Trevor Mbakwe handcuffed and detained last night

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Rationalize any way you want. I don't see that as a "huge difference". Maybe you do. I will let the direct quotes posted speak for themselves. I think others have questioned whether you have "knowledge of some things" or not, and I was wondering as well. Since other people had seemed to wonder before I thought it was appropriate to post on a relevant thread rather than sending a PM. I used direct quotes from you to ask a question.

No need to get defensive, I was just curious. It appears the answer to my question is that as a fan you want Mbakwe to play, you have no inside information regarding the decisions inside the bball program/admin, and you think that based on past decisions they might not have let him play anymore after the last incident. Feel free to correct anything I said that was incorrect.

Rationalize any way you want. I don't see that as a "huge difference". Maybe you do. I will let the direct quotes posted speak for themselves. I think others have questioned whether you have "knowledge of some things" or not, and I was wondering as well. Since other people had seemed to wonder before I thought it was appropriate to post on a relevant thread rather than sending a PM. I used direct quotes from you to ask a question.

No need to get defensive, I was just curious. It appears the answer to my question is that as a fan you want Mbakwe to play, you have no inside information regarding the decisions inside the bball program/admin, and you think that based on past decisions they might not have let him play anymore after the last incident. Feel free to correct anything I said that was incorrect.

I think you have the vendetta.. against me! Hah... I'm OK with you thinking what you want to, I've gotta get back to my "precious Marquette" game.

You are and I will. But it's rather silly to quibble over the language chosen when it also happens to be accurate.

You are entitled to your opinion.

It amazes me how personal people take comments on a message board.
In my opinion, to report a nothing as a something is embarrassing considering who it is coming from. You don't have to get all upset.

He could be charged, then that would be a real story. I talked to a U of M cop this afternoon who was there last night, said TM ran after kicking the car and was chased by police. Also that the divers of the Volvo waited for the police and want to press charges. From what I heard, they (car occupents) were really riding the MN players about a bad season, not that that excuses the behavior...

Sounds like the kids were being pricks and he kicked their car, I don't have much of a problem with it. Sure he should have kept his cool but at least he didn't snap and beat the crap out of them like a lot of people would have done. Then he'd be in some serious trouble.

Wasnt that the gist of what TM said during the phone call?


Rodney - isnt he a dad? Shouldnt he be somewhere else at 2:40 AM???

Looks like there is no control over the members of this team.

nm ... although you seem very offended by Trevor's "White Girl" comment, personally don't find it that attacking.

Also, Trevor is a dad as well ... should he not be at a bar (and he is 21)?

Not sure if Rodney was in the bar or not at 19 (if he wasn't he did nothing illegal) and maybe the mother was watching his child? I am sure your wife has never watched the kids so you could spend some time with your friends, right?

Is Tubby supposed to have a curfew for everyone and not allow Trevor Al and Blake to perform the legal act of entering a bar?

The double standard and scrutiny some give these players is terrible.

Lastly, what does Trevor's "White Girl" comment have to do with this at all? Were the students harassing him "white girls"?

I am guessing that in college you were in bed every night by 9:30 and awake by 6:00 to study hard huh?

Are you a dad? Have you ever been to the bar before in your life or gone out with your friends?

Should Tubby be giving them a curfew every night? Are local bars only allowed to be frequented by students who don't play sports?

Who knew being 21 at a bar made you a poor parent and a poor person.

Some people are so jealous of college basketball players they just spew nonsense. Maybe if Trevor cures cancer you will forgive a "white girl" comment? Stop trying to judge 22 year olds because "back in your day" you had to get up to change the TV channel.

This is a board to discuss Gopher Sports, if you want to discuss the morality of going to a bar when you have a child or using the phrase "white girl" or attack the character of certain Gophers players please take it to a different forum.

Rodney is not 21, he's 19.

Sounds like the kids were being pricks and he kicked their car, I don't have much of a problem with it. Sure he should have kept his cool but at least he didn't snap and beat the crap out of them like a lot of people would have done. Then he'd be in some serious trouble.

Remember that when you do something that pisses someone else off and they destroy your property. Don't complain and just simply accept it. I wonder if your opinion would have been different if the players smashing the car played for the badger. I suspect not.

If someone says something you do not like, you can either respond citing facts that destroys their argument and if they have a winning argument you concede or leave. Condoning the destruction of another's property because you do not like what someone says is extremely immature and promotes criminal activity.

You are entitled to your opinion.

It amazes me how personal people take comments on a message board.
In my opinion, to report a nothing as a something is embarrassing considering who it is coming from. You don't have to get all upset.

I'm not upset. I think you missed what I was being critical of though. If he was handcuffed and questioned then he was detained (it would have been detainment without the handcuffs too really). Being critical of calling it that instead of calling it questioning (which is the sole thing I was responding too) is just silly.

I'm inclined to agree with the "wait before posting" mindset. But that has no bearing on the fact that if Trevor was held and questioned then he was detained. That part really isn't opinion.

Remember that when you do something that pisses someone else off and they destroy your property. Don't complain and just simply accept it. I wonder if your opinion would have been different if the players smashing the car played for the badger. I suspect not.

If someone says something you do not like, you can either respond citing facts that destroys their argument and if they have a winning argument you concede or leave. Condoning the destruction of another's property because you do not like what someone says is extremely immature and promotes criminal activity.

Won't argue with you. Especially when you are a "campus celebrity" you need to be extra careful.

At the same time, people (students) need to realize that just because they are athletes doesn't mean you can taunt them and be rude. I don't taunt kids I see from class that I know I got better grades than.

Next time, I hope Trevor just tells the bar security about the kids and gets them kicked out. Poor choice by Trevor to kick the car, but the kids who were taunting them and starting fights are no better, probably worse. Takes a pretty insecure person to have to talk trash to guys that are 100 times better at basketball than they will ever be. Especially when it is guys like Trevor, Blake, and Al. Three of the best players the Gophers have had in awhile.

I said he should have kept his cool, not GO TREVOR!!!! Of course he shouldn't have kicked their car, but in the grand scheme of things I don't see why its that big of a deal.

Sorry for partying. These are college kids, I hope you realize.


Its too bad the UMN can't be respectful of its own players as they are trying to enjoy a night out together. Last I checked being in the bar at 21, drinking alcohol when over the age of 21, and being outside of a bar as it closes are not illegal.


Its too bad the UMN can't be respectful of its own players as they are trying to enjoy a night out together. Last I checked being in the bar at 21, drinking alcohol when over the age of 21, and being outside of a bar as it closes are not illegal.

Again, Rodney Williams is 19. I personally don't care, but that's what people are upset about.


Its too bad the UMN can't be respectful of its own players as they are trying to enjoy a night out together. Last I checked being in the bar at 21, drinking alcohol when over the age of 21, and being outside of a bar as it closes are not illegal.

Well technically he's not 21, but who cares.

Again, Rodney Williams is 19. I personally don't care, but that's what people are upset about.

Ah didn't realize that lol my mistake!

Not excusing it, but it does happen all the time that people drink underage at bars. However, maybe not the brightest idea for Rodney to be there. Can get in some trouble for that one. (That is actually illegal if he were in the bar, drinking, and was allowed in. Can't argue that one.)

Anyone know if he was actually in the bar or just outside of it at close?

When did they change the law can enter the Bar at can't be outside of the bar at 19.

First of all. You don't know the specifics of the restraining order from his girlfriend, so its foolish to leap to the conclusion that he was terrorizing or stalking her. Its not very hard to get a restraining order at all, and she could have lied or embellished stories in order to get one over on Trevor. Obviously relationships are complicated and for you to jump in and say that he terroized and stalked her isn't right. You don't know what happened.

On the Miami situation. It looks bad that he skipped town, but once again you don't know the specifics. The legal system ran its lengthy process and he was basically cleared.

I'm not saying he's a model citizen, but he's hardly the demon you're making him out to be and when you jump to conclusions like that it makes you sound like an a$s.

Basically Cleared?? Don't be so naive. He made a deal with the prosecutor. That doesn't suggest innocence to me. Further, these other bad acts that are being brought to light only seem to make it more likely that Trevor attacked the Miami woman.

That doesn't suggest innocence to me.

That's funny, because it suggests innocence to the court, to Mbakwe himself, to official police records, to the police officers, ect....but if you say he is guilty...I am going to have to ignore what the government says and go with you. :cool02:

Basically Cleared?? Don't be so naive. He made a deal with the prosecutor. That doesn't suggest innocence to me. Further, these other bad acts that are being brought to light only seem to make it more likely that Trevor attacked the Miami woman.

The law doesn't care what it suggests to you. He is innocent and the pretrial diversion program he entered doesn't say otherwise.

The law doesn't care what it suggests to you. He is innocent and the pretrial diversion program he entered doesn't say otherwise.

Just like OJ, right?

I'm not trying to imply that Mbakwe is guilty of anything, but simply saying that because he wasn't convicted of anything automatically makes him innocent is naive. They are not mutually exclusive.

I'm not trying to imply that Mbakwe is guilty of anything, but simply saying that because he wasn't convicted of anything automatically makes him innocent is naive. They are not mutually exclusive.

Actually innocent and guilty are mutually exclusive. Do you have some preponderance of evidence that makes him guilty? Why did you not share that with the DA?

He shouldn't be kicking cars or sending messages to girls he shares a no-contact order with, but using every minor mistake to justify the suggestion that he is a felon belongs on the Purdue board, not here.

Actually innocent and guilty are mutually exclusive. Do you have some preponderance of evidence that makes him guilty? Why did you not share that with the DA?

In case you missed it, I mentioned that I was not trying to say Mbakwe was guilty. My point was simply hypothetical.

And while innocence and guilt are mutually exclusive in the eyes of the law, this exclusivity does not extend beyond the courts. To prove my point: someone wrongfully convicted of a crime that they truly did not commit. They are both guilty (law) and innocent (reality), hence the two are not mutually exclusive.

Just like OJ, right?

Um, with OJ they had enough evidence for a trial and it was that evidence that made it clear to most folks that he was guilty. With Trevor they had no case which is why the DA never brought it to trial. So yea, they're exactly the same.

Um, with OJ they had enough evidence for a trial and it was that evidence that made it clear to most folks that he was guilty. With Trevor they had no case which is why the DA never brought it to trial. So yea, they're exactly the same.

Once again, my assertion had nothing to do with Mbakwe's innocence or guilt. It instead was directed at your statement that "law doesn't care what it suggests to you" and the idea that if an individual is legally cleared of wrong doing they should automatically be regarded as innocent.

Once again, my assertion had nothing to do with Mbakwe's innocence or guilt. It instead was directed at your statement that "law doesn't care what it suggests to you" and the idea that if an individual is legally cleared of wrong doing they should automatically be regarded as innocent.

Fair enough. Just felt the OJ comparison was a pretty silly one given the major differences in actual proof (I know it was an example but if you can't make your point without an inaccurate comparison then you should probably rethink your line of thought or take more time to come up with a better comparison).

Wow... after reading this thread makes me wonder if I was the only person actually watching the NCAA basketball games on Sunday.

1. Seems GopherLady got it right (with extra details/background). Lot of posters owe her an apology.

2. Last time I checked, it wasn't illegal to enter a bar if you are under 21 only illegal to drink the alcoholic beverages. Campus bar owners/workers know the majority of its potential patrons are under 21--go figure.

3. More issue is being made about Trevor's response to what probably was one of MANY ugly "drunk" UMN student/bar patron badgering incidents--there really needs to be a thread at the beginning of each season that lists a "Code of Conduct" for sports fans both inside and outside the sports arena.

4. But for the fact that Trevor is a high-profile athlete, that exchange would most likely have NEVER happened because those harassers would have had the fear of being decked and stomped to help monitor their behavior.

Not condoning kicking cars, but let's be real about why these punks had the "courage" to taunt four well-muscled guys all in excess of 6 feet tall (two over 6'7"). Probably got drunk enough to forget they were no longer on some anonymous fan site--another hazard of internet blogging/comments--and knew the Gopher players had more to lose than they did.

That's why college athletes need to be paid a salary in addition to their scholarship--it's a job.

Trevor's diversion program was NOT an admission of guilt.

Its VERY easy for you to sit back and say all these things negatively toward Trevor. But until you've seen the side of the accused, you really can't speak on it. You are the naive one for only listening to one side of the story. I knew a kid in college who was accused of physical assault and rape by a chick at a party. It got very serious. A lot of people jumped to conclusions and shunned this guy, lots of sh*# talked and accusations on his character. Myself included, I definitely looked at him differently and wondered about it. He was a pariah. Turned out he was completely cleared by surveillance tape of him at a gas station when this incident was said to have happened. It was just a crazy chick with an agenda and a score to settle.

Wow... after reading this thread makes me wonder if I was the only person actually watching the NCAA basketball games on Sunday.

1. Seems GopherLady got it right (with extra details/background). Lot of posters owe her an apology.

2. Last time I checked, it wasn't illegal to enter a bar if you are under 21 only illegal to drink the alcoholic beverages. Campus bar owners/workers know the majority of its potential patrons are under 21--go figure.

3. More issue is being made about Trevor's response to what probably was one of MANY ugly "drunk" UMN student/bar patron badgering incidents--there really needs to be a thread at the beginning of each season that lists a "Code of Conduct" for sports fans both inside and outside the sports arena.

4. But for the fact that Trevor is a high-profile athlete, that exchange would most likely have NEVER happened because those harassers would have had the fear of being decked and stomped to help monitor their behavior.

Not condoning kicking cars, but let's be real about why these punks had the "courage" to taunt four well-muscled guys all in excess of 6 feet tall (two over 6'7"). Probably got drunk enough to forget they were no longer on some anonymous fan site--another hazard of internet blogging/comments--and knew the Gopher players had more to lose than they did.

That's why college athletes need to be paid a salary in addition to their scholarship--it's a job.

1) Why would anyone owe her an apology? I simply don't think reporting on non-arrests is any of her or our business. If some random poster wants to talk about it that is fine, but as someone who is a member of the media I hold them to a higher standard. That is my opinion, and I am entitled to it. She did a disservice to this kid who did nothing wrong (legally) in this case.

2) I am pretty sure you are not supposed to enter bars if you are under the age of 21 after a certain hour, but I could be mistaken.

Like I've said many times before, lets call this site what it is, a board to promote Becky and Hogeye trolls. Ultimately, this site hurts Gopher sports, it doesn't promote them.

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