I know how to end the Adam Weber debate....

Gray's future results in now way prove he should NOT have started over Weber either.

Weber started. I would have rather seen someone younger start in a lost season. I didn't. It is over.

Weber is not a good to great QB...if you think that you are either on something or simply do not understand what you are watching.
Weber was not a terrible QB either....if you think he was you are probably throwing around hyperbole.

Weber was a below average college QB who may or may not get a look at the pro-level. This is indisputable based on results on the field.


Adam will be going pro in something other than sports...he is not going to be in a soup line and will most likely succeed in whichever profession he choses.

Gray's future results in now way prove he should NOT have started over Weber either.

Weber started. I would have rather seen someone younger start in a lost season. I didn't. It is over.

Weber is not a good to great QB...if you think that you are either on something or simply do not understand what you are watching.
Weber was not a terrible QB either....if you think he was you are probably throwing around hyperbole.

Weber was a below average college QB who may or may not get a look at the pro-level. This is indisputable based on results on the field.


Yes I agree. I never said Weber is good, great, terrible, or anything else. I'm just saying even if Gray has a monster year this year, that doesn't mean he was the best option the last two years, though it is possible that he might have been.

Adam will be going pro in something other than sports...he is not going to be in a soup line and will most likely succeed in whichever profession he choses.

For the millionth time, nobody is debating whether he will be successful in life or what type of person he is. I don't see the need to always bring this up. We have heard about how much class he has and that he is such a great person with all the integrity in the world.

Gray's future results in no way will prove that he should have started over Weber.

If he's 1st team all big ten this year, that doesn't prove anything? How about if he wins the Heisman, nope, Weber is better, coaches were right? LOL.

If he's 1st team all big ten this year, that doesn't prove anything? How about if he wins the Heisman, nope, Weber is better, coaches were right? LOL.

Holy **%^. That just makes my head hurt.

Holy **%^. That just makes my head hurt.

disregard how unlikely those are, the pro weber people are saying that nothing gray does on the field this year will have any impact on whether he should have gotten ONE SERIES LAST YEAR! The coaches are right, 100% of the time. End of story.

disregard how unlikely those are, the pro weber people are saying that nothing gray does on the field this year will have any impact on whether he should have gotten ONE SERIES LAST YEAR! The coaches are right, 100% of the time. End of story.

Except when they use poor coaching as an excuse for "how good Weber could have been."

Adam will be going pro in something other than sports....

You may want to retract this statement. Marc Trestman has a huge man crush on Adam and will take him in a hot minute if Adam chooses not to try his hand going the NFL free agent route.
Not my words or thoughts but directly from a coach on his staff. We will know how accurate this is (me) come Sunday May 8th; that's when they Candian football league draft is.

I also hear that New England was planning on drafting Adam (they interviewed him several times) but went another route when Mallet fell into their laps.

You may want to retract this statement. Marc Trestman has a huge man crush on Adam and will take him in a hot minute if Adam chooses not to try his hand going the NFL free agent route.
Not my words or thoughts but directly from a coach on his staff. We will know how accurate this is (me) come Sunday May 8th; that's when they Candian football league draft is.

One thing I can guarantee is Weber will not be drafted by a CFL team. That draft is for Canadian talent only.

CFL teams place American players on negotiation lists. It is all done in secret so it is impossible to know if Weber is on a list or not unless a team or Weber talks about it. I would think he likely is on a list somewhere- Montreal would be a good guess because of Trestman. It should be noted though that Trestman has not gone out of his way to find Gophers in the past.

I tihnk Weber has a real shot in the CFL. He is tough (this is key- the CFL churns through QBs), mobile, and throws a CFL style ball (high and long which helps on the wide field). For whatever reason (probably because with 3 downs you are likely punting soon anyways), CFL coaches seem to be quite tolerant of QBs who throw a lot of interceptions.

Off the top of my head, as Ryan Thelwell just retired, Willie Middlebrooks and Arland Bruce are the only Gophers playing in the CFL.

One thing I can guarantee is Weber will not be drafted by a CFL team. That draft is for Canadian talent only.

CFL teams place American players on negotiation lists. It is all done in secret so it is impossible to know if Weber is on a list or not unless a team or Weber talks about it. I would think he likely is on a list somewhere- Montreal would be a good guess because of Trestman. It should be noted though that Trestman has not gone out of his way to find Gophers in the past.

I tihnk Weber has a real shot in the CFL. He is tough (this is key- the CFL churns through QBs), mobile, and throws a CFL style ball (high and long which helps on the wide field). For whatever reason (probably because with 3 downs you are likely punting soon anyways), CFL coaches seem to be quite tolerant of QBs who throw a lot of interceptions.

Off the top of my head, as Ryan Thelwell just retired, Willie Middlebrooks and Arland Bruce are the only Gophers playing in the CFL.

Good info, how does the lists work? If American players are not drafted is each team assigned potential american players or can they sign them as free agents? I know each team can only have a certain number of American football players on it.

You may want to retract this statement. Marc Trestman has a huge man crush on Adam and will take him in a hot minute if Adam chooses not to try his hand going the NFL free agent route.
Not my words or thoughts but directly from a coach on his staff. We will know how accurate this is (me) come Sunday May 8th; that's when they Candian football league draft is.

I also hear that New England was planning on drafting Adam (they interviewed him several times) but went another route when Mallet fell into their laps.

I would guess that Adam could make more money in business than he could holding a clipboard for Trestman.

Good info, how does the lists work? If American players are not drafted is each team assigned potential american players or can they sign them as free agents? I know each team can only have a certain number of American football players on it.


Each team has a negotiation list of 35 players who are not under contract. They can add or drop as desired. Unfortunately it is kept secret.

Teams have a roster of 19 imports, 20 non-imports and 3 quaterbacks who can be either but are 100% import. Imports tend to be skill players (tailback, wr, cornerbacks).

Section2: Weber probably could make more money in business but what ies more fun? I don't think Weber would try the CFL until he has exhausted NFL possibilities. CFL almost QBs never make it back to the NFL.

Seems to me the US players used to be called 'imports" when I listened to the Blue Bombers as a kid when Bud Grant was coach and Kenny Ploen and Leo Lewis played. I think they were limited to three or four back then.

If Gray has a great season in 2011, it doesn't necessarily mean he would have had a great season in 2010. For one, coaching actually does have something to do with a team's performance, and a team's performance has a lot to do with how good particular players appear to be.

If Gray has a great season in 2011, it doesn't necessarily mean he would have had a great season in 2010. For one, coaching actually does have something to do with a team's performance, and a team's performance has a lot to do with how good particular players appear to be.

From everything I've digested about the situation in the last several years, I'll be happy if Gray completes more than 50% of his passes next year.

I'm confident that this coaching staff has the experience and savvy that they will not put Gray in positions where he's likely to hurt the team this year. We will see many draw plays and screen passes on obvious passing situations this year, no doubt.

If Gray has a great season in 2011, it doesn't necessarily mean he would have had a great season in 2010. For one, coaching actually does have something to do with a team's performance, and a team's performance has a lot to do with how good particular players appear to be.

If he absolutely lights it up, and the team does great, then sorry, you and the coaches will have been proven wrong, and he deserved a shot. If he looks lost a lot and has a low completion % and throws a lot of picks, then we can probably assume that Brew and co were right to play Adam. And frankly, no matter how it turns out, I still cannot believe that he didn't get to play IN ONE SERIES ALL YEAR ON A TEAM THAT COULDN"T WIN A GAME UNTIL BREW WAS FIRED! He couldn't even get a series in a blowout loss against OSU where the fans were booing Weber! If Gray lights it up, that will be proof that the coaches were protecting themselves from criticism, and not Gray from making mistakes.

At this point we have no one on the roster that has done a better job than Adam Weber. No one. Nada. Period.

Gray played WR not QB for three reasons. Weber was better and more experienced, we needed help at WR and Gray needed to play. Putting Gray in at QB just to gain some experience would have been a disaster. He was a WR not a QB. This is nothing like an ON or OFF switch. Gray was not ready to play QB. Brewster made that decision.

Coach Kill would have preferred Gray to have been in the QB slot all along and gained some experience. But he was not the coach and had no say. Brewster needed him on the field and in the best position to help the team which was at WR.

We can hope that Gray of whomever will be better than Weber in 2011 but.................

If Brewster would have kept Gray at QB then he likely would have seen more duty, especially in blowouts. But he didn't. Gray will be an inexperienced QB but at least he has had been on the field a lot which will help.

I think you have pretty well summed it up Bayfield. This response gets my nomination for post of the year...of the past few years in fact. Your post hits ALL the points that are significant and pretty much puts this thread and this topic to bed. This was an outstanding piece of writing and is right on the money in every regard. Well done Bayfield!

I think you have pretty well summed it up Bayfield. This response gets my nomination for post of the year...of the past few years in fact. Your post hits ALL the points that are significant and pretty much puts this thread and this topic to bed. This was an outstanding piece of writing and is right on the money in every regard. Well done Bayfield!

That post doesn't address the majority of this thread. This thread is about whether or not Adam Weber was a good college QB. This isn't Gray v. Weber.

Saying Gray wasn't ready to play QB proves nothing about Weber.

Well...so you aren't ready to quit????????? There is ONE answer...and only one:

Adam Weber was the ONLY qb at the University of Minnesota who handled ALL the changes that
the brewball era brought to the University of Minnesota. NO other qb could hang with all the changes that were happening. Stinking brewster was the ONLY one to be able to call the shots and hand the ball to the ONLY qb who could hang with all of his changes UNTIL he got his butt booted out of the University of Minnesota, (he broke the trophy cases in the Bierman Office on his way out the door, he was so "out of sorts...") and Hudson took over to coach for the remainder of the season. Hudson KNEW that Weber was the ONLY qb who could hang with ALL of the changes that had been made and that NO other qb would give the Gophers a chance to win the last few games of HUDBALL (now the brewball had been kicked out of the University of Minnesota.)

That's right, in FOUR YEARS, there was NO other qb at the U of M who even stood a chance to hang with, ride out, battle through, comprehend, learn or in any way, shape or form come CLOSE to executing more than a FEW...a very few plays during brewball or, in the end, even HUDBALL. They would have had to cancel GAME DAY SATURDAY during those four years IF Weber would not have been able to take the ball and go out on the field when the offense was in the game. NO other qb was capable of making it through much more than five or six plays without Weber being on the field. It is an AMAZING fact. But it IS a fact, because THAT is EXACTLY the way it ALL played out. It was magical, mystical, and totally beyond the understanding of mere dudes and dudettes, which ever your unique individual cases may be. ; 0 )

You keep wanting it to have been some other way. But NO, it never could be or would be ANY other way. Why? Because! THAT is the way it WAS. For ALL of the failed brewball era and a few games more, during the HUDBALL ERA, It was Weber, Weber and ONLY Weber. THAT is the way it was intended to be. That was the way it was supposed to be. That is the way it was destined to be. That is the ONLY way it could have been.

You SHOULD have overthrown brewster and laid claim to the keys to brewball so that YOU could have called all the shots rather than brewster. But, the TRUELY funny thing is that YOU would have started Weber over ANY other qb on the squad as well. You would have had NO choice...because THAT is the way things were destined to play out. Weber and Weber ALONE was to be the ONLY qb who could play ANY substantial minutes quarterbacking the team in 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010.

And THAT is the way it happened. It was the TIME for Weber. It was the PLACE for Weber. These were the SEASONS of Weber's CAREER. You can NOT change it. You can NOT pretend things were different than the way things were. Those years will never happen again. Those years were the alpha and the omega of the years of elegibility for Adam Weber.

NO one else could lay claim to those games in those years. And you can NOT argue the facts or change the facts. The FACTS are the FACTS. FACE the facts dudes and dudettes, which ever your individual cases may have dictated for you. You MUST face the facts...because...the ONLY thing we have to go on is everything that actually happened. 2007 through 2010 was the era that ONLY Adam Weber could hang with as a qb at the University of Minnesota. NO other qb was so destined...badger joel macturi and prexy b made SURE of that when they brought brewball to the state...Some were choosen...some walked on...some were recruited...some came from near by...some came from further away...but only ONE qb was destined to actually play...AND...play he did. His every statistic has been logged and recorded at the University and within the Big Ten. He played...and played...and played. And THAT's the way it ALL happened.

; 0 )

Bayfieldgopher, always appreciate your your contributions and often agree with them. Then you reference listening to Blue Bomber broadcasts with Ploen and Lewis, and I'm thinking, "This guy grew up just like me somewhere way up north." But I've got to tell you, man. When you trigger that type of "off the meds" supportive response from the Walrus, you've got to make some kind of disclaimer that you two are not, repeat NOT, allies.

Oh come on mulligan...cincy and section 8 or what ever his name is...

just don't want to let it go...so...I had to have a little fun with 'em.

Don't worry, Bayfield is a really good person based upon what I have seen of him on the message board scene and wouldn't even consider agreeing with me very often. Besides that, he most likely dislikes a few points of view I may or may not defend or question intensely...why...he very well may totally disagree with at least a few things that I may say from time to time.

But, life is meant to have fun...So, I DO have fun. It looks to me from what I have seen of Bayfield's posts over the years is that he likes to have some fun too. Seems to be a pretty decent sort...You could probably learn a thing or two from Bayfield...he knows his football!

; 0 )

I would love to have a blood-pressure cuff hooked up to Wren during this thread. I'm willing to bet he hit about 250 over 150 during that last post.

My 2-cents worth: Lots of quarterbacks generate controversy during their careers, especially if the team is not successful. In 5 or 10 years, I suspect Weber will be viewed differently by most fans. I respect his effort and dedication to the U. There's no way to know how Gray would have done at QB last year. At the very least, I would have liked to see Gray get a little more extended playing time at QB, if only to have him more ready to play in case of an injury to Weber.

I would say for any college program, and given the possibility of injury, you need to have a backup QB who understands the offense and won't seriously hurt the team if he needs to play.

Whatever you think about Brewster, his decision to give Weber virtually all the snaps at QB for 4 years meant the backups were less prepared to play. The fact that Weber was durable, or played through injuries, is commendable. But, I think it represents a very short-sighted approach by the coach - if a starter at any position is injured and unable to play, a good coach should do everything possible to make sure he has, at the least, a competent backup who can play without hurting the team. And that requires at least some work in game-time situations.

Another thought - a coach who plans to be back next year owes it to himself to make sure he has a successor ready to replace a senior QB. Brewster not giving Gray any playing time suggests to me that he knew, or suspected, he wasn't coming back, and basically said bleep next year.

If I was a head coach, I would have a policy that backups at all positions would get some playing time in game situations - not just end-of-game blowouts. Letting kids get some playing time keeps the backups motivated to work hard in practice.

Final thought - I've watched some CFL games in the past, and I could see Weber being successful in that style of play. (if he doesn't get an opportunity in the NFL.)

If Gray has a great season in 2011, it doesn't necessarily mean he would have had a great season in 2010. For one, coaching actually does have something to do with a team's performance, and a team's performance has a lot to do with how good particular players appear to be.

This is more like what I was trying to say. Gray might tear it up this year, but that doesn't mean he would have last year. And again, feel free to show when I ever said that coaches are always right.

Gray might have been a better option last year, he might not have. I'm not sure we will really ever know. I'm not saying you can't make an argument that Gray should have played, just saying it is not all determined by his performance this year.

The large majority of Weber critics would have been satisfied if Brewster had put Gray in as QB in the 3rd or 4th quarter of games when the Gophers were already too far behind to win. Many coaches do this kind of thing to give their starter a rest and their back-up some experience. But I don't recall Brewster doing this even one time over the course of the last two seasons. If he had we would already know what Gray's potential is as a QB, and he would have had ample opportunity to gain experience for this year.

In my opinion, Brewster's insistence that Weber play QB of almost every minute of every game for four years regardless of the score was a huge mistake and one of the reasons many fans wanted Maturi to fire him.

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