that was absolutely not a catchable ball - dont blame the refs for a **** throw total copout this mentality is delusional

Beathard had ball soaring over his receiver's head earlier and got pass interference.

Except he wasnt looking for it and ran into the wr so pi.

Smith was the one grabbing. That is an easy no call and the right call. Bad throw.

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Was way more catchable than that pass interference one against the gophers that was about 29 feet over the receivers head! FU

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stop deflecting the mitch apology schtick is played out the dude isnt coordinated or mechanically sound enough to be a consistent qb. jay will have his chance with demry/seth/rhoda will have to do better and i think claeys will get that chance

Except he wasnt looking for it and ran into the wr so pi.

Three PI's missed on the last drive alone (two on caught balls by Still). Holding calls missed on Iowa all day. Gophers got beat by the officials, but didn't deserve to win anyway. (neither did pathetic Iowa) Terrible game on both sides of the ball by both teams, and just as awful by the officiating crew (other than the replay crew). Punting game wasn't even satisfactory. Coaching was horrific on offense (why didn't they give Brooks the ball the last several drives?), in a game where the defense finally played a decent game. Casual fans are lost for the year.

People trying to pin the loss on a single element...

The whole team just straight-up sucks. Coaching and all.

Defense didn't allow a touchdown for the first 54:30, and the offense wasn't giving them much chance to rest.

Smith was the one grabbing. That is an easy no call and the right call. Bad throw.

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Plenty of hands from both but when the db doesnt try to make a play on the ball and hits the wr its easy pi.

Except he wasnt looking for it and ran into the wr so pi.

It wasn't PI. They both had their hands on each other. It was an under thrown ball. Correct no call.

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Wasn't able to watch most of it, tried recording it but it didn't work for some reason. So only saw the end.

Why did Smith and Brooks only carry the ball a combined 21 times?

guys please stop even entertaining people complaining about the refs they are mitch apologists we cant control what the refs do but mitch can control how he throws a ball

Thanks for the 4 years Mitch. Goodbye.

Thanks for trying Tracy. Goodbye.

Stop excusing bad officiating
Iowa got the calls today no way around that...and that ended up giving them the victory. It even took overturning call by that crappy officiating crew to even get the gophers close.

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Maryland, rutgers, illinois, northwestern. I would lile to see wins in all of those but that might be asking too much.

Hate to break this to everyone, but Maryland beats us by 2 TD's. Way more speed than we have on both sides of the ball and they r better coached.

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guys please stop even entertaining people complaining about the refs they are mitch apologists we cant control what the refs do but mitch can control how he throws a ball

Mitch played poorly today, probably his worst game of the season. Doesn't mean there wasn't PI on the last throw.

It wasn't PI. They both had their hands on each other. It was an under thrown ball. Correct no call.

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Except the Gophers and/or the Vikings would get that called against them 95% of the time.

Hate to break this to everyone, but Maryland beats us by 2 TD's. Way more speed than we have on both sides of the ball and they r better coached.

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Yeah. I would rather play iowa again than Maryland. I think we get smoked.

Iowa got the calls today no way around that...and that ended up giving them the victory. It even took overturning call by that crappy officiating crew to even get the gophers close.

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Mitch played poorly today, probably his worst game of the season. Doesn't mean there wasn't PI on the last throw.

it wasnt PI it was a terrible underthrow to a 6'5" receiver get a grip on yourself and be objective for once

not excusing anything no point in bitching about something you cant control i thought people learned that as a child

I can't control what Mitch does. I can't control anything that happens in the game.

Except the Gophers and/or the Vikings would get that called against them 95% of the time.

Just stop. It was the correct no call.

DB got his head turned around and has just as much right to make a play on the ball as the WR.

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it wasnt PI it was a terrible underthrow to a 6'5" receiver get a grip on yourself and be objective for once
The throw was in the vicinity and the defense guy had been holding . Non call is ignorant and a loser mentality, especially after the call against the gophers that was not even in the same zip code as the receiver....

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I think we know if it was a gophers db it would have been called pi whether that was correct or now. Seen that too many times.

The throw was in the vicinity and the defense guy had been holding . Non call is ignorant and a loser mentality, especially after the call against the gophers that was not even in the same zip code as the receiver....

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Loser mentality is blaming the refs.

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