022891086221312">August 26, 2013</a></blockquote>
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Go Gophers!!

Most likely.

but someone should leak something, DANGIT.

It's been rumored that someone is leaking to Doogie. He went from having no more insight than a good GH poster to having some pretty good basketball info almost overnight. I think he's gotten himself close to the Assistant AD or someone like that? Bottom line is that when Doogie is making Buckles updates I presume he's passing it on from a good source.

It's been rumored that someone is leaking to Doogie. He went from having no more insight than a good GH poster to having some pretty good basketball info almost overnight. I think he's gotten himself close to the Assistant AD or someone like that? Bottom line is that when Doogie is making Buckles updates I presume he's passing it on from a good source.
It's been rumored that someone "in the know" has been leaking info about rumors involving rumors about Doogie's rumor sources to "Costa Rican Gopher".

It's been rumored that someone "in the know" has been leaking info about rumors involving rumors about Doogie's rumor sources to "Costa Rican Gopher".

That's only hearsay.

It's been rumored that someone is leaking to Doogie. He went from having no more insight than a good GH poster to having some pretty good basketball info almost overnight. I think he's gotten himself close to the Assistant AD or someone like that? Bottom line is that when Doogie is making Buckles updates I presume he's passing it on from a good source.

Most of the time it's after someone else already reported the same thing. Like this instance.

We need to remember that ALL rumors of people, places, things, times, events, and results, are tentative until a piece of paper is signed.

Darren Wolfson ‏@DarrenWolfson 1m
Rakeem Buckles waiver denied by NCAA. #Gophers appealing (sorry if already out. At Fair with family).

Damn! I wonder how high the chances are that the appeal actually works.

ESPN story:

"The NCAA denied Buckles' request, even though there have been several players in similar positions -- including current Gophers guard Malik Smith -- that were granted waivers to transfer and play immediately for their final season due to a postseason ban.

Sources told ESPN.com that Buckles will likely appeal the decision, but may have no choice but to return to FIU as a walk-on -- since new coach Anthony Evans does not have any scholarships left."


Such dickheads at the NCAA. Down on his luck after injuries, gets basically nudged out of Lousville, goes to FIU, his coach then leaves. He wants to follow the coach he thought he'd be playing for in his final season of college, and it gets denied? Screw you NCAA for treating great players such as Rakeem like $hit and not allowing mediocre programs to get their feet off the ground. What a joke.

I don't understand this...how is Buckles denied but Smith was allowed to transfer? Isn't the situation pretty much the same?

This is a blow.

Anybody know what the success rate on these types of appeals is?

This is such a shock coming from an organization renowned for its consistency and fairness.

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