Trevor Mbakwe handcuffed and detained last night

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Ok I shouldn't have said rip, but rather comment. I may have mistaken you for someone else and if so I apologize.

I'm saying my opinion is that your reason why she is held to higher standard is flawed. I question why whether or not the target of the posts reads the boards should impact the standards we hold them to.

Ok I shouldn't have said rip, but rather comment. I may have mistaken you for someone else and if so I apologize.

I'm saying my opinion is that your reason why she is held to higher standard is flawed. I question why whether or not the target of the posts reads the boards should impact the standards we hold them to.
As a blogger who is also a member of community debate that is the message board, I assumed she was open to others' opinions as well. If you think my comments on what I think of her blogging are singling her out, you should read what I have said about some of the stuff Doogie has put out there. I state my opinion because that is what I come on a message board to do.

I have given my opinion on many bloggers (not just ones who read this board), but I will say I focus more on the ones that are a part of the board because when they put themselves into the conversation, to me, the become more relevant.

I agree with Rosemountain and FTB on this. And as for why FTB has so many posts on this thread, I think it was pretty obvious he was defending himself for the last majority of them. Could he have stopped defending himself and called it quits? Yes, but it's not like he just said it 15 times because he was bored and had nothing better to do.

And by the way, I didn't bring up my site on this thread, but you do keep bringing it up. Who is doing the promoting?
From the Barn: A Gopher Basketball Blog

On the Twitter: @fromthebarn

This is quite funny.

That's questionable, she isn't writing featured stories for a paper she is writing a blog in the "your voices" section of the paper. That seems to imply a level of amateurism to me (no offense Gopherlady).

When I've heard her on kfan she repeatedly talks about how she is a fan first. Justin Conzemius goes on kfan to talk about the football team, does that mean he is a journalist too?

Just noticed, though. Her profile on the Strib says she "writes for" Not "posts on" or "contributes to". "writes for".


Why would he be hand cuffed? He kicked a car door (allegedly)-no physical harm. Clearly the campus police have zero respect for a 'suspect'--Total BS. The 'event' was over by the time they got there no need to take anyone into custody.


Trevor is legal drinking age and the season is over, where he was and at what time is of no consequence. There have been Gopher athletes in bars for the past 100 years.


What kind of idiot mouths off to a 6-8 dude? Clearly this 'fan' does not care about his well being and will be victim to natural selection soon enough.

Good journalists don't rush to tweet something they heard, without fact checking, but good gossip columnists do.


Why would he be hand cuffed? He kicked a car door (allegedly)-no physical harm. Clearly the campus police have zero respect for a 'suspect'--Total BS. The 'event' was over by the time they got there no need to take anyone into custody.


Trevor is legal drinking age and the season is over, where he was and at what time is of no consequence. There have been Gopher athletes in bars for the past 100 years.


What kind of idiot mouths off to a 6-8 dude? Clearly this 'fan' does not care about his well being and will be victim to natural selection soon enough.


It sounds like the kids in the car were indeed idiots and are lucky to have gotten off with a dented car. However, and more importantly, there were a bunch of Gopher basketball players supposedly being insulted and bothered including Al Nolen, Hoffarber and perhaps others. Who reacted with a bit of retaliation (albeit light retaliation)? Trevor. That's the concern. Despite his talents, the question is whether or not he can go a whole season without incident. This is a program the really badly needs to have a drama free season next year.


Why would he be hand cuffed? He kicked a car door (allegedly)-no physical harm. Clearly the campus police have zero respect for a 'suspect'--Total BS. The 'event' was over by the time they got there no need to take anyone into custody.


Trevor is legal drinking age and the season is over, where he was and at what time is of no consequence. There have been Gopher athletes in bars for the past 100 years.


What kind of idiot mouths off to a 6-8 dude? Clearly this 'fan' does not care about his well being and will be victim to natural selection soon enough.

First - They cuff people for A LOT less than kicking a car door, my man. Believe me. Him being handcuffed in a situation like this would not be unique or strange in the slightest.

Second - Legally, no. In terms of a 'story', perhaps. There are people out there that would use such information to help form their opinion about a person's character. Not me personally, but there are many such people. Hell, I heard there's even a tourney team whose school freaks out if a man of legal age gets it on with his girlfriend of legal age.

Third - There are literally millions of idiots in this country alone. A number of jagoffs actually gain some sort of pride by going after physically bigger people.

By the way... it's interesting how many folks have commented on a 'higher standard' for GL. I wonder if you feel the same way about student-athletes as representatives of the University? Without principled beliefs, it's easy to find yourself involved in setting double standards.

Can't imagine how livid some of you were when many reported that Senator Giffords had been killed.

That was actually up for about 20 minutes, and it's because no one would get back to me. I had 3 people that said that he was arrested, witnesses, they saw him get handcuffed, put in the back of a squad car, and taken away. I figured 3 people were pretty good to be able to write a post that I had the disclosure that it was just what I heard, not fact. I won't make that mistake again, I will share only my inside information (good or bad) with my circle of friends as I always used to before I thought people benefited from extra information.

The post still says he was arrested. You might want to check it again.

You mean that? ^^^

Whoops, I just quoted it. Now it's there for eternity.

Well there's that one and then there's the one about the police showing up an hour later to arrest him and then there's the arrest report. I'm not sure what the 20 minutes thing was about.

Was this thread about Trevor or Gopherlady...kinda lost track...

Does it really matter? I wish it did, believe me! But, I don't see a future at all with this group. Maybe picking up the dice and starting over towards that yahtzee isn't that bad of an idea!

If your intentions here are just to discuss gopher sports and not promote your site, you could prove your intentions by removing your self-promoting signature. Yeah your not promoting your site by having it as a huge signature line in every one of your posts, sure thing.

My God you're a tool

Does it really matter? I wish it did, believe me! But, I don't see a future at all with this group. Maybe picking up the dice and starting over towards that yahtzee isn't that bad of an idea!

Well first, many people disagree with you and feel that the Gophers have potential to be pretty good next year.

Second, and more important, this is a young man's life we are discussing here. It is pretty relevant regardless of its implications for basketball.

Well first, many people disagree with you and feel that the Gophers have potential to be pretty good next year.

Second, and more important, this is a young man's life we are discussing here. It is pretty relevant regardless of its implications for basketball.

I think he was replying to my post wondering if the thread was about TM or GL...but could be wrong.

The problem is the retraction and correction is usually universally ignored. She corrected her initial tweet about 20 minutes after the first incorrect tweet, but the media hasn't done anything with the correction. Waiting the extra 20 minutes to get it right the first time would have been prudent.

How do you know waiting 40 minutes wouldn't have been more prudent than 20 minutes?

If I was here to promote my site I would have plastered this place with links to everything article I write, and I haven't done that. The link is there if people want to click on it. If they don't want to click on it they don't.

I certainly don't.

This is irresponsible by Gopherlady to report. It is a non-story. He was not arrested.

10 years ago before bloggers hit it big stuff like this would never be heard about.
He wasn't arrested let alone charge, so basically you are reporting that someone accused him of something.

He was cuffed and placed in a car. He was not free to leave of his own volition. If he had been questioned and made an incriminating statement without a miranda warning, his statement could have been suppressed as an in custody interrogation. So he wasn't hauled off to jail. They weren't exactly giving him a friendly ride.

He was cuffed and placed in a car. He was not free to leave of his own volition. If he had been questioned and made an incriminating statement without a miranda warning, his statement could have been suppressed as an in custody interrogation. So he wasn't hauled off to jail. They weren't exactly giving him a friendly ride.

And you know this how?

So I’m at a local watering hole with a buddy Monday night. Naturally we begin talking about the Mbakwe “incident” this past weekend. I say something to the effect of, “Who would ever call the cops for something as stupid as this? Some people just need to find a hobby.”

My buddy turns to me and shoots me the look of death and explains to me quietly that Mbakwe’s X-girlfriend from the facebook “incident” is sitting across the bar and staring at me. Worst part is I go to this bar constantly and have talked to her before having no idea who she was. It was comical for my friend, awkward as all hell for myself.

All I'm saying is if RSIII is the best player we have returning, then we will need some divine intervention to be competitive.

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