The Silly Season (Coaching Changes)

“@ZachJohnsonGI: According to @PantherLair's Chris Peak, Badger offensive coordinator Paul Chryst is in Pittsburgh today interviewing for the Pitt job.”

“@ZachJohnsonGI: According to @PantherLair's Chris Peak, Badger offensive coordinator Paul Chryst is in Pittsburgh today interviewing for the Pitt job.”

Would Chryst leaving Wisconsin hurt that program? I've talked to a couple friends of mine who are Badgers fans (yuck) and they dont seem too worried about it but I think that him leaving would effect them a bit.

Mario Christobal, Teryl Austin, and Paul Chryst, were all supposed to interview this weekend. Should Paul Chryst get the job, I think it hurts the Badgers, short term. Another question is who does he take with him? If Les Bostad goes with him it'll hurt long term. The least damage would be if Bostad stays, and gets promoted to OC while retaining OL duties, they'll just need to bring in a Quarterback Coach. The latter scenario is probobly what Badger fans expect.

Mario Christobal, Teryl Austin, and Paul Chryst, were all supposed to interview this weekend. Should Paul Chryst get the job, I think it hurts the Badgers, short term. Another question is who does he take with him? If Les Bostad goes with him it'll hurt long term. The least damage would be if Bostad stays, and gets promoted to OC while retaining OL duties, they'll just need to bring in a Quarterback Coach. The latter scenario is probobly what Badger fans expect.

I think if Chryst leaves, YES, it does hurt them significantly. Also, if he leaves, I think there's a good chance he takes Bostad with him. If that happens, they'll be hurting.

Another question is, if Chryst leaves, does he take Bart Houston with him, the somewhat highly-touted QB recruit. By most accounts, Chryst isn't too involved with recruiting, EXCEPT for Houston. That was his boy. Chryst, Bostad, and Houston all heading for Pitt would be too classic.

Can you really fault him though? Every move has been up the coaching ladder. Isn't that what most coaches strive for?

From what I heard, his exit from Pitt was fast because the athletic director had forbid him from interviewing with ASU when the request was made. Once the ASU offer was made he was out of there.

Read this story from Pat Forde. Might change your opinion on Todd Graham.

After a pause, things are starting to move again, look for Elllis Johnson to be named HC at Southern Miss, possibly today. Pitt should be deciding soon, with Paul Chryst and Mario Cristobal favored, although Luke Fickell is still in the conversation. At this time Chryst seems to have a slight lead.

A quick update; Ellis Johnson has been confirmed as the new HC at Southern Mississippi. Hawaii has the approval to negotiate a contract with Norm Chow. Pitt is down to three candidates and should be making an offer soon. Houston is actively inteviewing while Penn State is hard to read. They are actively interviewing but there are some indications that they are being turned down. Akron has been turned down by two coaches and is trying again.

Norm Chow to Hawaii and Tony Levine to Houston are confirmed. Pitt seems to be down to Mario Christobal and Paul Chryst. When a decsion is made there I'll stop updating because Akron and Penn State may go on for awhile. I'm beginning to think Tom Bradley might get the job at PSU because no one else wants it. The Status Board has been updated.

FB Rumormill:

"Former Auburn coach Terry Bowden new head coach at Akron"

Only one open right now is Pedo St. lololololol

Rumors are they're going after Richt or Brian Kelly(?!?)

With the confirmation of Terry Bowden to Akron and Paul Chryst to Pittsburgh I've made my final update.

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