Former Gophers QB Phillip Nelson arrested in his hometown of Mankato for assault

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Good thing we "cooled" on Phillip Nelson.

So back to Nelson, now it has been revealed that Nelson and his GF does in fact know the "unknown" person (as I suspected from the video of them grouped together), that probably puts Nelson in more trouble, and even his GF, if the authorities want to pursue it.

Yes. Anytime a suspect lies to the police, whether it was intentional lying or just a misunderstanding, it can be "used against them". And you're probably more prone to fumbling the facts when you've been drinking.

Below is an interesting take I came across awhile back. It basically says it's never in your best interest to talk to the police when you are a suspect. I am not trying to start an argument about whether the police are "good or bad".

Never Talk to the Police

You make me laugh. Internet tough guy you are. Someone who rarely talks crap as an adult, but will do it over the computer. That tells me everything I need to know about you. I can see you are one of the do as I say not as I do.

Or was it Affliction? Which brand is more desirable amongst your kind?

So back to Nelson, now it has been revealed that Nelson and his GF does in fact know the "unknown" person (as I suspected from the video of them grouped together), that probably puts Nelson in more trouble, and even his GF, if the authorities want to pursue it.

Like everything legal related, there might be a reason. By Nelson showing this Shelley guy he's a loyal friend, (in Nelson's mind), he (Shelley) will be loyal to him (Nelson) when he gives his story. It might be a huge miscalculation and backfire; could be perceived as lack of credibility on Nelson's part.

So back to Nelson, now it has been revealed that Nelson and his GF does in fact know the "unknown" person (as I suspected from the video of them grouped together), that probably puts Nelson in more trouble, and even his GF, if the authorities want to pursue it.

Where did you find this information? I'm curious what PN's soon to be ex-GF recalls. If she reveals that PN said anything about kicking Kolstad after the incident, he's toast.

Drivel, eh? I guess taking care of your wife and kids isn't commendable and advocating for it is to be made fun of now.

P.S. Why is it that I'm singled out when I'm far from the only one to advocate for personal responsibility in this thread? Hmm. Strange.

I agree with you (which I'm certain you're ecstatic about) and wasn't singled out, but that's because most people have me on "ignore". It's a good place to be.

I would still argue that hanging around a college bar until close (let's face it, he wasn't walking out of Per Se or Gramercy Tavern at 2am) and then congregating outside isn't the best of ideas for anyone, let alone a father with young children. Then, to not walk away when things were escalating is even dumber, but he trumped that by taking a cheap shot at Nelson. People can disagree with my take, but if Isaac had agreed with my viewpoint then he wouldn't be eating his meals from a tube right now.

As far as the Christian thing goes, I'm pretty sure Jesus never advocated throwing a punch at a guy who wasn't looking.

Yes. Anytime a suspect lies to the police, whether it was intentional lying or just a misunderstanding, it can be "used against them". And you're probably more prone to fumbling the facts when you've been drinking.

Below is an interesting take I came across awhile back. It basically says it's never in your best interest to talk to the police when you are a suspect. I am not trying to start an argument about whether the police are "good or bad".

I can't agree more. My father is a lawyer and growing up I heard this exact thing many times. He even argued that if you're a witness you shouldn't talk to the police without a lawyer present. Just going to throw that out there.

Where did you find this information? I'm curious what PN's soon to be ex-GF recalls. If she reveals that PN said anything about kicking Kolstad after the incident, he's toast.

Pioneer Press article and another article either on or somewhere, I can't recall. But basically in one of the articles, they were interviewing an anonymous friend of Nelson's and this person stated that Nelson does in fact know him. The Pioneer Press article says the unknown suspect also went to Mankato West.

Do you have an answer to my post?

Whatever time allows you to get up and fully engage as a parent…I was a probation officer, I coached for 10 years, I run a national award winning high school club and I have spent numerous hours volunteering in local high schools. I work with kids for a living….I have seen plenty of crappy parenting and I have seen what it takes to raise good kids in this world. It takes a lot more than it used to. It is really hard for a kid to turn out great when their parents party on a regular basis.

Any lawyers care to give a take on redshirt guy's defense? It'd seem that he may be able to mount a better defense than Nelson. Can the self-defense argument be used in defense of another in a situation like this? He could claim that he witnessed Nelson being attacked from behind, feared for Nelson's safety and threw a punch to stop an attacker. That seems somewhat legit.

I was a probation officer, I coached for 10 years, I run a national award winning high school club and I have spent numerous hours volunteering in local high schools. I work with kids for a living…

Sounds like you didn't spend a lot of time at home with all of those extracurricular activities. Hope it turns out alright.

Whatever time allows you to get up and fully engage as a parent…I was a probation officer, I coached for 10 years, I run a national award winning high school club and I have spent numerous hours volunteering in local high schools. I work with kids for a living….I have seen plenty of crappy parenting and I have seen what it takes to raise good kids in this world. It takes a lot more than it used to. It is really hard for a kid to turn out great when their parents party on a regular basis.

How about we agree to judge parents based on the results they produce and not their bedtimes, ok?

How about we agree to judge parents based on the results they produce and not their bedtimes, ok?

Good idea. What grade would you give Pat and Norma Nelson? How about Isaac Kolstad's parents?

It must be hard for CoMN to sit at his desk and type these responses with that stick so firmly up his ass. The real person I feel bad for in this thread is his daughter

I feel worse for the stick.

Whatever time allows you to get up and fully engage as a parent…I was a probation officer, I coached for 10 years, I run a national award winning high school club and I have spent numerous hours volunteering in local high schools. I work with kids for a living….I have seen plenty of crappy parenting and I have seen what it takes to raise good kids in this world. It takes a lot more than it used to. It is really hard for a kid to turn out great when their parents party on a regular basis.

You didn't come close to answering my question, but thanks for the lecture.

Not everyone. Just people with wives, children, and responsibilities. You're free to do whatever the hell you want, and the rest of us are free to judge you as the irresponsible immature moron that you are when you're out partying (not working) past 2 am with a wife, daughter, and soon-to-be born child at home. Oh, and you just went on a guy's trip to Vegas the weekend before. This just keeps getting better and better. What an upstanding model of Christian virtue!

Obvious troll is obvious.

I have a wife and son and am going on a guys trip this weekend. Clearly, I'm a horrible husband and father...

Good idea. What grade would you give Pat and Norma Nelson? How about Isaac Kolstad's parents?

Clever transition from toddlers to grown men fighting. Ok, how about we not judge people and just live our own lives. Cool? Isn't that the "Jesus" thing to do?

Obvious troll is obvious.

I have a wife and son and am going on a guys trip this weekend. Clearly, I'm a horrible husband and father...

Just make sure you don't drink and are in bed before midnight, as I've been told nothing good happens after midnight.

Who the hell cares what the victim did the previous weekend or the night before.

Does that sentence him to getting sucker punched and kicked in the head?

This has officially become the stupidest discussion on GopherHole. The Michael Sam debate doesn't come close.

People playing devil's advocate for the sole purpose of pissing people off and sounding like an idiot in the process.

Or was it Affliction? Which brand is more desirable amongst your kind?

Sounds like you lived a phase or still are, and are trying so very hard to prove you weren't the only one. You proved you are an internet tough guy, and good luck on Ebay selling your MMA clothes while drinking Jolt energy.

24 pages and no mention of Tony Dungy.

Gopherhole just isn't the same as the old days.

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