Dang it. I really wanted that pig. Can we win three conference games? I'm not sure...

Didn't deserve to win. Plain and simple.

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That will do it. Tough loss today. Tough, tough loss.

That was at least a catchable ball...****ing refs!!!!!!!!!!

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Bad loss to a Bad Iowa team. What a joke!!!!!!

qb play is the bigger problem stupid to suggest otherwise

Definitely it hasn't been great but it hasn't been the biggest problem. Lots of drops. Lots of stupid penalties that made it harder for him. I'm not defending Mitch, I'm just pointing out that it's the whole damn team and coaching staff.

The QB was awful today.

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And that's how you end a game folks! That's a quintessential Minnesota loss right there. Show they have life at the very end and then crap the bed.

That was at least a catchable ball...****ing refs!!!!!!!!!!

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that was absolutely not a catchable ball - dont blame the refs for a **** throw total copout this mentality is delusional

Definitely it hasn't been great but it hasn't been the biggest problem. Lots of drops. Lots of stupid penalties that made it harder for him. I'm not defending Mitch, I'm just pointing out that it's the whole damn team and coaching staff.


I thought we were going to win the B1G West with this team.

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That was at least a catchable ball...****ing refs!!!!!!!!!!

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Hate to ruin your its the refs fault but that was a terrible throw.

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Definitely it hasn't been great but it hasn't been the biggest problem. Lots of drops. Lots of stupid penalties that made it harder for him. I'm not defending Mitch, I'm just pointing out that it's the whole damn team and coaching staff.

i would be more critical of wrs dropping balls if the qb could throw a decent one his mechanics are terrible and his inconsistency doesnt make good wrs want to come here

edit: 'blaming the whole team' is a pointless exercise stop trying to spread around the blame when its obvious what the most glaring problem is work on one thing at a time and developing someone who can complete passes must be a priority

That was at least a catchable ball...****ing refs!!!!!!!!!!

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had the throw gone to the outside we might have gotten the call....the throw was so bad that the DB was actually in better position to make the catch then Smith.

Brutal, ugly game today.

that was absolutely not a catchable ball - dont blame the refs for a **** throw total copout this mentality is delusional
Was way more catchable than that pass interference one against the gophers that was about 29 feet over the receivers head! FU

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People trying to pin the loss on a single element...

The whole team just straight-up sucks. Coaching and all.

Dang it. I really wanted that pig. Can we win three conference games? I'm not sure...

Maryland, rutgers, illinois, northwestern. I would lile to see wins in all of those but that might be asking too much.

Definitely it hasn't been great but it hasn't been the biggest problem. Lots of drops. Lots of stupid penalties that made it harder for him. I'm not defending Mitch, I'm just pointing out that it's the whole damn team and coaching staff.

I'll disagree today. I thought it was clear all game that ML7 was the reason we lost today.

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At least I don't have to plan my Saturday's around Gopher football for awhile.

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had the throw gone to the outside we might have gotten the call....the throw was so bad that the DB was actually in better position to make the catch then Smith.

Brutal, ugly game today.

Except he wasnt looking for it and ran into the wr so pi.

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