***OFFICIAL*** Minnesota Vs. Swissconsin - (GAME THREAD)

Our game plan would be better with Gray. Weber is an awkward runner and an inconsistent passer. But they are runn ing the QB today. Gray best athlete on the field as the announcers say.

I think that pretty much does it. Yeah, its not over, but they'll do the stupid RUN up the middle for 1 yard RUN left for -2 incomplete PASS, PUNT. Thats it.

The offense is too simple.

How did I know the blown fumble call would turn into a TD?? Gophers can't catch a break...

"Helped out by penalties on this drive, but They don't need much help, they're up 12" ... do these announcers think before they speak?

Yawn............run for 1 yard, run for 1 yard, incomplete and should been intercepted.

I told you these morons have no idea what they are doing. You SCORE with the pass. Running it twice up the middle for 2 yards is very innovative.

Its why they lead in time of possession but NEVER get points.

Worst coaches ever. Can't stop the pass or run on D.

Can't even mix the pass/run effectively on O.

Please, please fire these idiots.

The biggest problem for Clay and White is picking which hole to run through.

Oh, and Lewis might be as bad as it gets (I can't imagine someone being much worse).

Here's where the score gets run up... God I want Brewster out.

Okay - someone explain this to me:

How does KGM get lined up covering a tight end down the sideline? in what possible scheme does this make sense?

"I'll tell ya what isn't heavy ... the football for John Clay" ... huh?

Nice job with terrible scheming, burning timeouts, and still not stopping anyone. Everyone knows the run was coming there and there were only 5 guys up on the line.

Just shockingly bad, even for these idiots.

Okay - someone explain this to me:

How does KGM get lined up covering a tight end down the sideline? in what possible scheme does this make sense?

Obviously makes sense in Brew's/Cosgrove's delusional little world. Thank God we have Dungy waiting to take over this program. :)

Clay made HEnderson look like a girl on that play. Of course, anytime you've got a safety being the first guy to hit the RB there's something flawed with your scheme.

Yawn............run for 1 yard, run for 1 yard, incomplete and should been intercepted.

I told you these morons have no idea what they are doing. You SCORE with the pass. Running it twice up the middle for 2 yards is very innovative.

Its why they lead in time of possession but NEVER get points.

Running it up the middle is not the problem. Running it up the middle & not getting any yards is the problem. It looks just fine the way Wisconsin's does it.

Running it up the middle is not the problem. Running it up the middle & not getting any yards is the problem. It looks just fine the way Wisconsin's does it.

Yeah, well, they are not the Badgers. I've seen it happen a thousand times and its why they are very high up on the list of time of possession (if not at THE top) but they are always having a problem scoring.

Its almost impossible to run it all the way down the field on a 20 play drive without being stuffed at some point. The Gophers are not an ELITE run game team.

A pass on 1st down just gained 30. Shocker. Too bad they discovered this when its 28-9.

LMAO - down 28-9 and, after a big gain on a 1st down pass play, they run it twice for a total of 2 yards.

Not predictable at all.


Illinois pounding PSU on the road...wow.

We're easily the worst team in the conference. Indiana and Illinois have stepped up. NU will be 6-0 after today. Purdue is the only team we can claim we have a chance against.

and THAT is what happens when you ONLY throw it on obvious passing downs.


Like I said before, its unimaginative and predictable. That is what happens when you think you can dictate to everyone what you are going to do rather than mix it up. These morons have no idea how to coach.

Weber should wear a dog shock collar that goes off 5 sec after the snap. After 4 years you'd think he'd learn to get rid of the ball

Are we going to blame Weber for Gray dropping an easy TD as well?

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