MIKE MAX: TREVOR GETS 6th YEAR!!!!!!!!!! UPDATED: Officially Confirmed by the U!!

He was ranked 12th on espn's mock draft when he got injured.

Yes he was ranked pretty high right before the injury, I thought it might have been 14, but either way.

Don't forget we should have Mo for a whole season for the first time as well!

If Mbakwe does come back (and all reports are that he is cleared and ready to go by season's start), and if Lockett transfers here (while getting the waiver to play immediately) do you think we will be a preseason top 25?

GopherInPittsburgh said:
If Mbakwe does come back (and all reports are that he is cleared and ready to go by season's start), and if Lockett transfers here (while getting the waiver to play immediately) do you think we will be a preseason top 25?

Absolutely. I'd guess 20-25, but no question IMO. The voters know Trevor is a beast. They'd know about Lockett. Now they know about Dre and Rodney. That's 4/5 of our would be starting line up.

Absolutely. I'd guess 20-25, but no question IMO. The voters know Trevor is a beast. They'd know about Lockett. Now they know about Dre and Rodney. That's 4/5 of our would be starting line up.

And the 1/5 that is left off is an NBA coach's son who has incredible floor presence, solid range (especially with his 15 footer), and a knack for finding open cutters. I'd love that lineup.

Absolutely. I'd guess 20-25, but no question IMO. The voters know Trevor is a beast. They'd know about Lockett. Now they know about Dre and Rodney. That's 4/5 of our would be starting line up.

Yep, agreed. IF Trevor comes back, IF Lockett transfers in, IF Rodney stays on board, I'd say we're in the 20-25 range to kick off the season. But that may only put us sixth in the BT rankings to kick things off.

This is fantastic news for everyone involved. Tubby has had some terrible luck the last two years. We had a chance at a incredible front line with Trevor-Royce-Ralph-Colt-Mo-Rodney. It didn't work out and we know what happened next - 6-12 twice. I wrote it before and I still don't think it is setting the bar too high...we should battle for the conference title if Trevor-Trent-etc. happens. No more "young" team excuses. No more "history of the program" excuses. No more "we only have one point guard" excuses. With that collection of players we should expect a lot from Tubby and the team. Trevor is the best player returning in the conference period. Dre has turned himself into a legit starting PG. Rodney is really for real. And if Austin can continue to hit jumpers off of screens...man oh man. Another great possibility is that now we can red shirt the two incoming freshmen if wanted. As CRG wrote: Gopher Hoops has become fun again.

I think regardless where Lockett goes, it is an excellent story and he will be a success no matter what. Hopefully that is as a Gopher.

I think Coleman is starting to feel more connected to the team with him, Dre, Austin and others growing up together now.
Plus everyone loves Trevor and he will be back.

I'd make a bet that Chip transfers for Trevor's spot and it'll be Mav or Ingram for Lockett's spot. That's a little harder to call though as both genuinely seem happy here. Would be sad to see either leave, but that's my guess as to how this plays out. (see my above scenario for what happens going forward lol)

Is this just a guess or are the same people who said he wasn't getting along now saying that things have improved?

IF everything pans out the way people want it to, adding Trevor, adding Trent, etc. it really changes the scholarship grid. All of a sudden the Gophers have, possibly, 4 seniors as opposed to 2. (recruiting, recruiting, recruiting.) Maybe that's a good thing huh?

IF everything pans out the way people want it to, adding Trevor, adding Trent, etc. it really changes the scholarship grid. All of a sudden the Gophers have, possibly, 4 seniors as opposed to 2. (recruiting, recruiting, recruiting.) Maybe that's a good thing huh?

Maybe not, especially with how stacked the 2014 MN High School class is.

IF everything pans out the way people want it to, adding Trevor, adding Trent, etc. it really changes the scholarship grid. All of a sudden the Gophers have, possibly, 4 seniors as opposed to 2. (recruiting, recruiting, recruiting.) Maybe that's a good thing huh?
If Mav and Chip are cut that leaves just Austin as a Junior next year. That leaves us with only one scholarship for probably the best class in Minnesota ever. I can't see that happening.

Is this just a guess or are the same people who said he wasn't getting along now saying that things have improved?

I apologize in advance if I'm interpreting what you said wrong, but it looks like you think they weren't getting along as in they weren't friends or something. I think the issue was strictly that he allegedly didn't think they played well together. Pretty sure they've all gotten along just fine. I also firmly believe that the whole 'Coleman transferring' thing is a complete non-issue. Freshmen debate transferring all the time. Pretty common. In most cases it doesn't come to fruition and I don't think it will here either. Count me in the camp of not being concerned.

I apologize in advance if I'm interpreting what you said wrong, but it looks like you think they weren't getting along as in they weren't friends or something. I think the issue was strictly that he allegedly didn't think they played well together. Pretty sure they've all gotten along just fine. I also firmly believe that the whole 'Coleman transferring' thing is a complete non-issue. Freshmen debate transferring all the time. Pretty common. In most cases it doesn't come to fruition and I don't think it will here either. Count me in the camp of not being concerned.

No, I don't know anything about it. I had never heard of any Coleman rumors until someone on here posted about them recently. My point was that that person had said that "Coleman wasn't really clicking with his teammates, personality-wise", and then Sher said that had improved. I was just wondering if those same people who were plugged into the idea that he wasn't getting along with teammates are now hearing that he is getting along with teammates?

I'm with you though, it would make more sense if it was early in the year when he wasn't playing and I'm not overly concerned either.

If Mav and Chip are cut that leaves just Austin as a Junior next year. That leaves us with only one scholarship for probably the best class in Minnesota ever. I can't see that happening.

That's a good point. Makes me wonder how things would be handled, assuming no transfers outside of Mav/Chip, we'd have a very senior- (5) and sophomore- (5) heavy team.

I'm sure Trevor realizes that for him to come back he has to lose one of his teammates and take away their chance on the team. That can't be easy at all. Ultimately he should come back and will IMO, but to expect a fast decision when he basically has to decide to cut one of his teammates is not realistic. I think this will weigh on him, but in the end is guess he returns.

To borrow from GW, there is a 2% chance we will cut anybody. They will find a tender for the Beast and probably already have. Why would we destroy future recruiting by cutting a kid? This is not Tubby's first time at the rodeo.

That's a good point. Makes me wonder how things would be handled, assuming no transfers outside of Mav/Chip, we'd have a very senior- (5) and sophomore- (5) heavy team.

This isn't meant to be a shot at Tubby, but I would really hope that if that scenario plays out, that Tubby would finally just sit on a scholarship or two for the year.

No, I don't know anything about it. I had never heard of any Coleman rumors until someone on here posted about them recently. My point was that that person had said that "Coleman wasn't really clicking with his teammates, personality-wise", and then Sher said that had improved. I was just wondering if those same people who were plugged into the idea that he wasn't getting along with teammates are now hearing that he is getting along with teammates?

I'm with you though, it would make more sense if it was early in the year when he wasn't playing and I'm not overly concerned either.

I just looked back at the post and it says chemistry-wise, not personality wise (not worried about who is right or wrong, just clarifying). The alleged issue was strictly with how well he and the team played together on the court. Not that they didn't get along with each other. If that's not what the poster meant, then I guess I interpreted it wrong. Like I said though, I really firmly believe this is a non-issue and no one should worry about it IMO.

I think he will be the #1 pick after leading MN to the NCAA championship. Dre Hollins will go 8th and Rodney Williams 3rd.

Joe, Austin, and Mo will be late first rounders while Trent Lockett gets picked just outside the lottery at 15.

Thus begins Minnesotas overtaking of UK as we then reload with Tyus Jones, Rashad Vaughn, and Jahil Okafor plus others. Becoming one and done U that wins national championships every other year and Tubby Smith goes down as one of the greatest coaches in history. Retiring at the age of 70 with 6 national titles, 5 at Minnesota.

He is then replaced by Shaka Smart, who finally accomplishes his life long dream of being the Gophers coach by leaving Duke for the better job, he continues Minnesotas now rich basketball tradition. The financials lead us to building TWO practice facilities and Wisconsin never finishes above 11th in the Big 10 as Bo Ryan is caught in an academic scandal that wipes away his entire big 10 record and half of the team transfers mid season and is replaced by the championship intramural team from Madison.


Ok. I retract my previous statement. Gopherholers think Trevor is going to be the #1 overall pick.

Bob_Loblaw said:
No, I don't know anything about it. I had never heard of any Coleman rumors until someone on here posted about them recently. My point was that that person had said that "Coleman wasn't really clicking with his teammates, personality-wise", and then Sher said that had improved. I was just wondering if those same people who were plugged into the idea that he wasn't getting along with teammates are now hearing that he is getting along with teammates?

I'm with you though, it would make more sense if it was early in the year when he wasn't playing and I'm not overly concerned either.

I've got no idea either. I'm just going off of what others have said. A lot of that is my assumptions (yeah, yeah, I know the saying) but I have no I side info at all here.

I'm really pleased for Trevor. He has endured a lot, and IMO richly derserves the option of a sixth year.

If Mav and Chip are cut that leaves just Austin as a Junior next year. That leaves us with only one scholarship for probably the best class in Minnesota ever. I can't see that happening.

But there are would be 4 scholarships from the year before. They could pocket 1 or 2 and combine that with Austin Hollins' scholly for 2014 and that allows them 3 for 2014. Just because 4 scholly are available in 2013 doesn't mean they have to award all of them.

This isn't meant to be a shot at Tubby, but I would really hope that if that scenario plays out, that Tubby would finally just sit on a scholarship or two for the year.

Yeah, I could see Tubby giving Halvorsen and Shell Scholarships for the year like he did with Travis Busch. Then wed have enough for Tyus, Vaughn, and a big. And hopefully Washington and Thomas in 2013!

@AndreHollins: Best news of the day by far is finding out that @TMbakwe32 has been approved for another year!!!!!!! I know #gophernation is tooooo exited!

Go Gophers!!

If Mav and Chip are cut that leaves just Austin as a Junior next year. That leaves us with only one scholarship for probably the best class in Minnesota ever. I can't see that happening.

Mo would also be a junior. We would have 5 seniors next year and we don't have to fill all of those scholarships in 2013. I'm sure Tubby and staff are smart enough to leave at the very least 2 scholarships for 2014. Shouldn't be a problem.

Mo would also be a junior. We would have 5 seniors next year and we don't have to fill all of those scholarships in 2013. I'm sure Tubby and staff are smart enough to leave at the very least 2 scholarships for 2014. Shouldn't be a problem.
Mo is redshirting so will be a Redshirt Sophomore.

To borrow from GW, there is a 2% chance we will cut anybody.

LOL, so that means we ARE going to cut someone?

I don't mean to pile on GW, but I was always skeptical of that "2%"comment regarding Mbakwe. Nothing is that cut-and-dried when it comes to NCAA eligibility issues. They have some latitude, we had some very good equitable arguments even if they didn't fit neatly within any "box" of specific categories to grant the sixth year, and I think they have a lot of respect for Tubby.

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