Reusse says Kill is best at slinging his act, Holtz included

Okay boys, there seems to be a discussion on whether Brewster was 'qualified' to be a Big Ten head coach when he was hired here and also whether he is a 'qualified' candidate for a BCS head coach job at this point.

The question is; what determines if one is 'qualified' for these positions?

Apparently if Joel Maturi says you are.

How so? Please explain.

Sorry, two pages of your illogical thought patterns are all I can handle. I'm not trying to troll you... I'm serious. This stuff isn't rocket science and you're not grasping it.

Uhm...never mind.

The problem is that Dpo is right, and you are having trouble coming to terms with that.

Right about what? Do you know how this started? I simply stated that I don't believe that Tim Brewster is qualified to be a head coach at a BCS school. That's called an opinion. Dpo then came in and said that I was factually wrong, which is absurd. Just because Brewster held the position at one point in his life, and failed miserably at it, does not mean he was or is qualified to hold that position. That's all opinion. In Joel Maturi's opinion Brewster was qualified. It's not a fact that he was qualified, it's an opinion. I feel like this is common sense, dpo's stupidity is rubbing off on other posters.

Sorry, two pages of your illogical thought patterns are all I can handle. I'm not trying to troll you... I'm serious. This stuff isn't rocket science and you're not grasping it.

Two pages? Umm, I posted ONCE and dpo had to come in and say I was factually wrong about something (even though all I was doing was posting an innocent opinion). You either have me confused with cjcarter8 or you can't count.

So you don't have an answer? Why am I not surprised.

So you don't have an answer? Why am I not surprised.

Dpo already explained it to you. You failed to understand. I'm not going to waste my time explaining it to you again.

Googling "semantics" may be the first brick in your wall. #brickbybrick

Two pages? Umm, I posted ONCE and dpo had to come in and say I was factually wrong about something (even though all I was doing was posting an innocent opinion). You either have me confused with cjcarter8 or you can't count.

So you don't have an answer? Why am I not surprised.

I made my point on this topic. Now I've washed my hands of it. If you desire continue this debate, please leave me out of it.

I made my point on this topic. Now I've washed my hands of it. If you desire continue this debate, please leave me out of it.

Not bringing you into it. Just curious if Jayeyem confused me with you since you had multiple posts on the subject and I only had one post before dpo came in. By the way, I agree with you.

Dpo already explained it to you. You failed to understand. I'm not going to waste my time explaining it to you again.

Googling "semantics" may be the first brick in your wall. #brickbybrick

You honestly don't know the definition of "qualified".


Okay boys, there seems to be a discussion on whether Brewster was 'qualified' to be a Big Ten head coach when he was hired here and also whether he is a 'qualified' candidate for a BCS head coach job at this point.

The question is; what determines if one is 'qualified' for these positions?

What are you trying to do? Take away our entertainment? You do realize that all we will have left until spring practice starts tomorrow is wren and wren gives me a headache. But you are asking the right question.:clap:

qual·i·fied adjective \ˈkwä-lə-ˌfīd\ : having the necessary skill, experience, or knowledge to do a particular job or activity : having the qualifications to do something

Here is the official definition of "Qualified". Note the words 'to do a particular job'. It doesn't say 'to get hired for a particular job'. By this definition getting hired for a job does not make you qualified for said job. Actually performing the job at the level expected of you is what proves you are qualified for that job.

We all agree that Brewster was a colossal failure at Minnesota. And he was fired because he didn't have the necessary skill, experience, or knowledge to perform the job at the level that was expected (and he wasn't even close). In other words, he wasn't qualified.

So there's your definition of "qualified" for you dpo, now go and shove it up your arrogant and smug ass.

qual·i·fied adjective \ˈkwä-lə-ˌfīd\ : having the necessary skill, experience, or knowledge to do a particular job or activity : having the qualifications to do something

Here is the official definition of "Qualified". Note the words 'to do a particular job'. It doesn't say 'to get hired for a particular job'. By this definition getting hired for a job does not make you qualified for said job. Actually performing the job at the level expected of you is what proves you are qualified for that job.

We all agree that Brewster was a colossal failure at Minnesota. And he was fired because he didn't have the necessary skill, experience, or knowledge to perform the job at the level that was expected (and he wasn't even close). In other words, he wasn't qualified.

So there's your definition of "qualified" for you dpo, now go and shove it up your arrogant and smug ass.

You have to be trolling at this point, right?

Here is the official definition of "Qualified". Note the words 'to do a particular job'. It doesn't say 'to get hired for a particular job'. By this definition getting hired for a job does not make you qualified for said job. Actually performing the job at the level expected of you is what proves you are qualified for that job.

By that definition, any of us are qualified to be a BCS head coach. I can "do" all of the things required of the job. It doesn't mean I'll actually be any good at any of them.

P.S. How do you know what level was expected of Brewster? Did you sit in on his performance reviews?

We all agree that Brewster was a colossal failure at Minnesota.

No, "we all" don't.

And he was fired because he didn't have the necessary skill, experience, or knowledge to perform the job at the level that was expected

No, he was fired because he didn't win enough games. Mack Brown didn't meet expectations and was fired. Therefore, he wasn't qualified to be a BCS head coach. I'm assuming you're not bright enough to see how insanely stupid your "logic" is.

And, once again, you have no idea what was "expected" of him from those who signed the front of his paycheck.

and he wasn't even close

Give me a break.

In other words, he wasn't qualified.

Yes, he was.

So there's your definition of "qualified" for you dpo, now go and shove it up your arrogant and smug ass.


Dpo, please stop. Talk about denial. I'm sorry that I stated an opinion of Brewster and didn't let you come in and tell me that I'm factually wrong. You may get away with that with others on here, not me.

By that definition, any of us are qualified to be a BCS head coach. I can "do" all of the things required of the job. It doesn't mean I'll actually be any good at any of them.

P.S. How do you know what level was expected of Brewster? Did you sit in on his performance reviews?

No, "we all" don't.

No, he was fired because he didn't win enough games. Mack Brown didn't meet expectations and was fired. Therefore, he wasn't qualified to be a BCS head coach. I'm assuming you're not bright enough to see how insanely stupid your "logic" is.

And, once again, you have no idea what was "expected" of him from those who signed the front of his paycheck.

Give me a break.

Yes, he was.


Dpo, you're constipated again.


Dpo, please stop. Talk about denial. I'm sorry that I stated an opinion of Brewster and didn't let you come in and tell me that I'm factually wrong. You may get away with that with others on here, not me.

Your first opinion is that Brewster was not qualified when hired in 2007. I disagree, but that is your opinion, and you're welcome to it.

Your second "opinion" is that Brewster is not qualified now. That cannot be an opinion, because in this particular instance, it is demonstrably false. If someone has already held a job, they are by any stretch of the imagination qualified to hold that job again. Whether they will be any good at it is a different question altogether. I'm sorry that your hatred of Brewster, who committed the unforgivable sin of not winning enough games, makes you unable to see this fact.

I'm still waiting on your answer as to whether Joe Paterno and Hayden Fry were qualified when hired at Penn St. and SMU, respectively.

If someone has already held a job, they are by any stretch of the imagination qualified to hold that job again.

Which is why he's now back doing what everyone at the pro/college level not named Joel Maturi believes he's qualified to do: coach tight ends/charm 17 year olds.

Your first opinion is that Brewster was not qualified when hired in 2007. I disagree, but that is your opinion, and you're welcome to it.

Your second "opinion" is that Brewster is not qualified now. That cannot be an opinion, because in this particular instance, it is demonstrably false. If someone has already held a job, they are by any stretch of the imagination qualified to hold that job again. Whether they will be any good at it is a different question altogether. I'm sorry that your hatred of Brewster, who committed the unforgivable sin of not winning enough games, makes you unable to see this fact.

I'm still waiting on your answer as to whether Joe Paterno and Hayden Fry were qualified when hired at Penn St. and SMU, respectively.

Please re-read those two sentences and tell me they make sense.

So even if they sucked at their job the first and only time they held it, THAT alone makes them qualified to hold that position again in the future? Wow, just wow. You're so illogical on this issue it's beyond alarming.

And stop it with the Fry and Paterno comparisons. Paterno was first hired at Penn State in the 50's, and hired as head coach in the 60's. Fry was hired in the 70's. Newsflash: things have changed since then. It's a completely different world, especially in college football, than it was then. Hiring a college football head coach is just a little different today than it was 40-50 years ago. You can't be serious using those two coaches as examples to prove your point. My god.

Which is why he's now back doing what everyone at the pro/college level not named Joel Maturi believes he's <strike>qualified</strike> best suited to do: coach tight ends/charm 17 year olds.


Which is why he's now back doing what everyone at the pro/college level not named Joel Maturi believes he's qualified to do: coach tight ends/charm 17 year olds.

ding! ding! ding!

If Brewster is qualified for the position dpo says he is, why can't he get that position? Even at a school like North Texas?

Please re-read those two sentences and tell me they make sense.

They make sense.

So even if they sucked at their job the first and only time they held it, THAT alone makes them qualified to hold that position again in the future?

Yes, it does. Again, as you've done several times already, you're confusing ability and qualifications. If someone holds an MD, they're qualified to be a doctor. That doesn't mean they'll be any good at being a doctor. I'm not sure what is so difficult to grasp about this.

You're so illogical on this issue it's beyond alarming.

...he says as he stares into the mirror.

And stop it with the Fry and Paterno comparisons. Paterno was first hired at Penn State in the 50's, and hired as head coach in the 60's. Fry was hired in the 70's. Newsflash: things have changed since then. It's a completely different world, especially in college football, than it was then. Hiring a college football head coach is just a little different today than it was 40-50 years ago. You can't be serious using those two coaches as examples to prove your point. My god.

Quite serious. The corner you've backed yourself into is that qualifications aren't necessarily indicative of ability, and ability is not necessarily determined by qualifications. There have been many coaches less experienced and qualified than Tim Brewster who succeeded spectacularly, and likewise many coaches more experienced and qualified than Tim Brewster who failed far worse than he did. Try talking yourself out of that corner, champ.

ding! ding! ding!

If Brewster is qualified for the position dpo says he is, why can't he get that position? Even at a school like North Texas?

If Phil Fulmer and Larry Coker are qualified to be BCS head coaches, why aren't they?

Dang it. I hoping not to get lured back in.

First, I'm willing to bet the college coaching landscape is not the same today as it was when Paterno and Fry were hired. I wasn't around when Paterno and Fry were hired but I imagine those searches were regional compared to the national searches of today. Which is probably why the jump from position coach to BCS head coach has become rather rare.

Second, let's say you are a factory worker in the auto industry for 18 years. You've never been the manager of the factory just worked the same job on the assembly line and you've done a damn good job for those 18 years. In fact, you're the best. Are you qualified to be the CEO at GM?

And with Brewster now, I'd probably agree that he is technically qualified but he doesn't appear to be a capable candidate.

ding! ding! ding!

If Brewster is qualified for the position dpo says he is, why can't he get that position? Even at a school like North Texas?

He may not want to be a HC at a non-AQ school. Maybe he finds being a position coach at a school that has the chance to win an NC more alluring than grinding annonymously at Directional State University.

I'm not saying this is the case but it's not out of the realm of possibility.

Um, it's called retirement. This is too easy.

Someone should inform Larry Coker (and the UTSA administration) that he is retired.

Also, Fulmer has stated several times over the years that he wants to be coaching somewhere.

Keep diggin' that hole.

He may not want to be a HC at a non-AQ school. Maybe he finds being a position coach at a school that has the chance to win an NC more alluring than grinding annonymously at Directional State University.

I'm not saying this is the case but it's not out of the realm of possibility.

Tim Brewster applied for, interviewed for, and was turned down by North Texas for their head coaching position a few years ago, after he left Minnesota.

Someone should inform Larry Coker (and the UTSA administration) that he is retired.

Also, Fulmer has stated several times over the years that he wants to be coaching somewhere.

Keep diggin' that hole.

This is getting ridiculous. Both of those guys are old and over the hill. Bud Grant is qualified too. Are you wondering why he isn't coaching? Your arguments are incredibly weak.

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