Former Gophers QB Phillip Nelson arrested in his hometown of Mankato for assault

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I still think you should have been pulled over in Canada on a drug bust. You could still have posted from prison and eventually made your return to freedom at a tail gate. Oh well. Ditch Tipsy and Lloyd and hire me as your head writer next time.

BS! The writing was spot on.

The only reason the prank fell apart is that Leeks misjudged how much his wife loved him. If she really loved him, she would have supported his story and told the GH mod who called her at work that he was, in fact, dead. Lloyd and I had the story scripted 5 months out, had some Hollywood types interested in our screenplay, and were planning a big memorial service. Joel Maturi was go to speak at the service! Joel Mature! AND he was going to get a 21 gun salute on account of his heroic service to our country. It would have been epic!


I just don't get it. How could Nelson - a virtual celeb in the area, the handsome young QB at not one but two big D1 schools - get that angry over any girl? Aren't they (or I should say "weren't they", as of now) everywhere at this point in his life? Boggles my mind.

How could the bartender not know he wasn't 21 or at least card him to make him prove it?

To those of you husbands and fathers who leave the wife and kids at home and go out and knock back a few cold ones with your bros, no biggie. I don't know the situation that Kolstad was in vis-a-vis his wife's pregnancy, but it was difficult for me (and maybe not many others) to reconcile the assignation of sainthood on him with him being out at 2 AM. This is an unfortunate and tragic situation all the way around.

For the lawyers out there, could this be classified as a hate crime by any means? I don't want to insinuate anything, but it seemed to me like when Nelson dropped back to pass he was always looking for Fruechte 1st, Maxx Williams 2nd, etc. How many of Donovahn Jones receptions came from Nelson?

How could the bartender not know he wasn't 21 or at least card him to make him prove it?

To those of you husbands and fathers who leave the wife and kids at home and go out and knock back a few cold ones with your bros, no biggie. I don't know the situation that Kolstad was in vis-a-vis his wife's pregnancy, but it was difficult for me (and maybe not many others) to reconcile the assignation of sainthood on him with him being out at 2 AM. This is an unfortunate and tragic situation all the way around.

No one has assigned saint hood on him. A lot of people feel bad that a young father of soon to be two children is in a life and death situation because of a beating.

Are there any updates on the victim? The last I'd heard was that he had surgery yesterday morning in order to relieve the hemorrhaging in his brain, and that surgery was deemed a 'success', but how that might just be the first in a series of surgeries, and how in any event, he's still in critical condition, might live, might die, might be severely and permanently brain damaged.

For the lawyers out there, could this be classified as a hate crime by any means? I don't want to insinuate anything, but it seemed to me like when Nelson dropped back to pass he was always looking for Fruechte 1st, Maxx Williams 2nd, etc. How many of Donovahn Jones receptions came from Nelson?

Definitely. I noticed a handful of times where this exact situation happened. Also rumors that he refused to share a practice field with Dominic Mckinzy surfaced as a possible reason for transfer.

No one has assigned saint hood on him. A lot of people feel bad that a young father of soon to be two children is in a life and death situation because of a beating.

Oh, don't get me wrong. I feel terrible for him.

Are there any updates on the victim? The last I'd heard was that he had surgery yesterday morning in order to relieve the hemorrhaging in his brain, and that surgery was deemed a 'success', but how that might just be the first in a series of surgeries, and how in any event, he's still in critical condition, might live, might die, might be severely and permanently brain damaged.

Family is keeping most of the updates generic on their caring bridge site. Still critical condition after Tuesday surgery.

Second suspect is facing the same charges as Nelson. He says he never threw a punch even after informed there's video. Also says he doesn't know Nelson despite being facebook friends and one year apart in high school.

Second suspect is facing the same charges as Nelson. He says he never threw a punch even after informed there's video. Also says he doesn't know Nelson despite being facebook friends and one year apart in high school.

Hard to believe they aren't at least acquainted. I wonder if any of the bars have surveillance footage of Phil and Trevor encountering one another earlier in the night.

Family is keeping most of the updates generic on their caring bridge site. Still critical condition after Tuesday surgery.

Second suspect is facing the same charges as Nelson. He says he never threw a punch even after informed there's video. Also says he doesn't know Nelson despite being facebook friends and one year apart in high school.

If it turns out they did know each other , it's going to be tough to give any credibility to anything either one says from now on.

I'm starting to wonder if the Nelson to Mankato story doesn't parallel the Puig getting out of Cuba story and that maybe Nelson is under pressure to not only make a bunch of cash to pay off the debts he owes, but also that he has to protect the smugglers who helped get him out of Madison. Seriously, nobody just walks out of Madison. There is probably a great deal more to this story that we may NEVER know.


1. Hope and Pray Kolstad makes a recovery where he can live a productive life at some point.

2. Who kicks someone in the head? Who kicks someone in the head while they're unconscience on the ground? To those in this thread that say it could have happened to anyone (Nelson's involvement specifically), that's B.S. I've been to many, many bars and been drunk many times and I've never once thrown a punch, much less kick a defenseless man in the head.

3. If the video shows what the cops say it shows, Phil should be going away for a long time.

4. This thread mostly sucks.

Start early and...

1. Hope and Pray Kolstad makes a recovery where he can live a productive life at some point.

2. Who kicks someone in the head? Who kicks someone in the head while they're unconscience on the ground? To those in this thread that say it could have happened to anyone (Nelson's involvement specifically), that's B.S. I've been to many, many bars and been drunk many times and I've never once thrown a punch, much less kick a defenseless man in the head.

3. If the video shows what the cops say it shows, Phil should be going away for a long time.

4. This thread mostly sucks.

...teach your children that immoderate anger can escalate into a deadly sin.

Typically you can avoid being kicked in the head by not punching people. Easy math.

Typically you can avoid being kicked in the head by not punching people. Easy math.

So what if he had been shot? Would that be ok too? What's the typical response one can expect if they punch someone?

So what if he had been shot? Would that be ok too? What's the typical response one can expect if they punch someone?

This is interesting. I guess I don't have a problem with the punch that knocked Issac out. Issac initiated the physical part when he hit Phil (in my mind, prob as a response to Phil running lip to Issac). Dish some lip back or walk away, but all bets are off once you react physically. If you're going to escalate to a new level prepare to be punched yourself.

Using that logic,I guess it would be fair for someone to have done a Jim Brunzel and kicked Issac in his head if Issac was engaging them in a fight. But the fight is over after Isaac is knocked out and is laying on the ground. Can't kick a guy in the head when he is down and unconscious. Guy fights you, you can fight him, but the fight stops once you've won. Phil kept fighting after the fight was over.

Isn't enough to recognize that legally speaking Nelson is between a 'Rock and a Hard Place'. The prosecutor seems to think he has enough of a case to charge him with a crime that has a presumptive sentence of 84 months. In the end it's what the law allows, given the situation. Under Minnesota law, Self Defense and Defense of others are pretty well defined by case law, both are possible defense claims. I've read some of that case law and IMHO, both suspects, will have a hard time given the precedents I've read. I am not a lawyer so a good one might have some room to work with. There is a police investigation that's incomplete so let's give the process time to work.

Trevor Shelley, unlike Nelson, apparently has several priors. His attorney thinks they have a case for self-defense, which is interesting considering that Shelley denies throwing a punch, period.

Isn't enough to recognize that legally speaking Nelson is between a 'Rock and a Hard Place'. The prosecutor seems to think he has enough of a case to charge him with a crime that has a presumptive sentence of 84 months. In the end it's what the law allows, given the situation. Under Minnesota law, Self Defense and Defense of others are pretty well defined by case law, both are possible defense claims. I've read some of that case law and IMHO, both suspects, will have a hard time given the precedents I've read. I am not a lawyer so a good one might have some room to work with. There is a police investigation that's incomplete so let's give the process time to work.

It is interesting that a stranger would come to the aid of another stranger, since PN and Shelley don't know each other.

Hard to believe they aren't at least acquainted. I wonder if any of the bars have surveillance footage of Phil and Trevor encountering one another earlier in the night.

Best. Screen name. Ever.

Isn't enough to recognize that legally speaking Nelson is between a 'Rock and a Hard Place'. The prosecutor seems to think he has enough of a case to charge him with a crime that has a presumptive sentence of 84 months. In the end it's what the law allows, given the situation. Under Minnesota law, Self Defense and Defense of others are pretty well defined by case law, both are possible defense claims. I've read some of that case law and IMHO, both suspects, will have a hard time given the precedents I've read. I am not a lawyer so a good one might have some room to work with. There is a police investigation that's incomplete so let's give the process time to work.

Apparently, assault is now a general intent crime instead of a specific intent crime. That takes away a possible defense for Nelson. Nelson already doesn't have much of a self-defense argument.

Or to put it in legal terms Nelson is f***ed.

Apparently, assault is now a general intent crime instead of a specific intent crime. That takes away a possible defense for Nelson. Nelson already doesn't have much of a self-defense argument.

Or to put it in legal terms Nelson is f***ed.
That's my take, it applies to the other guy too, a punch or push between two reasonably matched opponents would not create a 'Defense of Others' situation.

In the end Nelson may be proven to have been within his legal rights to kick a guy in the head who was sprawled on the ground and not moving a muscle. How is that working out for him given that he has been kicked off the Rutger's football team and may never play football again, and that he will be spending the next six months of his life getting ready to go to trial with the help of his very highly paid attorney?

In the end Nelson may be proven to have been within his legal rights to kick a guy in the head who was sprawled on the ground and not moving a muscle. How is that working out for him given that he has been kicked off the Rutger's football team and may never play football again, and that he will be spending the next six months of his live getting ready to go to trial with the help of his very highly paid attorney?

It would be working out better than Kolstad, but I think you knew that.

According to New Jersey media outlet Nelson and Shelly are Facebook friends.

This doesn't mean they necessarily knew each other. A "famous" person that PN is I bet he has well over 1000 friends on facebook. Hell i'm not popular at all but I accumulated over 700 is college some how so I bet PN has more than 2000 "friends" on facebook. Doesn't mean he actually knows all of them.

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