The Silly Season (Coaching Changes)

Talks between June Jones and ASU have reached an impasse and appear to have ended. Molnar to UMass, is still viable, but not as far along as first reported. He does have an offer and some contract numbers but that's it. Talks between A&M and Sumlin, have heated up, there may be an agreemnt by weeks end.

Wow, this June Jones thing is a monster cluster....

Justin Fuente the co-offensive coordinator at TCU rumored to Memphis.
There's an announcement scheduled for tomorrow. I'm wondering if McElwain ends up at ASU? The circumstances around his sudden change of mind and June Jones having his offer pulled by ASU are suspicious.

ASU is the one that pulled the offer. The same search firm that is working for ASU represents Memphis. At the same time that ASU pulled June Jones's offer, Jim McElwain changes his mind, yet with all this happening Memphis is still on schedule for hiring a coach. I'm not a conspiricy theory type guy but thing are just adding up funnny.

Memphis named Justin Fuentes as Head Coach. New names being mentioned, Dave Doeren to Kansas, and Tim Beckman to Illinois. Charlie Strong says he's not talking to anyone. UMass, has a press conference scheduled this afternoon, and is expected to name Charley Molnar HC. UNC Regents, are meeting on a personnel matter, look for Larry Fedora to be named HC tomorrow.

ASU is the one that pulled the offer. The same search firm that is working for ASU represents Memphis. At the same time that ASU pulled June Jones's offer, Jim McElwain changes his mind, yet with all this happening Memphis is still on schedule for hiring a coach. I'm not a conspiricy theory type guy but thing are just adding up funnny.

I read that ASU boosters didn't want June Jones.

The McElwain rumor may have been premature reporting.

@KUAthletics: KU to introduce Charlie Weis as football coach at press conference Friday afternoon; time TBA.

Go Gophers!!

I read that ASU boosters didn't want June Jones.

The McElwain rumor may have been premature reporting.
I heard the same thing, that the President at ASU, intervened and negotiations ceased. Read this article on the Memphis hire It's a perfect illustration as to why I wait for something official or a least an identified represeitive from the institution confirms a hire.

I heard the same thing, that the President at ASU, intervened and negotiations ceased. Read this article on the Memphis hire It's a perfect illustration as to why I wait for something official or a least an identified represeitive from the institution confirms a hire.

The rumors are that the ASU boosters didn't want to pay that large of a buyout for June Jones and also there are also some rumored skeletons in his personal life that bothered them (i.e. impregnating a young woman when at Hawaii).

Charley Molnar was annouced at Umass. All schools have been updated.

Weis was barely over .500 at Notre Dame and Kansas thinks he can put a competitive team on the field? I think it's a better move for Florida than it will be for Kansas.

Gophers have nothing on ASU...

when it comes to hiring a football coach. ASU is making the Minnesota search last year look organized and professional. I wonder if ASU will get as fortunate as we did with it's hire? It sure isn't looking that way. I'm realing hope Paul Chryst lands a head job this year.

So far, we have 3 wins, some terrible losses and a bunch of recruits who are whatever code word you would like to use for lowly ranked...can we hold off on declaring the Gophers "fortunate" to land Jerry Kill?

Going further, a 50 year old MAC coach with the ability to more than triple his salary will always say yes.

Perhaps there will be an opening for Joel Maturi there soon too, hard to believe but it would be an upgrade.

My first reaction on Weis was; your kidding me!, in fact I didn't even read the first reports. It's called 'The Silly Season' for a reason. We have five more BCS vacancies left so it will continue for a while longer.

I've been tracking the coaching changes, the one word for the ASU situation is bizarre, and the UCLA situation is close behind. Another strange twist is Charlie Weis to Kansas in comparison Mike Leach to WSU is a home run. There is a reason I titled my thread 'The Silly Season'

So far, we have 3 wins, some terrible losses and a bunch of recruits who are whatever code word you would like to use for lowly ranked...can we hold off on declaring the Gophers "fortunate" to land Jerry Kill?

Going further, a 50 year old MAC coach with the ability to more than triple his salary will always say yes.
And the Gophers are coming off a stetch with a coach that couldn't win a rivalry game over nearly four years to one who won one on his second time out. Kill's first year was bad, but it wasn't a diaster. They had terrible losses at home against NMSU and NDSU. They gave a pair of real, real good football teams in USC and MSU everything they could possibly handle on the road while the QB went from a potential disaster to a potential program changer. There's plenty of reason for optimism. I hated the hire the moment it was announced and I'd take Kill in a heartbeat over any of the "poential" candidates whose name were thrown out there one year ago.

The situation at ASU does remind me of another Gopher coaching search, where we had Bobby Ross all lined up, and ended up with John Gutekunst.

Illinois is talking contract with Toledo's Tim Beckman baring complications he'll be annouced tommorow.

And the Gophers are coming off a stetch with a coach that couldn't win a rivalry game over nearly four years to one who won one on his second time out. Kill's first year was bad, but it wasn't a diaster. They had terrible losses at home against NMSU and NDSU. They gave a pair of real, real good football teams in USC and MSU everything they could possibly handle on the road while the QB went from a potential disaster to a potential program changer. There's plenty of reason for optimism. I hated the hire the moment it was announced and I'd take Kill in a heartbeat over any of the "poential" candidates whose name were thrown out there one year ago.
Err.....what? Brady Hoke, Kevin Sumlin, and Larry Fedora all won 10 games this year and their teams are in the top 25. Nothing against Coach Kill, who I think was a solid hire and am cautiously optimistic about, but 2011 didn't make me feel any better about him in comparison to the three aforementioned gentlemen.

Randy Edsall, on the other hand....

Err.....what? Brady Hoke, Kevin Sumlin, and Larry Fedora all won 10 games this year and their teams are in the top 25. Nothing against Coach Kill, who I think was a solid hire and am cautiously optimistic about, but 2011 didn't make me feel any better about him in comparison to the three aforementioned gentlemen.

Randy Edsall, on the other hand....

Err......what yourself. Hoke lands his dream job in Michigan where it's a bit different than here, especially when you start with Denard Robinson as your QB. Sumlin and Fedora won their 10 games at their old schools so why in the hell is that valid? Fact is, with all of the vacancies last year, they stayed put. Err.....maybe they knew they had teams that would polish their resumes even more? Pirate Guy also didn't get hired last with all of the vacancies despite peddling himself like a whore on the street.

The Brewster hire is Maturi's legacy, but folks who have no clue about what really goes on, still use that hire to declare the Kill process as a total SNAFU. First, he had the "Tubby type" quote but folks also conveniently ignore the "it remains to be seen" part. Second, he was seen on the plane in San Diego and folks are all over him for not using a Stealth fighter jet if he couldn't use a private jet. That one looks more like Brady Hoke's manipulations than anything else. By the way, Brady is from Michigan but Maturi is a failure because he couldn't hire him? At least he's not being ridiculed for not getting Jim Harbaugh anymore. Oh, and third, old Joel was escorted by Dave Mona, which again was from his legacy hire and came from on top. So what? We don't know what Mona actually did and with his University ties, it's hardly a strange choice.

Finally, this search was out there a lot longer, (which again is because of the Brewster hire.) Nobody coaching elsewhere is going to accept another job in the middle of the season. But people again are all over Maturi as a bungler because it took so long. If secrecy is a way to judge a search, this one was pretty well done. Just because a bunch of names were thrown out there by rumor mongers isn't an indication of anything. And when his first choice changed his mind, Maturi had a very solid Plan B. It's not like he was picking up the phone that Saturday evening and going, "Um, hi, Jerry. My name is ...," Hiring coaches is a crap shoot. Look at how many times Notre Dame with all of their resources has come up empty. Most people are optimistic about this hire. Some still prefer that someone else was hired and that's fine. It is time for Maturi to retire, but those assessments that give him absolutely no credit for anything get ridiculous. Especially when it's judging a process that took several months, and there are just a few minor things to get worked up over.

So far, we have 3 wins, some terrible losses and a bunch of recruits who are whatever code word you would like to use for lowly ranked...can we hold off on declaring the Gophers "fortunate" to land Jerry Kill?

Going further, a 50 year old MAC coach with the ability to more than triple his salary will always say yes.

Doesn't it get tiring to say the same thing over and over and over?

And the Gophers are coming off a stetch with a coach that couldn't win a rivalry game over nearly four years to one who won one on his second time out. Kill's first year was bad, but it wasn't a diaster. They had terrible losses at home against NMSU and NDSU. They gave a pair of real, real good football teams in USC and MSU everything they could possibly handle on the road while the QB went from a potential disaster to a potential program changer. There's plenty of reason for optimism. I hated the hire the moment it was announced and I'd take Kill in a heartbeat over any of the "poential" candidates whose name were thrown out there one year ago.

we dont have a qb on our roster right now that could be a program changer.... come jan 1 that may change, but gray imo is an athletic freak, but not a program changer

Err.....what? Brady Hoke, Kevin Sumlin, and Larry Fedora all won 10 games this year and their teams are in the top 25. Nothing against Coach Kill, who I think was a solid hire and am cautiously optimistic about, but 2011 didn't make me feel any better about him in comparison to the three aforementioned gentlemen.

Randy Edsall, on the other hand....

Brady Hoke has done a great job, no doubt. But the pieces were never not in place. Rich Rod still had great recruiting classes. The players were there, but the coaches weren't. I think this season says more about Rich Rod bad coaching than Hoke's brilliance.

Err......what yourself. Hoke lands his dream job in Michigan where it's a bit different than here, especially when you start with Denard Robinson as your QB. Sumlin and Fedora won their 10 games at their old schools so why in the hell is that valid? Fact is, with all of the vacancies last year, they stayed put. Err.....maybe they knew they had teams that would polish their resumes even more? Pirate Guy also didn't get hired last with all of the vacancies despite peddling himself like a whore on the street.
I'll disregard the last two paragraphs because it had nothing to do with my statement.

I just find it odd that a person who was initially against the Kill hire is now for it after a 3-9 season, going so far as to say it's better than any other names mentioned, even though three of them have been terribly successul this year.

Even if Hoke, Sumlin, and Fedora are tremendous coaches, that doesn't mean Kill can't be, and I'm not saying so. It's just a curious statement.

I was always in favor of hiring Kill, so my opinion might be a little bias. But I'm more excited about the hiring this season than I was a year ago.

First, I'm going to assume that if Kill is at Northern Illinois, they still do as well as they did with Dorean. That would make Kill's resume probably stronger than Fedora and Sumlin. Northern Illinois just logged their 2nd straight 10 win season. I'm going to assume their record would have been the same with Kill (might not be an automatic assumption). To me, that is further evidence that he knows how to build a program and bring in the right kinds of players. It's just evidence that he does know talent and he is good at developing that talent.

Second, I do like what Kill has done here. I think the biggest difference is that Kill seems to be emphasizing recruiting athletes that want to be here. I thought the single biggest downfall with the Brewster regime was attrition (maybe even more so than the musical chairs of coordinators). Kill seems to be putting a premium on getting kids who can compete academically and will have less attrition. There will still be attrition, because these are college kids. Also, some good programs have attrition because players are buried on the depth chart. The problem at MN has been wholesale attrition by players who would be significant contributors. If a couple years from now attrition is still a problem at the U, Kill will fail.

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