Honestly, the defender never turned back and didn't allow Smith to get to the ball... so yes it usually is a penalty. But we should never have been in that position in the first place. That's just one bad call (non-call). Can't blame the whole game on just that one play. The defense didn't play great, but gave the offense a chance to win it. First and 10... dropped pass. Second and 10... Penalty. Third and 15... incomplete screen. Punt.

Except the Gophers and/or the Vikings would get that called against them 95% of the time.

So there is a conspiracy against MN football? Classic.

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Honestly, the defender never turned back and didn't allow Smith to get to the ball... so yes it usually is a penalty. But we should never have been in that position in the first place. That's just one bad call (non-call). Can't blame the whole game on just that one play. The defense didn't play great, but gave the offense a chance to win it. First and 10... dropped pass. Second and 10... Penalty. Third and 15... incomplete screen. Punt.


Honestly, the defender never turned back and didn't allow Smith to get to the ball... so yes it usually is a penalty. But we should never have been in that position in the first place. That's just one bad call (non-call). Can't blame the whole game on just that one play. The defense didn't play great, but gave the offense a chance to win it. First and 10... dropped pass. Second and 10... Penalty. Third and 15... incomplete screen. Punt.

Watch the play again. The DB did turn around.

The throw was the problem not the refs.

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Watch the play again. The DB did turn around.

The throw was the problem not the refs.

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Were you even watching?. Db absolutely did not turn around. Agree though refs were not the problem.

Were you even watching?. Db absolutely did not turn around. Agree though refs were not the problem.
Accepting bad and mediocre performance, whether coaches, players or refs is loser mentality.

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The throw was in the vicinity and the defense guy had been holding . Non call is ignorant and a loser mentality, especially after the call against the gophers that was not even in the same zip code as the receiver....

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this is the difference between you and me, i expect more from a senior QB and you apparently dont. you are implicitly excusing sub par play, that makes you part of the problem because you cant objectively assess the weaknesses of the program and misdirect your outrage

So there is a conspiracy against MN football? Classic.

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So you deny that? You must be new to Minnesota football. Welcome aboard, rookie.

The throw was in the vicinity

^You know, it could go either way... had the defender not been interfering with a catch by blocking the receiver with his whole body, he would have been right on the ball. Instead, he could not get past the defender and had to try to reach around the receiver, almost in a bear hug type position to try to catch it. And no, the defender did not have his body turned around yet at that point.

But like I have said... I'm not even blaming it on that one play nor any of the refs' calls. I just wanted to point out that officials usually call that.

this is a really unintelligent argument we are finally seeing the limit of low iq schtick

So I can't complain about officiating because I can't control it, but I am allowed to complain about other aspects of the game which I also have no control over. You didn't refute me, you just called me dumb. I fart in your general direction.

this is the difference between you and me, i expect more from a senior QB and you apparently dont. you are implicitly excusing sub par play, that makes you part of the problem because you cant objectively assess the weaknesses of the program and misdirect your outrage
For a PI call it has to be in the vicinity. Clearly the receiver got his hands on it. Terrible throw. Terrible officiating!!!!

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For a PI call it has to be in the vicinity. Clearly the receiver got his hands on it. Terrible throw. Terrible officiating!!!!

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you're delusional and cant see it - not good

So I can't complain about officiating because I can't control it, but I am allowed to complain about other aspects of the game which I also have no control over. You didn't refute me, you just called me dumb. I fart in your general direction.

man you can't be this stupid

Go **** yourself too.

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are you a middle aged man of norwegian descent who says 'shucks'?

edit: and think about what you said in the previous post, you were pinning for a PI call instead of complaining about mitch criminally underthrowing a 6'5" WR. take a deep breath and think about that one you are misdirecting your ire

He did but it was after contact had already been made.

I thought it was a correct non call. Both players hand their hands on each other.

If the throw was better I might see an argument for PI.

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Accepting bad and mediocre performance, whether coaches, players or refs is loser mentality.

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Where did I do that?. They played poor all day and have zero excuses for losing.

So you deny that? You must be new to Minnesota football. Welcome aboard, rookie.

I've heard that there are people who believe this but figured it was either folklore or heavy use LSD users. To honestly believe there is a conspiracy against Minnesota football teams is so sad I just feel bad for you. Take care. Drink lots of water. Get 8-hours of sleep a night. Jesus loves you.

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I thought it was a correct non call. Both players hand their hands on each other.

If the throw was better I might see an argument for PI.

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I'm not blaming the officials at all. People are acting like it can only be one or the other. I think it was both. A bad throw and maybe a missed PI.

Three PI's missed on the last drive alone (two on caught balls by Still). Holding calls missed on Iowa all day. Gophers got beat by the officials, but didn't deserve to win anyway. (neither did pathetic Iowa) Terrible game on both sides of the ball by both teams, and just as awful by the officiating crew (other than the replay crew). Punting game wasn't even satisfactory. Coaching was horrific on offense (why didn't they give Brooks the ball the last several drives?), in a game where the defense finally played a decent game. Casual fans are lost for the year.

Agree. If they thought season tickets were down this year, wait for next year.

I thought it was a correct non call. Both players hand their hands on each other.

If the throw was better I might see an argument for PI.

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So, by the definition of PI, the throw does not have to be good. It has to be catchable. Therefore, it doesn't matter how poorly Leidner threw it. This wasn't a road game, either.

I've heard that there are people who believe this but figured it was either folklore or heavy use LSD users. To honestly believe there is a conspiracy against Minnesota football teams is so sad I just feel bad for you. Take care. Drink lots of water. Get 8-hours of sleep a night. Jesus loves you.

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You're the one who said conspiracy, rookie.

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