Why, why, why, lay an egg against Wisconsin!? Play anywhere like you did against Michigan or Ohio State and a W is very likely.
Maybe the players just don't want it as bad as the fans do

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Well this should shut up all the Pollyannas in the Rose Colored Glasses Brigade. At the beginning of the season we had two thirds of our trophies, when this game is over we will have none.

Magic thinking and pure hearted good thoughts are no substitute for thorough preparation and hard work.

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The next Gophers team that plays loose and aggressive will be the next Gophers team to beat the Vadgers. Go to work during the week and prepare. And then treat it like any other game.

Every W added to this Vadgers stream makes our team butthole shrink just a little more.

The part that gets me is the chatter during the week that doesn't mean jack squat. We are good at talking about the game.

What keeps popping in my head is when Coach Kill said "tough to watch" in the presser after the big loss at Michigan a few years ago.

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Well this should shut up all the Pollyannas in the Rose Colored Glasses Brigade. At the beginning of the season we had two thirds of our trophies, when this game is over we will have none. Magic thinking and pure hearted good thoughts are no substitute for thorough preparation and hard work. Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
Yeah! You win! No more hope for anyone!

Or, we are fans. We don't play the game and our hope is ok.

Well this should shut up all the Pollyannas in the Rose Colored Glasses Brigade. At the beginning of the season we had two thirds of our trophies, when this game is over we will have none.

Magic thinking and pure hearted good thoughts are no substitute for thorough preparation and hard work.

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More than anything, it should put the "coach 'em up" talk to bed. We need better athletes. Hopefully they are coming.

We are stopping the run much better, why does it take an entire half to adjust? Not trying to rip anyone, just an honest question.

At least Eric Murray gets to pay another game in the Senior Bowl, a kid from Wisconsin.

Murray had a good season.

Nobody really ever bothered to throw at him.

Alright Mitch, strap up.

This game isn't out of reach, but you got a short field. No TD here this team is going to be hurting.

Murray had a good season.

Nobody really ever bothered to throw at him.

Agreed. He's had a few hiccups, but they seldom threw his direction and when they have, it's usually over-the-top. D-backfield has been pretty solid even with the injuries. It's the front seven that's killing them.

Their boys became men ours are still boys. You can see the attitude is different between the two teams . Wisconsin expects to win and goes out and proves it. Minnesota talks about it.

How can such a big kicker have such a weak leg? He didn't even have the distance on that 50 yard attempt.

Nice pass 3 yards out of bounds. Come on man.

Why are you running a one-man pattern against the Cover-2?

Just a terrible throw into double coverage.

He doesn't have it right now. Time to sit down.

That's a play that should have been tried at the end of the first half.

More than anything, it should put the "coach 'em up" talk to bed. We need better athletes. Hopefully they are coming.

Has always been the question with this staff. They can coach but can they recruit well enough. 5 years in and that question still remains.

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