Do like some of the no huddle stuff I've seen today

What would we do without Claeys and his Defense? Hope Wilson keeps up his great play and gets drafted!

Claeys doesn't get credit for that one....that was just a great individual play by Wilson to bail out the defense that was reeling a bit.

BtGC certainly was going overboard. That said, this game has been frustrating to watch for some of us fans who hoped for improvements over last week (or last year).

Where is Berkley? At least give him one sweep?

Streveler is going to get killed he has to run under control or he won't last long in the Big Ten

Streveler looks beat up now... Once Limegrover has him injured, then what?

BtGC certainly was going overboard. That said, this game has been frustrating to watch for some of us fans who hoped for improvements over last week (or last year).

I think the defense is a bit better than it was last year at this time, but the offense seems to be clearly worse. Nelson was at least capable of having a decent all around offensive game perhaps half of the time.

stevlar and cobb are still the only two to carry the ball today

hey someone besides Cobb or Streveler just touched the ball on offense.

Something we could have done while working on our deficiencies? Or do we not plan to try a pass play the rest of the year.

Also, I'm not real comfortable about a W, right now (as we head into the 4th).

Our QB is getting his feet wet. He's doing a nice job. Not sure what all the angst is on here relative to the game plan. He'll be better the next time he sees the field

Our QB is getting his feet wet. He's doing a nice job. Not sure what all the angst is on here relative to the game plan. He'll be better the next time he sees the field


Our QB is getting his feet wet. He's doing a nice job. Not sure what all the angst is on here relative to the game plan. He'll be better the next time he sees the field

I don't think the issue everyone is having is with our QB. It's with the coaching staff and in particular, with Limegrover.

You know, if we were playing Northwestern and watching their backup QB control the game by running the ball, most of us would wonder why our guy couldn't do that. Well now he is and a binch of you are upset. It's the penalties that are bothering me, not the 300+ rushing yards.

Are these refs from the MIAC? Why wasn't that a personal foul for an elbow to the head of KJ Maye? They're calling everything else so close.


You are right Don....this has been an awesome performance across the board by the Gophers...definitely nothing there that would be a little concerning to fans when facing a team that can actually stop a basic running play.

Encouraging part from Streveler is that he is ID'ing the right WR, it's just late. That comes with reps and with knowing the reads step by step. At least he's not forcing into guys that are locked up

You are right Don....this has been an awesome performance across the board by the Gophers...definitely nothing there that would be a little concerning to fans when facing a team that can actually stop a basic running play.

Are we winning or not?

Are these refs from the MIAC? Why wasn't that a personal foul for an elbow to the head of KJ Maye? They're calling everything else so close.

These refs have not been kind to the Gophers in the least.

The angst half the fanbase is having is not against Streveler - he's doing fine given the gameplan - it's on the offensive playcalling and philosophy - we should be able to beat SJSU at home easily without having to resort to ultra-conservative playcalling in order to barely squeak out a victory because the SJSU coaching staff is inept.

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