If they lose this game, does it really make you feel better that they had a lot of injured players? I must say that fact does nothing for me.

No. But unlike many posters here I'm not willing to piss all over the efforts of KIDS that are being put into a position they weren't ready for. I didn't know the exact number.

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Why don't we take a f***ing knee. What a joke. Don't want to waste those 3 timeouts. Don't bother coming out in the second half!!!!!!

Sad. Revenge of Megatongue complete.

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Running the ball with three time outs left. Might as well just walk out of the stadium and go home.

Embarrassing... Don't even blame it on injuries. Every team has injuries. We just don't have good enough backups or we just haven't coached them up good enough. Two huge fumbles by our "veterans" leading to two touchdowns. Can't stop the run at all. Maybe we aren't as good as we believed we were. Maybe we were just lucky the last couple of years. I don't see us improving much next year either... we need D line and Linebacker help and O line help.

I am confident this staff will make the necessary changes in the locker room to slow down the Badger's running game. Whether that will be enough is hard to say

Good thing this Wisconsin O line is so young and inexperienced.

But they are big and our D-front is small. I can't believe anyone is that surprised at a level. if you are going to be as small as we are, you have to have LBs that are in the other team's backfield and we don't have that.

Regardless of the injuries other than Richardson this DLine is awful.

Cockran, Keith, Elmore and Stelter have been around and played enough that injuries aren't the whole problem. They're just getting worked over by a better OLine.

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21 points a direct result of turnovers. Have to slow the run. I have watched enough of the vadgers this year to know they are capable of a ****show in the second half.

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Regardless of the injuries other than Richardson this DLine is awful.

Cockran, Keith, Elmore and Stelter have been around and played enough that injuries aren't the whole problem. They're just getting worked over by a better OLine.

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They all suck. And no one we list to injury was all big ten, so doesn't much matter.

Evidently two star recruits are two stars good...

Getting manhandled by Badger FRESHMAN. This is year F'ING FIVE!

Injuries are an excuse only to a certain point. We shouldn't be getting bulldozed this bad by a Wisconsin O-Line that is injury depleted and probably their worst offensive line in the past 20 seasons. This is embarrassing. Besides a tackle by Timms that I remember, do any of our DT's have any stats? They are invisible. The missed recruiting of Hinojosa and Peppers is showing up right now because we have no depth behind Richardson and Ekpe.

To top it off, fumbles by each of our two offensive leaders. We just don't show up against Wisconsin for whatever reason despite loving to talk about the game during the week.

This is case in point where trying to out compete a power run team with the power run in recruiting may never work.

Unforgivable to not play fr a field goal there. I just can't understand it. We are behind, right?

Someone, please help me understand why I keep seeing this game after game.

Unforgivable to not play fr a field goal there. I just can't understand it. We are behind, right?

Someone, please help me understand why I keep seeing this game after game.

If they lose by 20 or less, mega tongue will give extensions.

Unforgivable to not play fr a field goal there. I just can't understand it. We are behind, right? Someone, please help me understand why I keep seeing this game after game.

Something bad might happen if we try to be aggressive and win the game.

Get Mose hall out there. Who else? Forget the redshirt. We cannot lose this game.

It's fine. We'll be good after flipping some DL recruits from South Alabama and UTSA after other Power-5 schools flip ours.

This is the coaching staff that had to be rushed to extend. The team is getting worked over by walk-ons against our biggest rival. This is what YOU wanted.

Looking at the last three years recruting, ummm, are Steve Richardson, Gary Moore and Mose Hall our only DT commits?!
Oh boy....I guess stopping the run isn't that important.

I'm beginning to think Jay Sawvel might not be ready for a defensive coordinator job title yet.

This is the coaching staff that had to be rushed to extend. The team getting worked over by walk-ons against our biggest rival. This is what YOU wanted.

Yep and I'm still on board with the decision. Next year will be interesting, Claeys has 1 year to show improvement.

Injuries are an excuse only to a certain point. We shouldn't be getting bulldozed this bad by a Wisconsin O-Line that is injury depleted and probably their worst offensive line in the past 20 seasons. This is embarrassing. Besides a tackle by Timms that I remember, do any of our DT's have any stats? They are invisible. The missed recruiting of Hinojosa and Peppers is showing up right now because we have no depth behind Richardson and Ekpe.

To top it off, fumbles by each of our two offensive leaders. We just don't show up against Wisconsin for whatever reason despite loving to talk about the game during the week.

Not signing a DT in Kills first year is what is hurting us more than anything. They would be redshirt seniors this year.

Two things.

1. We find out of Claeys is a defensive magician. Probably not, but, hey! We can hope.
2. Do they put Croft in? Leidner's fumble was inexcusable.

I'll bet even money both are "no", but what the heck.

They all suck. And no one we list to injury was all big ten, so doesn't much matter.

Evidently two star recruits are two stars good...
I won't pretend these last few games haven't been pathetic on D, but most of these guys were contributors on pretty good units the last two years. I disagree that they all suck. But it doesn't really matter. They're getting worked over in the most important game of the year. So for right now, they suck.

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Unforgivable to not play fr a field goal there. I just can't understand it. We are behind, right?

Someone, please help me understand why I keep seeing this game after game.

This is one part of Kill's philosophy I really hoped Claeys would ditch. I don't get it either, especially if you are going to always take the ball to start the game (he really needs to rethink his reasoning on that one) meaning the other team gets it to start the second half. Down two scores with a full minute on the clock and 3 timeouts you have to try and get some points there to cut the deficit.

But yeah we have seen that situation play out enough times to know they just aren't going to try and score there.

This is the coaching staff that had to be rushed to extend. The team getting worked over by walk-ons against our biggest rival. This is what YOU wanted.

Your premise is totally flawed, there was no way anyone else would've been hired by a temp AD.

Whether or not you want Claeys running things is a totally different matter.

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