Official 2014 Recruiting Updates Thread: Links, Tweets, Videos, Stories, Rumors, etc.

If you check out it looks like we'll get Jones, Ragnow, Gentry and James. I think that would be 20 scholarships. Does anyone know how many scholarships are available?

We're at 16 with J Jones. If we add Ragnow, Gentry, and James, we're at 19 I believe.

To answer your actual freaking idea. Number of available scholarships always seems to be a moving target!

If you check out it looks like we'll get Jones, Ragnow, Gentry and James. I think that would be 20 scholarships. Does anyone know how many scholarships are available?

on the 247 class calculator if we get all of Jeff, Ragnow, James, Genry and Lenius we will have the 45th ranked class

We really can't assume ANYTHING. Until Ragnow has made his decision, all it is is speculation. We hopefully have learned our lesson from a few months ago. That being said, I like how we are sitting with Ragnow during a critical time!

Jones, Ragnow, Gentry and James. Or Jones, Ragnow, Lenius and James. Or Jones, Ragnow, Timian and James. I'll take any of these combo.

We have one more scholarship available…but we always go a couple past that number due to injuries, transfers, graduations and players who get kicked off the team. But it looks like we have more good players considering playing here than we are going to be able to take…I don't see us as being able to take 3 WRs even if Gentry and Lenius both chose Minnesota…we still have a need for DBs...

I am convinced it is between Arkansas and Minnesota for Ragnow. Arkansas has 3 OT commits who are rated as highly as Ragnow and 2 DT commits(he mentioned he might play DL there). If he wants to be an NFL player he needs to enhance his chances of getting on the field on a big stage like the B1G. Minnesota is a program on the rise. Arkansas was winless in the SEC last year. ? no brainer

Does he take the little guy with the big voice? The guy with the bad complexion and epilepsy? The guy with a plan?

Or does he take the 500 pound blimp with an ego twice that? The guy that thought his school's motto was "hook'em Razors" and wears red Santa underwear, size 54? The a$$hole?

C'mon, Frank. Easy.

We have one more scholarship available…

We don't know that.

We also have 10 offense players and only 6 defensive players committed. Of our PWOs 3 are offense, 3 are special teams and only one is a defensive player…FWIW.

Kill is doing an in-home visit with Gentry tonight. Let's see if Jerry can close the deal with a WR for the 2nd night in a row...

It's actually quite simple.


Jones, Ragnow, Gentry and James. Or Jones, Ragnow, Lenius and James. Or Jones, Ragnow, Timian and James. I'll take any of these combo.

I believe Timian has a PWO. We could possibly add him and another WR to accompany Holland. Would be a good pickup.

I believe Timian has a PWO. We could possibly add him and another WR to accompany Holland. Would be a good pickup.

Timian would be a nice add as a PWO, as an actual scholarship guy though...I dunno. The guys on GI pointed out how he plays for a major football school and Texas that gets heavily recruited and he has no D1 offers. Which kind of surprised me though looking at how productive he was.

Anyone hear about Illinois trying to flip Steven Richardson? I was scanning the Illini scout board to see if there's anything about Craig James(in state guy) and they said that Brewst.. "cough" I mean Beckman was going after Richardson hard.
Doubt it will happen but with Blasingame's flip I was curious if this was on the radar or not.

What is the latest on Christian Campbell? Would be nice to pick up Safety.

He's scheduled to visit this weekend. Besides Ragnow, Campbell might be the staff's biggest target left after Blasingame's decommitment.

Anyone hear about Illinois trying to flip Steven Richardson? I was scanning the Illini scout board to see if there's anything about Craig James(in state guy) and they said that Brewst.. "cough" I mean Beckman was going after Richardson hard.
Doubt it will happen but with Blasingame's flip I was curious if this was on the radar or not.

Man that would suck. I can understand a kid flipping for an SEC school, but for Illinois? Gross.

Have any of the coaches been down to see Jerry Gibson? Nothing shows on 247. He seems like another under the radar guy. Also I would really hate to lose Richardson, I think he is going to be a very stout DL.

Kill is doing an in-home visit with Gentry tonight. Let's see if Jerry can close the deal with a WR for the 2nd night in a row...

Yep. Feeling really good about Gentry committing tonight during Kill's in-home. I really like Gentry as well as Holland. A different type of receiver that would pair well with Gentry imo.

Have any of the coaches been down to see Jerry Gibson? Nothing shows on 247. He seems like another under the radar guy. Also I would really hate to lose Richardson, I think he is going to be a very stout DL.

Been wondering about Gibson as well. I think Ryan Burns said on a recent GI radio to keep an eye on other schools wanting to flip Gibson, I believe South Carolina was the school he mentioned. It is a little strange we haven't given him an in-home recently (according to 247), I think we've been in the home of every one of our other commits within the past month or so, but not Gibson's.

Yep. Feeling really good about Gentry committing tonight during Kill's in-home. I really like Gentry as well as Holland. A different type of receiver that would pair well with Gentry imo.

Yeah, according to 247 they brought the A team! Which means Mrs. Kill is is attending with Jerry tonight along with Coach Poore and Z! It would have to be tough NOT to commit with Mrs. Kill in your parents living room.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>Good talk with Mitch Leidner <a href="">#classact</a></p>— Frank Ragnow (@KNARFWONGAR) <a href="">January 28, 2014</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>

I'm thrilled with the Holland commit (and praying LSU doesn't come in with a late offer), feeling pretty good about Jeff Jones, and crossing my fingers with Frank. What is interestiung to me is the term "class act." Seems like that comment would be delivered about someone's response to a negative-type comment. For example, Frank called Mitch to deliver the message that he's decided not to come to Minnesota. And Mitch's reply was gracious and best of luck, you need to do what you feel is best. That type of interchange would elicit the "class act" response.

I hope I'm wrong, and he's just saying Mitch is generally a class act, which he probably is :)

I'm thrilled with the Holland commit (and praying LSU doesn't come in with a late offer), feeling pretty good about Jeff Jones, and crossing my fingers with Frank. What is interestiung to me is the term "class act." Seems like that comment would be delivered about someone's response to a negative-type comment. For example, Frank called Mitch to deliver the message that he's decided not to come to Minnesota. And Mitch's reply was gracious and best of luck, you need to do what you feel is best. That type of interchange would elicit the "class act" response.

I hope I'm wrong, and he's just saying Mitch is generally a class act, which he probably is :)

Or maybe Frank just wouldn't reveal his decision and Mitch said something like, "do what is best for you". That is what I first thought of and would warrant the "Class Act" comment. Just not pressuring him would also be possible. No way to know.

I'm thrilled with the Holland commit (and praying LSU doesn't come in with a late offer), feeling pretty good about Jeff Jones, and crossing my fingers with Frank. What is interestiung to me is the term "class act." Seems like that comment would be delivered about someone's response to a negative-type comment. For example, Frank called Mitch to deliver the message that he's decided not to come to Minnesota. And Mitch's reply was gracious and best of luck, you need to do what you feel is best. That type of interchange would elicit the "class act" response.

I hope I'm wrong, and he's just saying Mitch is generally a class act, which he probably is :)

If Ragnow goes to FSU(which supposedly doesn't still have room) then whatever, tough to compete with a national champ.

If he goes to Arkansas then he basically never wanted to stay home IMO.

Or maybe Frank just wouldn't reveal his decision and Mitch said something like, "do what is best for you". That is what I first thought of and would warrant the "Class Act" comment. Just not pressuring him would also be possible. No way to know.

or maybe Donovan is just over thinking it…by a lot.

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