Reusse says Kill is best at slinging his act, Holtz included

El Amin Fan

Well-known member
Jul 23, 2012
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Reusse tees off on Kill's awww shucks schtick.

First, we had Kill aw-shucks us into believing it was at the university’s urging that he received a two-year extension even before signing his original five-year agreement. And this week came the whopper, with Minnesotans eating up the version that the university was embarrassed to be paying Kill a mere $1.2 million and basically browbeat him into accepting an increase.

Yup, the coach goes from a remaining $4.8 million for four years to $11.5 million for five years, and he and his high-powered agent had nothing to do with driving this. Really, all Country Jer was looking for was a show of appreciation for his assistants. And without that clause to put the Gophers’ budget in the Big Ten’s top six for assistants, Kill said:

“I wouldn’t have signed the contract. That’s just the way it is.’’

The university would’ve been forced to continue the embarrassment of paying you a mere $1.2 million to reach runner-up status in the Texas Bowl without the boost for assistants?

Thanks for taking the extra $6.7 million, and let the Old Scribe say:

Keep slinging, Country Jer, because you’re the best at it we’ve ever had in these parts, Lou Holtz included.

Says the bitter old man.

Says the bitter old man who kisses Gardy's ass. How many years did Gardy extend this off season?

Phatrick is almost as buff as Soupcan.
There isn't a Gopher coach he doesn't love to rip on

Sometimes I just sit and ponder what it would be like to be this inept....

That whole press conference was pretty funny.

"They made me" was his answer when asked about his pay increase. When asked about the clauses about his health...."oh gee, you guys know more about what's in my contract that I do." "My wife knows more about what's in my contract than I do". C'mon.

I can understand Reusse's skepticism after what we've been through with gopher athletics, and maybe I'm a shmuck, but I actually believe Kill when he says this stuff.

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Sometimes I just sit and ponder what it would be like to be this inept....

Inept is hardly the word to use when describing Reusse. His life is the personal wet dream of many GopherHolers who spend a large part of their lives watching, reading, and blogging about sports. Reusse has never had to put in an honest days work in his entire life. For 45 years he has been paid to do what many of us would have done for free.

Listened to a big chunk of last week's Saturday Morning Sports Talk, also chunks of the afternoon show over the last three days. If you listened, you were absolutely certain that a Jerry Kill column was on the way.

Patrick must have mentioned, by name, Gopherhole about 10-15 times. He also started mentioning "Country Jer" and how he could sling it. Interestingly enough, every time he tried to get himself into a "lather" about it he backed-off. Seems he actually likes Kill.

Now getting Gopherhole posters "into a lather" and re-writing his Brewster history? Those things will always be part of Reusse's agenda.

hi patrick! thanks for reading!

he does have a point though and not sure why we don't admit it. kill has a schtick just like brew did, just like wacker did. we're buying into his schtick though more so because it fits our midwest values pretty well. if jerry doesn't want or need the money, no reason not to donate it back to the u to improve our facilities. many coaches have done that over the years, creating an endowment to kick start a campaign. i like his schtick and he's got me hook, line and sinker.

Reusse tees off on Kill's awww shucks schtick.

First, we had Kill aw-shucks us into believing it was at the university’s urging that he received a two-year extension even before signing his original five-year agreement. And this week came the whopper, with Minnesotans eating up the version that the university was embarrassed to be paying Kill a mere $1.2 million and basically browbeat him into accepting an increase.

Yup, the coach goes from a remaining $4.8 million for four years to $11.5 million for five years, and he and his high-powered agent had nothing to do with driving this. Really, all Country Jer was looking for was a show of appreciation for his assistants. And without that clause to put the Gophers’ budget in the Big Ten’s top six for assistants, Kill said:

“I wouldn’t have signed the contract. That’s just the way it is.’’

The university would’ve been forced to continue the embarrassment of paying you a mere $1.2 million to reach runner-up status in the Texas Bowl without the boost for assistants?

Thanks for taking the extra $6.7 million, and let the Old Scribe say:

Keep slinging, Country Jer, because you’re the best at it we’ve ever had in these parts, Lou Holtz included.

Well, Fulda the Hutt's pivot even beat my over/under estimates. In a post dated 2/9/14, I presaged this very thing would be coming from ol' Country (Buffet) Pat . . .

Don't know if it's more apt to describe it as weird - or sad.

hi patrick! thanks for reading!

he does have a point though and not sure why we don't admit it. kill has a schtick just like brew did, just like wacker did. we're buying into his schtick though more so because it fits our midwest values pretty well. if jerry doesn't want or need the money, no reason not to donate it back to the u to improve our facilities. many coaches have done that over the years, creating an endowment to kick start a campaign. i like his schtick and he's got me hook, line and sinker.

I agree. Patrick likes Kill and I believe it is all good natured fun. I thought it was a fun read. "Country Jer" is Kill's cliché spout. The guy gets it and I think it will continue to show on the field and in recruiting. Maybe he will give back money to the U.

There was no way Teague would let him turn down the money. This extension is more about the U's embarrassment in facilities and lack of support for the Football.

hi patrick! thanks for reading!

he does have a point though and not sure why we don't admit it. kill has a schtick just like brew did, just like wacker did. we're buying into his schtick though more so because it fits our midwest values pretty well. if jerry doesn't want or need the money, no reason not to donate it back to the u to improve our facilities. many coaches have done that over the years, creating an endowment to kick start a campaign. i like his schtick and he's got me hook, line and sinker.

Agreed though people who knew all three guys say that their public personas were more or less who they were, just amplified for the public. Wacker didn't have any success up here, but he was a deeply religious and positive man. Brewster was a terrible head coach and people up here HATED his personality. He just HAD to be a phony right? Most can believe that someone can be constant cynics and a-holes, but not unrelentingly positive. Especially without cause. Kill certainly ratchets-up his "Country Ways" but people around here never tire of being told how bad things are.

Now Coach Kill is starting to raise expectations. Hope he takes the "poor me" crowd with him on his way "up".

Oh, one other thing about Ruesse's column. His rewriting of history now includes Holtz. Now there's a guy who private and public persona's are miles apart. Many/most of us did NOT buy into his "admiration and commitment" to Minnesota. Looking at his resume and after the Joe Salem fiasco most people were banking on him being able to turn things around. Not because of his love for the place, but because he was getting a check.

Sometimes I just sit and ponder what it would be like to be this inept....

Inept is hardly the word to use when describing Reusse. His life is the personal wet dream of many GopherHolers who spend a large part of their lives watching, reading, and blogging about sports. Reusse has never had to put in an honest days work in his entire life. For 45 years he has been paid to do what many of us would have done for free.

So there are two upnorth posters.

So there are two upnorth posters.

Well, at least we know there are two upnorth "screen names" in GopherHole. Whether or not there are there are two different upnorth "posters" has yet to be determined. I have been known to debate myself from time to time. And I even ridicule and make fun of myself occasionally.

hi patrick! thanks for reading!

he does have a point though and not sure why we don't admit it. kill has a schtick just like brew did, just like wacker did. we're buying into his schtick though more so because it fits our midwest values pretty well. if jerry doesn't want or need the money, no reason not to donate it back to the u to improve our facilities. many coaches have done that over the years, creating an endowment to kick start a campaign. i like his schtick and he's got me hook, line and sinker.

I completely disagree. First of all, Jerry Kill is in no way anything like Tim Brewster. And second, I don't think Kill has a schtick at all. I think he happens to be an incredibly honest and genuine guy who just tries to be himself.

Why does it have to be an either/or? To me it's a both/and. Kill has an awesome schtick, but all appearances are he's a decent guy who is able to separate his personality from the task of coaching. But let's not kid ourselves. Beneath the surface, Kill is an uber competitor who probably played full-contact tiddlywinks and if his charm and self-deprecation can get him around (and the program) around the corner, it's a tool and means towards an end. That doesn't mean he's a phony (I don't think Brewster is a phony either).


hi patrick! thanks for reading!

he does have a point though and not sure why we don't admit it. kill has a schtick just like brew did, just like wacker did. we're buying into his schtick though more so because it fits our midwest values pretty well. if jerry doesn't want or need the money, no reason not to donate it back to the u to improve our facilities. many coaches have done that over the years, creating an endowment to kick start a campaign. i like his schtick and he's got me hook, line and sinker.

I believe Brewster contributed to the building of TCF stadium.

I completely disagree. First of all, Jerry Kill is in no way anything like Tim Brewster. And second, I don't think Kill has a schtick at all. I think he happens to be an incredibly honest and genuine guy who just tries to be himself.

Jerry Kill has his schtick down pat. It is obvious that he has been practicing it for a very long time. There are three main differences between Kill and Brewster, otherwise, their down home cornpone way of talking is the same:

1. Brewster is a better recruiter than Kill

2. Kill is a better coach than Brewster

3. For his first two years Brewster made zero excuses for losing games despite Mason's pathetic recruiting classes during his last three years. Kill spent his first two years telling anyone who would listen to him how he couldn't win football games with the players he was left with when he became the Gopher's coach. He never stopped throwing Brewster's recruits under the bus. They all remember it - and I will never stop reminding GopherHolers and Reusse (Hi, Pat) about it.

Why does it have to be an either/or? To me it's a both/and. Kill has an awesome schtick, but all appearances are he's a decent guy who is able to separate his personality from the task of coaching. But let's not kid ourselves. Beneath the surface, Kill is an uber competitor who probably played full-contact tiddlywinks and if his charm and self-deprecation can get him around (and the program) around the corner, it's a tool and means towards an end. That doesn't mean he's a phony (I don't think Brewster is a phony either).

I agree, I don't think Kill or Brewster are phony. It's who they are. Both have good qualities and different personalities.

Why does it have to be an either/or? To me it's a both/and. Kill has an awesome schtick, but all appearances are he's a decent guy who is able to separate his personality from the task of coaching. But let's not kid ourselves. Beneath the surface, Kill is an uber competitor who probably played full-contact tiddlywinks and if his charm and self-deprecation can get him around (and the program) around the corner, it's a tool and means towards an end. That doesn't mean he's a phony (I don't think Brewster is a phony either).

ding, ding, ding, ding, ding.....we have a winner.
Kill is a genuine guy, he would have to be for his assistants to stick with him as long as they have but this aww shucks routine is also definitely part schtick for public consumption. There is no way the U gave him a contract extension and more money just because they felt like it with no push of any kind from the other side. If they did, then we have officially the worst administration in the history of sports that would renegotiate themselves into spending more money when they didn't have to.

3. For his first two years Brewster made zero excuses for losing games despite Mason's pathetic recruiting classes during his last three years. Kill spent his first two years telling anyone who would listen to him how he couldn't win football games with the players he was left with when he became the Gopher's coach. He never stopped throwing Brewster's recruits under the bus. They all remember it - and I will never stop reminding GopherHolers and Reusse (Hi, Pat) about it.

Jerry Kill is doing this not because he knows something all experienced coaches know: you need time to instill habits into players. First you have to break down there old habits, then build the ones you need for your system.

Of course laymen don't properly sympathize, thus it's necessary for Jerry Kill to manage our expectations too. Fan expectations can crush a program faster than most coaches could.

Essentially, this is what Reusse is alluding to in the article. Jerry Kill puts on a little act, so what? What is bad about that? He coaches a good program and puts on a nice show. Enjoy yourself.

I liked it. "Country Jer" is a monicker I suspect Kill likes, it fits him to a "T". Also, while I really do not like Phat Pat, I suspect that ol' Jer is the first football coach in years that He really likes and respects.

If Kill were to win 9 or 10 next year, we will have trouble keeping Reusse in check. A good problem.

Jerry Kill is doing this not because he knows something all experienced coaches know: you need time to instill habits into players. First you have to break down there old habits, then build the ones you need for your system.

Of course laymen don't properly sympathize, thus it's necessary for Jerry Kill to manage our expectations too. Fan expectations can crush a program faster than most coaches could.

Essentially, this is what Reusse is alluding to in the article. Jerry Kill puts on a little act, so what? What is bad about that? He coaches a good program and puts on a nice show. Enjoy yourself.

I am enjoying myself - and my Gopher football season tickets that I have had for decades. But I will never stop correcting GopherHolers who never miss an opportunity to deify Kill and demonize Brewster (and Maturi). This reminds me. I think I forgot to mention in my previous post that Jerry Kill is the Gopher's football coach ONLY because Joel Maturi selected him and decided to hire him. Cue all the Maturi haters (including Reusse) who think he deserves zero credit for hiring Kill.

I am enjoying myself - and my Gopher football season tickets that I have had for decades. But I will never stop correcting GopherHolers who never miss an opportunity to deify Kill and demonize Brewster (and Maturi). This reminds me. I think I forgot to mention in my previous post that Jerry Kill is the Gopher's football coach ONLY because Joel Maturi selected him and decided to hire him. Cue all the Maturi haters (including Reusse) who think he deserves zero credit for hiring Kill.

To be fair, if the Gophers go 3-9 next year Maturi will be getting all the credit for hiring him.

Jerry Kill has his schtick down pat. It is obvious that he has been practicing it for a very long time. There are three main differences between Kill and Brewster, otherwise, their down home cornpone way of talking is the same:

1. Brewster is a better recruiter than Kill

2. Kill is a better coach than Brewster

3. For his first two years Brewster made zero excuses for losing games despite Mason's pathetic recruiting classes during his last three years. Kill spent his first two years telling anyone who would listen to him how he couldn't win football games with the players he was left with when he became the Gopher's coach. He never stopped throwing Brewster's recruits under the bus. They all remember it - and I will never stop reminding GopherHolers and Reusse (Hi, Pat) about it.

Just an absurd statement. There isn't one thing Brewster does better than Kill, and that includes recruiting. I don't think it's even close.

Just an absurd statement. There isn't one thing Brewster does better than Kill, and that includes recruiting. I don't think it's even close.

To bad those losers at Florida State didn't call you first. :D

Just an absurd statement. There isn't one thing Brewster does better than Kill, and that includes recruiting. I don't think it's even close.

+1 Some people here are again confusing being a good salesman with the overall process of recruiting players. Jerry has developed is a very well thought out and complete process for identifying, evaluating, selecting, and recruiting players that have the best chance to exceed in his program. Included in this is a large network of contacts and friends that are an integral part of the process. Brewster may have some of these skills but has nowhere the depth and breadth that Jerry Kill has when comes to recruiting.

+1 Some people here are again confusing being a good salesman with the overall process of recruiting players. Jerry has developed is a very well thought out and complete process for identifying, evaluating, selecting, and recruiting players that have the best chance to exceed in his program. Included in this is a large network of contacts and friends that are an integral part of the process. Brewster may have some of these skills but has nowhere the depth and breadth that Jerry Kill has when comes to recruiting.

Not necessarily saying you are wrong but you are basing this argument on what he has been able to do at the lower levels which is a totally different ball game then D1, BCS level football. So far what we have from Kill is one decent Big Ten season where a good part of the core of the team (especially on the stronger side of the ball, defense) was made up of Brewster recruits. His recruiting classes continue to rank in the lower half of the conference according to all the services.

Starting this year we will find out how Kill's recruits are going to stack up in the conference because for the first time the majority of the roster will be his guys. So if with his players we are finishing in the top part of the conference it will be concrete proof that Kill's recruiting methods really are superior.

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