The Silly Season (Coaching Changes)

Larry Fedora is making himself some $$$ today.

Larry Fedora is making himself some $$$ today.
No doubt about it. I wonder how much it cost Sumlin? Tomorrow will be busy, I expect two maybe three hires, and some firing to occur.

McGee to UAB and Pelini to FAU, seem to be set, but I'll wait until the official annoucement.

Here's where I have it. Steve Fairchild is gone but not formally announced. Carl Pelini needs only to have his contract approved to be announced as the next FAU HC. Garrick McGee has run into some contract issues which is holding up an announcement. Hugh Freeze is very close to being announced as the next HC at Ole Miss.

CSU made the annoucement that Steve Fairchild has been fired it's been updated. Apparently they wanted to have a team meeting before the annoucement.

Pat Hill has been fired at Fresno State the list is updated.

FAU with Carl Pelini, and UAB with Garrick McGee, have filled their HC vacancies. Hugh Freeze to Ole Miss is a pending annoucement. Updates have been made.

With Peterson and Sumlin backing away from UCLA, who will take the job? If the money is right, and UCLA could land a coaching legend. He has a 157 and 29 record, and to him its about the money. He could take all the oxygen in LA away from USC. Although retired he is perfect for tinsel town. I can see the announcement as he steps to the podium, Barry Switzer your new head Coach of The Bruins.

With Peterson and Sumlin backing away from UCLA, who will take the job? If the money is right, and UCLA could land a coaching legend. He has a 157 and 29 record, and to him its about the money. He could take all the oxygen in LA away from USC. Although retired he is perfect for tinsel town. I can see the announcement as he steps to the podium, Barry Switzer your new head Coach of The Bruins.

i can totally see something like this happening... however i could see someone like fullmer taking this job if it were ever extended to him...

Actually the name that is in play that carries some catchet, because of the NFL connection, is Jim Mora. In addition to Sumlin and Petersen UCLA has struck out with Al Golden.

Mississipi is official along with Curtis Johnson going to Tulane. Johnson will remain with the Saints through the NFL season. A new name at A&M is Charlie Strong. Larry Fedora's name is in the mix at NC, Kansas and A&M. Illinois and Penn State are playing it close to the vest. No more annoucements seem imminent.

With Peterson and Sumlin backing away from UCLA, who will take the job? If the money is right, and UCLA could land a coaching legend. He has a 157 and 29 record, and to him its about the money. He could take all the oxygen in LA away from USC. Although retired he is perfect for tinsel town. I can see the announcement as he steps to the podium, Barry Switzer your new head Coach of The Bruins.

Isn't Switzer at least 70? They could just as well bring back Terry Donahue then.

Late breaking news Greg McMackin HC at Hawaii retires.

Isn't Switzer at least 70? They could just as well bring back Terry Donahue then.
Barry is 74. But he was the man is the late 70's and 80's. Won National Championships.
But when you bring up age, it is dicrimination. How old is Bill Snyder, Joe Paterno, and at what age did they force out Bobby Bowden?

UCLA might end up going the same route USC did with Pete Carroll. The former NFL head coach who is interested in coaching at the school. Another possibility would be Ken Norton, Jr. He's currently on the USC staff but he's a UCLA grad.

Actually, Norton followed Carroll to Seattle and has been the Seahawks' LB coach the past 2 seasons.

Checking around nothing appears immenent. Tne only new name at a BCS school is Butch Jones and UNC. Phil Fulmer has been suggested as a plan B candidate at Kanasas but at this time it appears to be pure speculation. Jim Mora and UCLA, is a little more solid, with both having at least some intrerest.

Checking around nothing appears immenent. Tne only new name at a BCS school is Butch Jones and UNC. Phil Fulmer has been suggested as a plan B candidate at Kanasas but at this time it appears to be pure speculation. Jim Mora and UCLA, is a little more solid, with both having at least some intrerest.

Fulmer at kansas would be a home run for that program

Larry Fedora hired by UNC
Looks like they're talking contract but nothing is final yet. I'll wait for an official announcement, but it looks like UNC and Larry Fedora, are off the boards so to speak.

Larry Fedora to UNC, is a done deal, requiring only the Chancellors signature. I'll wait to update the status board but skip doing a separate post. Sumlin, is the number 1 choice of both the Aggies and the Illini, something should be decided soon.

It looks like the next two positions to be filled will be by Offensive Coordinators, Charley Molnar of Notre Dame to UMass, and Jim McElwain of Alabama to Memphis.

June Jones "likely" headed to Arizona St. - nothing certain yet

June Jones "likely" headed to Arizona St. - nothing certain yet
June Jones, pulled his assistant coaches of the road for an emergency meeting, sources say that he was offered and accepted the ASU position, pending a working agreement on a contract. I estimate, that it will be a done deal, in a couple of days. Larry Fedora, should be annouced as the UNC coach tommorow, contract details slowed things down by a day. Jim McElwain is discussing contract details with Memphis, it looks good but we'll know either way by the weekend. Charley Molnar is also at the contract parameters stage with UMass and may be introduced tommorrow.

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