Former Gophers QB Phillip Nelson arrested in his hometown of Mankato for assault

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Ron Rosenbaum disagrees. For what it's worth.

Without listening to him, it's hard to know what he believes. But he's not a criminal law expert, though neither am I, and he's not the guy or even one of the guys in town to ask about criminal law. He's Barreiro's lawyer, and Ron gets it wrong on the radio frequently, but so do many lawyers who aren't talking about their field.

In any event, you have a duty to retreat in this state if possible, unless you're in your home, and you have to use reasonable force. Nelson could have retreated and the force was unreasonable considering the situation.

I don't have to piggy back off you. You proved to me by saying you're an adult and avoid situations of talking crap, but when it comes to the internet you will. Then you want to talk about Ed Hardy and Red Bull. You clearly proved to me that you were a fan of those things and later coming to the conclusion of how big of a Dou-che Canoe you really were.

I cant wait for the next cliché internet tough guy response you will give. I need a good laugh.

Where exactly did I prove to you that I'm a fan of those things? When I knew what they were and attributed them to clowns like you that run around talking about being a man and standing up for yourself? How stupid are you? Seriously? I know for a fact you're not a graduate of the UofM or any other B1G school. I'm guessing SCSU. That seems about right.

Where exactly did I prove to you that I'm a fan of those things? When I knew what they were and attributed them to clowns like you that run around talking about being a man and standing up for yourself? How stupid are you? Seriously? I know for a fact you're not a graduate of the UofM or any other B1G school. I'm guessing SCSU. That seems about right.

Lol are you mad bro?, I knew it, tough guy like you couldn't resist. So you are making ASSumptions by thinking that cliché attacks about red bull and ed hardy mean something to me? So you believe that no one should stand up for themselves? It appears that you believe a person has no right to self-defense and should cower to the attacker. Now you want to attack my education lol, what's next? I know, you used all the other cliché attacks you can use Jagerbombs next lol.

I think everyone has a right to stand up and defend themselves. But I suppose someone like you doesn't like that because we should all rely on someone else to protect us right? How closed minded are you? Since you cant comprehend what was said before, I stated that, if this kid provoked an attack, then he had what's coming. What's so tough about that? If the guy was unconscious and Nelson did a punt to his head then that's on Nelson, I never said I condoned it. I only stated that it could have been avoided if the other guy walked away and never sucker punched him. You fail to grasp that idea.

You love bringing this up, so let's discuss it. First, all of the individuals involved in the bit (it was a joke) have admitted that it didn't go over as well as we had thought it would have, but sometimes that's what happens with bits. On the same note we'd like to get credit for the bits that did work, such as John Daski, Kyle Kesell, etc. if you're going to point out what didn't work. Looking back on it, maybe we would've done things a bit differently or maybe not.

Second, I've publicly apologized to anyone that was offended. Subsequent to that you've threatened to beat me up, which as we've learned this week could be interpreted as assault.

Third, I wasn't aware that a trust fund was set up for me. Generally, they aren't set up for the deceased because um, well... they're dead. No one one contacted any of my family members about a trust, so I'm a bit confused here. Who paid for the lawyers to set up the trust? Would you please post a listing of who donated and how much?

If a gag on an Internet forum bothers you this much five or six years after the fact, you may want to seek help from a mental health professional.

I look forward to your response.

I hope this is the response you are so looking forward to.

Q: Who paid for the lawyers to set up the trust?
A:Not a trust that would pay your wife money over time. Instead of calling it a trust, let's call it a fund that was going to be used for flowers for your funeral, help with any medical bills your family would have had to pay, help your surviving and injured wife. People trying to get in touch with the hospital and your wife is how your joke was exposed.

Q: Would you please post a listing of who donated and how much?
A: I don't have that. Why would I? I wasn't coordinating anything. But you were in my thoughts (stopped short of praying for you) and I was trying to send money your way. Let the record show, I give money to your family because I feel sorry for them, not the other way around.

Why do I continue to bring it up? Because you continue to say dumb things like this about Phil's dad, "He will get to live with the thoughts of his son son bring raped in a prison shower knowing that by being a better parent, he could've prevented it".

If you had better parenting would you not type things like the above sentence and/or attempt extremely lame jokes?

I hope this is the response you are so looking forward to.
If you had better parenting would you not type things like the above sentence and/or attempt extremely lame jokes?

His parents probably stayed out until 2 am one time when he was a kid.

What's cute is that you think the award is named after my posts, when it actuality it's named after a quote of mine calling someone else a dumbass. I guarantee you wouldn't have typed this if you didn't think it were another lame attempt to get in a shot at me - since you have me on ignore (as if anyone cares).

Shocking...dpod correcting someone over something that means nothing.

Lol are you mad bro?, I knew it, tough guy like you couldn't resist. So you are making ASSumptions by thinking that cliché attacks about red bull and ed hardy mean something to me? So you believe that no one should stand up for themselves? It appears that you believe a person has no right to self-defense and should cower to the attacker. Now you want to attack my education lol, what's next? I know, you used all the other cliché attacks you can use Jagerbombs next lol.

I think everyone has a right to stand up and defend themselves. But I suppose someone like you doesn't like that because we should all rely on someone else to protect us right? How closed minded are you? Since you cant comprehend what was said before, I stated that, if this kid provoked an attack, then he had what's coming. What's so tough about that? If the guy was unconscious and Nelson did a punt to his head then that's on Nelson, I never said I condoned it. I only stated that it could have been avoided if the other guy walked away and never sucker punched him. You fail to grasp that idea.

I would take the under on SCSU.

You're embarassing yourself, "bro".

You love bringing this up, so let's discuss it. First, all of the individuals involved in the bit (it was a joke) have admitted that it didn't go over as well as we had thought it would have, but sometimes that's what happens with bits. On the same note we'd like to get credit for the bits that did work, such as John Daski, Kyle Kesell, etc. if you're going to point out what didn't work. Looking back on it, maybe we would've done things a bit differently or maybe not.

Second, I've publicly apologized to anyone that was offended. Subsequent to that you've threatened to beat me up, which as we've learned this week could be interpreted as assault.

Third, I wasn't aware that a trust fund was set up for me. Generally, they aren't set up for the deceased because um, well... they're dead. No one one contacted any of my family members about a trust, so I'm a bit confused here. Who paid for the lawyers to set up the trust? Would you please post a listing of who donated and how much?

If a gag on an Internet forum bothers you this much five or six years after the fact, you may want to seek help from a mental health professional.

I look forward to your response.

Dude, I thought you were dead?!?

Without listening to him, it's hard to know what he believes. But he's not a criminal law expert, though neither am I, and he's not the guy or even one of the guys in town to ask about criminal law. He's Barreiro's lawyer, and Ron gets it wrong on theradio frequently, but so do many lawyers who aren't talking about their field.

In any event, you have a duty to retreat in this state if possible, unless you're in your home, and you have to use reasonable force. Nelson could have retreated and the force was unreasonable considering the situation.

Your most insightful post ever. Good job.

Actually, this thread has made this whole sad affair even more disgusting. Lives have been forever changed. A man with a young family is still listed in critical condition and still might die all because of stupid actions decided upon in seconds. Yet, people on here have lost sight of that as they engage in their verbal sparring, insults, stupid comments, macho poses, etc.

This isn't about stopwatch versus hand-held times or Royce White or whether some basketball player should be on scholarship. I've been guilty in bringing down the tone at times, but this has really brought out the worse in GH. It's certainly not "gold."

+1000 Thank you for this post!!!!

This could be very similar to the guy in Little Falls that killed those two kids that broke into his house.

If indeed Kolstad attacked Nelson from behind, Nelson had every right to defend himself. But once Kolstad was incapacitated (as a result allegedly of this third party knocking him out) Nelson had to stop. He apparently did not, and there in lies the crime, just like the guy in Little Falls had the right to defend his home, he had no right to execute the two burglars.

This is exactly what I was thinking of

Reusse: A fall Saturday and futures were bright in Mankato

On that Saturday, Philip Nelson was the star of the Gophers’ future, and Williams was the big, mobile young man who might wind up at linebacker, maybe at tight end, fullback or in the offensive line.

Thirty months later, Philip Nelson was enrolled as a transfer at Rutgers, hoping to become a better quarterback after a transfer season than was in case in a good share of the 16 starts he made for the Gophers. And Maxx Williams, after a redshirt year and a 2013 season as a tight end, had become a cinch (assuming good health) to follow his dad, Brian, to the NFL.

In a few seconds on Sunday morning, all of that changed for Nelson. There’s a 24-year-old, Isaac Kolstad, in grave condition in a Mankato hospital, and Philip Nelson is charged in the assault.

A few seconds and lives ruined. Dang, almighty.

Lol are you mad bro?, I knew it, tough guy like you couldn't resist. So you are making ASSumptions by thinking that cliché attacks about red bull and ed hardy mean something to me? So you believe that no one should stand up for themselves? It appears that you believe a person has no right to self-defense and should cower to the attacker. Now you want to attack my education lol, what's next? I know, you used all the other cliché attacks you can use Jagerbombs next lol.

I think everyone has a right to stand up and defend themselves. But I suppose someone like you doesn't like that because we should all rely on someone else to protect us right? How closed minded are you? Since you cant comprehend what was said before, I stated that, if this kid provoked an attack, then he had what's coming. What's so tough about that? If the guy was unconscious and Nelson did a punt to his head then that's on Nelson, I never said I condoned it. I only stated that it could have been avoided if the other guy walked away and never sucker punched him. You fail to grasp that idea.

Where did you get the impression I was mad? And you're right, because I don't think there's ever a reason to kick someone in the head I must be some little wimp that looks for others to protect me. You've really got my number. I'm agreeing with another poster, you're lower than SCSU.

Maybe we can start a new thread called "Name calling and immature bickering." That might be a more enjoyable thread for some of you. Can we please keep this thread about PN and the incident that changed lives a few nights ago? Some of us actually care.

And that substantiates everything that I've said here about his parents. How about being disappointed in what their kid did?

I hope mom and dad blow a ton of money of Philip's legal defense and then he gets convicted ana solid decade at least.

Wow just wow

Mom and Dad need to finally stop thinking about how to get his kid to the NFL and start praying that this kolstad kid does not die otherwise there will be 2nd degree murder charges against Philip

when all is said and done, there is plenty of blame to go around. But, as I understand it, this whole mess started with Nelson getting mad because he thought a bouncer was flirting with his girlfriend. Nelson apparently mistook Kolstad for the bouncer - they exchanged words, and then it got physical. Stop and think about that. A man with a wife and kids is in the hospital with permanent brain damage, because he was mistaken for someone else. that is bleepin' sad on more ways than I can count.

But, to make a bigger point - Phil Nelson is a prominent athlete. He knows - or should know - that when he's out in public, people are going to be watching him. If Joe Schmoe gets into a fracas in a bar, nobody cares. If a D1 QB gets into a fracas, it's news. Again, Nelson should understand that. When he got knocked down - or pushed, depending on which version you believe, the little voice in his head should have gone off, saying "get the bleep out of here." I'm willing to bet his coaches have told him more than once about staying out of trouble. It appears he didn't learn the lesson.

I am NOT saying that Kolstad is blameless - there's plenty of blame to go around. I'm just very disappointed that Nelson didn't show better judgement, considering all he had to lose.

Where did you get the impression I was mad? And you're right, because I don't think there's ever a reason to kick someone in the head I must be some little wimp that looks for others to protect me. You've really got my number. I'm agreeing with another poster, you're lower than SCSU.

Lower than SCSU would be Minnesota State-Mankato.

As a new father, I have found myself thinking about this story from a variety of viewpoints. First and foremost, my heart goes out to the father of Izzy. I can't imagine the pain he must be feeling being by his son's bedside; his child clinging to life. With this, there must also be a lot of anger too. I fear that if something like this happened to my child, the anger would consume me.

I've spent some time trying to relate to Paddy's dad. I know that if my little girl ever found herself in a situation where she'd made a big mistake and was in trouble with the law, I would do everything in my power to protect her.

Finally, I've spent a few nights knocking back some cold ones (helps me sleep as we are in the period of the year when the sun doesn't set). I've read the comments in this thread about drinking and parenting and must say I can really relate to Izzy. There are some nights when I just need to get out of the house (lots of crying lately due to a chronic ear infection) and pound a few back with my buddies. I'll do this after playing some hockey, so it seems more casual and the old lady doesn't catch on. I'm always home at a decent hour and my girlfriend is happy to wake up with the little one and let me sleep in. She doesn't drink, so I can't repay her by letting her go out and get loaded, but I do other things to give her time to herself.

I'm prayin' for you Izzy...


I'm thinking that Izzy's kids avenge this once they're old enough.

I was really pissed. I spent 7.5 hours writing a version of "Candle in the wind" for you & never got the thousand I donated to your trust fund back.

It's my favorite version of Candle in the Wind. Just the other day I had Hibajid, my Ethiopian houseboy sing it (extended version), as his younger sister performed her special native dance for me and his mother washed me feet.

I think we should compile a listing of all the people who donated (cash or songs) to my trust fund and I can begin work on reparations.

when all is said and done, there is plenty of blame to go around. But, as I understand it, this whole mess started with Nelson getting mad because he thought a bouncer was flirting with his girlfriend. Nelson apparently mistook Kolstad for the bouncer - they exchanged words, and then it got physical. Stop and think about that. A man with a wife and kids is in the hospital with permanent brain damage, because he was mistaken for someone else. that is bleepin' sad on more ways than I can count.

But, to make a bigger point - Phil Nelson is a prominent athlete. He knows - or should know - that when he's out in public, people are going to be watching him. If Joe Schmoe gets into a fracas in a bar, nobody cares. If a D1 QB gets into a fracas, it's news. Again, Nelson should understand that. When he got knocked down - or pushed, depending on which version you believe, the little voice in his head should have gone off, saying "get the bleep out of here." I'm willing to bet his coaches have told him more than once about staying out of trouble. It appears he didn't learn the lesson.

I am NOT saying that Kolstad is blameless - there's plenty of blame to go around. I'm just very disappointed that Nelson didn't show better judgement, considering all he had to lose.

I just don't get it. How could Nelson - a virtual celeb in the area, the handsome young QB at not one but two big D1 schools - get that angry over any girl? Aren't they (or I should say "weren't they", as of now) everywhere at this point in his life? Boggles my mind.

I just don't get it. How could Nelson - a virtual celeb in the area, the handsome young QB at not one but two big D1 schools - get that angry over any girl? Aren't they (or I should say "weren't they", as of now) everywhere at this point in his life? Boggles my mind.

The same way that your average divorcee talks about his ex-b!tch wife everyday at work...for two years straight. That, or she had one helluva snappin' Pussywillow.

It's my favorite version of Candle in the Wind. Just the other day I had Hibajid, my Ethiopian houseboy sing it (extended version), as his younger sister performed her special native dance for me and his mother washed me feet.

I think we should compile a listing of all the people who donated (cash or songs) to my trust fund and I can begin work on reparations.

It's really a sweet song:

"And goodbye Kyle Kessel
From the young fan in the 22nd row,
Who sees you as something more than recruiting,
More than just our Kyle Kessel...."

Where exactly did I prove to you that I'm a fan of those things? When I knew what they were and attributed them to clowns like you that run around talking about being a man and standing up for yourself? How stupid are you? Seriously? I know for a fact you're not a graduate of the UofM or any other B1G school. I'm guessing SCSU. That seems about right.

As an SCSU graduate, you've now convinced me too......that you are a ******.

It's my favorite version of Candle in the Wind. Just the other day I had Hibajid, my Ethiopian houseboy sing it (extended version), as his younger sister performed her special native dance for me and his mother washed me feet.

I think we should compile a listing of all the people who donated (cash or songs) to my trust fund and I can begin work on reparations.

I still think you should have been pulled over in Canada on a drug bust. You could still have posted from prison and eventually made your return to freedom at a tail gate. Oh well. Ditch Tipsy and Lloyd and hire me as your head writer next time.

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