I know how to end the Adam Weber debate....

old: there was NO other option at offense...

The offenisve line could not run block. The running game was non existent. there were too few options.

But, if you want to discredit a fine young man...you will have to do that.

What we had was a coaching problem.

Being drafted or not being drafted by the nfl is totally lacking in relevence.

Why the hell should any high school kid from Minnesota EVER aspire to play qb at the Unviersity of Minnesota? REMEMBER the way fans hated Weber for doing EVERYTHING his incompetent coaches asked him to do. Remember the way that great young man had NO support. Remember...Remember...Remember.

(REMEMBER what it was like to give ALL that you have got for the University of Minnesota Football program during these last four years. NEVER forget that.)

SOME Minnesota fans will TRY to cut your heart out IF they decide to to. But, those that would do that are too incompetent and impotent in their own lives to be able to hurt you in any way, shape or form. They are too busy LOSING the larger battle of life.

But, do you know what??????? Those lowest of the low Gopher bashers can NOT take away from the good stuff that Adam Weber did. Let the bashers rwp (rest without peace). Let 'em rot and stew in their own hatred.

You did GREAT as a face for the program Adam Weber. You were ONE of the bright and shining kids and you became a spokesman for all the great kids on your team suffering through ALL four years of the failed, fired, bought out and discarded brewball era. The administration at the U of M...the ad let all of you kids just hang there for SO long. And, the brewball apologist fans one by one ALL caved in, gave in and most turned on that brewster himself...THAT is what that group of fans that called themselves the "brew crew" did. But even though it was a hard four years...there were a LOT of good things that you kids showed the great majority of the Golden Gopher Fans who ARE reasonable and decent people. People who CAN appreciate the 'battle" and the history and the pagentry of Big Ten Football.

But, some one had to pay for all the pain of the brewball era. And the person who paid the most was Adam Weber.

There ARE some fans out there who realize just what the situation WAS Adam, Never forget that. I can only speak for myself, but, THANK YOU Adam. You stood tall. You are forever held in the highest esteem of this old long time Golden Gopher Fan. You were the lightening rod for the fan's frustration.

I have MANY former Gopher players who wore the Maroon & Gold that I hold in very high regard. None have stood taller and none are held in higher regard in my mind than are you, Adam Weber. You represented All the great young men who battled on during the brewster debacle Your efforts were NOT wasted. Your efforts will be remembered. You and your teammates who battled through the tough times will build the base for this program for many decades to come. Hat's OFF to THEE !!!

A note to young aspiring quarter backs from Minnesota and any where and every where else: Why would you want to spend your career at Minnesota and have to struggle for EVERYTHING, including respect from your own fans????? Just as Adam Weber did, you do your best standing in the face of all those who would scorn you and your efforts because you are a fighter. You will answer the bell. When you are knocked down, you will pick yourself up and get back to the fight. You may hear your critics...but...you NEVER succumb to your crittics and all of their ill will. You will battle not only the other team...but...those who would speak badly of you. You do NOT need anything from anyone out there in the stands. You and your teammates will stand tall together, backs against the wall and give it ALL you have got. NOTHING else matters. Nothing else will remain at the end of the day. Knowing that you have done the very best that you could do each game...each season...during your entire time at the U of M is what will stand with you...travel with you..be with you no matter where life takes you. You can strive to do the best you can. You can stand tall. You can stand with your teammates. None of the doubting fans out there matter. They can NEVER touch you. They can NEVER experience what you have experienced. You have been to the battle, you have survived the battle and you have done well...each in your own way.

And in the end, you will have learned that you NEVER let the ba$tards get you down!!!

; 0 )

You are clueless. Look back on the last four seasons an show me SPECIFICALLY game that Weber lost on his own. One? Two. Be specific. How many games did he win on his own? Be SPECIFIC. You Weber haters have no concept of how football is played, or what the QB role is. He was left out to dry 90% of the time.

Gray lost the Iowa State game, didn't he? I love Gray, but there's a good example of your logic.

Without Weber, this program would have been nearly winless.

Illinois! I can't count on two hands how many open receivers he missed that day.

At least he his working his ass off trying, which is much more than most of these GopherHole babblers with their unsubstantiated opinions are willing to do.

Talk is cheap, but it takes money to buy whiskey.

As my wife said during the SoDak game, the only game she ever saw AW play, "who is that clown throwing the football?" Seemed to be a fair assessment at the time. Still is a fair assessment today.

At least he his working his ass off trying, which is much more than most of these GopherHole babblers with their unsubstantiated opinions are willing to do.

Talk is cheap, but it takes money to buy whiskey.

He's a football player. He's "supposed" to be trying, just like every other NFL hopeful. He is not special in this regard.

I said it before the draft I'll say it again. There is no weber debate, only reality. Those claiming weber is a good qb or a terrible qb are not living in reality. He is what he is, a below average college qb.


As my wife said during the SoDak game, the only game she ever saw AW play, "who is that clown throwing the football?" Seemed to be a fair assessment at the time. Still is a fair assessment today.

Oh ok, your wife saw Adam Weber play one time and didn't think he was very good. Well, he definitely sucks then. :rolleyes:

I said it before the draft I'll say it again. There is no weber debate, only reality. Those claiming weber is a good qb or a terrible qb are not living in reality. He is what he is, a below average college qb.


This is exactly how I feel Rose.

He plays QB, so he got more blame than he probably deserved (especially this last season he was decent) and if he would have won, he would have gotten much more praise than he deserved. That is the nature of the QB position. There is no reason to go out of your way to defend Weber. Most of the criticism is football related and therefore, it is everything that he signed up for. Big 10 football players get critiqued by their fanbase. Believe it or not, because of the U's lukewarm following, those critiques are much less here than most places.

Weber is what he is. An OK college football play who was put in a bad situation to succeed and he didn't really succeed. It's a team game, his eratic play often hurt the running game just like the lack of a running game hurt his play. No need to really debate the kid too much.

But, for those four years he was a lot better than any other qb the Gophers had. ; 0 ) He was better than the coaches. He was better than a LOT of things. He was also tougher than most any other player druing that period of time. It was a real pleasure watching him survive all the silly armchair qb's out there who bitched and p'd and m'd so loudly and so often. And those brewball apologists who dissed him were one nasty, frustrated bunch of silly little people.

I used to love to laugh at some of them when someone of that ilk and persuasion would end up sitting somewhere near my seats.

He was a great kid and he had more class than his coach and the ad... and the prexy...that's for sure. ; 0 )

But, for those four years he was a lot better than any other qb the Gophers had. ; 0 ) He was better than the coaches. He was better than a LOT of things. He was also tougher than most any other player druing that period of time. It was a real pleasure watching him survive all the silly armchair qb's out there who bitched and p'd and m'd so loudly and so often. And those brewball apologists who dissed him were one nasty, frustrated bunch of silly little people.

I used to love to laugh at some of them when someone of that ilk and persuasion would end up sitting somewhere near my seats.

He was a great kid and he had more class than his coach and the ad... and the prexy...that's for sure. ; 0 )

There is not one person on this site that's a Brewster apologist. No one is making excuses for the poor job that Brewster did. The only person people are making excuses for is Weber. According to half the people on this board, everything that happened to Weber during his tenure as a gopher was someone else's fault. He didn't do anything wrong. It was his coaches fault? his teammates sucked? That's some bull. He was part of the 11 starters on the offensive side of the ball. He deserves his fair share of the criticism for the offense's poor performance. It just so happens that as a QB his fair share is significantly larger than everyone else.

By the way, your not even responding to the same discussion thats going on right now. Not one person on this board is debating his class or character. This is purely a discussion of skill.

Another example of no comprehension

There is not one person on this site that's a Brewster apologist. No one is making excuses for the poor job that Brewster did. The only person people are making excuses for is Weber. According to half the people on this board, everything that happened to Weber during his tenure as a gopher was someone else's fault. He didn't do anything wrong. It was his coaches fault? his teammates sucked? That's some bull. He was part of the 11 starters on the offensive side of the ball. He deserves his fair share of the criticism for the offense's poor performance. It just so happens that as a QB his fair share is significantly larger than everyone else.

By the way, your not even responding to the same discussion thats going on right now. Not one person on this board is debating his class or character. This is purely a discussion of skill.

cjcarter - You hit the nail right on the head. Wren appears to be incapable of comprehending what people are saying and discussing. He is only interested in ranting about his obsessive agendas. I say it is time to act in regards to his rude behavior, continuous high jacking of threads, and incessant babbling. It is time that he finds a different blog. I am sure they would love to have him back at the Strib blog. Enough is enough.

And those brewball apologists who dissed him were one nasty, frustrated bunch of silly little people.

This is one of the single most asanine statements that i've ever read on this board. Seriously.

Adam Weber = Brewball, their tenures here at the U are tied at the hip, forever. The people who were calling for Adam Weber to not play anymore couldn't have possibly been Brewball apologists because Brewster played Adam Weber, the entire time he was here.

It would be almost completely impossible to be a Brewball apologist and yet a Weber basher, those things can't possibly go hand-in-hand. One of the most controversial things about Brewster was his dealings with Adam Weber.

If you liked Adam Weber, you had to be ecstatic about the way Brewster handled Weber (the starter NO MATTER WHAT).

I couldn't imagine how someone could possibly be a Brewball apologist and not have liked Adam Weber. If you loved everything Brewster did (which I am assuming is what you meant by that), than how could you bash the controversial player that started every single game during his tenure? Do you see how that is completely and utterly illogical?

Sportsfan24, you started this thread with: I know how to end the Adam Weber debate....

From all of the comments, it looks like your idea did not work. :)

Bob Loblaw

And those brewball apologists who dissed him were one nasty, frustrated bunch of silly little people.

This is one of the single most asanine statements that i've ever read on this board. Seriously.

Adam Weber = Brewball, their tenures here at the U are tied at the hip, forever. The people who were calling for Adam Weber to not play anymore couldn't have possibly been Brewball apologists because Brewster played Adam Weber, the entire time he was here.

It would be almost completely impossible to be a Brewball apologist and yet a Weber basher, those things can't possibly go hand-in-hand. One of the most controversial things about Brewster was his dealings with Adam Weber.

If you liked Adam Weber, you had to be ecstatic about the way Brewster handled Weber (the starter NO MATTER WHAT).

I couldn't imagine how someone could possibly be a Brewball apologist and not have liked Adam Weber. If you loved everything Brewster did (which I am assuming is what you meant by that), than how could you bash the controversial player that started every single game during his tenure? Do you see how that is completely and utterly illogical?

Do you see how completely and utterly illogical wren is?

The offenisve line could not run block. The running game was non existent. there were too few options.

But, if you want to discredit a fine young man...you will have to do that.

What we had was a coaching problem.

Being drafted or not being drafted by the nfl is totally lacking in relevence.

Why the hell should any high school kid from Minnesota EVER aspire to play qb at the Unviersity of Minnesota? REMEMBER the way fans hated Weber for doing EVERYTHING his incompetent coaches asked him to do. Remember the way that great young man had NO support. Remember...Remember...Remember.

(REMEMBER what it was like to give ALL that you have got for the University of Minnesota Football program during these last four years. NEVER forget that.)

SOME Minnesota fans will TRY to cut your heart out IF they decide to to. But, those that would do that are too incompetent and impotent in their own lives to be able to hurt you in any way, shape or form. They are too busy LOSING the larger battle of life.

But, do you know what??????? Those lowest of the low Gopher bashers can NOT take away from the good stuff that Adam Weber did. Let the bashers rwp (rest without peace). Let 'em rot and stew in their own hatred.

You did GREAT as a face for the program Adam Weber. You were ONE of the bright and shining kids and you became a spokesman for all the great kids on your team suffering through ALL four years of the failed, fired, bought out and discarded brewball era. The administration at the U of M...the ad let all of you kids just hang there for SO long. And, the brewball apologist fans one by one ALL caved in, gave in and most turned on that brewster himself...THAT is what that group of fans that called themselves the "brew crew" did. But even though it was a hard four years...there were a LOT of good things that you kids showed the great majority of the Golden Gopher Fans who ARE reasonable and decent people. People who CAN appreciate the 'battle" and the history and the pagentry of Big Ten Football.

But, some one had to pay for all the pain of the brewball era. And the person who paid the most was Adam Weber.

There ARE some fans out there who realize just what the situation WAS Adam, Never forget that. I can only speak for myself, but, THANK YOU Adam. You stood tall. You are forever held in the highest esteem of this old long time Golden Gopher Fan. You were the lightening rod for the fan's frustration.

I have MANY former Gopher players who wore the Maroon & Gold that I hold in very high regard. None have stood taller and none are held in higher regard in my mind than are you, Adam Weber. You represented All the great young men who battled on during the brewster debacle Your efforts were NOT wasted. Your efforts will be remembered. You and your teammates who battled through the tough times will build the base for this program for many decades to come. Hat's OFF to THEE !!!

A note to young aspiring quarter backs from Minnesota and any where and every where else: Why would you want to spend your career at Minnesota and have to struggle for EVERYTHING, including respect from your own fans????? Just as Adam Weber did, you do your best standing in the face of all those who would scorn you and your efforts because you are a fighter. You will answer the bell. When you are knocked down, you will pick yourself up and get back to the fight. You may hear your critics...but...you NEVER succumb to your crittics and all of their ill will. You will battle not only the other team...but...those who would speak badly of you. You do NOT need anything from anyone out there in the stands. You and your teammates will stand tall together, backs against the wall and give it ALL you have got. NOTHING else matters. Nothing else will remain at the end of the day. Knowing that you have done the very best that you could do each game...each season...during your entire time at the U of M is what will stand with you...travel with you..be with you no matter where life takes you. You can strive to do the best you can. You can stand tall. You can stand with your teammates. None of the doubting fans out there matter. They can NEVER touch you. They can NEVER experience what you have experienced. You have been to the battle, you have survived the battle and you have done well...each in your own way.

And in the end, you will have learned that you NEVER let the ba$tards get you down!!!

; 0 )


Kuato Lives!

Thanks! When it comes to wren a picture is truly worth a 1,000 words.

Cncmin, Go4broke and Bob Loblaw

I bow to your superior pronostication and football knowledge!

While others both pro and con just blabbed at the mouth, you gentalmen had the convictions of your beliefs to agree to my proprosal.

For those who did state their opinion by agreeing with me.....what's wrong with you? Don't you know I'm crazy?

FYI: Like everyone else on the board (I Hope), regardless if Adam makes it on a roster or not. He's still my guy and I'm cheering for him.:clap:

I bow to your superior pronostication and football knowledge!

While others both pro and con just blabbed at the mouth, you gentalmen had the convictions of your beliefs to agree to my proprosal.

For those who did state their opinion by agreeing with me.....what's wrong with you? Don't you know I'm crazy?

FYI: Like everyone else on the board (I Hope), regardless if Adam makes it on a roster or not. He's still my guy and I'm cheering for him.:clap:

I wish I could take the praise, but I don't think I took the challenge :)

But regardless of people going back and forth on the subject, I definitely agree with your "FYI".

Cncmin, Go4broke and Bob Loblaw - I bow to your superior pronostication and football knowledge!

While others both pro and con just blabbed at the mouth, you gentalmen had the convictions of your beliefs to agree to my proprosal.

For those who did state their opinion by agreeing with me.....what's wrong with you? Don't you know I'm crazy?

FYI: Like everyone else on the board (I Hope), regardless if Adam makes it on a roster or not. He's still my guy and I'm cheering for him.:clap:

Thanks, Sportsfan. My opinion about Adam Weber as a Big 10 quarterback and NFL prospect is just one thing. However, much more importantly, I believe Adam is one of the classiest people ever to where a Gopher uniform in any sport. I am absolutely convinced that in the coming years Adam is going to make all Gopher sports fans proud no matter what he ends up doing.

I bow to your superior pronostication and football knowledge!

While others both pro and con just blabbed at the mouth, you gentalmen had the convictions of your beliefs to agree to my proprosal.

For those who did state their opinion by agreeing with me.....what's wrong with you? Don't you know I'm crazy?

FYI: Like everyone else on the board (I Hope), regardless if Adam makes it on a roster or not. He's still my guy and I'm cheering for him.:clap:

Best of luck to Mr. Weber, indeed.

I know how to end

If there was another QB ready to play last season they would have been out there and AW would not have had to play the last 5 games of his senior year with broken ribs that he sustained in the WI game. Brewster only wanted to win, he didn't have any loyalty to a QB, his job was on the line. There was a reason that he played AW. He didn't want to set a younger QB up to fail because they didn't quite have a grasp of the many offenses that were required to be QB the last few years. I just hope that the future QB's never have to go through what Adam did. It takes a whole team to win or lose a game & everyone has to know the playbook.

If there was another QB ready to play last season they would have been out there and AW would not have had to play the last 5 games of his senior year with broken ribs that he sustained in the WI game. Brewster only wanted to win, he didn't have any loyalty to a QB, his job was on the line. There was a reason that he played AW. He didn't want to set a younger QB up to fail because they didn't quite have a grasp of the many offenses that were required to be QB the last few years. I just hope that the future QB's never have to go through what Adam did. It takes a whole team to win or lose a game & everyone has to know the playbook.

That's ridiculous.

Haven't you been paying attention at ALL? Brewster played Weber because of some bizarre love affair he had with AW; it had nothing to do with putting the best QB out there. And on top of that, that man-love was so intense that it continued with Horton trotting Weber out there long after Brewster was gone. Don't kid yourself, the FANS on this board know who was the best QB the last couple years, not some coaching morons who watched both MG and AW practice every day for the last several years.

You obviously haven't been paying attention...

i know how to

Yes, that's right, the fans know better than all the coaches. They have been to all the practices and have more knowledge than any coach. There is too much pressure on MG to live up to all the hopes and dreams you have put into him. What will happen if he doesn't live up to all expectations? What will you do to him? I can't imagine what will be written by all the experts.

Yup, once again, the coaches are infallible. That is why Tim Brewster and Jeff Horton are still coaching here at the University of Minnesota.


Yup, once again, the coaches are infallible. That is why Tim Brewster and Jeff Horton are still coaching here at the University of Minnesota.

And why Jerry Kill is dumbfounded that Gray didn't get more opportunities to be the quarterback in his first two years.

Yup, once again, the coaches are infallible. That is why Tim Brewster and Jeff Horton are still coaching here at the University of Minnesota.

Clearly, the argument insinuated coach infallability and not that the coaches had greater knowledge than the fans.

And why Jerry Kill is dumbfounded that Gray didn't get more opportunities to be the quarterback in his first two years.

Kill has 3-5 years before he is under the same scrutiny. Brewster needed to win now.

Yup, once again, the coaches are infallible. That is why Tim Brewster and Jeff Horton are still coaching here at the University of Minnesota.

If I may use a favorite tactic of yours dpodoll, would you please point out where in the above posts anyone said the coaches are infallible?

I'll be waiting.....

The coaches that couldn't beat South Dakota know best. Fans are wrong. We will see very soon who is better between AW and MG.

The coaches that couldn't beat South Dakota know best. Fans are wrong. We will see very soon who is better between AW and MG.

Gray's future results in no way will prove that he should have started over Weber.

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