Former Gophers QB Phillip Nelson arrested in his hometown of Mankato for assault

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My nephew is friends with the Shelley kid on Facebook. I'll have to get the low down. Knowing how macho my nephew is, this action is no surprise.

Exactly this!!! Every one of my mug shots, I'm looking directly into the camera. In fact, I usually try to flop out my enormous penis or flash my multiple-comma bank book into the photo.

That was funny. Nice job tying together a number of different comments.

Maybe he turned his "one call" into a Facebook login. Wouldn't surprise me given today's yoots.
I show the profile pic was changed March 13, not May 13

His wife is very late in her pregnancy with their 2nd child. I'm assuming your girlfriend isn't 8-9 months pregnant?

Also, are you going to be staying out until after 2 am?

He was celebrating his graduation from college on a Saturday night. Not unreasonable at all, imo.

Weird. He changed his "profile pic" today. You would think he would have other things to do, on his mind, etc.

He changed his profile pic on March 13. Are you sure you didn't misread that as "May" 13? I don't see anything to indicate a profile pic change today.

Kid knows sign language, apparently, and lists his current hometown as Denver.

Score - GopherHole 453 posts - The Daily Gopher 28 posts.

I always thought we had more lawyers here.

Minnesota State listed Kolstad at 6'1" 227. Given that rosters are usually inflated by an inch and 10 pounds, I'd say Philip was probably bigger than Isaac. Not stronger, but bigger.

Was listed in an media report yesterday as being 280lbs.

I thought he graduated in December? At least, that is what I thought they have said on the news.

Could be that he graduated in December but didn't go through the ceremony until May. If that is the case, I can understand the being out celebrating aspect to the story.

I thought I read he was celebrating his college graduation? I guess not. Hard to know exactly what is true & what isn't.

I don't think the occasion really matters. Some here would not be out in that manner regardless, given his current family situation. Some here would be out no matter what the situation was because it is their right.

Take it easy on the Shelley kid. He checked into The Doctors Orders Medicinal Marijuana Dispensary in Colorado.

Drivel, eh? I guess taking care of your wife and kids isn't commendable and advocating for it is to be made fun of now.

P.S. Why is it that I'm singled out when I'm far from the only one to advocate for personal responsibility in this thread? Hmm. Strange.

I totally agree with dpodoll68. Why do we have all the problems in society these days? Because parents think going out drinking until 2 a.m. is okay behavior to partake in on a regular basis. As an older person, I can tell you what happened to the guys I know who did this sort of stuff when they had younger kids…for the most part their wives divorced them eventually. Parenting is a full-time job that shouldn't be taken lightly…toddlers are often up at 7 a.m….how can you be a reasonably good parent if you arrived home drunk at 2 a.m.?

Take it easy on the Shelley kid. He checked into The Doctors Orders Medicinal Marijuana Dispensary in Colorado.

I am interested to see if the kid turned himself in or if the authorities found him.

I totally agree with dpodoll68. Why do we have all the problems in society these days? Because parents think going out drinking until 2 a.m. is okay behavior to partake in on a regular basis. As an older person, I can tell you what happened to the guys I know who did this sort of stuff when they had younger kids…for the most part their wives divorced them eventually. Parenting is a full-time job that shouldn't be taken lightly…toddlers are often up at 7 a.m….how can you be a reasonably good parent if you arrived home drunk at 2 a.m.?

Couldn't agree more with both of you!

Philip Nelson is going to have a really tough time if he tries to use a "voluntary intoxication" defense. After a confusing line of precedent on the issue, the Minnesota Supreme Court clarified in 2012 that assault with intent to cause bodily harm is a general intent crime, which means that the state only needs to show that Nelson intended to do the physical act which caused the harm (in this case, that he intended to kick in the head), and therefore a jury instruction on voluntary intoxication would not be available to him. The case was State v. Fleck, 810 N.W.2d 303 (Minn. 2012) in case anyone wants to check my source.

If Nelson got cold-cocked by this kid from behind then the Kid deserved the consequences of his actions. You cant expect to knock someone out by a blind sided cheap shot and then get away like nothing happened. This is a crappy situation to be in. Let the facts come out.

I haven't been on gopherhole for weeks because its that lull in between basketball and football season. But I knew this thread would be gold. Had to read it.

I totally agree with dpodoll68. Why do we have all the problems in society these days? Because parents think going out drinking until 2 a.m. is okay behavior to partake in on a regular basis. As an older person, I can tell you what happened to the guys I know who did this sort of stuff when they had younger kids…for the most part their wives divorced them eventually. Parenting is a full-time job that shouldn't be taken lightly…toddlers are often up at 7 a.m….how can you be a reasonably good parent if you arrived home drunk at 2 a.m.?

Wow, blanket statement of the year. This IK-guy aside, I have to say that I am completely offended by your post. I have gotten drunk about 3 times in the last 10 years. It's called celebrating. It's called planning ahead. It's called, "the wife's ok with it". You're going pretty fast on the Judgemental Express, be careful.

And a big thanks for letting us all know when toddlers are up. Had no idea.

I totally agree with dpodoll68. Why do we have all the problems in society these days? Because parents think going out drinking until 2 a.m. is okay behavior to partake in on a regular basis. As an older person, I can tell you what happened to the guys I know who did this sort of stuff when they had younger kids…for the most part their wives divorced them eventually. Parenting is a full-time job that shouldn't be taken lightly…toddlers are often up at 7 a.m….how can you be a reasonably good parent if you arrived home drunk at 2 a.m.?

Because maybe, just maybe, you had a conversation with your wife the nite before and discussed her getting up with the kid(s) and that you'll retrun the favor next time? You know, it's called talking and planning out the next few hours of your life. Pretty simple actually.

I am interested to see if the kid turned himself in or if the authorities found him.
Can you imagine the anxiety sitting, waiting, wondering if you will be caught. The phone rings or you hear a car pull up...they will find you eventually.

If Nelson got cold-cocked by this kid from behind then the Kid deserved the consequences of his actions. You cant expect to knock someone out by a blind sided cheap shot and then get away like nothing happened. This is a crappy situation to be in. Let the facts come out.

You can't be serious, really? Save face and tell us this was a poor attempt at trying to enhance and engage conversation.

Maybe partying until 2:00 a.m. on your graduation night is okay…but my daughter is graduating this month and we are going out to dinner with another family to celebrate…including grandparents, uncles, siblings, aunts etc. There will be toasts, presents, stories etc. until probably 11 p.m. and then there will be an early breakfast before everyone flies home. Why do people think a great way to celebrate is to head down to a bar with friends….I would guess that in the most functional, successful families, graduation is a family event...

Because maybe, just maybe, you had a conversation with your wife the nite before and discussed her getting up with the kid(s) and that you'll retrun the favor next time? You know, it's called talking and planning out the next few hours of your life. Pretty simple actually.

Sometimes wives actually want their husbands out of the house. Shocking.

But that's irrelevant since we all know every single detail of Isaac's life.

I totally agree with dpodoll68. Why do we have all the problems in society these days? Because parents think going out drinking until 2 a.m. is okay behavior to partake in on a regular basis. As an older person, I can tell you what happened to the guys I know who did this sort of stuff when they had younger kids…for the most part their wives divorced them eventually. Parenting is a full-time job that shouldn't be taken lightly…toddlers are often up at 7 a.m….how can you be a reasonably good parent if you arrived home drunk at 2 a.m.?

As a parent of young children myself I agree in general that staying out till 2am is not a good idea. That being said I think we need to know if this was a regular thing for IK or a special occasion before passing judgement on his decision making as a father.

Maybe partying until 2:00 a.m. on your graduation night is okay…but my daughter is graduating this month and we are going out to dinner with another family to celebrate…including grandparents, uncles, siblings, aunts etc. There will be toasts, presents, stories etc. until probably 11 p.m. and then there will be an early breakfast before everyone flies home. Why do people think a great way to celebrate is to head down to a bar with friends….I would guess that in the most functional, successful families, graduation is a family event...

But you're not one to judge.

Because maybe, just maybe, you had a conversation with your wife the nite before and discussed her getting up with the kid(s) and that you'll retrun the favor next time? You know, it's called talking and planning out the next few hours of your life. Pretty simple actually. take turns going out…two irresponsible parents instead of just one...

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