Gophers’ Kevin Dorsey’s phone stolen at MOA, family says

Even if true - nothing to suggest so yet - would it matter? Quick google search

Regardless of the age of the perpetrator, it is always statutory rape in Minnesota if the victim is under the age of 13. If the person under the age of consent is between 13 and 16 years old, they can legally consent to sex with someone that is less than 48 months (4 years) older than them.

Maybe, but I'm guessing there's some pretty big issues if the event is recorded/photographed.

Even if true - nothing to suggest so yet - would it matter that much? Quick google search

Regardless of the age of the perpetrator, it is always statutory rape in Minnesota if the victim is under the age of 13. If the person under the age of consent is between 13 and 16 years old, they can legally consent to sex with someone that is less than 48 months (4 years) older than them.

That's quite a law! By the time he did the math on that, a guy would be flaccid.

Maybe, but I'm guessing there's some pretty big issues if the event is recorded/photographed.

Even if true - nothing to suggest so yet - would it matter that much? Quick google search

Regardless of the age of the perpetrator, it is always statutory rape in Minnesota if the victim is under the age of 13. If the person under the age of consent is between 13 and 16 years old, they can legally consent to sex with someone that is less than 48 months (4 years) older than them.

An unreliable source (friend who has friend at KFAN) said the rumor is one of the video participants was under 18; which we may or may have not have already known.
Folks, IF one of the participants is under the age of majority, 18, filming it constitutes the making of child pornography and having it on your phone constitutes possession of child pornography at the Federal level.

The Federal Child Pornography Guide can be found here.

Arguing whether or not Dorsey posted it on Twitter could be only arguing about whether or not he distributed child pornography, when he may be guilty of making and possessing it as well.

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To answer an earlier post:

I'm not buying Dorsey's story about the stolen phone because I don't believe in coincidences. Dorsey records a sex video on his phone. The video becomes public. then, after the video become public, Dorsey says his phone was stolen. If he had reported the stolen phone immediately, that is an entirely different matter. But, reporting it after the video became public just reeks of an attempt to establish an alibi. "Oh, yeah - some dude stole my phone and posted the video on my twitter account."

Think about it - you have a sex video on your phone. the phone is stolen. If I was in that situation, I would be going nuts and trying every possible method to A. find the phone B. make sure no one could access the video. As others with more technical expertise have posted, Dorsey had avenues he could have explored to render the phone useless to a thief.

I could be wrong - but it doesn't pass the smell test to me. And I've been reading police reports for my job for 30+ years. I've seen people trot out every excuse known to man to try and get out of a jam.

To answer an earlier post:

I'm not buying Dorsey's story about the stolen phone because I don't believe in coincidences. Dorsey records a sex video on his phone. The video becomes public. then, after the video become public, Dorsey says his phone was stolen. If he had reported the stolen phone immediately, that is an entirely different matter. But, reporting it after the video became public just reeks of an attempt to establish an alibi. "Oh, yeah - some dude stole my phone and posted the video on my twitter account."

Think about it - you have a sex video on your phone. the phone is stolen. If I was in that situation, I would be going nuts and trying every possible method to A. find the phone B. make sure no one could access the video. As others with more technical expertise have posted, Dorsey had avenues he could have explored to render the phone useless to a thief.

I could be wrong - but it doesn't pass the smell test to me. And I've been reading police reports for my job for 30+ years. I've seen people trot out every excuse known to man to try and get out of a jam.

I would feel the same if the Bloomington officer hadn't said there's video of the phone being stolen. I see no reason for the officer to lie and I don't think that's something he would have said if it wasn't reasonably clear that it was Dorsey's phone being stolen.

I would feel the same if the Bloomington officer hadn't said there's video of the phone being stolen. I see no reason for the officer to lie and I don't think that's something he would have said if it wasn't reasonably clear that it was Dorsey's phone being stolen.

Teague nabbed it.

I would feel the same if the Bloomington officer hadn't said there's video of the phone being stolen. I see no reason for the officer to lie and I don't think that's something he would have said if it wasn't reasonably clear that it was Dorsey's phone being stolen.

Maybe Dorsey stole A phone and reported that the phone that was stolen was him. The officer views the video that Dorsey implies was his phone being stolen by a 3rd party, however, what you cannot make on in the video is that Dorsey stole someone elses phone thus creating the best alibi ever.

We keep calling this kid stupid, but maybe he's just in on the long con.....

Maybe Dorsey stole A phone and reported that the phone that was stolen was him. The officer views the video that Dorsey implies was his phone being stolen by a 3rd party, however, what you cannot make on in the video is that Dorsey stole someone elses phone thus creating the best alibi ever.

We keep calling this kid stupid, but maybe he's just in on the long con.....

Search the Grassy Knoll!!

To answer an earlier post:

I'm not buying Dorsey's story about the stolen phone because I don't believe in coincidences. Dorsey records a sex video on his phone. The video becomes public. then, after the video become public, Dorsey says his phone was stolen. If he had reported the stolen phone immediately, that is an entirely different matter. But, reporting it after the video became public just reeks of an attempt to establish an alibi. "Oh, yeah - some dude stole my phone and posted the video on my twitter account."

Think about it - you have a sex video on your phone. the phone is stolen. If I was in that situation, I would be going nuts and trying every possible method to A. find the phone B. make sure no one could access the video. As others with more technical expertise have posted, Dorsey had avenues he could have explored to render the phone useless to a thief.

I could be wrong - but it doesn't pass the smell test to me. And I've been reading police reports for my job for 30+ years. I've seen people trot out every excuse known to man to try and get out of a jam.

I'm curious why you and some other posters have ignored the fact that a police officer said there is video evidence of the phone being stolen before the videos were uploaded. Do you not believe the officer or is video evidence simply not good enough proof? I'm confused.

I'm curious why you and some other posters have ignored the fact that a police officer said there is video evidence of the phone being stolen before the videos were uploaded. Do you not believe the officer or is video evidence simply not good enough proof? I'm confused.

I don't believe in any reporting in this town unless it comes from GopherHole which originally broke the story.

The school and law enforcement may be scouring his phone and any connected cloud accounts to dispel any underage rumors/concerns. Welcome to adulthood, Dorsey.

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To answer an earlier post:

I'm not buying Dorsey's story about the stolen phone because I don't believe in coincidences. Dorsey records a sex video on his phone. The video becomes public. then, after the video become public, Dorsey says his phone was stolen. If he had reported the stolen phone immediately, that is an entirely different matter. But, reporting it after the video became public just reeks of an attempt to establish an alibi. "Oh, yeah - some dude stole my phone and posted the video on my twitter account."

Think about it - you have a sex video on your phone. the phone is stolen. If I was in that situation, I would be going nuts and trying every possible method to A. find the phone B. make sure no one could access the video. As others with more technical expertise have posted, Dorsey had avenues he could have explored to render the phone useless to a thief.

I could be wrong - but it doesn't pass the smell test to me. And I've been reading police reports for my job for 30+ years. I've seen people trot out every excuse known to man to try and get out of a jam.

Statistics have shown that most people do not report it to the police when their phone is stolen. Maybe he thought he had done everything to make sure no one could access the video. Then when the video was posted, he wanted to get the police involved.

Probably unlikely but I guess it is possible.


3) How many people have remote wiping capability? I probably do, but don't have a clue how to use it.


Ugh. I had a bout of the "Mexican flu" and was waiting for people to legitimately answer this question as a potential solution to my problem. Then I realized it was an iPhone technology thing and got all disappointed.

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I'm curious why you and some other posters have ignored the fact that a police officer said there is video evidence of the phone being stolen before the videos were uploaded. Do you not believe the officer or is video evidence simply not good enough proof? I'm confused.

I don't know if we (the posters on Gopherhole) have enough information to know that his phone was stolen or not. I know Mike Hartley is not a liar, but I'm not sure he definitely said the phone was is what is in the Star Tribune from yesterday:

"Bloomington Deputy Police Chief Mike Hartley emphasized Thursday that his department is dealing solely with a report of a missing phone and not trying to determine what role, if any, the phone had in the recording of the sex act or the posting of that video on social media.

On Sunday, Dorsey told police the phone was stolen the night of Feb. 24 after he set it down while in House of Hoops, an athletic shoe store at the mall, Hartley said. The video appeared online on Feb. 26.

“Somebody walks up and takes” the phone between 7 and 9 p.m., Hartley said Dorsey reported. Hartley said he does not know why Dorsey waited until Feb. 28 before contacting police.

Hartley said there is in-store video during that time frame, and “we are following up” on what it might show."

That statement doesn't say Mike Hartley said the phone was stolen...he just said Dorsey reported it as stolen and that there was video from the store. Whatever this video shows, I'll believe...but right now, I don't think we know enough about it. Honestly, I don't care if Dorsey comes back to the team or not. If he does, I hope he has learned from this and he can stay out of trouble the next three years and graduate from the U. I'm not trying to rip him...but it was reported he was suspended earlier this year, so whatever Pitino and Dorsey decide is fine with me.

The video to me showed very poor judgement, but I can forgive a 19 yo kid on showing poor judgement. The only way I wouldn't want him back, is if he is lying about the phone being stolen to try to cover up what happened. For me, lying about the phone being stolen would be worse than actually posting the video. I'm not saying he is lying....I hope he is telling the truth.

Okay, Dorsey reports the phone as stolen on Feb 28. He says the phone was stolen on Feb 24.

When did Dorsey notify his cell phone provider (Verizon, Sprint, ATT, T-Mobile, etc...) so he could get a new phone? My first reaction, if my phone was stolen, would be to immediately call my provider.

Track down the record of when Dorsey made that call and you very likely know if he's lying or telling the truth.

Okay, Dorsey reports the phone as stolen on Feb 28. He says the phone was stolen on Feb 24.

When did Dorsey notify his cell phone provider (Verizon, Sprint, ATT, T-Mobile, etc...) so he could get a new phone? My first reaction, if my phone was stolen, would be to immediately call my provider.

Track down the record of when Dorsey made that call and you very likely know if he's lying or telling the truth.

All of that is speculation. We don't know if the phone was stolen or if Dorsey reported his phone stolen to his provider or not. It will all come out...and if it turns out Dorsey is lying about his phone being stolen and is trying to cover it up, I see him being dismissed. If not, I hope he comes back. For me, lying about it and trying cover his tracks is worse than the video coming out....and I think the video showed very poor judgement...but I can forgive using poor judgement. Showing bad character...

Ethos, you are right. It will all come out in the end, which is why the three amegos are rightfully suspended from playing basketball.

This whole fiasco just made recruiting high character players an awful lot harder. Can you imagine how this will be used against us by other teams when they sit down with parents? How many parents are going to say, "I am thrilled to send my son to a school where his teammates are involved in group sex!"???
What has happened is truly the example of a clusterf&€k!

Can you imagine how this will be used against us by other teams when they sit down with parents? How many parents are going to say, "I am thrilled to send my son to a school where his teammates are involved in group sex!"???
What has happened is truly the example of a clusterf&€k!

I don't deny that it will be used against us, but as others on here have said, this type of thing happens on every college campus in the country. If parents of recruits choose to turn a blind eye to that, then whatever.

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This sort of stuff happens at every major city high school in the country. Especially with top 150 athletes.

I have a few questions:

It was reported here and I believe it is a rule by Pitino not to post on Twitter or other similar sites duration no the season. Is that actually true?

If that is true has Dorsey been posting things during the season anyway in defiance of coaches rule?

If that is a rule and Dorsey hasn't been posting things all season I find it hard to believe he would then turn around and post videos of himself and two team mates having sex.

I didn't really believe the lost phone deal at first but I thought it was reported there was a video showing the phone being taken.

I don't deny that it will be used against us, but as others on here have said, this type of thing happens on every college campus in the country. If parents of recruits choose to turn a blind eye to that, then whatever.

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Parents want to believe their children will be surrounded by upstanding young citizens. Reality is not what they want to hear.
It doesn't matter if stuff like this is happening at other schools. It matters that our school is openly exposed as morally questionable. Richard will need to do everything in his power to change that perception. For future recruitment, Dorsey may have to be sent away as an example to new recruit families that the U does not condone group sex and video taping sex acts. We can argue whether the world should have a live and let live attitude, but reality is, the world is judgmental and this event is bad for PR and marketing the men's basketball program and the University of Minnesota.

"Hartley said there is video evidence of the phone being taken from a Mall of America store." - Taken from the OP and is the 3rd paragraph of the link in the OP.

If you are going to continue believing Dorsey is not telling the truth, can you also explain why you don't believe the police are being honest about it too? I do hope whoever posted the vids are made accountable for it and the trio (and the girls involved) learn from this and adjust their lifestyles accordingly.

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