does NOT address the incredibly BAD form of the people around here who continue to bash the Gopher QB from the last four years. They are displaying what is WORST about college football. So what if they didn't like Adam Weber. He pretty much shoved it right down their nasty throats by continuing to go out there with the game ball blessings of who ever was coaching the team he played on. These same bashers and trashers tried to defend the incompetent football coach and bashed Weber.
Who gives a crap what round the stinking nfl might draft a Gopher QB in????????? The NFL just plain doesn't draft many Gopher QB's. That is a given. What kind of foolish criteria is THAT??????? I really don't think much of your idea because the crux of the matter here is that needless and mindless and spiteful bashing of weber that STILL goes on even after he has graduated, used up all his elegibility and is long gone. THAT is WAY out of line.
These bashers and mobbers just can't seem to stand the fact that Weber holds those records. The fact is that Weber had just as much to do with Decker being successful here as Decker had with Weber being successful. THAT is what teammates DO for each other. There was greater strength and synergy in the two of them being on the field at the same time helping to make each other better and the two just could flat out pitch and catch the ball... It was as though they were on the same wave length. They made it work. BUT, Decker couldn't have done that by himself. Weber got the ball to him and Weber knew enough to get the ball in play so that Decker could make a play on the ball. Together, they really made some things happen.
So, I'd have to say that your solution is a horrible idea 24. What is important about this is that the young man beat back EVERY challenge for four years, stayed healthy enough to keep making ALL of the starts, sometimes even playing hurt. He always answered the call. The COACH called the shots on who played and who did not play. If any of these mobbers and bashers and trashers have a beef, they should bitch, complain, and question the ability of the stinking coach who called all the shots. His name was brewster. Some of these people defended brewster. They trashed Weber and defended brewster. Why the heck bash, trash and bitch about the qb who is in the top 5 in Big Ten history in some catagories and try to defend a coach who got fired midway through the Big Ten season?
Your idea to end this is a horrible cop out. The mobbers, bashers and trashers should leave the U of M graduate alone and go after the guy who coached him for four years. They should crucify that brewster character and just leave their frustrations over the fact than no one managed to make that fired and failed coach play any other qb and sit Weber.
QB's from Minnesota hardly EVER get drafted by the nfl. I know that. We ALL know that. That won't be changing any time soon. Minnesota never really is a passing team.
Minnesota needs to run the ball and stop the run. They will NEVER pass their way anywhere. And, let's hope for a lot of cold, rainy, snowy weather in late October and November. Make TCF Bank Stadium the MOST impacted by weather stadium in the Big Ten. Make teams HATE to come to Minneapolis during the last 6 games of the Big Ten season. (Of course, that ALL depends on Mother Nature...but...since that's what people other places think any way, let's build a team that is weather-proof and can run the ball and stop the run first and always.)
Let any adverse weather that comes along be the Gophers friend and let it build a home field advantage. The heck with passing. It just won't cut it in late October and November OUTSIDE in Minneapolis.
Man and I up? I always man up with my opinions sportsfan24. Your idea is a total non-starter that only a fool would agree to. Thanks...but...NO thanks...