Reusse says Kill is best at slinging his act, Holtz included

Mr.Ruesse, please remember that all of the Skyline Four, those "thugs and gangsters who needed strings pulled to get into the U" graduated didn't they? Maybe you could back off a little on all the hate for them.

What happened to the fifth skyline member from this morning?

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Ruesse made up the phrase Country Jer - and is desparetely hoping it catches on - then comes out and says he really isn't as "country as all that"!

What is it Pat, you were wrong then, or were fooled!

In many ways Pat acts like an adolescent teenager with any new coach - if the new coach doesn't embrace him and fawn over Pat, he needs to find a way to belittle him and demonstrate the coach's lack of eridition! Sad thing is Pat can write - gosh those stories of the ragtag little hockey team from Backsplash, MN that plays in the old canning factory that closed down because the greedy owner took all the jobs overseas, just bring a tear to my eye!

He's just uncomfortable with someone with an ego or paycheck bigger than his.

hi patrick! thanks for reading!

he does have a point though and not sure why we don't admit it. kill has a schtick just like brew did, just like wacker did. we're buying into his schtick though more so because it fits our midwest values pretty well. if jerry doesn't want or need the money, no reason not to donate it back to the u to improve our facilities. many coaches have done that over the years, creating an endowment to kick start a campaign. i like his schtick and he's got me hook, line and sinker.

Agreed. Kill, like Brew and every other coach before him has a schtick & as Midwesterners we like Kill's seemingly humble, "ah shucks" shtick. I still maintain the reason Brewster got the hook had much less to do with W's & L's than it did with Minnesotans rejecting his slick salesman, "Git'Cher Chili Hot!!!" schtick.

Agreed. Kill, like Brew and every other coach before him has a schtick & as Midwesterners we like Kill's seemingly humble, "ah shucks" shtick. I still maintain the reason Brewster got the hook had much less to do with W's & L's than it did with Minnesotans rejecting his slick salesman, "Git'Cher Chili Hot!!!" schtick.

Oh...his schtick stuck him rather deeply...but that was merely a flesh wound compared to his inability to win conference football games. You see, Costa Rican G, any coach who started out in his first season zero wins for the Conference Schedule has dug himself a hole from which he can never fully recover. And, when it was evident that he was headed toward a possible zero win Conference Schedule in his fourth season, after achieving NO trophy game wins and NO border-battle wins in the Big Ten, even the biggest "little ranger" of an a.d. and a "b" grade prexy would be forced to buy his contract out and throw him under the bus mid-way through that fourth year Conference schedule. Even with a new stadium on the campus, brewball could not be sold, supported or tolerated for ONE Conference game longer than the hapless administrators did allow him to run their football program. The contrast of the beauty of the new stadium and the ugly way in which the team was being coached, prepared and mentored called for an extreme act to provide cover for that "b" grade prexy and his pathetic "little ranger" fall-guy a.d. to set up their own fully-funded retirement plans.

Oh...his schtick stuck him rather deeply...but that was merely a flesh wound compared to his inability to win conference football games. You see, Costa Rican G, any coach who started out in his first season zero wins for the Conference Schedule has dug himself a hole from which he can never fully recover. And, when it was evident that he was headed toward a possible zero win Conference Schedule in his fourth season, after achieving NO trophy game wins and NO border-battle wins in the Big Ten, even the biggest "little ranger" of an a.d. and a "b" grade prexy would be forced to buy his contract out and throw him under the bus mid-way through that fourth year Conference schedule. Even with a new stadium on the campus, brewball could not be sold, supported or tolerated for ONE Conference game longer than the hapless administrators did allow him to run their football program. The contrast of the beauty of the new stadium and the ugly way in which the team was being coached, prepared and mentored called for an extreme act to provide cover for that "b" grade prexy and his pathetic "little ranger" fall-guy a.d. to set up their own fully-funded retirement plans.

Like Costa Rican says, every coach has a schtick, but I agree with walrus here that schtick is minor compared to ye olde W/L (conference games and otherwise). A coach could stand on the sidelines in a wedding gown and witch's hat and as long as he was going 11-0, the only people who'd complain would be the Minnesota Family Council. The rest of the fans would just say "Look at our quirky coach, but whatever the quirks, he WINS!"

The initial reaction to Brewster by Reusse and others dug a bit of a hole, but his inability to keep the program tight on the field and off is what did him in. I hold no animosity toward the guy, but he just wasn't ready for the job here and maybe he just isn't head coaching material.

Oh...his schtick stuck him rather deeply...but that was merely a flesh wound compared to his inability to win conference football games. You see, Costa Rican G, any coach who started out in his first season zero wins for the Conference Schedule has dug himself a hole from which he can never fully recover. And, when it was evident that he was headed toward a possible zero win Conference Schedule in his fourth season, after achieving NO trophy game wins and NO border-battle wins in the Big Ten, even the biggest "little ranger" of an a.d. and a "b" grade prexy would be forced to buy his contract out and throw him under the bus mid-way through that fourth year Conference schedule. Even with a new stadium on the campus, brewball could not be sold, supported or tolerated for ONE Conference game longer than the hapless administrators did allow him to run their football program. The contrast of the beauty of the new stadium and the ugly way in which the team was being coached, prepared and mentored called for an extreme act to provide cover for that "b" grade prexy and his pathetic "little ranger" fall-guy a.d. to set up their own fully-funded retirement plans.

Well then no coach in the country should have taken the job because In all my years as a Gopher fan I've never seen a roster with less talent on it than what lazy Glen left for Brew. Lazy Glen had been soooo lazy in fact that he'd had to scramble to bring in 7 Jucos on the Defensive side of the ball, 5 of whom were counted on to start. We lost all those Jucos aside from Logan Uu, who never made an impact. Then Glen's guys raped a girl and videotaped it so we lost 3 more Defensive starters. Then another of Glen's gems was arrested on outstanding armed robbery charges since lazy Glen's staff had never even bothered to do a background check. To top it all off we should have had the incredibly talented Gary Russel running the ball for us, but lazy Glen's staff had allowed him to skip class for two entire years.

So, are coaches to be judged on how they do their first year or not? When Kill's Gophers stunk it up the first year that all got blamed on Brew (despite inheriting loads more talent than Brew had from Glen). No, fans will give a coach a pass if they like his schtick but apply different rules/standards if they don't. Simple as that, imo.

Well then no coach in the country should have taken the job because In all my years as a Gopher fan I've never seen a roster with less talent on it than what lazy Glen left for Brew. Lazy Glen had been soooo lazy in fact that he'd had to scramble to bring in 7 Jucos on the Defensive side of the ball, 5 of whom were counted on to start. We lost all those Jucos aside from Logan Uu, who never made an impact. Then Glen's guys raped a girl and videotaped it so we lost 3 more Defensive starters. Then another of Glen's gems was arrested on outstanding armed robbery charges since lazy Glen's staff had never even bothered to do a background check. To top it all off we should have had the incredibly talented Gary Russel running the ball for us, but lazy Glen's staff had allowed him to skip class for two entire years.
So, are coaches to be judged on how they do their first year or not? When Kill's Gophers stunk it up the first year that all got blamed on Brew (despite inheriting loads more talent than Brew had from Glen). No, fans will give a coach a pass if they like his schtick but apply different rules/standards if they don't. Simple as that, imo.

This is one of Costa Rica's best posts ever and maybe the best ever on the pathetic state of the Gopher football program when Brewster was hired. Very few coaches could have survived under those conditions. Brewster had no more than three weeks to hire a coaching staff and put together a recruiting class in 2007. Nobody every talks about that.

This is one of Costa Rica's best posts ever and maybe the best ever on the pathetic state of the Gopher football program when Brewster was hired. Very few coaches could have survived under those conditions. Brewster had no more than three weeks to hire a coaching staff and put together a recruiting class in 2007. Nobody every talks about that.

Now you have done it! When wren reads this he is going to start lighting thousands of candles to Saint Glen. Hopefully this will cause spring to sprung (or least keep it above zero next week). If that doesn't work, I am sure the amount of electricity he will burn up responding to your post will raise our temperature at least a few degrees. It won't take him long to do it because it is always the same old crap.:cry:

This is one of Costa Rica's best posts ever and maybe the best ever on the pathetic state of the Gopher football program when Brewster was hired. Very few coaches could have survived under those conditions. Brewster had no more than three weeks to hire a coaching staff and put together a recruiting class in 2007. Nobody every talks about that.

That's because it's pointless. No one is criticizing him for being put in a terrible position. He was an under qualified coach taking over a program with little talent on the roster. Everyone knows that and I think will agree to that.

I'm not quite sure why we're (myself included) still talking about this. Brewster has been gone for 3 years. He went for the quick flip without instituting any structure or stability to his program and after modest success in years 2 and 3 his team in year 4 fell back near what it was in his first year. He was all sizzle and little to no steak. His method didn't work. That's why he was fired and receives criticism because in the 4th year his team had a terrible lack of discipline and the program had zero direction.

Kill is here now and trying a different approach to building a program and early returns weren't pretty but the on field performance is improving and so is the caliber of recruit coming to MN. Let's not act like there isn't a long way to go.

No one is criticizing [Brewster]for being put in a terrible position. He was an under qualified coach taking over a program with little talent on the roster. Everyone knows that and I think will agree to that.

I'm not quite sure why we're (myself included) still talking about this. Brewster has been gone for 3 years.

I beg to differ. We are still talking about Brewster because there is a large group GopherHolers who never miss an opportunity to put their Brewster hatred on display for all to see. It has been happening continually since Brewster was fired. And they usually couple their Brewster hatred with their Maturi hatred. Certain members of the local media do it as well. Dan Barreiro still has regular Brewster bits on his radio show. This has been is especially true since Glenn Mason became a regular guest on his program a few years ago.

The actual facts about how little talent Mason left Brewster are never mentioned by the haters. We are always hearing that Brewster should have gone at least 7-5 or 6-6 in his first year. The fact that he had to start two true freshman in the defensive backfield and two at wide receiver for almost the entire year is always ignored. When the Gophers played on the road against Michigan that year Brewster started THREE true freshman in the defensive backfield. With that kind of roster Mason probably would have finished the season at 1-11 just like Brewster.

I beg to differ. We are still talking about Brewster because there is a large group GopherHolers who never miss an opportunity to put their Brewster Hatred on display for all to see. It has been happening continually since Brewster was fired. And they usually couple their Brewster hatred with their Maturi hatred. Certain members of the local media do it as well. Dan Barreiro still has regular Brewster bits on his radio show. This has been is especially true since Glenn Mason became a regular guest on his program a onumber of years ago.

The actual facts about how little talent Mason left Brewster are never mentioned by the haters. We are always hearing that Brewster should have gone at least 7-5 or 6-6 in his first year. The fact that he had to start two true freshman in the defensive backfield and two at wide receiver for almost the entire year is always ignored. When the Gophers played on the road against Michigan that year Brewster started THREE true freshman in the defensive backfield. With that kind of roster Mason probably would have finished the season at 1-11 just like Brewster.

Your first mistake is listening to the MSP sports media. Seriously tho I don't think Brewster did a good job but it's because of the train wreck that happened in year 4. Since we aren't even discussing the same thing and I've never heard any of the stuff you are talking about, I'm gonna step aside. I made my points.

He possessed the requisite prior amount and quality of experience for a head coaching position at the major college level.

I would have preferred that he had been an OC or DC at the college or NFL level before he got a shot here, but I agree that he had enough experience to be named.

So, in your opinion, 15 years of being a position coach at various stops in college and the NFL is appropriate experience for a head coaching job at a BCS school?

So, in your opinion, 15 years of being a position coach at various stops in college and the NFL is appropriate experience for a head coaching job at a BCS school?

18; and yes.

It'd be interesting to see the success rate (or frequency for that matter) of coaches that make the jump directly from position coach to head coach in major college football.

Kill took over a worse situation than Brewster did. But both coaches had very hard rebuilding jobs to do.

And I agree with cjcarter8 that Brewster was not qualified to be hired as head coach at a Big Ten School, and I would argue he's still not qualified for that position.

And I agree with cjcarter8 that Brewster was not qualified to be hired as head coach at a Big Ten School

What was missing from his résumé that would have made him qualified?

and I would argue he's still not qualified for that position

How could someone who has already held a position for just under 4 years not be qualified for said position? Do you understand what the word "qualified" means?

What was missing from his résumé that would have made him qualified?

How could someone who has already held a position for just under 4 years not be qualified for said position? Do you understand what the word "qualified" means?

First of all, can you please have a discussion with someone without being a complete smartass or jackass? To answer your first question, I would have liked for him to have had head coaching experience at the college level, or at least a coordinator position. He had neither.

Regarding your second question... let me ask you, do you know what "qualified" means? You think Tim Brewster is currently qualified for a head coaching position in the Big Ten simply because a guy named Joel Maturi hired him for that job 7 years ago? Thus making him qualified from that point on? That's all it takes? You don't think that unqualified people have ever been hired for a job they're not qualified for?

He was hired as a head coach, was a complete failure, and hasn't been hired or even been a legit candidate for a head coaching position at a BCS school since. If he's qualified for the position you say he is, he'd be getting hired for that position. He doesn't even get interviews. I guess AD's across the country should listen to you telling them how qualified Tim Brewster is as a head coach at a BCS school.

I would have liked for him to have had head coaching experience at the college level, or at least a coordinator position. He had neither.

We're not talking about what you would've liked. We're talking about whether or not he was qualified. So what you're saying is that neither Joe Paterno nor Hayden Fry were qualified when given the head coaching jobs at Penn St. and SMU, respectively?

You think Tim Brewster is currently qualified for a head coaching position in the Big Ten simply because a guy named Joel Maturi hired him for that job 7 years ago? Thus making him qualified from that point on? That's all it takes?

Yes, actually. So, you don't understand what the word qualified means. For example, once someone gets a JD, they're qualified to be a lawyer, forever and ever. Once someone gets an MD, they're qualified to be a doctor, forever and ever. That doesn't mean they'll ever be any good or capable at those jobs, but they are indeed qualified.

P.S. I'll help you out a little - you're confusing and conflating "qualified" with "good" and/or "capable".

was a complete failure

:rolleyes: He wasn't good, but he wasn't even the worst Gophers head coach in the last 20 years.

hasn't...even been a legit candidate for a head coaching position at a BCS school since.

You know this how?

If he's qualified for the position you say he is, he'd be getting hired for that position.

Right...because there aren't unemployed lawyers, doctors, engineers, professors, etc. out there. They must not be qualified.

He doesn't even get interviews.

You know this how?

I guess AD's across the country should listen to you telling them how qualified Tim Brewster is as a head coach at a BCS school.

This doesn't make any sense.

We're not talking about what you would've liked. We're talking about whether or not he was qualified. So what you're saying is that neither Joe Paterno nor Hayden Fry were qualified when given the head coaching jobs at Penn St. and SMU, respectively?

Yes, actually. So, you don't understand what the word qualified means. For example, once someone gets a JD, they're qualified to be a lawyer, forever and ever. Once someone gets an MD, they're qualified to be a doctor, forever and ever. That doesn't mean they'll ever be any good or capable at those jobs, but they are indeed qualified.

P.S. I'll help you out a little - you're confusing and conflating "qualified" with "good" and/or "capable".

:rolleyes: He wasn't good, but he wasn't even the worst Gophers head coach in the last 20 years.

You know this how?

Right...because there aren't unemployed lawyers, doctors, engineers, professors, etc. out there. They must not be qualified.

You know this how?

This doesn't make any sense.

If you want to state, for the record, that Joel Maturi hiring Tim Brewster 7 years ago automatically makes him qualified for BCS head coaching positions for the rest of time, then be my guest.

And why are you asking "You know this how?" in regards to me saying Brewster hasn't been interviewed for BCS head coaching positions. Is this a serious question? Have you heard of the internet? Google? We hear about, especially in this town, every time Brewster gets a new job or is applying for a certain job without even having to search for it because the media reports it. But even if they didn't, it's pretty easy to determine, again by using this thing called the internet, what coach Brew has been up to since leaving Minnesota. The guy couldn't shut up about applying for the head coach position at North Texas (which he didn't get by the way, even though he's qualified for that same position at a BCS school according to you), you think he's just kept quiet about all these BCS jobs he's been in the running for recently?

Man, you fell out of the stupid tree and hit every branch on the way down.

I just need to state this one more time so nobody misses it. Dpodoll is stating, on the record, that Tim Brewster is qualified to be hired TODAY as the head football coach at a school in the Big Ten, SEC, ACC, Big 12, and Pac 12, simply because Joel Maturi told the world 7 years ago that he's qualified. And damn anyone who doubts Joel Maturi!

If you want to state, for the record, that Joel Maturi hiring Tim Brewster 7 years ago automatically makes him qualified for BCS head coaching positions for the rest of time, then be my guest.

That's not what I'm stating at all. I'm stating that holding the position for nearly 4 years is what makes him qualified for BCS head coaching positions for the rest of time. Who hired him is completely irrelevant as to whether he is qualified. If someone gets an MD from Northeast Ohio or Harvard - that person is still qualified to be a doctor. You continue to exhibit that you don't understand what the word qualified means.

And why are you asking "You know this how?" in regards to me saying Brewster hasn't been interviewed for BCS head coaching positions. Is this a serious question? Have you heard of the internet? Google? We hear about, especially in this town, every time Brewster gets a new job or is applying for a certain job without even having to search for it because the media reports it. But even if they didn't, it's pretty easy to determine, again by using this thing called the internet, what coach Brew has been up to since leaving Minnesota. The guy couldn't shut up about applying for the head coach position at North Texas (which he didn't get by the way, even though he's qualified for that same position at a BCS school according to you), you think he's just kept quiet about all these BCS jobs he's been in the running for recently?

In other words, you have no idea. You have zero clue as to whether he's been interviewed or been a legitimate candidate for any BCS jobs. Not everything is reported for the average rube to consume. By your (terrible) logic, Phil Fulmer and Larry Coker (national championship-winning coaches) aren't qualified to be BCS head coaches because they aren't currently BCS head coaches or "legitimate contenders" or "received interviews" for those jobs. Oh, and by the way - none of this has absolutely anything to do with whether Tim Brewster was qualified when hired in 2007.

Man, you fell out of the stupid tree and hit every branch on the way down.

It's typical to resort to ad hominem attacks when your argument is a losing one with zero basis.

I just need to state this one more time so nobody misses it. Dpodoll is stating, on the record, that Tim Brewster is qualified to be hired TODAY as the head football coach at a school in the Big Ten, SEC, ACC, Big 12, and Pac 12, simply because Joel Maturi told the world 7 years ago that he's qualified.

I am stating no such thing. He was qualified before Joel Maturi had ever heard of him. I have not once stated anything, at all, about who hired him - you did. It's irrelevant. You're making things up again.

And damn anyone who doubts Joel Maturi!

Irrelevant and pointless comment. Your hatred for Tim Brewster and Joel Maturi is clouding your thinking. I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that your vitriol is compromising your ability to form rational thoughts.

By the way - nice job completely ignoring my question about Joe Paterno and Hayden Fry.

That's not what I'm stating at all. I'm stating that holding the position for nearly 4 years is what makes him qualified for BCS head coaching positions for the rest of time. Who hired him is completely irrelevant as to whether he is qualified. If someone gets an MD from Northeast Ohio or Harvard - that person is still qualified to be a doctor. You continue to exhibit that you don't understand what the word qualified means.

In other words, you have no idea. You have zero clue as to whether he's been interviewed or been a legitimate candidate for any BCS jobs. Not everything is reported for the average rube to consume. By your (terrible) logic, Phil Fulmer and Larry Coker (national championship-winning coaches) aren't qualified to be BCS head coaches because they aren't currently BCS head coaches or "legitimate contenders" or "received interviews" for those jobs. Oh, and by the way - none of this has absolutely anything to do with whether Tim Brewster was qualified when hired in 2007.

It's typical to resort to ad hominem attacks when your argument is a losing one with zero basis.

I am stating no such thing. He was qualified before Joel Maturi had ever heard of him. I have not once stated anything, at all, about who hired him - you did. It's irrelevant. You're making things up again.

Irrelevant and pointless comment. Your hatred for Tim Brewster and Joel Maturi is clouding your thinking. I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that your vitriol is compromising your ability to form rational thoughts.

By the way - nice job completely ignoring my question about Joe Paterno and Hayden Fry.

You're just talking in circles now, going back on what you have clearly stated. You honestly can't keep up with this discussion, so I'm done. My God I'm so much dumber now than I was before you stared this crap. I simply stated that I don't believe Brewster is qualified to be a head coach at a BCS school. And you have to come in and say that it's a fact that he is qualified simply because he held the job once before (even though he was a total failure the ONE time he held that position). Sorry dpo, it's called an opinion. You can't say someone is wrong for thinking a certain coach isn't qualified to be a head coach. You can disagree with me, but you can't say I'm factually wrong.

My God I'm so much dumber now than I was before you stared this crap.

Uhm...never mind.

The problem is that Dpo is right, and you are having trouble coming to terms with that.

Okay boys, there seems to be a discussion on whether Brewster was 'qualified' to be a Big Ten head coach when he was hired here and also whether he is a 'qualified' candidate for a BCS head coach job at this point.

The question is; what determines if one is 'qualified' for these positions?

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