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  1. T

    Does DTA work with all Gopher teams,

    Curious as I see a number of football players stating their recommitment (still very weird to me) and their partnership with DinkyTownAthletes. Do BB have the same opportunities or does DTA just work with the football team.
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    Bama Basketball Player Charged with Capital Murder What is wrong with people.
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    I'm not one of those who wring their hands over Fleck not giving injury info, but was wondering if anyone close to the program had any info on the injuries to Athan, Cody and Green.
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    Derek Plante

    Know this isn't Gopher specific but Sandelin's #1 assistant, Derek Plante, just took an assistant coaching job with the Blackhawks. Next day his youngest son, Max, commits to UMD anyway joing brother Zam (I think his name is). Hard to replace an assistant this close to the start of a season...
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    Summer Practice

    Do they have any open practices for media or fans during the current sessions?
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    Spring Practice

    When does spring practice start?
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    Early Signing Period Event

    Does anyone know if Fleck and company are having a signing day event Wednesday?
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    If i never see the Wildcat again, it will be too soon

    Not sure if Kirk had some secret sauce to the Wildcat, but it truly sucks under Sanford.
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    We have a kicker!

    50 yarder. Easy peasy.
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    Press Conference at 11:00 CDT

    Will be interesting to watch and see what gets asked. Think there will be any word on assisstants?
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    Mark Pavelich Passed Away

    I know this is not necessarily Gopher related, but Pav died at his psychiatric treatment facility sometime yesterday or today. Great player, bit of a loner, suffered from CTE, (according to his sister). He and Herbie developed a heck of a relationship starting with that Miracle on Ice team...
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    Blue Bloods Down

    Question for those more knowledgeable than I. Kentucky, Duke, MSU, Kansas and North Carolina are all down to some degree this year. Some more than others (looking at you Calipari). Question is, why so many this year. Is Covid a reason? If so, why? Natural cycle of things? Just an odd...
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    Best College Shooter

    I've seen a lot of bad shooting last few years and Gophers have been ugly at times, especially on the road. It started me thing about the best college shooters I've ever seen. Dating myself, but think it was Rick Mount of Purdue for me. It was 50 some years ago so maybe my memory only recalls...
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    Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas 🎄 you ol Gopher Hole people (with a nod to George Bailey).
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    Official Signing Day Thread

    Let's Go!!
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    Fleck seems unusually quiet

    Does PJ seem unusually quiet to you. Not much on Twitter, pretty subdued on season startup, don't see him all over BTN. New PJ or does he know he's got a pretty good team and keeping it under wraps?
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    We win the toss. Then what.

    If we win the toss, do we take the ball or defer? Sounds like the wind will not be a big factor so basing decision on end of the field is probably not important. Personally, I take the ball and hope to run a long, time consuming TD drive to set the tone. Thoughts?
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    Casey O'Brien piece on Gameday

    Hope everyone got to see the terrific piece on Casey that just aired on Game day. Really well done. Can't wait to see him get a chance to get on the field some day soon.
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    # of Scholarships

    What are your thoughts on reducing the # of scholarships to 10 or 12? Would it spread more talent around or just make the bottom feeders worse by reducing depth. You could still roster 13 but some would be walk-ons or you could split scholarships like in some other sports. I know there are...

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