Trevor Mbakwe handcuffed and detained last night

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2) I am pretty sure you are not supposed to enter bars if you are under the age of 21 after a certain hour, but I could be mistaken.

Depends on how The Library gets classified but I would think you're right. I believe there is an exemption in MN that allows minors into bars that get a certain % of their sales via food. But as you say, I think most bars/restaurants that fit this description start checking ID's at a certain hour (say, after 9pm) and don't allow minors in at that point. That's how all the Madison bar/restaurants do it and somehow I doubt that Madison bars are going to be less permissive than Minneapolis bars.

1) Why would anyone owe her an apology? I simply don't think reporting on non-arrests is any of her or our business. If some random poster wants to talk about it that is fine, but as someone who is a member of the media I hold them to a higher standard. That is my opinion, and I am entitled to it. She did a disservice to this kid who did nothing wrong (legally) in this case.

2) I am pretty sure you are not supposed to enter bars if you are under the age of 21 after a certain hour, but I could be mistaken.

Underage Consumption

It is a crime in Minnesota for any person under the age of 21 to consume alcoholic beverages. There is an exception, however, if an individual under 21 consumes an alcoholic beverage in their parent or guardian’s home with their consent.

Minnesota's drinking age law prohibits a person who is under the age of 21 from:

* Consuming alcohol without parental permission and supervision;
* Purchasing or attempting to purchase alcohol;
* Possessing alcohol with intent to consume;
* Entering a liquor store or bar for the purpose of purchasing or consuming alcohol;
* or Misrepresenting one’s age for the purpose of purchasing alcohol.

A violation of the underage drinking laws constitute a misdemeanor, but does not result in suspension of the driver’s license unless the person has used a driver’s license, Minnesota ID card, or any type of false identification to purchase or attempt to purchase alcohol (90 days suspension).

The above statute does not state it is illegal to enter a bar if you are under the age of 21 however I do believe there is a statute that prohibits those under 16 after 9 pm (ran into that one when use to take the kids to GameWorks to play video games).

As for GopherLady, she actual led the local media on "breaking the story"--not that I agree that its a "reportable" story, because I agree with you in principle (that non-arrests/charges are NOT newsworthy). However, she shouldn't be held to a higher standard than local "professional" journalists (print and broadcast reported this incident).

Obviously, my expectation that GL would actually get an apology is low but I still think she deserves one--or some sort of mea culpa by the GH faithful who chastised her on this. Far worse has been said/done to Trevor and other Gopher players on this "fan" site.

The above statute does not state it is illegal to enter a bar if you are under the age of 21.
The illegal part would come into play if he used a fake ID to get it. Because honestly, I can't think of the last time I've been in MN or anywhere else where a campus bar/restaurant was letting in folks without ID's after 9 or 10pm. That ID checking may or may not be legally required, but if they're doing it then either a fake ID was used (illegal) or the bouncers were letting him through (maybe ok depending on if there is an additional statue all of us aren't familiar with).

nm ... although you seem very offended by Trevor's "White Girl" comment, personally don't find it that attacking.

Also, Trevor is a dad as well ... should he not be at a bar (and he is 21)?

Not sure if Rodney was in the bar or not at 19 (if he wasn't he did nothing illegal) and maybe the mother was watching his child? I am sure your wife has never watched the kids so you could spend some time with your friends, right?

Is Tubby supposed to have a curfew for everyone and not allow Trevor Al and Blake to perform the legal act of entering a bar?

The double standard and scrutiny some give these players is terrible.

Lastly, what does Trevor's "White Girl" comment have to do with this at all? Were the students harassing him "white girls"?

Double standard? Not.

Both of them have kids at the ripe old, responsible age of barely 20, or 19.

His "white girl" comment tells me all I need to know about him - did he learn that at the U? Along with his consistently in trouble self.

1) Why would anyone owe her an apology? I simply don't think reporting on non-arrests is any of her or our business. If some random poster wants to talk about it that is fine, but as someone who is a member of the media I hold them to a higher standard. That is my opinion, and I am entitled to it. She did a disservice to this kid who did nothing wrong (legally) in this case.

So - I just want to clarify this. Non-arrests aren't any of my business because I'm a member of the media, yet all the media members had stories on this today.'s okay for me to write about it, as long as it's the day after it happens, instead of using my sources to report it when it actually happens. only a random poster allowed to report on what they've heard/saw?

I just want to be clear, because right now I get the feeling I'm not to post on this message board as a fan of the Gophers. Is that what you're saying - I can no longer post on my own board unless it's an official story?

I can only draw one conclusion from all this: Trevor is really bright.

So - I just want to clarify this. Non-arrests aren't any of my business because I'm a member of the media, yet all the media members had stories on this today.'s okay for me to write about it, as long as it's the day after it happens, instead of using my sources to report it when it actually happens. only a random poster allowed to report on what they've heard/saw?

I just want to be clear, because right now I get the feeling I'm not to post on this message board as a fan of the Gophers. Is that what you're saying - I can no longer post on my own board unless it's an official story?

People take what you post seriously. You said Trevor was arrested but he was only questioned, not arrested according to the police. It's tough to put that back in the bottle once you let it out. Better to wait a few hours and confirm some facts.

Everyone in the media is trying to make a story out of Trevor. Leave the guy alone for once you bloodsuckers.

People take what you post seriously. You said Trevor was arrested but he was only questioned, not arrested according to the police. It's tough to put that back in the bottle once you let it out. Better to wait a few hours and confirm some facts.

That was actually up for about 20 minutes, and it's because no one would get back to me. I had 3 people that said that he was arrested, witnesses, they saw him get handcuffed, put in the back of a squad car, and taken away. I figured 3 people were pretty good to be able to write a post that I had the disclosure that it was just what I heard, not fact. I won't make that mistake again, I will share only my inside information (good or bad) with my circle of friends as I always used to before I thought people benefited from extra information.

GL...remember what I said to you about "Don't let...wear ya down." Too many people on GH are enjoying pi$$ing contests, and argue, argue, argue. You hang in there and keep up the good work. Doc

People take what you post seriously. You said Trevor was arrested but he was only questioned, not arrested according to the police. It's tough to put that back in the bottle once you let it out. Better to wait a few hours and confirm some facts.

So if you saw Trevor handcuffed and taken away in a police car, you wouldn't post it on the board? Gopherlady said what she knew at that point and looking at her message she even said not to rush to conclusions until the truth comes out.

Yes there a difference between arrest and questioned but to witnesses on the scene it would be hard to tell apart. I'd be willing to bet every poster would have had a similar post to her original and doubt most of us would have put a "don't jump to conclusion" warning in their post.

OMG Mbakwe ... NOT AGAIN!

I believe Trevor Mbakwe is a completely innocent student just as much as I believe everyone here with "Doc" in their moniker is a doctor.

GL you do great work! Don't let a few of these individuals here get you too upset. For example, I've noticed in the past that "From the Barn" can be very critical of others, to the point where it almost seems as if he is fueled by envy; regardless of From the Barn's motives, surely his own work does not always stand up to the lofty levels he demands of others...

We all make mistakes and actually that's how we best learn sometimes.

That was actually up for about 20 minutes, and it's because no one would get back to me. I had 3 people that said that he was arrested, witnesses, they saw him get handcuffed, put in the back of a squad car, and taken away. I figured 3 people were pretty good to be able to write a post that I had the disclosure that it was just what I heard, not fact. I won't make that mistake again, I will share only my inside information (good or bad) with my circle of friends as I always used to before I thought people benefited from extra information.

I really hope you don't stop posting stuff like this GL. I think most g'holers appreciate what you add to the message board.

Like PortlandGopher said, if any one of us saw or heard what happened, we would have posted about it here right away as well.

So - I just want to clarify this. Non-arrests aren't any of my business because I'm a member of the media, yet all the media members had stories on this today.

I guess you'd have ask yourself if you would have posted and tweeted if you knew there was no arrest and no charges. The media members had stories because you put the story out there. I think it is a fair assumption that if you hadn't said anything, no one else would have.'s okay for me to write about it, as long as it's the day after it happens, instead of using my sources to report it when it actually happens.

You can write about it when you have verified the facts. The rest of the media didn't report anything until they had a full understanding of what had happened and had quotes from the police spokesman. You correct yourself after 20 minutes, but once the arrest story was out, it was staying out. only a random poster allowed to report on what they've heard/saw?
A random poster is just that, a random poster. Like it or not, your radio/newspaper activities hold you to a higher standard. With great power comes great responsibility, etc.

I just want to be clear, because right now I get the feeling I'm not to post on this message board as a fan of the Gophers. Is that what you're saying - I can no longer post on my own board unless it's an official story?

See above about the higher standard. You can post all you want as a fan, but you don't get to pick and choose as was pointed about by phillygopher. If something is clearly an opinion (I heart Bill Self with all my heart, Izzo is taller than you think, etc) you are probably fine. If you are dabbling in facts about events that have or haven't taken place, make sure you get the facts straight.

Sorry if I sounded like a jerk before, but it is important to have the facts in order with things like this.

If GL stopped posting, where would you get your scoop from? God knows you couldn't deliver a scoop on a junior high basketball team, much less a division 1 program. Your jealousy and envy is really showing through. Does GL draw a salary for her writing, no so therefore is not a professional journalist IMO. However, due to the quality of her writing compared to yours, I see how you could be confused.

If GL stopped posting, where would you get your scoop from? God knows you couldn't deliver a scoop on a junior high basketball team, much less a division 1 program. Your jealousy and envy is really showing through. Does GL draw a salary for her writing, no so therefore is not a professional journalist IMO.

My site if more of an archive of what happened and game previews. I don't do scoops. And financial compensation or the lack there of doesn't have anything to do with the need for accurate reporting from someone who has ties to kfan, the star-tribune, etc.

My site if more of an archive of what happened and game previews. I don't do scoops.

You can't do what you've never had. Pretty classless IMO to come onto another's site and ripping them while they allow you to promote your site here without harassment.

Nor what I have never attempted.

Some sites are about breaking stories, garnering hits, etc. Mine is about providing some insight on what to expect during the game and what happened during the game. Not exciting or sexy but oh well.

And by the way, I didn't bring up my site on this thread, but you do keep bringing it up. Who is doing the promoting?

My site if more of an archive of what happened and game previews. I don't do scoops. And financial compensation or the lack there of doesn't have anything to do with the need for accurate reporting from someone who has ties to kfan, the star-tribune, etc.

Financial compensation usually differentiates professional vs amateur, but in any case she never says she is a journalist by profession. She always has been clear, at least to me, that she's a fan who loves the basketball team. She never said she is a writer who is on the gopher basketball beat like myron, she got ties to kfan, and the tribune because of her passion and work she has put in to this website.

Look around ESPN and Fox Sports there are tons of "journalists" who make worse errors than she did and don't receive the same level of heat as she is on the board.

As far as I'm concerned the only thing I feel able to ridicule Gopherlady is the Brett Favre pic in her avatar;)

Nor what I have never attempted.

Some sites are about breaking stories, garnering hits, etc. Mine is about providing some insight on what to expect during the game and what happened during the game. Not exciting or sexy but oh well.

If your intentions here are just to discuss gopher sports and not promote your site, you could prove your intentions by removing your self-promoting signature. Yeah your not promoting your site by having it as a huge signature line in every one of your posts, sure thing.

If your intentions here are just to discuss gopher sports and not promote your site, you could prove your intentions by removing your self-promoting signature.

If I was here to promote my site I would have plastered this place with links to everything article I write, and I haven't done that. The link is there if people want to click on it. If they don't want to click on it they don't.

Financial compensation usually differentiates professional vs amateur, but in any case she never says she is a journalist by profession. She always has been clear, at least to me, that she's a fan who loves the basketball team. She never said she is a writer who is on the gopher basketball beat like myron, she got ties to kfan, and the tribune because of her passion and work she has put in to this website.

Look around ESPN and Fox Sports there are tons of "journalists" who make worse errors than she did and don't receive the same level of heat as she is on the board.

As far as I'm concerned the only thing I feel able to ridicule Gopherlady is the Brett Favre pic in her avatar;)

I'd say it is more about people's perception of her journalisticness. If the rest of the media is going to use her as a source and have her on the radio, on newspaper websites etc, then she is a de facto media member, regardless of her profession, and as a de facto media member, she'll be held to those standards.

Pmac retweeted her tweet less than 1 minute after it was posted. You can't be that cozy with the media and credibly claim some sort of separation from the media.

FTB, I take it you don't like the way that GL handled this situation. You are certainly entitled to your opinion, and I respect your opinion. I'm just curious why you feel the need to put up 10, I mean 11, wait, make it 12, heck, 15+ posts in a single thread ripping GL's decision. What is it that you hoped people would understand from your posts 5-11 that they didn't get in posts 1-4? I find it very generous of Jason and his team who run this site for allowing you to not only link your blog and twitter in 16+ bolded font on your 2500+ posts but to also allow you to take 15+ shots in a single thread about one of its contributors. You have mercifully ripped Myron in numerous tweets and now are turning your attention to GL. Again, you are welcome to your opinion.

I think most professional writers would say confidence in their own written word is an important attribute to being a successful writer and there is no doubt in my mind that the way you conduct yourself, that you do not lack confidence at all. In the meantime, if you are going to continue attacking GL on the very site that she contributes, can you please recap it in one final post so we do not have to keep coming back to this thread thinking that new information or analysis may be shared in it?

Go Gophers!!

I'd say it is more about people's perception of her journalisticness. If the rest of the media is going to use her as a source and have her on the radio, on newspaper websites etc, then she is a de facto media member, regardless of her profession, and as a de facto media member, she'll be held to those standards.

That's questionable, she isn't writing featured stories for a paper she is writing a blog in the "your voices" section of the paper. That seems to imply a level of amateurism to me (no offense Gopherlady).

When I've heard her on kfan she repeatedly talks about how she is a fan first. Justin Conzemius goes on kfan to talk about the football team, does that mean he is a journalist too?

That's questionable, she isn't writing featured stories for a paper she is writing a blog in the "your voices" section of the paper. That seems to imply a level of amateurism to me (no offense Gopherlady).

When I've heard her on kfan she repeatedly talks about how she is a fan first. Justin Conzemius goes on kfan to talk about the football team, does that mean he is a journalist too?

If Conzemius stated somethingabout a current player and their potential arrest/detainment/what have you, regardless of whether he is a journalist, I'd hold him to same standard that the facts should be correct. I guess it is really more about perceived credibility and the expectation of accuracy. GL has earned the status as accurate and credible when it comes to the Gophers, so she gets the higher standard.

Obviously, if she was spouting off nonsense rumors left and right, and no one believed what she said in the first place, there'd be no need for a higher standard because no one would repeat what she said.

And Bleed is probably right. Enough of this. I'd gladly continue the conversation of journalist vs. non-journalist and what sets of ethics apply to whom in the off-topic board.

So - I just want to clarify this. Non-arrests aren't any of my business because I'm a member of the media, yet all the media members had stories on this today.'s okay for me to write about it, as long as it's the day after it happens, instead of using my sources to report it when it actually happens. only a random poster allowed to report on what they've heard/saw?

I just want to be clear, because right now I get the feeling I'm not to post on this message board as a fan of the Gophers. Is that what you're saying - I can no longer post on my own board unless it's an official story?
Post wherever you want to Nadine, but don't expect me to agree with you or any of the other gopher bloggers/beat reporters/twin cities media members on this issue.

Look around ESPN and Fox Sports there are tons of "journalists" who make worse errors than she did and don't receive the same level of heat as she is on the board.

No kidding. They also don't receive the same level of praise on this board.
They also don't read this board so posting my thoughts on their reporting will never get back to them.

No kidding. They also don't receive the same level of praise on this board.
They also don't read this board so posting my thoughts on their reporting will never get back to them.

My point was nadine had multiple sources and had a disclaimer in her original post. I'm glad we hold her to a higher standard than the jay glazers of the world who will run a story without multiple eyewitnesses.

You are right they don't read this forum, but either does tubby or the players and I've definitely heard you rip them. Based on your reasoning for ripping gl you probably should limit your post targets to those that read this forum. Have fun

When have I ever ripped Tubby? You must have me confused with someone else? I am one of the few positive posters on this board. So chill out. It is not a personal attack, it is not a rip. It is a statement of my opinion.

Even if I did often rip coaches/ is completely different than saying I disagree with whether or not something should be reported or stating that I do not think how something reported was good. Talking about players/coaches is the purpose of this board if I am not mistaken.

I will say again though, you will be hard pressed to find me "ripping" anyone. I will give factual Hoffarber is not a good 1st option. Or Adam Weber is inaccurate on easy throws. Or Jerry Kill saying he doesn't use gimmicks is a gimmick. I do not consider myself ripping anyone. It is not personal. I have said things like Gray should be the starting QB because Weber doesn't get it done. I have said things like the hate for Ralph Sampson III is embarrassing considering he is at worst the 3rd best player on the team.

I am thinking you must have me confused with someone else. Just because I do not pat media members on the back for everything they say it does not make me a negative poster. I disagree with how this story was reported (I don't think it should have been reported at all).

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