Let's look at some numbers.
Here are some career stats for the top 8 QB's in gopher history (ranked by total passing yards).
Total Yards:
1. Weber 10,917
2. Cupito 7,446
3. Sauter 6,834
4. Asad A-K 6,660
5. M. Fleetwood 5,279
6. Foggie 5,162
7. Hohensee 4,792
8. Schade 3,986
Now - ranked by Yards Per Completion:
1. Foggie 16.6
2. Asad 13.8
3. Cupito 13.0
4. Sauter 12.7
5. Schade 12.4
6. Hohensee 12.2
7. Weber 12.0
8. Fleetwood 11.35
And - ranked by Yards Per Attempt:
1. Foggie 8.2
2. Cupito 8.11
3. Asad 7.86
4. Sauter 7.23
5. Weber 6.84
6. Hohensee 6.6
7. Schade 6.4
8. Fleetwood 6.0
Conclusions - Weber played more games, and has more attempts, completions, yards and TD's.
But, Foggie appears to have been the most efficient QB, ranked #1 in Yards per Comp. and Yards per Att. Asad comes off better than I thought (he also had a TD to INT ratio of 55 to 26). I also thought Hohensee would have ranked higher - my memory playing tricks with me again.
And before Wren pops a blood vessel - this is not an attack on Weber's character. I'm simply trying to place things in perspective, and present some numbers on Gopher QB's to see how they rank in relation to each other. Of course, a more complete analysis would also try to account for the relative strength or weakness of the teams each QB played for, the style of the coach, and so on - but I don't have the time or resources to compile that.