Former Gophers QB Phillip Nelson arrested in his hometown of Mankato for assault

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24 pages and no mention of Tony Dungy.

Gopherhole just isn't the same as the old days.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-conversation="none" lang="en"><p>“<a href="">@mokeefe34</a>: <a href="">@TonyDungy</a> I'm hung over today, any advice?” Stop drinking. Won't help you today but will help your future.</p>— Tony Dungy (@TonyDungy) <a href="">November 10, 2013</a></blockquote>
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I heard the whole argument started over whether to sit-stand at MSU, Mankato games.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-conversation="none" lang="en"><p>“<a href="">@mokeefe34</a>: <a href="">@TonyDungy</a> I'm hung over today, any advice?” Stop drinking. Won't help you today but will help your future.</p>— Tony Dungy (@TonyDungy) <a href="">November 10, 2013</a></blockquote>
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It looks like Dungy doesn't think that Nelson and Kolstad have great futures.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>Philip Nelson defense attorney added that the Nelsons are "disappointed" in Rutgers Univ decision to dismiss the QB from its football team.</p>— Paul Blume (@PaulBlume_FOX9) <a href="">May 13, 2014</a></blockquote>
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Well, he has been charged with two felonies...

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>Philip Nelson defense attorney added that the Nelsons are "disappointed" in Rutgers Univ decision to dismiss the QB from its football team.</p>— Paul Blume (@PaulBlume_FOX9) <a href="">May 13, 2014</a></blockquote>
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Well, he has been charged with two felonies...

That's low for the SEC.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>Philip Nelson defense attorney added that the Nelsons are "disappointed" in Rutgers Univ decision to dismiss the QB from its football team.</p>— Paul Blume (@PaulBlume_FOX9) <a href="">May 13, 2014</a></blockquote>
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Well, he has been charged with two felonies...

And that substantiates everything that I've said here about his parents. How about being disappointed in what their kid did?

I hope mom and dad blow a ton of money of Philip's legal defense and then he gets convicted and does a solid decade at least.

And that substantiates everything that I've said here about his parents. How about being disappointed in what their kid did?

I hope mom and dad blow a ton of money of Philip's legal defense and then he gets convicted and does a solid decade at least.

I heard Phil just verbally committed to a new team:


Sounds like you lived a phase or still are, and are trying so very hard to prove you weren't the only one. You proved you are an internet tough guy, and good luck on Ebay selling your MMA clothes while drinking Jolt energy.

Nice try piggybacking off of my comment by simply repeating the same. Trust me, I would expect nothing less from someone like you.

And that substantiates everything that I've said here about his parents. How about being disappointed in what their kid did?

I hope mom and dad blow a ton of money of Philip's legal defense and then he gets convicted and does a solid decade at least.

I hope you fake your death again. Talk about one of the dumbest things to ever happen on this board. I think you have 3 of the top five, but nothing comes close to when you faked being in a terrible car accident and continued to carry it out after people don't aged money to a trust fund for you.

Say what you want about kicking a guys head when he is down, but you're just as dumb. Parenting?

Ron Rosenbaum on KFAN right now. He thinks it is a long way from an open and shut case. Shelley might have a self defense angle, as you have the right to defend others, as well as yourself. Nelson has a more difficult charge to defend.

Ron Rosenbaum on KFAN right now. He thinks it is a long way from an open and shut case. Shelley might have a self defense angle, as you have the right to defend others, as well as yourself. Nelson has a more difficult charge to defend.

Sorry to have missed that. I always appreciate his perspective. He might even know more that Gopherhole experts. Will look for it on Fan on Demand.

Ron Rosenbaum on KFAN right now. He thinks it is a long way from an open and shut case. Shelley might have a self defense angle, as you have the right to defend others, as well as yourself. Nelson has a more difficult charge to defend.

Wait the girlfriend punched the kid?!?!? I cannot follow this thread as its rate of growth is beyond my ability to read EVERY post and stay current.... By the time I read this post 3 more pop up....

Also, can someone please provide me with the source of said "fake death" on Gopherhole, I'm not up to date on gopher hole history, it seems like, either....

Nice try piggybacking off of my comment by simply repeating the same. Trust me, I would expect nothing less from someone like you.

I don't have to piggy back off you. You proved to me by saying you're an adult and avoid situations of talking crap, but when it comes to the internet you will. Then you want to talk about Ed Hardy and Red Bull. You clearly proved to me that you were a fan of those things and later coming to the conclusion of how big of a Dou-che Canoe you really were.

I cant wait for the next cliché internet tough guy response you will give. I need a good laugh.

Wait the girlfriend punched the kid?!?!? I cannot follow this thread as its rate of growth is beyond my ability to read EVERY post and stay current.... By the time I read this post 3 more pop up....

Also, can someone please provide me with the source of said "fake death" on Gopherhole, I'm not up to date on gopher hole history, it seems like, either....
Shelley is Trevor Shelley, red shirt puncher guy.

As a new father, I have found myself thinking about this story from a variety of viewpoints. First and foremost, my heart goes out to the father of Izzy. I can't imagine the pain he must be feeling being by his son's bedside; his child clinging to life. With this, there must also be a lot of anger too. I fear that if something like this happened to my child, the anger would consume me.

I've spent some time trying to relate to Paddy's dad. I know that if my little girl ever found herself in a situation where she'd made a big mistake and was in trouble with the law, I would do everything in my power to protect her.

Finally, I've spent a few nights knocking back some cold ones (helps me sleep as we are in the period of the year when the sun doesn't set). I've read the comments in this thread about drinking and parenting and must say I can really relate to Izzy. There are some nights when I just need to get out of the house (lots of crying lately due to a chronic ear infection) and pound a few back with my buddies. I'll do this after playing some hockey, so it seems more casual and the old lady doesn't catch on. I'm always home at a decent hour and my girlfriend is happy to wake up with the little one and let me sleep in. She doesn't drink, so I can't repay her by letting her go out and get loaded, but I do other things to give her time to herself.

I'm prayin' for you Izzy...


The kick cannot be self-defense.

The law, at least in this and most states if not all, doesn't have the neo-con mentality. An analogy of pre-emptive war to pre-emptive attack in terms of self-defense would not hold up in court, especially in this scenario.

Ron Rosenbaum disagrees. For what it's worth.

Wait the girlfriend punched the kid?!?!? I cannot follow this thread as its rate of growth is beyond my ability to read EVERY post and stay current.... By the time I read this post 3 more pop up....

Also, can someone please provide me with the source of said "fake death" on Gopherhole, I'm not up to date on gopher hole history, it seems like, either....

Shelley is the last name of "redshirt," the guy who punched IK first.

Years ago Kellyleeks faked his own death in what was an epic GH moment. Many on here are still peeved about it. Others on here would be able to remember more details.

Sorry to have missed that. I always appreciate his perspective. He might even know more that Gopherhole experts. Will look for it on Fan on Demand.

He also speculated the Nelson's defense will be some combination of self defense/didn't know that his attacker was incapacitated to the degree he was.

Barreiro alluded to this aspect too, but isn't just sad/amazing how 10-15 seconds can change all of these people's lives so dramatically for the worse.
Imagine if one of parties had left the bar a few minutes earlier. This doesn't happen.
What if Phil doesn't transfer from the Gophers - maybe his final exam schedule is different and he isn't even in Mankato that evening.
It's sad, scary, and amazing all at the same time.

Barreiro alluded to this aspect too, but isn't just sad/amazing how 10-15 seconds can change all of these people's lives so dramatically for the worse.
Imagine if one of parties had left the bar a few minutes earlier. This doesn't happen.
What if Phil doesn't transfer from the Gophers - maybe his final exam schedule is different and he isn't even in Mankato that evening.
It's sad, scary, and amazing all at the same time.

Watch the movie Sliding Doors.

I hope you fake your death again. Talk about one of the dumbest things to ever happen on this board. I think you have 3 of the top five, but nothing comes close to when you faked being in a terrible car accident and continued to carry it out after people don't aged money to a trust fund for you.

Say what you want about kicking a guys head when he is down, but you're just as dumb. Parenting?

You love bringing this up, so let's discuss it. First, all of the individuals involved in the bit (it was a joke) have admitted that it didn't go over as well as we had thought it would have, but sometimes that's what happens with bits. On the same note we'd like to get credit for the bits that did work, such as John Daski, Kyle Kesell, etc. if you're going to point out what didn't work. Looking back on it, maybe we would've done things a bit differently or maybe not.

Second, I've publicly apologized to anyone that was offended. Subsequent to that you've threatened to beat me up, which as we've learned this week could be interpreted as assault.

Third, I wasn't aware that a trust fund was set up for me. Generally, they aren't set up for the deceased because um, well... they're dead. No one one contacted any of my family members about a trust, so I'm a bit confused here. Who paid for the lawyers to set up the trust? Would you please post a listing of who donated and how much?

If a gag on an Internet forum bothers you this much five or six years after the fact, you may want to seek help from a mental health professional.

I look forward to your response.

Barreiro alluded to this aspect too, but isn't just sad/amazing how 10-15 seconds can change all of these people's lives so dramatically for the worse.
Imagine if one of parties had left the bar a few minutes earlier. This doesn't happen.
What if Phil doesn't transfer from the Gophers - maybe his final exam schedule is different and he isn't even in Mankato that evening.
It's sad, scary, and amazing all at the same time.

Crazy, right?

Wait the girlfriend punched the kid?!?!? I cannot follow this thread as its rate of growth is beyond my ability to read EVERY post and stay current.... By the time I read this post 3 more pop up....

Also, can someone please provide me with the source of said "fake death" on Gopherhole, I'm not up to date on gopher hole history, it seems like, either....

Check out this link.

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