Reid Travis Picks Stanford Over U

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I want to say Royce was 17-20? Rodney was not that high for sure.

Reid would be the highest ranked recruit since when?

At #23 on espn I believe he is higher ranked than Royce and Rodney were.

Reid would be the highest rated Gopher commit (using ESPN's #23 ranking) since The Hump.

Go Gophers!!

Pryzbilla #8
Rickert #9
Humphries #10
White #31
Travis #35
Williams #36

According to RSCI

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Here you go.

Thanks for the recruit numbers.

If it wasn't for you guys I'd have to look up that crap myself.:cool02:

You had to figure at some point his real decision would start to leak out....Stanford is a great education. See Ya...

We'll be sure to put you on suicide watch when Penn State goes up 3-0 on Saturday. :rolleyes:

Guess what day it is. Guess what day it is. Reid , Reid , Reid , Reid , Reid what day is it Reid ?

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>FWIW: yes, the public is still invited to Reid Travis' announcement today. But told there is a restriction on numbers. <a href="">#Gophers</a> <a href="">#Stanford</a></p>— Darren Wolfson (@DarrenWolfson) <a href="">November 8, 2013</a></blockquote>
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Go Gophers!!

I will be completely worthless today. (As opposed to other days, where I'm merely mostly worthless.)

Ryan James is saying Duke is officially out. I gotta say, it will really suck if he picks Stanford instead of the U but I'm glad he's not going to Duke.

Ryan James is saying Duke is officially out. I gotta say, it will really suck if he picks Stanford instead of the U but I'm glad he's not going to Duke.

Just a thought, but if he's planning on staying 4 years and getting his degree, he should go to Stanford. If he's thinking one or two and done, the Gophers would be a better bet.

Likely because there are very limited schools in the entire world that are Stanford's level academically. Love the U but we're no Stanford.

If Reid wants to go far in the business world he'll likely need to go to grad school. After 4 years on Minnesota's basketball team, good grades, and a Carlson degree, he'll likely have his choice of just about any business school in the country. So, I don't think the undergraduate degree is all that important between Minnesota and Stanford.

Just a thought, but if he's planning on staying 4 years and getting his degree, he should go to Stanford. If he's thinking one or two and done, the Gophers would be a better bet.

Just don't see that happening. He's too short at PF to become a highly rated NBA prospect. The exception would be if he improved his ball handling and transitioned his game to the outside like Royce White. Not easy to do though.

If Reid wants to go far in the business world he'll likely need to go to grad school. After 4 years on Minnesota's basketball team, good grades, and a Carlson degree, he'll likely have his choice of just about any business school in the country. So, I don't think the undergraduate degree is all that important between Minnesota and Stanford.

I went to a very good grad school after Carlson (MBA, top 3). Trust me, I was far out numbered by Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford grads. Each of those schools had more representation than my school. It matters. You want to work for McKinsey? Sure they hire at Carlson but not at near the numbers they do at those top schools. Goldman Sachs, Google, BCG, Morgan Stanley all the same. It matters.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>FWIW: yes, the public is still invited to Reid Travis' announcement today. But told there is a restriction on numbers. <a href="">#Gophers</a> <a href="">#Stanford</a></p>— Darren Wolfson (@DarrenWolfson) <a href="">November 8, 2013</a></blockquote>
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Go Gophers!!

To invite the public, which will pretty much all be hoping he picks Minnesota, creates a little problem if he picks Stanford. He could be greated with groans, and who knows what.

That said, I am ready to use google maps to find Golden Shower's house in preperation for RT picking the Gophers..

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