Trevor Mbakwe handcuffed and detained last night

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I don't think you know the difference between a story and a message board post. That's okay though. And do stories change as you get more information and interview more people - yes. That's why I edited the document.

And as for a GH retweet, that's not a story, there are retweets from many people that are not facts, they are opinions, thoughts, etc.

As for the media - why don't you contact them all and tell them to retweet the updates - oh wait, they don't need to because the link they shared was to this post which has been edited as more information has come in.

I hope your not one of the people who get on Tubby's case about taking blame. Maybe you're to blame a little bit?

FTB, I understand where you are coming from, and to a large extent agree, trust me.

However, I think GL qualified her initial comments sufficiently. She noted immediately that she did not have the full story. And there obviously is a story - so your comment "if there even is a story" is moot.

Also, if other folks forward GL's post, removing the qualifiers, this is not her fault. She has done her job (qualifying her statements). The re-tweeter has not. (That said, I'm not sure what Tweet of GLs you are referring to, so if she didn't qualify it or it wasn't factually correct, ignore this.)

Is that fair?

She tweeted that he was arrested. Then the official gopherhole account retweeted her tweet. Then Doogie and Pmac (ok, so not actual journalists) retweeted that he was arrested. The fact that he was not arrested has not been retweeted by anyone, including the official gopherhole twitter account.

If there was some pressing need to be the first to report the story, which there wasn't, it would have been more appropriate to write that he was allegedly involved in an incident at a bar, and then to post the details once they were available.

It isn't necessarily anyone's fault that corrections and retractions are almost universally ignored, but it is what happens, and why to make sure the facts are right the first time.

And drunk idiots at a bar and a car door getting kicked really isn't a story, unless you haven't been to college.

the intial tweet was "I've heard from a few witnesses that Trevor Mbakwe was arrested last night"

If you don't like people tweeting info as a story develops, get in your time machine and go back to 1999.

This is a great comment, lol! It's so true too.

I hope your not one of the people who get on Tubby's case about taking blame. Maybe you're to blame a little bit?

I don't understand what you're asking? Who's blaming Tubby, and for what?

I hope your not one of the people who get on Tubby's case about taking blame. Maybe you're to blame a little bit?

Apparently if a writer for the Gopherhole tweets something, then Gopherhole retweets it, neither the writer of the initial tweet nor her employer have any responsibility for the tweet or retweet.

And why hasn't the gopherhole twitter account retweeted the correction? (never mind, it was)

Here is the deal in a nutshell. If you want this to be considered a new site, you need to treat it as such, and verify facts before posting something on the news part of the message board part. If a strib writer posted something factually incorrect in the comments section of the strib site, we'd laugh at them if they tried to claim "it was a message board post, not a factual story."

She tweeted that he was arrested. Then the official gopherhole account retweeted her tweet. Then Doogie and Pmac (ok, so not actual journalists) retweeted that he was arrested. The fact that he was not arrested has not been retweeted by anyone, including the official gopherhole twitter account.

If there was some pressing need to be the first to report the story, which there wasn't, it would have been more appropriate to write that he was allegedly involved in an incident at a bar, and then to post the details once they were available.

It isn't necessarily anyone's fault that corrections and retractions are almost universally ignored, but it is what happens, and why to make sure the facts are right the first time.

And drunk idiots at a bar and a car door getting kicked really isn't a story, unless you haven't been to college.

Think about your righteous indignation here. Nadine is as big of a Gopher fan as anyone here. She's close to Trevor and if anything might be inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt. This is now Trevor's 3rd 'incident' in 3 years. And you're all ticked off because she was somehow unfair to him by reporting what she knew and correcting it as she found out more?

And drunk idiots at a bar and a car door getting kicked really isn't a story, unless you haven't been to college.

Do you think it matters that:

1. TM is a public figure?

2. He has repeatedly been in trouble, including being suspended from his very public basketball team for an entire year due to a felony charge?

TM has constructed his bed. He must lie in it. He can't eff up anymore. It sounds like there were a bunch of idiots harassing him. Totally sucks. But he has to be more careful than the typical Joe Blow Frat Boy. Don't you think?

Apparently if a writer for the Gopherhole tweets something, then Gopherhole retweets it, neither the writer of the initial tweet nor her employer have any responsibility for the tweet or retweet.

And why hasn't the gopherhole twitter account retweeted the correction?

Here is the deal in a nutshell. If you want this to be considered a new site, you need to treat it as such, and verify facts before posting something on the news part of the message board part. If a strib writer posted something factually incorrect in the comments section of the strib site, we'd laugh at them if they tried to claim "it was a message board post, not a factual story."

What correction? GopherHole retweeted the update, so I have no clue as to what you're talking about.

And FYI - after talking to the people involved they don't even know what the legal ramifications are, or what this is being considered. They said the police filled out an "arrest report" but aren't sure what that will translate into. I changed the headline of this post to give him the benefit of the doubt, but that's still in question. That is all we know right now, after talking to numerous people, that's all I know - and I don't see any reports that have come dug up more information.

I'm done with this conversation, quite honestly. You go ahead and talk to Trevor and post the facts on your "new" site.

Back to watching basketball for me!

This is a great comment, lol! It's so true too.

I don't understand what you're asking? Who's blaming Tubby, and for what?

Folks in the media have jumped on Tubby for not accepting blame for loses this year, I'm not sure if you're one of them or not.

Either way, you come off as a person who's done no wrong on this story. I say you jumped the gun. Your initial tweet was certainly not in support of the player.

Since Gopherhole is now publicizing all incidents involving Gophers behaving badly, could someone inform me what the "Applebees incident" was during the Monson regime? It seemed there was a concerted effort to keep that secret but I guess times have changed.

This is irresponsible by Gopherlady to report. It is a non-story. He was not arrested.

10 years ago before bloggers hit it big stuff like this would never be heard about.
He wasn't arrested let alone charge, so basically you are reporting that someone accused him of something.

Dont worry GopherLady

Keep the info coming as you get it. I appreciate it. If some people cant handle it they can go to another site. Everyone knows stories change as more info becomes available and that is exactly what you did. You are doing fine and keep it up. You try to do us a favor by getting us information as fast as you can and you get tons of flak. Ignore them. Rosemountain has been whining about everything lately and its getting irritating.

Since Gopherhole is now publicizing all incidents involving Gophers behaving badly, could someone inform me what the "Applebees incident" was during the Monson regime? It seemed there was a concerted effort to keep that secret but I guess times have changed.

Anyone eating at an Applebee's should be arrested and/or institutionalized.

Keep the info coming as you get it. I appreciate it. If some people cant handle it they can go to another site. Everyone knows stories change as more info becomes available and that is exactly what you did. You are doing fine and keep it up. You try to do us a favor by getting us information as fast as you can and you get tons of flak. Ignore them. Rosemountain has been whining about everything lately and its getting irritating.

Are you really saying that people can't handle the information?
It is a disservice to the person who is now the victim (Mbakwe).

I remember when A Daniels and his crew were arrested years back.......I believe it was Channel 4 who refused to release names until there was actually charges filed.

I am glad to know that I have been getting under your skin with my "whining" lately. It is funny you say that because on the basketball board I am about as positive as people get.

This is irresponsible by Gopherlady to report. It is a non-story. He was not arrested.

10 years ago before bloggers hit it big stuff like this would never be heard about.
He wasn't arrested let alone charge, so basically you are reporting that someone accused him of something.

Its not 10 years ago, is it?

I don't understand how it is irresponsible to pass along information as one hears it. GL was just passing along her current understanding of the situation. Its not like if she hadn't reported it, Mbakwe wouldn't have been questioned/detained/whatevered by the police last night.

According to the online Hennepin County Jail Roster, no one named Trevor Mbakwe was processed last night.

This is irresponsible by Gopherlady to report. It is a non-story. He was not arrested.

10 years ago before bloggers hit it big stuff like this would never be heard about.
He wasn't arrested let alone charge, so basically you are reporting that someone accused him of something.

If he wasnt charged or arrested last night i believe the thread title needs to be changed or this thread needs to be locked and i am thinking more of the latter.

Im starting to think FTB is really just a GopherLady hater. She made a mistake, we all do it, calm down.


I think it is fine that this has been reported. I say that because of the number of scrapes with the law that TM has had.

It would be much different if this was the first time. But there was an initial restraining order, felony charges in Florida, a year suspension, an alleged violation of the restraining order and now another incident.

The more incidents that happen, the more any incident that happens becomes a big deal. It's the reality.

FTB does have a point. Before getting all facts she reported the Mbakwe had in fact been arrested and detained, obvious now both are not true. If Doogie, Marcus and Myron reported that he had been arrested then we found out that wasnt true people would be up in arms calling them stupid, idiot and moron.


I think it is fine that this has been reported. I say that because of the number of scrapes with the law that TM has had.

It would be much different if this was the first time. But there was an initial restraining order, felony charges in Florida, a year suspension, an alleged violation of the restraining order and now another incident.

The more incidents that happen, the more any incident that happens becomes a big deal. It's the reality.

I'm fine if it is reported accurately the first time.

Mbakwe is proving himself to be quite the dummy. With his history he should make sure he isn't anywhere near a squad car.


I think it is fine that this has been reported. I say that because of the number of scrapes with the law that TM has had.

It would be much different if this was the first time. But there was an initial restraining order, felony charges in Florida, a year suspension, an alleged violation of the restraining order and now another incident.

The more incidents that happen, the more any incident that happens becomes a big deal. It's the reality.

When is the last time he has been convicted for something? Last time I checked we're in the united states.

I wouldn't have a problem with it if an anonymous fan posted that Mbakwe was handcuffed last night. I do have a problem with somebody who is allegedly supposed to bs a reporter for this site saying he was handcuffed and "detained" when there is no official record of him being handcuffed and even GL's own story doesn't have anything close to him being detained.

I'm fine if it is reported accurately the first time.

Well feel free and do what you want with your own blog that you try and promote on here with every single one of your posts. Maybe once you get some contacts and start breaking stories on your blog people will read, but in the meantime I wouldn't attack those that do what you aspire to do.

I wouldn't have a problem with it if an anonymous fan posted that Mbakwe was handcuffed last night. I do have a problem with somebody who is allegedly supposed to bs a reporter for this site saying he was handcuffed and "detained" when there is no official record of him being handcuffed and even GL's own story doesn't have anything close to him being detained.

He was handcuffed and put in a squad car in order to be questioned. How is that not being detained?

He was handcuffed and put in a squad car in order to be questioned. How is that not being detained?

Language is not black and white. And you know that. Handcuffed and detained has plenty of negative connotations. If he was handcuffed, questioned, and then went on his way.....why say "handcuffed and detained?"
Why not say "handcuffed and questioned?"

Why? Because she is looking for hits. Really simple. Really pathetic.

Language is not black and white. And you know that. Handcuffed and detained has plenty of negative connotations. If he was handcuffed, questioned, and then went on his way.....why say "handcuffed and detained?"
Why not say "handcuffed and questioned?"

Why? Because she is looking for hits. Really simple. Really pathetic.

Rosemountian, I really used to enjoy and admire your posts from the past, but imo your attacks on GopherLady are uncalled for.

I suggest you run downtown, find a hooker who MIGHT let you have at her, and get rid of your pent up anger.

Lay off GL.

Language is not black and white. And you know that. Handcuffed and detained has plenty of negative connotations. If he was handcuffed, questioned, and then went on his way.....why say "handcuffed and detained?"
Why not say "handcuffed and questioned?"

Why? Because she is looking for hits. Really simple. Really pathetic.

Sorry dude, but he was detained.

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