Reid Travis Picks Stanford Over U

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Other than that pic of Henry and Reid on the plane together, is there any other evidence that they are close?

Not that I'm aware of. They played together on Pump N Run 15s, so I'm sure they have a relationship of some sort, but I've never gotten any indication that they're really close.

Pitino has put together a very good staff. Ben Johnson is a great asset to the program.

Amelia weighs in:

What's your 'gut' telling you re: Reid's announcement?


As I predicted in my Wednesday insider, I think Travis is heading to … nowhere. In other words, I think he’s staying here and going to the University of Minnesota. In his backyard, basically, since his family lives on the edge of Gophers campus. Minnesota’s staff has made a great push in the last several weeks, and Travis has been around the university quite a bit. The tides have shifted, and for once, they appear to be shifting away from places like Duke and Stanford.

And those of you that are putzing around, grumbling to yourself that new coach Richard Pitino had better get at least one of the three (I know you’re out there, hiding in the corners of the internet, because I see your goofy comments on Twitter and on the blogs) should wake up and realize what an incredible accomplishment that would be. For the new staff at Minnesota – a program in transition without a lot of recent success to boast – to get one of the top recruits in the nation after pursuing him for just six months? That would be a major achievement. To the Gophers fans that couldn’t enjoy it because they’re so busy expecting ridiculous things, I shake my head.

Go Gophers!!

Also, we need to get this thread to 100 by the time he announces tomorrow. What time is he announcing, like 3 PM?

Stay classy Zags fans...

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>Honestly glad Zags didn't land Reid Travis. Kids stringing schools around.</p>— Daniel (@xpin3appl3) <a href="">November 7, 2013</a></blockquote>
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Exactly. And no offense to Jarvis, but I highly doubt that plays into Reid's decision. He seems like an incredibly smart kid that will make the decision that's best for him...period.

He didn't say it played into his decision. if true, it just shows Jarvis' leanings

Refresh. Refresh. Refresh.

Why am I expecting big news the day BEFORE he announces? Am I insane?

Don't answer that.

Alright, here's my proposal: Let's organize a flash mob to be at DLS tomorrow around 3. We're gonna dance around until we eventually spell out "U of M." Who's in?!

Alright, here's my proposal: Let's organize a flash mob to be at DLS tomorrow around 3. We're gonna dance around until we eventually spell out "U of M." Who's in?!

we're not trying to scare the kid away

I know, I keep checking like mad too just in case a high level person gets news early or something.

The decision 2.0

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we're not trying to scare the kid away

it's just an idea. and now that i think about it, you're right that's a little overboard. How about we all wear Reid Travis Masks with a giant "M" over the face at his announcement?

The real question is do they drop Reid Travis rating to a two star after he commits here?

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>Sources are now saying Reid Travis to Minnesota.</p>— WC HOOPS REPORT (@wchoopsreport) <a href="">November 7, 2013</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>Tomorrow at this time, <a href="">@Reid_Travis_22</a> will make his college decision known at DeLaSalle HS!! <a href="">#WeNeedReid</a>!!!!!!! <a href="">#Gophers</a> <a href="">#SkiUMah</a>!!</p>— (@GopherHole) <a href="">November 7, 2013</a></blockquote>
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That isn't a very legit news source. 190 followers? The tweet right before that one is ripping Humphrey for choosing Stanford, what kind of legit analyst rips a kid for his choice?

Edit: Talking about the WC Hoops Report.

That isn't a very legit news source. 190 followers? The tweet right before that one is ripping Humphrey for choosing Stanford, what kind of legit analyst rips a kid for his choice?

Edit: Talking about the WC Hoops Report.

That, and his "sources" are probably Reusse's tweet. Still I figured it was worth posting.

That isn't a very legit news source. 190 followers? The tweet right before that one is ripping Humphrey for choosing Stanford, what kind of legit analyst rips a kid for his choice?

Edit: Talking about the WC Hoops Report.
I think this account said Humphreys was going to commit to Stanford soon and they were right... Might have been a different account

I'd bet money that person has zero sources and is just looking at his crystal ball predictions and other online sources that we all have access to.

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