MIKE MAX: TREVOR GETS 6th YEAR!!!!!!!!!! UPDATED: Officially Confirmed by the U!!

I expect we will redshirt both, but redshirts with a scholarship still count toward your scholarship limit.

I was thinking that as well, but then we would have a year with no recruiting class. Unless of course someone transfers or we sign a JUCO in a few years.

How much do coaches try to even out their recruiting classes in basketball? I'm guessing most coaches would like to stay between 2-4 recruits per season if possible.

WanderingGopher said:
I don't mean to pile on GW, but I was always skeptical of that "2%"comment regarding Mbakwe.Tubby.

2% is the new 99%.

Haha wow my mind slipped on that one. My bad. Probably the 3rd dumb thing I've said today already.

I am on the other end of the spectrum, Rise. The "probably 3" dumb things you've said today beats the number of smart things I've said today by 1. :)

Not trying to support GW, seeing as that would be basically be board suicide, but he isn't necessarily wrong. He said 2%, which means... There was a chance. Let's just be happy we finally fell on the +side of lady luck!!!

Not trying to support GW, seeing as that would be basically be board suicide, but he isn't necessarily wrong. He said 2%, which means... There was a chance. Let's just be happy we finally fell on the +side of lady luck!!!

Then instead of trying to be so damned specific, why not say..."Chances are greater than 0%."

Not trying to support GW, seeing as that would be basically be board suicide, but he isn't necessarily wrong. He said 2%, which means... There was a chance. Let's just be happy we finally fell on the +side of lady luck!!!

Pretty sure his prediction was that he would not get the 6th year, which would make him wrong. I don't care though, I'm just glad he's getting another year.


Not trying to support GW, seeing as that would be basically be board suicide, but he isn't necessarily wrong. He said 2%, which means... There was a chance. Let's just be happy we finally fell on the +side of lady luck!!!


While not suicidal, I am happy to be a GW supporter. I think he adds a lot of value to the board. Only posters found on the Off Topic board are always right :)

Not trying to support GW, seeing as that would be basically be board suicide, but he isn't necessarily wrong. He said 2%, which means... There was a chance. Let's just be happy we finally fell on the +side of lady luck!!!

By that logic, he couldn't go wrong. If he'd casually said it once, fine. Pounded home over and over as part of his 'reporting' on Mbakwe's 'guilty pleas' is another matter.

That said, it feels weird to have good luck. We should all brace ourselves for 'Tubby to SMU, Hollins transferring' headlines.' But I'm probably paranoid.

Then instead of trying to be so damned specific, why not say..."Chances are greater than 0%."

Congrats!!! to the Gophers if Trevor decides to take advantage of a 6th year. I know I said on this board last week if there was ever a case for a 6th year this was it. The NCAA doesn't do everything right but they got this one right.

On another note this makes The Gophers pretty good contenders if he decides to come back. Even without him you're going to be in the top 6 of the conference next year which would be good enough for a NCAA bid but imagine Trevor, EE, Big Mo and Rodney on the inside!! That's quality depth! Hopefully Tubby will be able to mold the style you have been playing lately with the High-Low style he prefers. You have unlimitless possibilities in how to approach a game. I hope Trevor comes back, it will be great for MN basketball.

You know. It's kinda funny. Once Maxey threw this out there, there were two possible outcomes:
- Everyone on GopherHole blasts Maxey for the rest of his life
- Everyone on GopherHole blasts GW for the rest of his life

These quotes from Trevor seem more like he's leaning towards leaving, and at least entering his name in the Draft...both of which I completely understand:


Gophers forward Trevor Mbakwe, who got the good news from the NCAA Thursday that he has been awarded a sixth year of eligibility after being injured in the first six games this past season, is going to test the draft but he says there’s a good chance he will return to play for the Gophers.

“I feel great. I’m happy. I was pretty nervous the whole time waiting to find out what was going to happen with the NCAA,” Mbakwe said. “But I’m happy, I’m ecstatic and I’m just waiting to see what my next move is going to be and just continue to keep getting me knee better.”

“I don’t know yet. I still have to work some things out and see what the best option is for me,” said Mbakwe when asked if he will return to the Gophers. “Right now I’m just playing it by ear and taking it day-by-day.”

“Yeah there’s still a possibility [of entering the draft]. It’s my lifelong dream and something I’ve been working hard for,” he said. “It’s going to be a tough decision. I want to play back with all my teammates, I missed them and I’m not happy with the way this last year went. It would be nice to finally take this team to a tournament.”

Mbakwe said he won’t hire an agent any time soon as he tests his viability in the draft market before the NBA draft in June. That will keep him eligible for the Gophers if his chances to be drafted by the NBA aren’t positive.

“I’ll see what the interest is,” Mbakwe said. “I know teams, the biggest question is going to be my knee and showing them that my knee is fine. That’s why I’m continuing to work hard on that.”

Gopher coach Tubby Smith, who was optimistic all the time that the extra year would develop, wants the 6-8 cager to play next season but his comment was “that the decision about playing is all up to Mbakwe”

Mbakwe reported that his “knee is doing really good. It’s getting better. I’m starting to do more things, I’ll be running in a couple of weeks. I’m really happy about it.”

“Yeah I’ll be able to play. I’ll be playing again this summer.”

Mbakwe graduated in December but he’s still in school taking classes.

“I’m taking two lab courses. I have an independent study that I’m taking and a design class that I took and completed.”


Go Gophers!!

Pretty sure his prediction was that he would not get the 6th year, which would make him wrong. I don't care though, I'm just glad he's getting another year.

He was wrong, along and it'd not the first time he's been wrong on GH, he wouldn't take blame for anything else, so why change now.

Wait, GW is getting another year?

JK, I don't mind his post game write-ups but if he thinks looking stats and news about the other team up on the internet makes him seem smart he is wrong again.

These quotes from Trevor seem more like he's leaning towards leaving, and at least entering his name in the Draft...both of which I completely understand:

I didn't get that feeling from his comments at all. It looks to me like he's going to at least get a feeling for what other teams are thinking. As good of a talent as he is, I've got to believe most teams will be pretty leery because of his knee. Or maybe that's just because I want him to come back so part of me is hoping that's the case.

This isn't meant to be a shot at Tubby, but I would really hope that if that scenario plays out, that Tubby would finally just sit on a scholarship or two for the year.

Well, Tubby didn't sit on the scholarships last time this came up, instead he filled up all available scholarships with Chip and Mav, among others. For that reason I don't expect him to sit on them this time either...

Mbakwe graduated in December but he’s still in school taking classes.

so he could go to grad school anywhere and play one last year?
unrestricted free agent?

TM frenzy?

is bucky after him for qb?

I didn't get that feeling from his comments at all. It looks to me like he's going to at least get a feeling for what other teams are thinking. As good of a talent as he is, I've got to believe most teams will be pretty leery because of his knee. Or maybe that's just because I want him to come back so part of me is hoping that's the case.

Agree. Trevor wants to test the waters and that is completely understandable. But I have a hard time seeing a scenario where he'll get favorable draft position at this point. Simply too many question marks about his knee right now. Plus, there are other guys that have played a full college and overseas season that are in good form. Trevor's conditioning probably isn't very good right now and even with the workouts that he'll have for scouts and coaches, it's a big leap from having a good individual workout to being ready and able to contribute at the pro level. I would therefore be surprised if he doesn't come back. But, you never know with these guys.

Mbakwe reported that his “knee is doing really good. It’s getting better. I’m starting to do more things, I’ll be running in a couple of weeks. I’m really happy about it.”

“Yeah I’ll be able to play. I’ll be playing again this summer.”[/QUOTE]

If he is running in two weeks, will he really be able to show the NBA what he can do before draft time? I am pleased that his rehab is going well, but the NBA this year seems like a long shot to me. Everything that I see/hear is that he is an undersized power forward for the pros and does not have the mid range game yet to be a small forward. He is a great athlete, but he has to show the scouts he has a position and I can't see him being at full strength in time to do that.

Good luck with rehab and good luck with the decision.

How tall is Kenneth Faried (guy drafted by the Nuggets last year)? He and Mbakwe are REALLY similar.
Wikipedia says he's 6'8" and went 22nd last year.

How tall is Kenneth Faried (guy drafted by the Nuggets last year)? He and Mbakwe are REALLY similar.
Wikipedia says he's 6'8" and went 22nd last year.

He's the guy with the long hair, right? I think he is taller and has a better outside shot than Trevor, plus he was in top shape when working out for teams. Maybe not apples and oranges, but close. I think Trevor's biggest challenge is conditioning and being at top form for draft workouts, neither of which is in his favor. The question whether Trevor is a legit 6-8 or not could be relevant. Don't they usually list college players' "in shoes" height, which will typically add a couple of inches? If his decision will require roster moves, I hope he makes it quickly.

He's the guy with the ong hair, right? I think he is taller and has a better outside shot than Trevor, plus he was in top shape when working out for teams. Maybe not apples and oranges, but close. I think Trevor's biggest challenge is conditioning and being at top form for draft workouts, neither of which is in his favor. If his decision will require roster moves, I hope he makes it quickly.
They are both listed at 6'8" and IDK about Faried's outside shot. I do realize the differences in the situations of Trevor being hurt and not in game shape and Faried being in top shape, I was just looking for a recent comparison to Trevor.

These quotes from Trevor seem more like he's leaning towards leaving, and at least entering his name in the Draft...both of which I completely understand:


Gophers forward Trevor Mbakwe, who got the good news from the NCAA Thursday that he has been awarded a sixth year of eligibility after being injured in the first six games this past season, is going to test the draft but he says there’s a good chance he will return to play for the Gophers.

“I feel great. I’m happy. I was pretty nervous the whole time waiting to find out what was going to happen with the NCAA,” Mbakwe said. “But I’m happy, I’m ecstatic and I’m just waiting to see what my next move is going to be and just continue to keep getting me knee better.”

“I don’t know yet. I still have to work some things out and see what the best option is for me,” said Mbakwe when asked if he will return to the Gophers. “Right now I’m just playing it by ear and taking it day-by-day.”

“Yeah there’s still a possibility [of entering the draft]. It’s my lifelong dream and something I’ve been working hard for,” he said. “It’s going to be a tough decision. I want to play back with all my teammates, I missed them and I’m not happy with the way this last year went. It would be nice to finally take this team to a tournament.”

Mbakwe said he won’t hire an agent any time soon as he tests his viability in the draft market before the NBA draft in June. That will keep him eligible for the Gophers if his chances to be drafted by the NBA aren’t positive.

“I’ll see what the interest is,” Mbakwe said. “I know teams, the biggest question is going to be my knee and showing them that my knee is fine. That’s why I’m continuing to work hard on that.”

Gopher coach Tubby Smith, who was optimistic all the time that the extra year would develop, wants the 6-8 cager to play next season but his comment was “that the decision about playing is all up to Mbakwe”

Mbakwe reported that his “knee is doing really good. It’s getting better. I’m starting to do more things, I’ll be running in a couple of weeks. I’m really happy about it.”

“Yeah I’ll be able to play. I’ll be playing again this summer.”

Mbakwe graduated in December but he’s still in school taking classes.

“I’m taking two lab courses. I have an independent study that I’m taking and a design class that I took and completed.”


Go Gophers!!

I'm a little bit surprised that the approved application was announced at this time if Trevor is still considering the NBA. It will now be a huge letdown for everyone in Gopher land if Trevor bolts for the NBA after the effort to file the application, wait, hear Trevor's comment how hopeful he is that he will get another year -- and then decide not to use it. It might have been better to keep this news quiet until Trevor finalizes his decision.

Bob Sansevere:

Item: Gophers basketball star Trevor Mbakwe, who suffered a season-ending knee injury in November, is granted a sixth year of eligibility.

I think: Isn't it time for the Gophers to cut ties with Mbakwe, and vice versa? If he's getting a sixth year of eligibility, it means he'd also be a student at least six years. He needs to get on with his life, and the Gophers need to move on, too.


Go Gophers!!

Bob Sansevere:

Item: Gophers basketball star Trevor Mbakwe, who suffered a season-ending knee injury in November, is granted a sixth year of eligibility.

I think: Isn't it time for the Gophers to cut ties with Mbakwe, and vice versa? If he's getting a sixth year of eligibility, it means he'd also be a student at least six years. He needs to get on with his life, and the Gophers need to move on, too.


Go Gophers!!

Yes Bob. No need for that sixth year. Forget the NCAA ruling. Forget the possibility that both Trevor and the team having a big year and everyone getting something out of it. Forget the potential of Trevor improving his draft position by getting to play a full year. Get him the heck out of here! After all, we all need to look at this as an opportunity to "move on" :rolleyes:

I love that people are saying it's time to "cut the cord" with Trevor. If he plays next year, it will be his 4th year with the team. In that time, he's played a season plus a handful of games. I get that he's old, but how could anyone try to spin it that he's been here a long time or he's overstayed his welcome? It's just ridiculous.

It might have been better to keep this news quiet until Trevor finalizes his decision.

Really bad post, no reason to be quiet about his options. He's no let down to me if he goes the pro route, I'll cheer for him the same... Gopher, NBA, NBADL or Euro.

Bob Sansevere:

I think: Isn't it time for the Gophers to cut ties with Mbakwe, and vice versa? If he's getting a sixth year of eligibility, it means he'd also be a student at least six years. He needs to get on with his life, and the Gophers need to move on, too.

Go Gophers!!

Unreal. How do u fault a guy for going to school for six years if he's working on his masters? Damn those educated student athletes.

Bob Sansevere:

Item: Gophers basketball star Trevor Mbakwe, who suffered a season-ending knee injury in November, is granted a sixth year of eligibility.

I think: Isn't it time for the Gophers to cut ties with Mbakwe, and vice versa? If he's getting a sixth year of eligibility, it means he'd also be a student at least six years. He needs to get on with his life, and the Gophers need to move on, too.


Go Gophers!!

If you combined everything that Bob Sasevere and Jim Souhan know about college basketball, it would still be less than most people on this board. Great take Bob.

It would be typical Gopher luck to finally get what appears to be a break, only to have it taken away from us. One of the interesting subplots to this saga to me is what the staff will do with scholarships in the event that Trevor does not make a decision rather quickly. The NCAA recently changed the withdrawal date for the NBA draft to the first day of the spring signing period. My guess is that the staff plans to add 1-2 players (including Trevor) to the projected roster for next year. Will they encourage more than one player to transfer without knowing Trevor's decision? Obviously, a scholarship has to be left for Trevor, but I'd hate to miss out on a potential JUCO guard or impact transfer because we're saving a scholarship for Trevor who ends up not using it.

What happens between now and mid April will have a huge impact on the future of Gopher hoops.

I'm a little bit surprised that the approved application was announced at this time if Trevor is still considering the NBA. It will now be a huge letdown for everyone in Gopher land if Trevor bolts for the NBA after the effort to file the application, wait, hear Trevor's comment how hopeful he is that he will get another year -- and then decide not to use it. It might have been better to keep this news quiet until Trevor finalizes his decision.

Well they tried to keep it quite for 24 hrs but how did that work.

He's the guy with the long hair, right? I think he is taller and has a better outside shot than Trevor, plus he was in top shape when working out for teams. Maybe not apples and oranges, but close. I think Trevor's biggest challenge is conditioning and being at top form for draft workouts, neither of which is in his favor. The question whether Trevor is a legit 6-8 or not could be relevant. Don't they usually list college players' "in shoes" height, which will typically add a couple of inches? If his decision will require roster moves, I hope he makes it quickly.

In shoes height is the height of a player unless they play barefoot.

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