Well...so you aren't ready to quit????????? There is ONE answer...and only one:
Adam Weber was the ONLY qb at the University of Minnesota who handled ALL the changes that
the brewball era brought to the University of Minnesota. NO other qb could hang with all the changes that were happening. Stinking brewster was the ONLY one to be able to call the shots and hand the ball to the ONLY qb who could hang with all of his changes UNTIL he got his butt booted out of the University of Minnesota, (he broke the trophy cases in the Bierman Office on his way out the door, he was so "out of sorts...") and Hudson took over to coach for the remainder of the season. Hudson KNEW that Weber was the ONLY qb who could hang with ALL of the changes that had been made and that NO other qb would give the Gophers a chance to win the last few games of HUDBALL (now the brewball had been kicked out of the University of Minnesota.)
That's right, in FOUR YEARS, there was NO other qb at the U of M who even stood a chance to hang with, ride out, battle through, comprehend, learn or in any way, shape or form come CLOSE to executing more than a FEW...a very few plays during brewball or, in the end, even HUDBALL. They would have had to cancel GAME DAY SATURDAY during those four years IF Weber would not have been able to take the ball and go out on the field when the offense was in the game. NO other qb was capable of making it through much more than five or six plays without Weber being on the field. It is an AMAZING fact. But it IS a fact, because THAT is EXACTLY the way it ALL played out. It was magical, mystical, and totally beyond the understanding of mere dudes and dudettes, which ever your unique individual cases may be. ; 0 )
You keep wanting it to have been some other way. But NO, it never could be or would be ANY other way. Why? Because! THAT is the way it WAS. For ALL of the failed brewball era and a few games more, during the HUDBALL ERA, It was Weber, Weber and ONLY Weber. THAT is the way it was intended to be. That was the way it was supposed to be. That is the way it was destined to be. That is the ONLY way it could have been.
You SHOULD have overthrown brewster and laid claim to the keys to brewball so that YOU could have called all the shots rather than brewster. But, the TRUELY funny thing is that YOU would have started Weber over ANY other qb on the squad as well. You would have had NO choice...because THAT is the way things were destined to play out. Weber and Weber ALONE was to be the ONLY qb who could play ANY substantial minutes quarterbacking the team in 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010.
And THAT is the way it happened. It was the TIME for Weber. It was the PLACE for Weber. These were the SEASONS of Weber's CAREER. You can NOT change it. You can NOT pretend things were different than the way things were. Those years will never happen again. Those years were the alpha and the omega of the years of elegibility for Adam Weber.
NO one else could lay claim to those games in those years. And you can NOT argue the facts or change the facts. The FACTS are the FACTS. FACE the facts dudes and dudettes, which ever your individual cases may have dictated for you. You MUST face the facts...because...the ONLY thing we have to go on is everything that actually happened. 2007 through 2010 was the era that ONLY Adam Weber could hang with as a qb at the University of Minnesota. NO other qb was so destined...badger joel macturi and prexy b made SURE of that when they brought brewball to the state...Some were choosen...some walked on...some were recruited...some came from near by...some came from further away...but only ONE qb was destined to actually play...AND...play he did. His every statistic has been logged and recorded at the University and within the Big Ten. He played...and played...and played. And THAT's the way it ALL happened.
; 0 )