Gophers’ Kevin Dorsey’s phone stolen at MOA, family says

The primary reason I don't believe this is because he's probably the only guy with an iPhone 6 that doesn't use the fingerprint sensor.

It's possible but seems a little far fetched. Best thing Dorseys can do is just be quiet and hope Pitino gives him another chance. The more I think about it the more I think the suspensions for the season was a very good idea. Give it some time, decide if another chance is appropriate ,map out what is expected from the players and go from there.

Right, so having sex is not breaking the law, and according to Dorsey, he didn't post the video. So what did the players do to deserve to be suspended?

You can't be so f***ing obtuse that you actually believe this? Ya, take Dorsey's word for it. There is no set date where the woman can't decide to press charges--doesn't matter if it's legit or not--and the U has continued to let the players play. Does it remotely occur to you maybe Dorsey isn't telling the truth and how the U would take an even bigger hit?

As for what they did to deserve to be suspended? Read the damn Athletic Code of Conduct. States right away having a scholarship and being on a team is a privilege and not a right. If you don't follow the U's and team rules you face all sorts of possibilities from suspension to expulsion. You don't know what the specific rules. Guessing Pitino didn't tell them directly don't participate in making what apparently would pass for graphic porno film and then be stupid or irresponsible enough so the public sees it. I'll bet though they've been warned and counseled enough about the dangers of sexual situations and social media though. They didn't listen and have embarrassed the U and the U going to protect itself or do damage control first and foremost. Reputation and public perception is important to public institutions, believe it or not, you deep thinker.

Some unbelievable posts by what I assume are people with at least a partial college education and yet who keep acting like 12 and 13 year olds making excuses and whiny that it's not fair. Still don't know whether or not they should be allowed back. Hope at least two of them are but certainly recognize all 3 might be gone and there will be legitimate reasons for it.

OMG - terrorists stole Kevin Dorsey's phone!

And the dog ate my homework.

Not buying it.

There's a quote from the Bloomington police chief saying that there is video evidence of the phone being taken. If that is indeed hard evidence that Dorsey didn't post the video, and we assume the police chief isn't lying on Dorsey's behalf, then I'm not sure what there is to "not buy."

You can't be so f***ing obtuse that you actually believe this? Ya, take Dorsey's word for it. There is no set date where the woman can't decide to press charges--doesn't matter if it's legit or not--and the U has continued to let the players play. Does it remotely occur to you maybe Dorsey isn't telling the truth and how the U would take an even bigger hit? As for what they did to deserve to be suspended? Read the damn Athletic Code of Conduct. States right away having a scholarship and being on a team is a privilege and not a right. If you don't follow the U's and team rules you face all sorts of possibilities from suspension to expulsion. You don't know what the specific rules. Guessing Pitino didn't tell them directly don't participate in making what apparently would pass for graphic porno film and then be stupid or irresponsible enough so the public sees it. I'll bet though they've been warned and counseled enough about the dangers of sexual situations and social media though. They didn't listen and have embarrassed the U and the U going to protect itself or do damage control first and foremost. Reputation and public perception is important to public institutions, believe it or not, you deep thinker. Some unbelievable posts by what I assume are people with at least a partial college education and yet who keep acting like 12 and 13 year olds making excuses and whiny that it's not fair. Still don't know whether or not they should be allowed back. Hope at least two of them are but certainly recognize all 3 might be gone and there will be legitimate reasons for it.

Except the police said it could have been stolen too ...

You can't be so f***ing obtuse that you actually believe this?

Let me make a more moderate comment because I have actually expected this. People lose phones all the time, and people steal phones all the time.

This isn't exactly good news, people, and is likely the reason that the three absolutely could not play tonight.
Bad enough to have a video like this on line for 30 minutes. But if the video is in your phone and in your hands/pocket you have at least some control over it.
If it exists you and have NO control over it, well, thats a big problem isn't it. Because who knows when and where it might show up again.

You can't be so f***ing obtuse that you actually believe this? Ya, take Dorsey's word for it. There is no set date where the woman can't decide to press charges--doesn't matter if it's legit or not--and the U has continued to let the players play. Does it remotely occur to you maybe Dorsey isn't telling the truth and how the U would take an even bigger hit?

As for what they did to deserve to be suspended? Read the damn Athletic Code of Conduct. States right away having a scholarship and being on a team is a privilege and not a right. If you don't follow the U's and team rules you face all sorts of possibilities from suspension to expulsion. You don't know what the specific rules. Guessing Pitino didn't tell them directly don't participate in making what apparently would pass for graphic porno film and then be stupid or irresponsible enough so the public sees it. I'll bet though they've been warned and counseled enough about the dangers of sexual situations and social media though. They didn't listen and have embarrassed the U and the U going to protect itself or do damage control first and foremost. Reputation and public perception is important to public institutions, believe it or not, you deep thinker.

Some unbelievable posts by what I assume are people with at least a partial college education and yet who keep acting like 12 and 13 year olds making excuses and whiny that it's not fair. Still don't know whether or not they should be allowed back. Hope at least two of them are but certainly recognize all 3 might be gone and there will be legitimate reasons for it.

Apparently you were too obtuse to read my previous posts which stated I didn't believe the phone was stolen, and that Dorsey was using this excuse to save face in case anything legally came at him in the future. If the university believed the phone was stolen, these players shouldn't have been suspended because they didn't do anything wrong.

Apparently you were too obtuse to read my previous posts which stated I didn't believe the phone was stolen, and that Dorsey was using this excuse to save face in case anything legally came at him in the future. If the university believed the phone was stolen, these players shouldn't have been suspended because they didn't do anything wrong.
I'm actually surprised people don't believe this. If someone stole/found my phone they could post anything in it to Facebook or twitter. That makes the most sense as to why it was up for a short period of time. Some who knows Dorsey saw it and he changed his password. This is more plausible then randomly posting and then thinking, 'wait, maybe not'

Did everyone consent to the video? That needed to be checked out. So we could guess that that was checked out and therefore Pitino says he anticipated them playing. But knowing that the videos are out there is someone's hands who could repost them...the University protected themselves.

Honest question: is it legal to simply record sex without consent - with zero intent of distributing?

I'm not a believer that it was stolen, still...BUT, if it was stolen, could it still be illegal to have filmed just with a crappy way of actually getting caught? (running under the assumption that the women did not consent to taping)

If the police really do have video evidence of the phone being stolen, that's a big deal, imo. This is not to say that they don't deserve some real discipline because of this, they do. It's a much different deal though than if Dorsey himself posted the videos/made the comments.

It's really an interesting topic. My .02: If Dorsey posted those tweets, then he needs to go, but Mason & Dupree can stay after serving their suspensions. They are on a short leash. If however, Dorsey's phone was stolen, Dorsey can stay too. He's on a shorter leash. I could also understand it if they all got sent packing. It seems wise for the U to act in zero tolerance mode for any type of sexual misconduct right now. If that means they all have to go, I get it. Wrong place, wrong time. Blame Teague, Ellis, the Brookhaven Trio and Mitch Lee. Regardless, they brought this on themselves and they have given the University a real black eye at a time when we can not afford another black eye. That's the bottom line, the national media is talking about Minnesota and sex tapes, regardless of who posted it.

I'm assuming that the video is a store video that shows someone picking up the phone and walking away with it at the MOA. Dorsey reported on Sunday that it had been stolen on Wednesday, the police checked the video's from the location it was reported stolen from for last Wednesday and sure enough there is video of the phone being taken.

If that is the case it is time to start getting IP addresses from Twitter for all postings regarding Dorsey's account. One way or another there should be a trail of what happened.

If the police really do have video evidence of the phone being stolen, that's a big deal, imo. This is not to say that they don't deserve some real discipline because of this, they do. It's a much different deal though than if Dorsey himself posted the videos/made the comments.

It's really an interesting topic. My .02: If Dorsey posted those tweets, then he needs to go, but Mason & Dupree can stay after serving their suspensions. They are on a short leash. If however, Dorsey's phone was stolen, Dorsey can stay too. He's on a shorter leash. I could also understand it if they all got sent packing. It seems wise for the U to act in zero tolerance mode for any type of sexual misconduct right now. If that means they all have to go, I get it. Wrong place, wrong time. Blame Teague, Ellis, the Brookhaven Trio and Mitch Lee. Regardless, they brought this on themselves and they have given the University a real black eye at a time when we can not afford another black eye. That's the bottom line, the national media is talking about Minnesota and sex tapes, regardless of who posted it.

So the thought police are out, regardless of any wrong doing, if I don't agree with what you did then it is wrong, who defines right and wrong, I really don't like the idea of the University pouring into anyone's private life, student athlete or just a student, it is none of their business, if Dorsey did not post the video he did nothing wrong.

Some are dense enough not to put a pin/passcode.

I admit I'm one of the 34%. I guess I don't have anything valuable enough on it to want to have to type a pin in 20 times a day. Always figured if it's lost you just have it killed ASAP. But I'm probably naive about it.

Apparently you were too obtuse to read my previous posts which stated I didn't believe the phone was stolen, and that Dorsey was using this excuse to save face in case anything legally came at him in the future. If the university believed the phone was stolen, these players shouldn't have been suspended because they didn't do anything wrong.

It's possible both things could be true. Dorsey did post this but his phone was also stolen. The odds of a random thief knowing it was Dorsey's phone and posting the video on purpose are still pretty remote.

For symbolic purposes I'm just waiting for it to come out that Royce White stole Dorsey's phone at the MOA.

It's possible both things could be true. Dorsey did post this but his phone was also stolen. The odds of a random thief knowing it was Dorsey's phone and posting the video on purpose are still pretty remote.

The person doesn't need to know it was dorsey's phone to post it, in fact its likely the person didn't even know who's phone it was, he just saw the videos, and thought it would be funny to open the twitter app on the phone which is already logged into Dorsey's account and post it.

So the thought police are out, regardless of any wrong doing, if I don't agree with what you did then it is wrong, who defines right and wrong, I really don't like the idea of the University pouring into anyone's private life, student athlete or just a student, it is none of their business, if Dorsey did not post the video he did nothing wrong.


Pitino could file a game protest against his employers and the NCAA forcing a Wiscnsin rematch to be played before the BT tournament:)

The person doesn't need to know it was dorsey's phone to post it, in fact its likely the person didn't even know who's phone it was, he just saw the videos, and thought it would be funny to open the twitter app on the phone which is already logged into Dorsey's account and post it.

I'm sure the person would know Dorsey was a Gopher basketball player. There's probably all sorts of pictures on there with him in his game jersey and U gear.

Please stop saying that they did nothing wrong if the video had never been posted. Like it or not, they represent the U and coach Pitino and are held to different standards. They need to keep their noses clean and stay clear of situations that can embarrass them and the U. They need to use better judgement just like Mason's and Coffey's dads are saying. Consensual sex is not illegal, but video taping a gang bang is not good judgement. Kinda like riding along in a car as your friends do stupid things. You need to know how to stay out of trouble. You have too much on the line to get talked into something stupid.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Carriers can't do that. All they can do is blacklist the IMEI which would prevent the phone from accessing a cellular network but wouldn't disable Wi-Fi. If a carrier could wipe a cell phone at any time, it would be on the nightly news alongside this Apple story.

Dorsey himself could have remotely erased it if he had Find My iPhone set up, which is not necessarily unlikely. It's usually something that you would have to specifically disable.

All that being said, it is a big mistake to not use a passcode. It is a bigger mistake to not use a passcode when you have explicit content on your phone. It is a supremely big mistake to not have a passcode when you are a Big Ten Athlete with explicit content on your phone.

It's also a big mistake to leave it lying around!

Was this before or after the dog ate his homework?

Please stop saying that they did nothing wrong if the video had never been posted. Like it or not, they represent the U and coach Pitino and are held to different standards. They need to keep their noses clean and stay clear of situations that can embarrass them and the U. They need to use better judgement just like Mason's and Coffey's dads are saying. Consensual sex is not illegal, but video taping a gang bang is not good judgement. Kinda like riding along in a car as your friends do stupid things. You need to know how to stay out of trouble. You have too much on the line to get talked into something stupid.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Really? We now know it was a 'gang bang?' We know what these different standards are? The standards include a (once) private video tape? I don't know the UM standards you speak of, but if the UM doesn't own the phone....meanwile across America, thousands of NCAA athletes are at this very minute getting their phones scrubbed.

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