Official 2014 Recruiting Updates Thread: Links, Tweets, Videos, Stories, Rumors, etc.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>I will be announcing my college decision at around 3:15 on Friday at school in the auditorium. Everyone is welcome to come! <a href="">#college</a> &#55356;&#57288;&#55356;&#57288;&#55356;&#57288;</p>— Frank Ragnow (@KNARFWONGAR) <a href="">January 28, 2014</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>I will be announcing my college decision at around 3:15 on Friday at school in the auditorium. Everyone is welcome to come! <a href="">#college</a> ������</p>— Frank Ragnow (@KNARFWONGAR) <a href="">January 28, 2014</a></blockquote>
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Hopefully he learned from the De La Salle incident that you don't invite everyone and then declare for out of state!

Hopefully he learned from the De La Salle incident that you don't invite everyone and then declare for out of state!

This can only mean good things. He knows we would be crushed.

By the way, I hate those boxes that the iPhone makes exclusive. It works.

Or it means he is inviting all the people he knows to come join him in this huge moment in his life, and it has absolutely nothing to do with some random Gopher fans who over-analyze it.

does the Weyler commit mean anything regarding the Ragnow sweepstakes?

Don't believe so. Weyler has been told he will play guard, while Ragnow will be playing tackle. 247 guys don't seem to think it means anything in regards to Ragnow, so I'm not worrying about it.

Im not sold on big Frank coming to the U. If anyone knows more about situation and can ease my mind with who he will choose that would be great. A Gopher commit would be even better.

I like the size of our receiving corps. Tough match-ups for a lot of DB's

D Jones - 6'3"
Holland - 6'3"
Wolitarsky - 6'3"
Fruechte - 6'3"
M Williams - 6'4"
Wozniak - 6'9"

Then you have some of the smaller/shiftier guys like
E Carter
KJ Maye

I like the size of our receiving corps. Tough match-ups for a lot of DB's

D Jones - 6'3"
Holland - 6'3"
Wolitarsky - 6'3"
Fruechte - 6'3"
M Williams - 6'4"
Wozniak - 6'9"

Then you have some of the smaller/shiftier guys like
E Carter
KJ Maye

Don't forget Gaelin Elmore at 6'5"! And lets hope to add Gentry and/or Lenius. Both at 6'4"+. Heck even Lingen is 6'5".

Im not sold on big Frank coming to the U. If anyone knows more about situation and can ease my mind with who he will choose that would be great. A Gopher commit would be even better.

247 guys said recently that all signs point to him signing with Minnesota. They know more than any of us, so I'm feeling pretty good about where we stand.

EDIT: Same guy alluded to the possibility of Holland committing tonight before it happened. Just sayin...

@Gophers247: #Gophers avg @247Sports Composite class scores last 4 yrs. '14 - 0.8307, '13 - 0.8246, '12 - 0.8005, '11 - 0.7984. #BrickByBrick #SkiUMah"

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>Good talk with Mitch Leidner <a href="">#classact</a></p>— Frank Ragnow (@KNARFWONGAR) <a href="">January 28, 2014</a></blockquote>
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This can only mean good things. He knows we would be crushed.

By the way, I hate those boxes that the iPhone makes exclusive. It works.

I'm feeling Travis deja vu all over again

Sometimes teenaged boys aren't worried about someone's feelings. Hopefully Frank is.

Or it means he is inviting all the people he knows to come join him in this huge moment in his life, and it has absolutely nothing to do with some random Gopher fans who over-analyze it.

You could be right. However, Frank seems like a smart kid. He's local, he has a good relationship with the program (whether or not he goes here). If he wanted an event to share with the people that are close to him, you don't open it up to "everyone". That implies fans and such. It's at a HS, it being open to the public implies non-friends (they'd likely be students) and non-family (families are invited into schools). The only fans who would attend the announcement would be Gopher fans. I don't know what Frank will do. However, it would be tacky to announce that he's leaving the state, IMO. I thought it was tacky when Reid Travis did it.

It's not that big of a deal. Everything else points to Reid Travis being a good kid and whatever. But it still is a dumb move. There are plenty of kids who commit to schools without inviting the public to the event. If you're choosing an out-of-state school over the local school, that's the route to go. It's like the Lebron announcement.

I'm feeling Travis deja vu all over again

Sometimes teenaged boys aren't worried about someone's feelings. Hopefully Frank is.

Yep, I think a lot of 17/18 year olds aren't capable of making great decisions. I feel good about landing Ragnow, but nothing would surprise me.

You could be right. However, Frank seems like a smart kid. He's local, he has a good relationship with the program (whether or not he goes here).

All three of those things apply to Reid too. I'm certainly not convinced yet.

All three of those things apply to Reid too. I'm certainly not convinced yet.

Oh, I'm not convinced that Frank is choosing the Gophers. I just meant that it would be tacky to have an event like this and not choose the Gophers.

You could be right. However, Frank seems like a smart kid. He's local, he has a good relationship with the program (whether or not he goes here). If he wanted an event to share with the people that are close to him, you don't open it up to "everyone". That implies fans and such. It's at a HS, it being open to the public implies non-friends (they'd likely be students) and non-family (families are invited into schools). The only fans who would attend the announcement would be Gopher fans. I don't know what Frank will do. However, it would be tacky to announce that he's leaving the state, IMO. I thought it was tacky when Reid Travis did it.

It's not that big of a deal. Everything else points to Reid Travis being a good kid and whatever. But it still is a dumb move. There are plenty of kids who commit to schools without inviting the public to the event. If you're choosing an out-of-state school over the local school, that's the route to go. It's like the Lebron announcement.

I've talked to him a few times and went to the same school, and I don't think would try to lead it up then disappoint like that. But to me, opening the announcement to everyone is mostly directed at all the people he goes to school with, also family and friends. The public might come as well, but I don't think that's really what he has in mind.

I am convinced it is between Arkansas and Minnesota for Ragnow. Arkansas has 3 OT commits who are rated as highly as Ragnow and 2 DT commits(he mentioned he might play DL there). If he wants to be an NFL player he needs to enhance his chances of getting on the field on a big stage like the B1G. Minnesota is a program on the rise. Arkansas was winless in the SEC last year. ? no brainer

If you check out it looks like we'll get Jones, Ragnow, Gentry and James. I think that would be 20 scholarships. Does anyone know how many scholarships are available?

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