Gophers’ Kevin Dorsey’s phone stolen at MOA, family says

No chance.

Especially since the suspension isn't that bad. The team is eliminated, McBrayer and Mason don't really NEED more reps in a meaningless season (sure they'd help though), it's only 3 games, they are still practicing, gives Murphy the chance to be the best player, gives valuable time to Sharp, Gilbert, Konate, etc. where they have to do more, and the U saves a PR hit and media firestorm regardless if the phone was stolen or not. By next year no one will remember this and all will be forgotten.

It is unfair to the players and the fans watching, but it is still not that bad.

Especially since the suspension isn't that bad. The team is eliminated, McBrayer and Mason don't really NEED more reps in a meaningless season (sure they'd help though), it's only 3 games, they are still practicing, gives Murphy the chance to be the best player, gives valuable time to Sharp, Gilbert, Konate, etc. where they have to do more, and the U saves a PR hit and media firestorm regardless if the phone was stolen or not. By next year no one will remember this and all will be forgotten.

It is unfair to the players and the fans watching, but it is still not that bad.

There is about as much chance of people forgetting about this as there is that Pitino will call it "A team building activity!"

There is about as much chance of people forgetting about this as there is that Pitino will call it "A team building activity!"

In a year? You don't think a new scandal somewhere will take over that? As soon as the Vikings start no one will even remember who Kevin Dorsey is.

In a year? You don't think a new scandal somewhere will take over that? As soon as the Vikings start no one will even remember who Kevin Dorsey is.

So true. Once the Vikings season started and AP went for his first 100 yards, no one was talking about his issues anymore. The Gophers and this scandal are so far down the interest level from the Vikings that this- if it ends without further issues will be soon forgotten.

There is about as much chance of people forgetting about this as there is that Pitino will call it "A team building activity!"

Whole new meaning to the term backcourt. If they all survive this they'll get it from a few opposing student sections next year, but at the end of the day who cares, guys have been reinstated for worse IMO.

what are the chances the university declares the three innocent in terms of posting the video and they are all reinstated right before the B1G 10 tournament?

In a year? You don't think a new scandal somewhere will take over that? As soon as March Madness and Twins season starts no one will even remember who Kevin Dorsey is.


what are the chances the university declares the three innocent in terms of posting the video and they are all reinstated right before the B1G 10 tournament?

Zero. You don't risk a PR issue to give your 8-22 basketball team a better chance of winning a 12/13 Wednesday afternoon match-up against Illinois that very few people care about. There's no risk/reward there. If we were a bubble team, maybe.

And while I feel a bit bad for the guys if this was posted by someone else, they still showed poor judgment and it's a reasonable punishment.

If it turns out that Dorsey's phone really was stolen, then he is a victim in this too. However, that doesn't change the fact that he appears to have been incredibly careless. Here are some things that could have been done to prevent this.

1) Don't record the act in the first place
2) Have higher security measures on your phone
3) Have remote wiping capability
4) Delete your social media after the phone is stolen.
5) Report it to the police as stolen right away

None of these are earth-shattering ideas, and I'm sure that the athletes are warned about this kind of stuff somewhat regularly by the U staff. Just doing one of these things may have prevented this whole thing from occurring, and/or blowing up the way it did. That is why it's so careless, and why his suspension is still warranted. Like it or not, when you're a high profile athlete (or even a celebrity), you have to live your life being much more mindful of securing your property, and in Dorsey's case, you are representing the University so you have a responsibility to not embarrass them.

Unless there is more that is yet to come up, hopefully the suspensions for McBrayer and Mason are reversed, but Dorsey's should be left in place.

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Do you think only virgins should be allowed to play college basketball?
This isn't about having sex. It's about decorum and propriety. He could have recorded himself and others taking a dump, posted it on Twitter and got similar outrage.

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There are a variety of issues in play here, but the most important one, for at least the U of MN and me, is the "were all adults consenting" in the video.

Page 12 and 13 of the Student Athlete handbook deals almost exclusively with the issue of Sexual Harassment. There are numerous examples of what it is and what to avoid. The handbook clearly outlines penalties. And unless the young women in the video consented, there is a serious rule violation here.

So leaving aside all the other issues (phone stolen, who posted, etc), the U of MN is faced with the unwanted task of determine if a very public incident involving student athletes was sexual harassment or consensual sex. Mind you - this would be a whole different issue if the act was not videoed!! Then, the U of MN would only be involved if a complaint was filed (with the U of MN or the police). But because of highly public nature of the video, the U of MN is forced to proactively investigate. (As an aside, I think that Richard was being truthful in thinking that the guys would be cleared and be back for Wisconsin under estimating the time needed to identify and confirm the act was consensual)

After what has gone on recently, you can bet your butt that the U of MN is going to be quite through in investigating and make damn sure they have the right information. Then a final decision will be made on all 3.

first I am not a lawyer. In reviewing the 2014-2015 (couldn't find 2015-2016) handbook the rules are certainly murky as to what these players did here. The handbook is silent as to 'filming, phones and social media.' The statement above "unless the young woman consented, there is a serious rule violation here". I didn't read the handbook at all like that is a 'clear' issue. There is no definition of consent in the handbook. It doesn't say she had to sign a form, and since I didn't see the video I don't know if there were movie credits at the end speaking of consent (humor). Seriously we don't know if she asked them to consent to the 'act' itself-it could have been her idea. The filming maybe a different issue. Handbook does speak examples of prohibited content and the only one I thought may apply was display of sexually demeaning objects or pictures. Aside from the fact that what is sexually demeaning is not further defined in the handbook, the word 'display' is the more germaine word. The law may have to decide what is display (a private video?) and who is the guilty party party committing the display? The party that made the display and lost their phone or the party who stole the phone and displayed the video? Again I am not the lawyer but I would be willing to bet that the next handbook published will elaborate more on definitions of consent, computers, phones and social media.

Just thinking out loud here.

Any chance it was Twitter that took the video down and not Dorsey? Twitter does monitor for explicit content.

first I am not a lawyer. In reviewing the 2014-2015 (couldn't find 2015-2016) handbook the rules are certainly murky as to what these players did here. The handbook is silent as to 'filming, phones and social media.' The statement above "unless the young woman consented, there is a serious rule violation here". I didn't read the handbook at all like that is a 'clear' issue. There is no definition of consent in the handbook. It doesn't say she had to sign a form, and since I didn't see the video I don't know if there were movie credits at the end speaking of consent (humor). Seriously we don't know if she asked them to consent to the 'act' itself-it could have been her idea. The filming maybe a different issue. Handbook does speak examples of prohibited content and the only one I thought may apply was display of sexually demeaning objects or pictures. Aside from the fact that what is sexually demeaning is not further defined in the handbook, the word 'display' is the more germaine word. The law may have to decide what is display (a private video?) and who is the guilty party party committing the display? The party that made the display and lost their phone or the party who stole the phone and displayed the video? Again I am not the lawyer but I would be willing to bet that the next handbook published will elaborate more on definitions of consent, computers, phones and social media.

Not all of this has to be looked at in terms of what's legal and what's not. It's a privilege and not a right to represent the U of M. That privilege may be taken away if the athlete isn't representing the university properly. The legality becomes a hell of a lot more important if someone brings a complaint or decides she wants to press charges. Again, people go through stages in dealing with situations. She might be embarrassed and just wants it all to go away. She might be proud of starring in the video. Also, very possible in thinking about it she might feel she was somehow taken advantage of, duped, victimized, etc. Then she might become angry enough to press charges and it becomes a totally new headache for the U and Pitino. A headache made even worse if they were playing.

If that means they all have to go, I get it.

That's ridiculous. They're 1 and 2 years out of high school. I don't think you realize how many people have sex videos on their phone by that age in this day of technology. Should they? Of course not. But to make an example of a few kids for doing something that so many other kids do, that's just a huge overreaction and I don't think it makes us look any better. How many people are calling for all 3 to be kicked out of school?

Especially since the suspension isn't that bad. The team is eliminated, McBrayer and Mason don't really NEED more reps in a meaningless season (sure they'd help though), it's only 3 games, they are still practicing, gives Murphy the chance to be the best player, gives valuable time to Sharp, Gilbert, Konate, etc. where they have to do more, and the U saves a PR hit and media firestorm regardless if the phone was stolen or not. By next year no one will remember this and all will be forgotten.

It is unfair to the players and the fans watching, but it is still not that bad.

Exactly. Just hope those videos don't start circulating and that those girls don't take legal action.

Just thinking out loud here. Any chance it was Twitter that took the video down and not Dorsey? Twitter does monitor for explicit content.

I wouldn't think so. Twitter usually doesn't do anything for explicit content, including videos. Just check out those porn sites Kurt Rambis was following :)

This isn't about having sex. It's about decorum and propriety. He could have recorded himself and others taking a dump, posted it on Twitter and got similar outrage.

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Exactly! The stupid acts by players on scholarship have greater implications than just stupid acts by the average college student. Many were calling for Pitino's head for something that many others were say was nothing wrong. These players could easily be kicked out of school, lose there scholarships and end there college basketball dreams all because they showed poor judgement. The idea I was stating is nothing new, scholarship players need to keep squeaky clean because their stupid acts can bring down their career, fire a coach or tarnish the university. Sorry if people were offended by the gang bang term, it may have only been a gang of two at a time. Maybe I should have said multiple sex partners simultaneously.

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What are the new rumors kfan is talking about this morning

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I wouldn't think so. Twitter usually doesn't do anything for explicit content, including videos. Just check out those porn sites Kurt Rambis was following :)

True, but that account got shut down a day or so after the Rambis story.

What are the new rumors kfan is talking about this morning

Those idiots would have no clue.

If it turns out that Dorsey's phone really was stolen, then he is a victim in this too. However, that doesn't change the fact that he appears to have been incredibly careless. Here are some things that could have been done to prevent this.

1) Don't record the act in the first place
2) Have higher security measures on your phone
3) Have remote wiping capability
4) Delete your social media after the phone is stolen.
5) Report it to the police as stolen right away

Hindsight is 20/20. I agree that doing any one of these things would prevent the entire situation, but a couple of them are unrealistic.

1) It would be one thing if he was doing something wrong or illegal (assuming she knew she was being recorded), but I guarentee they aren't the only students at the University having sex and then having sex and recording it.
2) I agree, now-a-days I don't know why you wouldn't have security on your phone.
3) How many people have remote wiping capability? I probably do, but don't have a clue how to use it.
4) So as soon as a phone is stolen people should delete their facebook, twitter, instagram? Name one kid, or adult for that matter.
5) I agree, if my phone was stolen I would contact police. Gaard and Barrerio were talking about this yesterday and neither of them thought not calling the police was was that uncommon. They said that neither one of them would first think to call the police.

I still think the players should be suspended even if Dorsey didn't put it on Twitter. I don't think they did anything wrong, but they do represent the University on a much higher scale than any traditional student. A few months ago a student from the U was arrested for raping two girls and my initial thought was that the kid will be locked up and glad he is off campus. A totally legal situation like this and my first thought is 'what is going on with the U's athletic department?!?!?'

If there is talk about new rumors coming from the morning crew of Cove, Hawkey, and Meatsauce, Cove is the only one that "might be" plugged in. He follows basketball, more so the Timberwolves & the NBA, but he likes and knows the game.

Anything coming from a guy called Meatsauce one has to take with a grain of salt, and Hawkey isn't interested in basketball. Hawkey is more the NASCAR, road-racing, dirt bike type of sports fan. I don't think he has a clue about any sport, really. Seems like a good guy but is mostly a Vikings cheerleader.

If Gaardsy starts saying there's some new information coming, then I'll pay attention. He's plugged into Gopher sports for obvious reasons, so I don't think he would take it lightly because of his association with the U of M.

3) How many people have remote wiping capability? I probably do, but don't have a clue how to use it.
4) So as soon as a phone is stolen people should delete their facebook, twitter, instagram? Name one kid, or adult for that matter.

When you setup an iPhone, it asks you to turn on 'Find my iPhone' and I don't know of many if any people who don't turn this on. As long as that's turned on, you can lock and wipe your phone remotely. Don't know how? It's a very easy google search that leads to you the Apple forum explaining exactly how.

If you don't have this feature turned on, you could still call the carrier and have them shut down the call/text/data plan. This would prevent anyone from being able to post from the phone. They could still access the videos, but would need the user name and password from the Twitter account on the phone, and sign on on a different machine to post the video to Twitter. Most times the password is hidden, so this is difficult to do if the plan is shut down.

As for deleting the social media accounts? You don't have to do that. You just have to change the passwords.

None of these things are difficult or rocket science, and Dorsey had two days from the phone allegedly being stolen to do any one of these things. There's still a lot to this story that just doesn't add up.

An unreliable source (friend who has friend at KFAN) said the rumor is one of the video participants was under 18; which we may or may have not have already known.

An unreliable source (friend who has friend at KFAN) said the rumor is one of the video participants was under 18; which we may or may have not have already known.

Even if true - nothing to suggest so yet - would it matter that much? Quick google search

Regardless of the age of the perpetrator, it is always statutory rape in Minnesota if the victim is under the age of 13. If the person under the age of consent is between 13 and 16 years old, they can legally consent to sex with someone that is less than 48 months (4 years) older than them.

An unreliable source (friend who has friend at KFAN) said the rumor is one of the video participants was under 18; which we may or may have not have already known.

That would not be a good development, if there is such a thing.

Ruh roh, Shaggy.

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