I posted that right after he buried his shoulder into three defenders, just seems like he's going to get hurt if he keeps running like this.

I'm with ya

We're up 17-7 at half and you guys are already drunk. Holy Jesus Martha.

Limegrover is an absolute disaster. He's lucky he has a tough QB in Steveler who has powerful legs. Zero imagination. WE NEED NEW COACHES from top to bottom. What kid other than a running back and an armless QB would watch this game and say "I wanna play for Jerry Kill". He benches Kirkwood and Williams who could also be contributing with multi back sets. We all know this offense cannot possibly compete against equal or better opponents. We're built and schemed on both sides of the ball to beat weak opponents and opponents who are having bad days. That's what our identity is. That's what our schemes are all about. Hope you guys continue to enjoy this and puff your chests out after the game because we won. It's going to be a looooong season.

I'm sorry, but this offense has the imagination of a game of PONG.
Please recruit someone who can throw the ball.

The most interesting part of this game is that there is actually a chance of winning a major college football game with zero yards passing. When was that last time that was accomplished??

This is pathetic. So little faith in the backup QB you attempt 1 pass? What happened to getting Berkely Edwards the ball more? Is Donovahn Jones playing? 0 or 1 Big Ten wins is a real possibility

Why not just direct snap to Cobb at this point.

Well, I guess because Streveler also has 73 yards rushing. Pretty much the same game plan as last year's game although Leidner did have 12 passes for 71 yards in that one. Chris will never get to 12 at this pace.

I'm sorry, but this offense has the imagination of a game of PONG.
Please recruit someone who can throw the ball.

Believe me, these kids can throw the ball to backs and on slants to wideouts. They're not inept. The coaching staff is inept. Mark my words on that. It's all coaching. 100%!!!

This is pathetic. So little faith in the backup QB you attempt 1 pass? What happened to getting Berkely Edwards the ball more? Is Donovahn Jones playing? 0 or 1 Big Ten wins is a real possibility

Finally, a guy who sees the truth. You and I should become friends.

The most interesting part of this game is that there is actually a chance of winning a major college football game with zero yards passing. When was that last time that was accomplished??

Sure someone can find it but I bet that hasn't been done in a long time, at least not since the invention of the forward pass.

Defense was reeling, offense was rolling. Why give them a time to catch their breath and get defensive subs in there?

100% the right call. It was a fumble on a hustle play, not a mental mistake.

Because there was no need for it. And u don't think the hurry up factored into Cobb's mistake? So you're saying with 4 plays from the 5 yd line SJSU is going to stop us? Ok

Believe me, these kids can throw the ball to backs and on slants to wideouts. They're not inept. The coaching staff is inept. Mark my words on that. It's all coaching. 100%!!!

Why is this the first time you have told us your opinion on the coaches?

Why would a WR come to our school? Why do we play a running QB when we can play a running RB? Why would a throwing QB come here?

It's like Limegrover is so scared to lose his job or something, so he calls the safest plays only. Not even a sweep. Not even a screen. And Kill doesn't mind at all.

Sure someone can find it but I bet that hasn't been done in a long time, at least not since the invention of the forward pass.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>Since 2000, 6 teams have completed ZERO passes in a game.

- 4 were service academies
- Other 2: Ohio & N. Mexico
- Teams went 4-2
<a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Gophers?src=hash">#Gophers</a></p>— Keith Leventhal (@KeithLeventhal) <a href="https://twitter.com/KeithLeventhal/status/513437566624755712">September 20, 2014</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Didn't you hear the news. They practiced three plays this week. Two different running plays to Cobb and a read option for Streveler. That IS their entire game plan. Our coaches didn't want to work any harder this week.

Didn't you hear the news. They practiced three plays this week. Two different running plays to Cobb and a read option for Streveler. That IS their entire game plan. Our coaches didn't want to work any harder this week.

1 drum. Beat the hell out of it.

As long as SJ doesn't stop us, we'll keep right on running. I'm all for creative offense, but creativity for its own sake makes little sense when the opponent is unable to defend a straight ahead ground game.

Do you dudes know how stupid you look with you comments? :drink::drink::drink: some more.

I am accused of being a drunk, but you guys have raised the bar.

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