Reusse says Kill is best at slinging his act, Holtz included

No he doesn't. He didn't have the ability to do the job, which is why he was fired. Had he had the ability to do the job, in other words had he been qualified, he wouldn't have been fired.[/QUOTE

So every coach that has been fired due to lack of success wasn't qualified??? How do so many get jobs again? You are digging a giant hole because your ego won't let you admit you were wrong!

Of course not, and I didn't say that, not even close. I'm saying that's the case with Tim Brewster. Every situation is different. Glen Mason was obviously qualified to be head coach here. He was a former head coach with success, and then had success here. He is clearly qualified.

When Brewster was hired the question everyone was asking, on this board and around town, was "is he qualified" to be a head coach due to having zero prior experience and not even a history of being a coordinator. Those were legit questions. And what happened? He took the Minnesota job and failed big time. We now know he wasn't qualified for that job and never should have been offered it in the first place. Yet he's qualified for simply holding, and failing at, the job once before?

No he doesn't. He didn't have the ability to do the job, which is why he was fired. Had he had the ability to do the job, in other words had he been qualified, he wouldn't have been fired.

Sweet Jesus that is the dumbest argument I've ever heard. I guess Mason must not have been qualified then either because he failed and got fired too. How about Wacker? Any other previous gopher coach? Any coach that has been fired anywhere? If any of those coaches had been qualified they wouldn't have been fired? Coaches get fired. Some move on to other coaching positions and do very well. Just because you get fired has nothing to do with being qualified for the position. Dumbest stuff I've ever seen posted here and that's saying a lot. You're nothing but comedy now to everyone here.

Sweet Jesus that is the dumbest argument I've ever heard. I guess Mason must not have been qualified then either because he failed and got fired too. How about Wacker? Any other previous gopher coach?

Mason and Wacker were successful head coaches prior to coming to Minnesota. Jerry Kill was a successful head coach prior to coming to Minnesota. John Gutekunst was a successful defensive coordinator before becoming head coach. They actually held positions with real responsibilities that gave them the experience to be head coaches here.

Joel Maturi hired Tim Brewster to be a first time head coach and Brewster failed miserably. Using some people's logic, if Maturi had hired Chris Voelz to be head coach and fired her 3.5 years later, Chris Voelz remains qualified to be a head coach in a BCS conference.

Sweet Jesus that is the dumbest argument I've ever heard. I guess Mason must not have been qualified then either because he failed and got fired too. How about Wacker? Any other previous gopher coach? Any coach that has been fired anywhere? If any of those coaches had been qualified they wouldn't have been fired? Coaches get fired. Some move on to other coaching positions and do very well. Just because you get fired has nothing to do with being qualified for the position. Dumbest stuff I've ever seen posted here and that's saying a lot. You're nothing but comedy now to everyone here.

Follow along, and read my above post regarding Mason. You're putting words in my mouth, or you simply can't follow a discussion. Not once did I ever say a coach that gets fired isn't qualified for that job. That would be absurd. I was referring to Brewster and Brewster only with that comment. Are you people capable of recognizing individual situations? Not every situation is the same.

Why was everyone asking if Brewster was qualified back when he was hired in '07? It was because of his utter lack of experience. And now all of a sudden it's wrong to suggest that he wasn't/isn't qualified for the job, even after he failed at it???

Mason and Wacker were successful head coaches prior to coming to Minnesota. Jerry Kill was a successful head coach prior to coming to Minnesota. John Gutekunst was a successful defensive coordinator before becoming head coach. They actually held positions with real responsibilities that gave them the experience to be head coaches here.

Joel Maturi hired Tim Brewster to be a first time head coach and Brewster failed miserably. Using some people's logic, if Maturi had hired Chris Voelz to be head coach and fired her 3.5 years later, Chris Voelz remains qualified to be a head coach in a BCS conference.

That's exactly what dpo's theory is, you hit it on the head.

No he doesn't. He didn't have the ability to do the job, which is why he was fired. Had he had the ability to do the job, in other words had he been qualified, he wouldn't have been fired.

I can see your point a little bit, but your logic is very flawed here. The ability to do the job and winning football games don't necessarily go hand in hand. Your ability to do a job has completely to do with your ability to do the tasks required of that position.

If a school hired Tim Brewster to be head coach of their football program, they can rest assured that he has the ability to run a football program. You know that he will have the ability to perform the required job tasks of a collegiate football head coach, because he's already done it for multiple seasons. Now, you have no idea if he's going to win games for you, but you know he can do the job tasks. Most people when hiring want a little more out of their hire than that, of course, hence, why people get canned all the time even though they can do the job.

Winning games gets more into HOW MUCH ability you have to be a head coach, not if you have the ability or not. And even then, you see all the time where coaches will win one place, "fail" at other places. It's not like their ability to be a head coach suddenly changed. Circumstances around them did though. But whether they won 10 games at one school, or 3 games at another school (or even 10 games one season, and 3 games another season at the same school), their qualifications for doing the job still stood.

I can see your point a little bit, but your logic is very flawed here. The ability to do the job and winning football games don't necessarily go hand in hand. Your ability to do a job has completely to do with your ability to do the tasks required of that position.

If a school hired Tim Brewster to be head coach of their football program, they can rest assured that he has the ability to run a football program. You know that he will have the ability to perform the required job tasks of a collegiate football head coach, because he's already done it for multiple seasons. Now, you have no idea if he's going to win games for you, but you know he can do the job tasks. Most people when hiring want a little more out of their hire than that, of course, hence, why people get canned all the time even though they can do the job.

Winning games gets more into HOW MUCH ability you have to be a head coach, not if you have the ability or not. And even then, you see all the time where coaches will win one place, "fail" at other places. It's not like their ability to be a head coach suddenly changed. Circumstances around them did though. But whether they won 10 games at one school, or 3 games at another school (or even 10 games one season, and 3 games another season at the same school), their qualifications for doing the job still stood.

Based on what??? The fact that he failed miserably the first time around? The fact that he went 6-18 in the Big Ten? The fact that we were losing scholarships because no one went to class? Was I the only one around from '07 to '10?

Look, most coaches are qualified when they get hired. If Charlie Strong sucks at Texas and is fired after 3 years, I wouldn't say he wasn't qualified, because he's already shown his coaching ability and proven he can win. But it's different for other coaches. If you haven't ever been a head coach before, and there are legit questions from fans and media on whether this guy is up for the job, it's not a forgone conclusion that he's qualified. He has to prove it first. Just because some dopey AD hired him doesn't make him qualified. His credentials do, and Brewster didn't have any credentials that would warrant becoming a head coach so he had to prove it on the field that he was qualified. He showed us he wasn't.

What I'm hearing is, you hated Brewster and as long as your argument can poorly validate your hatred for brew, than it's ok. Otherwise it's different circumstances because everyone else other than brew was I know thanks

What I'm hearing is, you hated Brewster and as long as your argument can poorly validate your hatred for brew, than it's ok. Otherwise it's different circumstances because everyone else other than brew was I know thanks

Sorry, but I loved Brew. I defended him every chance I got until I simply couldn't do it anymore. But I had very high hopes when he was hired, loved his first press conference, etc. I was fully on board with the hire. Sorry to burst your bubble.

Obviously you're not qualified to rebuild it. You tried and failed. You weren't qualified to do it, which is why it turned out poorly. Had you been qualified for that type of thing, you wouldn't have to bring it to someone who is actually qualified to do it for you.

And since you're so hung up on this:

qual·i·fied adjective \ˈkwä-lə-ˌfīd\ : having the necessary skill, experience, or knowledge to do a particular job or activity : having the qualifications to do something

I completed the rebuild. My scooter ran. I could take it to work or the store. Therefore I was qualified "to do a particular job". When it ran, it ran boggy, stalled out, didn't run as well as I anticipated or desired. I then hired out the job, and for the past 4 years it has run much, much better.

Two qualified people worked on my scooter, and one of them did a better job.

No he doesn't. He didn't have the ability to do the job, which is why he was fired. Had he had the ability to do the job, in other words had he been qualified, he wouldn't have been fired.

You do realize that although Brew had a bad tenure here, he also got us to two bowl games. Seems qualified to me.

If you haven't ever been a head coach before

Brewster had been a head coach before. Also, we aren't talking about 2007. We're talking about 2014.

and there are legit questions from fans and media on whether this guy is up for the job, it's not a forgone conclusion that he's qualified

As I've stated before, and you summarily ignored, whether he was qualified in 2007 is debatable. Whether he's qualified in 2014 isn't. Why do you keep talking about 2007? Have you finally dropped your ridiculous stance that he's not qualified right now?

Using some people's logic, if Maturi had hired Chris Voelz to be head coach and fired her 3.5 years later, Chris Voelz remains qualified to be a head coach in a BCS conference.

And that would be fantastic logic, because it is 100% correct.

Brewster had been a head coach before. Also, we aren't talking about 2007. We're talking about 2014.

As I've stated before, and you summarily ignored, whether he was qualified in 2007 is debatable. Whether he's qualified in 2014 isn't. Why do you keep talking about 2007?

In high school, not at the college level. Which you know is what I was referring to, but you like to play games. Please grow up and have a discussion. Your act is so old by now.

Of course not, and I didn't say that, not even close. I'm saying that's the case with Tim Brewster. Every situation is different. Glen Mason was obviously qualified to be head coach here. He was a former head coach with success, and then had success here. He is clearly qualified.

When Brewster was hired the question everyone was asking, on this board and around town, was "is he qualified" to be a head coach due to having zero prior experience and not even a history of being a coordinator. Those were legit questions. And what happened? He took the Minnesota job and failed big time. We now know he wasn't qualified for that job and never should have been offered it in the first place. Yet he's qualified for simply holding, and failing at, the job once before?

FWIW, mine was, "Do you think we will land his kid?"

Wow, doubling down on that?

Game, set, match. Any of Dpo's minions want to defend this one?

I'm not a minion, but I pretty much agree with him. If Voelz was coach for three and a half years, that means she figured out the job duties required to be a head football coach. Someone who isn't qualified for the position couldn't possibly last 3 years in that position if they didn't have the ability to do the job. They'd be gone in weeks or months, maybe.

And to answer your question on a school being assured Brewster can run a program, I don't know what else to tell you beside look at the fact that he did it for three plus years. You didn't like how it ended, but that doesn't change the fact that he did it, and fulfilled the duties of being a head coach. He went to two bowl games, I mean, that's not an unmitigated failure by any means, it would seem to me that any coach that can guide a program to two straight bowl games at least shows an ability to do the job.

I'm not a minion, but I pretty much agree with him. If Voelz was coach for three and a half years, that means she figured out the job duties required to be a head football coach. Someone who isn't qualified for the position couldn't possibly last 3 years in that position if they didn't have the ability to do the job. They'd be gone in weeks or months, maybe.

And to answer your question on a school being assured Brewster can run a program, I don't know what else to tell you beside look at the fact that he did it for three plus years. You didn't like how it ended, but that doesn't change the fact that he did it, and fulfilled the duties of being a head coach. He went to two bowl games, I mean, that's not an unmitigated failure by any means, it would seem to me that any coach that can guide a program to two straight bowl games at least shows an ability to do the job.

Sooo you'd say he's qualified then?:D:cool02:

Never let the ba$tards get you down dmb123. Never quit. Never back down. Take this ode to brewball to it's "logical conclusion..." The thread pretty much resembles the final chapter of brewball at the U.

This IS the holy gopher poster's at their finest!

dopodoll and dmb123 hijacked this"What Reusse said about Kill thread" and took it straight to brewball hell.

There you have it DMB. If having wren on your side doesn't convince you that you might want to rethink your position, nothing will.

There you have it DMB. If having wren on your side doesn't convince you that you might want to rethink your position, nothing will.

+1 Finally a post that says it all. We have his rock bottom. There is now where to go but up now.

When Brewster was hired he had never been anymore than a position coach. At that point if you list "qualification"
bullet's for a BCS coach, Brewster didn't fit the criteria. He basically sold Maturi on: " If you get the Jimmy and Joe's
you don't need x's and 0's" Remember how hard he hammered that it was " recruit , recruit, recruit ". He initially surrounded himself with a top shelf staff to help him with his weakest part of his resume. Head coaching expierence.
You wonder if Brewster had kept his original staff he might have succeeded? Yes, Dipdo can be a first class a-hole, but in this case he is certainly correct. Brewster has all the qualification's to be a BCS coach. In regards too Kill, the jury is out in regards too being a strong recruiter. We've seen he has the ability to " coach-em up " and find some diamonds in the rough. We have to see how these kids pan out in year's 4 and 5. Just me, but I think eventually you need to bring in more " Jimmy and Joe's " like Jeff Jones to compete with the upper half of the B1G.

When Brewster was hired he had never been anymore than a position coach. At that point if you list "qualification"
bullet's for a BCS coach, Brewster didn't fit the criteria. He basically sold Maturi on: " If you get the Jimmy and Joe's
you don't need x's and 0's" Remember how hard he hammered that it was " recruit , recruit, recruit ". He initially surrounded himself with a top shelf staff to help him with his weakest part of his resume. Head coaching expierence.
You wonder if Brewster had kept his original staff he might have succeeded? Yes, Dipdo can be a first class a-hole, but in this case he is certainly correct. Brewster has all the qualification's to be a BCS coach. In regards too Kill, the jury is out in regards too being a strong recruiter. We've seen he has the ability to " coach-em up " and find some diamonds in the rough. We have to see how these kids pan out in year's 4 and 5. Just me, but I think eventually you need to bring in more " Jimmy and Joe's " like Jeff Jones to compete with the upper half of the B1G.

Firing Mike Dunbar and ditching the spread (an offense where Adam Weber thrived in) in my opinion was one of Tim Brewster's first major mistakes.

Firing Mike Dunbar and ditching the spread (an offense where Adam Weber thrived in) in my opinion was one of Tim Brewster's first major mistakes.

His first major mistake was hiring Dunbar in the first place and trying to take a team that was built around the running game and turn it into a spread team. He then compounded the problem by realizing his mistake too late and trying to switch back to a more run oriented team.

Add to that the hiring of Everett Whithers who has proven now to be a very good college coach but fresh out of the NFL he was not yet ready to translate his defense to the college game. Unfortunately we became a testing ground for him.

Mason had a well established core of offensive coaches that provided stability. Kill takes that to a whole different level with a full staff of guys that have stuck with him. Brewster did not have that base coming in which in the end probably played the biggest role in his downfall happening as quickly as it did.

Thread Title: " Reusse says Kill is best at slinging his act, Holtz included"

I suggest another one: GopherHole says Reusse is best at slinging his act, Kill included.

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