Trevor Mbakwe handcuffed and detained last night

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Rosemountian, I really used to enjoy and admire your posts from the past, but imo your attacks on GopherLady are uncalled for.

I suggest you run downtown, find a hooker who MIGHT let you have at her, and get rid of your pent up anger.

Lay off GL.

If you really want to call that an attack than you are a little too sensitive.
I usually like Gopherlady, but I do believe on this one she is very wrong.

Why do you have to bring your wife into this? :D

I don't think that understand that when you are so closely affiliated with a website, there is no discernible difference between what you most on the message board portion of the website and the "news" portion of the website.

I have generally disagreed with FTB on everything since I joined this board...but on this issue...I gotta agree. You can't prance around the blogosphere, be on radio casts and write articles that are treated as news and then, when the mood suits you, just say that this time, I was just a regular poster....can't work that way if you expect to have any credibility.

Gopherlady needs to own her responsibility as a journalist...she is not merely a poster when she feels like it.

That said...I thought her story on Trevor being cuffed and stuffed was fairly written...but had she waited a few minutes and gotten some confirmation before writing it so she didn't have to change it 20 minutes later...that would have been fine. Or do what Doogie does, which is tweet and post a teaser and then the full story when he knows more (I hate that I have to give that dink any credit for anything...but he does operate with integrity on this issue).

Language is not black and white. And you know that. Handcuffed and detained has plenty of negative connotations. If he was handcuffed, questioned, and then went on his way.....why say "handcuffed and detained?"
Why not say "handcuffed and questioned?"

Why? Because she is looking for hits. Really simple. Really pathetic.

If it is so pathetic then why did you click on it and contribute to the hits. GL writes because she loves gopher athletics, she isn't doing it for the hits. It isn't as if this is a pay site that GL is profiting from to justify trying to get hits.

I have generally disagreed with FTB on everything since I joined this board...but on this issue...I gotta agree. You can't prance around the blogosphere, be on radio casts and write articles that are treated as news and then, when the mood suits you, just say that this time, I was just a regular poster....can't work that way if you expect to have any credibility.

Gopherlady needs to own her responsibility as a journalist...she is not merely a poster when she feels like it.

That said...I thought her story on Trevor being cuffed and stuffed was fairly written...but had she waited a few minutes and gotten some confirmation before writing it so she didn't have to change it 20 minutes later...that would have been fine. Or do what Doogie does, which is tweet and post a teaser and then the full story when he knows more (I hate that I have to give that dink any credit for anything...but he does operate with integrity on this issue).

I clearly shouldn't type with an english muffin in my hand. Spelling errors and typos...eesh.

Gopher Lady, Keep up the Great work!

There are many postes on this board who don't have any concept of social media . Please do not feel the need to defend yourself for your posts or tweets.
You are a young person gaining a lot of valuable experience dealing with the broad spectrum that encompasses mass communications today. Some of those people criticizing you would have criticized radio reporting verses print media had they been alive during that era. They refuse to understand the evolution of Social media. Stick to your Guns Girl and keep up the GREAT work! Do not waste your energy with the negative posters.

If it is so pathetic then why did you click on it and contribute to the hits. GL writes because she loves gopher athletics, she isn't doing it for the hits. It isn't as if this is a pay site that GL is profiting from to justify trying to get hits.
Because I wanted to find out what the story was?

Gopher Lady, Keep up the Great work!

There are many postes on this board who don't have any concept of social media . Please do not feel the need to defend yourself for your posts or tweets.
You are a young person gaining a lot of valuable experience dealing with the broad spectrum that encompasses mass communications today. Some of those people criticizing you would have criticized radio reporting verses print media had they been alive during that era. They refuse to understand the evolution of Social media. Stick to your Guns Girl and keep up the GREAT work! Do not waste your energy with the negative posters.

Did you really just rip on "the negative posters?"

Pot meet kettle

ad revenue and lots and lots of donations. No one knows if she profits or not.

ad revenue and lots and lots of donations. No one knows if she profits or not.

Your jealousy is really shining through. I am amazed you are allowed to promote your pathetic blog on another site. I know I wouldn't let you, no matter how insignificant it is.

Sorry dude, but he was detained.
Not necessarily. Every time I've been in handcuffs, the police have given me the option of taking off the handcuffs as I see fit and skipping merrily along rather than staying where they want me to and answering their questions.

I am not trying to stir the pot by any means but I was at Blarney last night and they were all there with Blake also and people would just not leave them alone. Most students were going up and just making friends with the players. I left around 1:30 so I'm not sure what happened after that. I will say it was pretty rowdy there. And yes they are college students and deserve to enjoy a night every once and awhile, however, they need to not get so messed up in doing so. Like I said I have no intention on stirring the pot or throwing anyone under the bus just telling you what I saw.

players are held responsible for their actions yet fans seem to think they are entitled to be jerks. Not saying Trevor is right, but get real.

This Thread is why I read Gopher Hole

Thanks to all of the posters on this thread. This was very entertaining to read and in the end Trevor was not charged or arrested. This is what social media is all about.

I was at plenty of parties in college where the police questioned people. It means nothing.
This issue and the issue in Florida are both officially off the books, like they never really happened.

As far as I am concerned the only thing Trevor has officially ever done wrong is tweet an old girlfriend with a restraining order. As supporters of this program we need to support our players and we should begin with Trevor.

Thanks to all of the posters on this thread. This was very entertaining to read and in the end Trevor was not charged or arrested. This is what social media is all about.

I was at plenty of parties in college where the police questioned people. It means nothing.
This issue and the issue in Florida are both officially off the books, like they never really happened.

Regarding the 'early morning incident' being discussed in this thread, your understanding is different than mine.

The real issue here is that all of the local media looks to Gopherhole as their source of information instead of going out and doing the damn due diligence themselves that they get PAID to do.

I mean, you may as well just start calling Myron and Marcus filtered pieces of information from GH. There's a reason I have this site bookmarked and not Myron and Marcus's pages.

And I'm sure GopherLady could give a rat's ass about getting a few more clicks on the "" banner on the top of the page.

Also, Rosemountian is pro-trolling this whole board pretty hard. Good work broseph.

I have generally disagreed with FTB on everything since I joined this board...but on this issue...I gotta agree. You can't prance around the blogosphere, be on radio casts and write articles that are treated as news and then, when the mood suits you, just say that this time, I was just a regular poster....can't work that way if you expect to have any credibility.

Gopherlady needs to own her responsibility as a journalist...she is not merely a poster when she feels like it.

Nothing much to add to this as GopherinPhilly hit it right on the proverbial button. FTB's smugness and self-promotion is over the top but that doesn't change the fact that he, Rose and Philly have the correct take on this. If that post was made by Doogie, the collective board would be calling for his castration. GopherLady rocks but she got this one wrong...

Language is not black and white. And you know that. Handcuffed and detained has plenty of negative connotations. If he was handcuffed, questioned, and then went on his way.....why say "handcuffed and detained?"
Why not say "handcuffed and questioned?"

Why? Because she is looking for hits. Really simple. Really pathetic.

Rosemountain, if they handcuff you and question you then you've been detained (at the very least). You can be released following a detainment. If you aren't released then you've been arrested. Using an accurate description of an event is not trolling for hits. GL or anyone else reporting the story shouldn't have to change their accurate use of language just because someone reading it might get the wrong idea. They aren't in charge of the vocabulary and intelligence of the people who read their stuff.

Rosemountain, if they handcuff you and question you then you've been detained (at the very least). You can be released following a detainment. If you aren't released then you've been arrested. Using an accurate description of an event is not trolling for hits. GL or anyone else reporting the story shouldn't have to change their accurate use of language just because someone reading it might get the wrong idea. They aren't in charge of the vocabulary and intelligence of the people who read their stuff.

Didn't say they were. I did say that I strongly disagreed about whether she should have wrote what she wrote. I am entitled to my opinion, am I not?

Feel free to disagree with me.

If the police released TM at the parking lot with his car, he likely did not appear intoxicated. If he was handcuffed and questioned, someone likely made a complaint. If he was released after the questioning there likely did not appear to be much to the complaint.

It would appear to be much made of nothing. There have been many negative assumptions made in ITT about TM and this incident. That is unfortunate that he is guilty until proven innocent. Each of us would expect better treatment.

Time will tell. Until then try to be fair.

Regarding the 'early morning incident' being discussed in this thread, your understanding is different than mine.

You also made a bunch of comments during the Facebook restraining order incident about how your money was on TM never playing for the Gophers again....

I am not trying to call you out but do you just have a vendetta against this guy or what? If you have inside info then okay, but maybe at some point you should share otherwise it looks silly when you make these ominous statements that are later proven incorrect.

I don't want Trevor back--here's a guy who terrorized/stalked a former girlfriend so she got restraining order, then a Miami woman gets beaten up and says Trevor is 100% the guy who did it and Trevor skips town and after numerous delays, Trevor agrees to deal in which he promises to stay away from woman, get counseling and do community service and now this reported incident where Trevor loses his temper and kicks car door. Trevor has anger/violence issues and needs help and I don't want him representing the U. I don't get why so many on this board ragged on Royce for what he did and yet have given a virtual free pass to Trevor for what I consider more serious bad conduct.

I don't want Trevor back--here's a guy who terrorized/stalked a former girlfriend so she got restraining order, then a Miami woman gets beaten up and says Trevor is 100% the guy who did it and Trevor skips town and after numerous delays, Trevor agrees to deal in which he promises to stay away from woman, get counseling and do community service and now this reported incident where Trevor loses his temper and kicks car door. Trevor has anger/violence issues and needs help and I don't want him representing the U. I don't get why so many on this board ragged on Royce for what he did and yet have given a virtual free pass to Trevor for what I consider more serious bad conduct.

Very good points.

You also made a bunch of comments during the Facebook restraining order incident about how your money was on TM never playing for the Gophers again....

I am not trying to call you out but do you just have a vendetta against this guy or what? If you have inside info then okay, but maybe at some point you should share otherwise it looks silly when you make these ominous statements that are later proven incorrect.

Your memory isn't serving you very well. The reality is that I was the only one telling people it was a harassment restraining order, which most certainly was not proven incorrect. Here is a link to refresh your memory.

In addition, what I said is:

I've had some knowledge of the history of this thing for quite sometime, but have left it alone in the past and will continue to leave it alone in a public forum.

I would just offer a different opinion than it seems most have -- that is, it appears the early take on this is that there will be little or no impact on Mbakwe's playing time and this is just a case of a guy being kind on Facebook.

Not saying I think it's the most likely outcome, but there is a real chance we've seen the last of Mbakwe in a Gophers uniform. I think we'll know very soon - another tough one for the staff and administration to deal with.

That's a far cry from 'my money was on TM never playing for the Gophers again" and I was not proven wrong on anything. As to your vendetta question -- of course not. I hope he has a great year at the U in 2011-12 and goes on to do great things professionally.

I don't want Trevor back--here's a guy who terrorized/stalked a former girlfriend so she got restraining order, then a Miami woman gets beaten up and says Trevor is 100% the guy who did it and Trevor skips town and after numerous delays, Trevor agrees to deal in which he promises to stay away from woman, get counseling and do community service and now this reported incident where Trevor loses his temper and kicks car door. Trevor has anger/violence issues and needs help and I don't want him representing the U. I don't get why so many on this board ragged on Royce for what he did and yet have given a virtual free pass to Trevor for what I consider more serious bad conduct.

First of all. You don't know the specifics of the restraining order from his girlfriend, so its foolish to leap to the conclusion that he was terrorizing or stalking her. Its not very hard to get a restraining order at all, and she could have lied or embellished stories in order to get one over on Trevor. Obviously relationships are complicated and for you to jump in and say that he terroized and stalked her isn't right. You don't know what happened.

On the Miami situation. It looks bad that he skipped town, but once again you don't know the specifics. The legal system ran its lengthy process and he was basically cleared.

I'm not saying he's a model citizen, but he's hardly the demon you're making him out to be and when you jump to conclusions like that it makes you sound like an a$s.

Thanks for posting this Gopher Lady. I haven't been on here long, but I signed up to find out as much as I can about Gopher athletics good or bad.

I am glad to find out it looks like it was a minor incident with Trevor. I do wonder if this helps push him out the door here though.

I don't think there is any way Tubby will ask him to leave over this, but TM may decide he has had his fill of college life and is ready to move on to play for pay.

Didn't say they were. I did say that I strongly disagreed about whether she should have wrote what she wrote. I am entitled to my opinion, am I not?

Feel free to disagree with me.

You are and I will. But it's rather silly to quibble over the language chosen when it also happens to be accurate.

Your memory isn't serving you very well. The reality is that I was the only one telling people it was a harassment restraining order, which most certainly was not proven incorrect. Here is a link to refresh your memory.

In addition, what I said is:

That's a far cry from 'my money was on TM never playing for the Gophers again" and I was not proven wrong on anything. As to your vendetta question -- of course not. I hope he has a great year at the U in 2011-12 and goes on to do great things professionally.


"If I was forced to bet how this will turn out, I'd put my money on him never playing again for Minnesota."

I would say that qualifies as your money on TM never playing for the gophers again? Please do YOUR research and try to remember what YOU posted before ripping on my memory. Thanks.

This was in addition to other cryptic comments about how other posters "misunderstood" what happened or "understanding of the facts" being all messed up. You made it sound like you have some supreme knowledge/info....obviously you didn't. That is what made me wonder if you had some sort of vendetta against TM. If you say you don't, fine I believe you, but why all the strange comments then?

"Bring me the phone white girl"

Wasnt that the gist of what TM said during the phone call?


Rodney - isnt he a dad? Shouldnt he be somewhere else at 2:40 AM???

Looks like there is no control over the members of this team.


"If I was forced to bet how this will turn out, I'd put my money on him never playing again for Minnesota."

I would say that qualifies as your money on TM never playing for the gophers again? Please do YOUR research and try to remember what YOU posted before ripping on my memory. Thanks.

This was in addition to other cryptic comments about how other posters "misunderstood" what happened or "understanding of the facts" being all messed up. You made it sound like you have some supreme knowledge/info....obviously you didn't. That is what made me wonder if you had some sort of vendetta against TM. If you say you don't, fine I believe you, but why all the strange comments then?

Buddy, that doesn't work either - if I had only said, "I would put money on him never playing again" that would be one thing - didn't happen. I said if I was forced to bet... not that my money was on. The meaning there was simply that if I had to predict how the administration would respond, based on my knowledge of some things (i.e., the "supreme knowledge/info" stuff that I haven't shared) and the bizarreness of the U's choices in the past, it was a toss up such that I wouldn't want to bet on it, but if forced to I would go with him not playing again. Huge difference from 'putting my money on him never playing again'. If you need some clarification in the future, just send me a PM.

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