Gophers’ Kevin Dorsey’s phone stolen at MOA, family says

Really? We now know it was a 'gang bang?' We know what these different standards are? The standards include a (once) private video tape? I don't know the UM standards you speak of, but if the UM doesn't own the phone....meanwile across America, thousands of NCAA athletes are at this very minute getting their phones scrubbed.

My thoughts exactly. You know there are a few athletes at other schools somewhere around the country that just got a wake up call from this incident. Ours were just dumb enough to get caught

I notice the board is oddly quiet this morning. Do I hear a at least partially collective (there;s never full agreement here on anything), "Oh sh!t..."

Part of the problem with a message board is the difficulty of being wrong. And in print. Its hard to let the story you've scripted in your mind go, isn't it. I'm fine with changing 'my opinion' if the police offer more facts that counter their initial statement that they have the theft on video. The main reason some people don't believe an obviously believable explanation is that it takes the air out of the froth they've created in their heads.

The primary reason I don't believe this is because he's probably the only guy with an iPhone 6 that doesn't use the fingerprint sensor.

I don't use it. But I have nothing to hide either.

I posted an article earlier that says 34% of smartphone owners do not set up any kind of code or security for their phone.

This is why so many security measures and apps are put into place by Apple. If you have a pin, you are safe. **** like this should not be on your phone anyways, and most phones these days have private mode in which to store things like this so even if your phone is unlocked, certain content is unavailable

for those still wondering why they were suspended even if Dorsey didn't post the video...... They still did the act and by itself is enough to suspend them(some of us still have morals). the fact that they video taped it and posted it, well, is just plain stupid.

They still did the act and by itself is enough to suspend them(some of us still have morals).

Yes. We should suspend all athletes who engage in any sexual contact that's not post-marital, heterosexual, and missionary position. Get a clue.

The sexual act is not what got them suspended. The fact they recorded it and it leaked got the suspension. That is it. They were not responsible. That is it.

And please stop saying this was a "gang-bang". This was not even close. They were doing the same thing half the hockey team was doing when I was in school 15 years ago. This is nothing new. The only thing new is Dorsey was dumb enough to record it.

My point moral judgement.
I'm sure every college holds the athletes to a high moral standard. And what they did was wrong in the eyes of the U. And me for that matter.

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Has nothing to do with getting clues :)

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I don't use it. But I have nothing to hide either.

I posted an article earlier that says 34% of smartphone owners do not set up any kind of code or security for their phone.

I also have nothing to hide on my phone. But that doesn't mean I want to share everything. If my phone was stolen, I wouldn't want the thief to be able to send inappropriate texts or emails to all my friends/coworkers.

So the thought police are out, regardless of any wrong doing, if I don't agree with what you did then it is wrong, who defines right and wrong, I really don't like the idea of the University pouring into anyone's private life, student athlete or just a student, it is none of their business, if Dorsey did not post the video he did nothing wrong.
If this development is accurate, then the only things Dorsey did wrong were: 1) Not keeping better track of his phone. 2) Not acting faster to get it disabled.

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I also have nothing to hide on my phone. But that doesn't mean I want to share everything. If my phone was stolen, I wouldn't want the thief to be able to send inappropriate texts or emails to all my friends/coworkers.

Oh, I agree. I guess I've just never thought about it because there really isn't anything on my phone. I'll probably set something up now though.

If this development is accurate, then the only things Dorsey did wrong were: 1) Not keeping better track of his phone. 2) Not acting faster to get it disabled.

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I would add recording it to begin with. Generally it is not a smart thing to do if you don't want it to be made public.

God I hope we don't start suspending kids for being stupid....

I hope your boss doesn't suspend you guys for being stupid either.

We're all ****ed.

There are a variety of issues in play here, but the most important one, for at least the U of MN and me, is the "were all adults consenting" in the video.

Page 12 and 13 of the Student Athlete handbook deals almost exclusively with the issue of Sexual Harassment. There are numerous examples of what it is and what to avoid. The handbook clearly outlines penalties. And unless the young women in the video consented, there is a serious rule violation here.

So leaving aside all the other issues (phone stolen, who posted, etc), the U of MN is faced with the unwanted task of determine if a very public incident involving student athletes was sexual harassment or consensual sex. Mind you - this would be a whole different issue if the act was not videoed!! Then, the U of MN would only be involved if a complaint was filed (with the U of MN or the police). But because of highly public nature of the video, the U of MN is forced to proactively investigate. (As an aside, I think that Richard was being truthful in thinking that the guys would be cleared and be back for Wisconsin under estimating the time needed to identify and confirm the act was consensual)

After what has gone on recently, you can bet your butt that the U of MN is going to be quite through in investigating and make damn sure they have the right information. Then a final decision will be made on all 3.


I would add recording it to begin with. Generally it is not a smart thing to do if you don't want it to be made public.
Yeah, but at my age I can see that now, whereas my younger self probably would not have grasped that. I get keeping track of andc dealing with my stuff even as an undergrad.

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The sexual act is not what got them suspended. The fact they recorded it and it leaked got the suspension. That is it. They were not responsible. That is it.

And please stop saying this was a "gang-bang". This was not even close. They were doing the same thing half the hockey team was doing when I was in school 15 years ago. This is nothing new. The only thing new is Dorsey was dumb enough to record it.

I find it funny that the term gang-bang seems to set people off. There is a level of semantics that I missing as to why this word makes people so squirrely.That said, bang- on (no pun intended) on the hockey call. This kind of behaviour is relatively common in high-level hockey circles and has been for years.

PS The most insane thing I have read is that people have I-phones and don't use the fingerprint sensor. That is nuts. The sensor is the best feature on the phone.

Right, so having sex is not breaking the law, and according to Dorsey, he didn't post the video. So what did the players do to deserve to be suspended?

So who got the FBI proof password to unlock his phone and send it?

There are a variety of issues in play here, but the most important one, for at least the U of MN and me, is the "were all adults consenting" in the video.

Page 12 and 13 of the Student Athlete handbook deals almost exclusively with the issue of Sexual Harassment. There are numerous examples of what it is and what to avoid. The handbook clearly outlines penalties. And unless the young women in the video consented, there is a serious rule violation here.

So leaving aside all the other issues (phone stolen, who posted, etc), the U of MN is faced with the unwanted task of determine if a very public incident involving student athletes was sexual harassment or consensual sex. Mind you - this would be a whole different issue if the act was not videoed!! Then, the U of MN would only be involved if a complaint was filed (with the U of MN or the police). But because of highly public nature of the video, the U of MN is forced to proactively investigate. (As an aside, I think that Richard was being truthful in thinking that the guys would be cleared and be back for Wisconsin under estimating the time needed to identify and confirm the act was consensual)

After what has gone on recently, you can bet your butt that the U of MN is going to be quite through in investigating and make damn sure they have the right information. Then a final decision will be made on all 3.

Good post. Also, if the twitter account is disabled but not the phone, I'm sure they do not want to run the risk of the players reinstated and having the 'highlights' resurface during the tournament. It has to be for the rest of the year or the U looks irresponsible. 'Fair' or not.

Kevin Dorsey Sr. would do his son a world of good if he had the find iphone app and could delete it. But the person with the phone is probably saavy enough to figure out how to disable this feature.

It's a sad state of affairs for all involved and the least affected of all is us fans. I'm sure the three of them feel terrible and have learned a valuable life lesson.

It said in the article it was an iphone 6. Unless I imagined that.

for those still wondering why they were suspended even if Dorsey didn't post the video...... They still did the act and by itself is enough to suspend them(some of us still have morals). the fact that they video taped it and posted it, well, is just plain stupid.

Do you think only virgins should be allowed to play college basketball?


No, it said iPhone 6 if you read the article.

I'm not surprised that some people don't have their phone locked. But are there people who turn off Find my iPhone? It's a no brainer to have that turned on in case your phone is lost or stolen. If it's stolen, you can immediately lock your phone remotely.

If it turns out that Dorsey's phone really was stolen, then he is a victim in this too. However, that doesn't change the fact that he appears to have been incredibly careless. Here are some things that could have been done to prevent this.

1) Don't record the act in the first place
2) Have higher security measures on your phone
3) Have remote wiping capability
4) Delete your social media after the phone is stolen.
5) Report it to the police as stolen right away

None of these are earth-shattering ideas, and I'm sure that the athletes are warned about this kind of stuff somewhat regularly by the U staff. Just doing one of these things may have prevented this whole thing from occurring, and/or blowing up the way it did. That is why it's so careless, and why his suspension is still warranted. Like it or not, when you're a high profile athlete (or even a celebrity), you have to live your life being much more mindful of securing your property, and in Dorsey's case, you are representing the University so you have a responsibility to not embarrass them.

Unless there is more that is yet to come up, hopefully the suspensions for McBrayer and Mason are reversed, but Dorsey's should be left in place.

If it turns out that Dorsey's phone really was stolen, then he is a victim in this too. However, that doesn't change the fact that he appears to have been incredibly careless. Here are some things that could have been done to prevent this.

1) Don't record the act in the first place
2) Have higher security measures on your phone
3) Have remote wiping capability
4) Delete your social media after the phone is stolen.
5) Report it to the police as stolen right away

None of these are earth-shattering ideas, and I'm sure that the athletes are warned about this kind of stuff somewhat regularly by the U staff. Just doing one of these things may have prevented this whole thing from occurring, and/or blowing up the way it did. That is why it's so careless, and why his suspension is still warranted. Like it or not, when you're a high profile athlete (or even a celebrity), you have to live your life being much more mindful of securing your property, and in Dorsey's case, you are representing the University so you have a responsibility to not embarrass them.

Unless there is more that is yet to come up, hopefully the suspensions for McBrayer and Mason are reversed, but Dorsey's should be left in place.

In light of this new development, does anyone think there is a chance of some kind of reversal lets say before the big 10 tournament. Or, would you think the decision was made on the suspensions even with this information maybe already having been presented to Goetz/Pitino behind closed doors? Just curious what others think?

In light of this new development, does anyone think there is a chance of some kind of reversal lets say before the big 10 tournament. Or, would you think the decision was made on the suspensions even with this information maybe already having been presented to Goetz/Pitino behind closed doors? Just curious what others think?

I don't really see this as a new development. It was reported stolen on Sunday and then their suspensions were lengthened on Tuesday. The U never said what they were being suspended for in the first place.

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