Bro - It proves it to me. That's all I'm stating. I don't know how someone so adept at the English language as you proclaim to be, is having such a hard time grasping that kind of statement. It doesn't definitively prove it in a way that nobody can refute, no. We aren't discussing math here, we're talking opinions on football players. The phrase, "in my opinion, this proves" does not mean that I am stating a fact. It means I'm stating an opinion, which is why I began the sentence with "in my opinion". You see, opinions are different than facts. When I started my sentence that way, it was a clue that the statement to follow was based on opinion, and not fact. If I thought it was a fact, I might have started the sentence "it is a fact that..." Nowhere have I represented my beliefs as facts.
I know the ability to play is up to the coach. We are discussing whether coach Brewster made the right decision as to playing time for QBs last year. And we are discussing whether Q's play on the field this upcoming year might indicate that Brewster made the wrong decision last year. I think it might, you think it doesn't and can't. Last season would have gone differently had Q been chosen as the starter, I'm sure you agree, but we don't know what that result would have been. It might have been better, and it might (although I can't fathom how) have been worse. Once we've seen Q play a full season, we will have some more information to base our speculation of how he might have played last year if given the reigns. If Q is all big 10 this year, I think that's good evidence that last year would have gone better. That's not a failure of logic to state that. It's an opinion, and one that could be true or false. You state it doesn't matter, but it does matter. If Nate Triplett had been the starter the previous year instead of Simoni Lawrence, he might have played better. The defense might have been better. You can't state that it wouldn't. So we can debate based on our opinions and based on what little evidence we have. We will never know for sure, but we can speculate, and speculating is part of the fun of sports, message boards, being a fan, etc. That is, it WAS fun, until you injected your superior logic and reasoning skills into this debate and sucked the life out of it.